


Anne with an E

I came into this series not having read the book/s so it was all so very new and refreshing to me. And I liked that. I fell totally in love with Anne and Green Gables. I wallowed in every rise and fall (and rise again) of emotions I experienced while watching this series.

Sometimes, we need a little touch of inspiration in the midst of a television era steeped in violence and hopeless situations. ♥

OH, but THAT ending, though~! I am going to cry if this series does not come back for a second season to resolve THAT!

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Vikings: Season 1
The Amazing Race: Season 16

I absolutely love The Cowboys and this has got to be one of my favorite TAR seasons. Jet and Cord are no doubt a very skillful team, and whatever they lack in skill they more than made up for with diligence and a positive attitude.

The other teams were also very memorable in their own quirky ways. ♥

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Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 2

Irreverently campier, nastier, and gorier at its very, very, very finest. Can't wait to see the gang again for the third! Even Evil Ruby. :)

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Ash vs Evil Dead

Groovy from start to finish like only Ashy Slashy can deliver with ample shots of ingenuity, grossness, and nostalgia~!
The series definitely ends in style and will leave you wanting more.

C'mon, that can't be the end~! :(

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Trial & Error: Season 1

I have never been a fan of courtroom drama or courtroom anything. The only reason why I even thought of checking this series out was Nicholas D'Agosto on whom I have the biggest crush ever since "Final Destination 5."

But then everything and everyone just started out being so interesting and weird and insanely funny that I very quickly got invested and so so hooked that I wanted to just do it over again when I got to the final episode of this season. I fell in love with all of them, their laugh-out-loud antics and dynamics, and East Peck itself with its odd histories and traditions that I wished Larry Henderson would commit (allegedly) yet another crime, in this same small town, for season 2.

I literally LOL'd and very nearly ROFL'd over this show. And I'm not even exaggerating. XD

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Ellen: 4x24 Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah

"She's here. She's queer. Get used to it."

Very touching episode. Brought tears to my eyes especially when Lois and Harold banded together in defense of their daughter despite their current feelings about her coming out. Parents may not always understand, but they will always love us when it truly matters. ♥

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Preacher: 1x06 Sundowner

Ain't that the craziest, bloodiest, most hilarious blood bath ever? xD
And then, of course, there's that bolt of shock at the end. Totally broke my heart. T.T

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The Twilight Zone: 1x03 Replay

This just breaks my heart for so many reasons and on so many levels. The supernatural really does pale in comparison to a human being's capacity for hate and violence. :(

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The Twilight Zone: 1x01 The Comedian

Wow, that hit deep. This does serve as a lesson and a reminder that the scariest things on earth are not the ones we don't understand, but those we think we do enough to give up a piece of our souls for, until all we've got left is our souls to give for something we never really understood in the first place.

Samir could be anyone of us, but how many of us can honestly say they can do what he did for his final act? #ChivalryLives

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The Exorcist: 1x10 Chapter Ten: Three Rooms

Who knew that my two most favorite superheroes this year would end up being priests? Despite their personal burdens and very human weaknesses, Fathers Marcus and Tomas have sure shown enough courage, strength, and commitment to their cause to bring back my own faith in, well... superheroes. :)

Father Marcus: I'm not dying for the bloody church. I am dying for Him.

Father Tomas: Outcast fallen angel, you are loved.


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R L Stine's The Haunting Hour: 1x11 Fear Never Knocks

"I am fear itself."

It's Alastair all over again.
Popeye gone evil.
Christopher Heyerdahl will never not be scary.
He really, truly, most definitely is fear itelf. :scream:

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The Twilight Zone: 1x02 Nightmare at 30,000 Feet

I am really loving this reboot, its efforts at making old, recurring nightmares relevant to the times, and the mindful references it makes to the original.

I love that it can still make me question the real, consider the odds of the seemingly unreal and waddle in the infinite possibilities that exist in the in-between. And even then, not every question is answered. Not every mystery is solved in ways that immediately make sense (or at all). But the messages that each episode hopes to impart are always there and are never missed.

Welcome, indeed, to the new Twilight Zone.

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Etheria: 1x04 Kepler X-47

"No one else has ever had this much."

The shivers this gave me! O.O
Especially in that final scene: of how the beautiful shot of an alien galaxy contrasted so sharply with the heartbreaking realization of Krystal's fate, the helplessness in her face, the voiceless surrender in her steps.

Woah, the shivers~! :hearts:

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Black Summer

Intense and very concise in what it intends to do.

I don't think I'd be able to close doors either, if I were that scared. :scream:

The fear felt very real in here. And you get to focus on that because there's hardly any melodrama happening. You watch humans being humans, making bad decisions at a moment's notice, and just struggling to survive in the here and now.

And even without any flashback to their backstories, I found the main characters relatable. Their stories are in their personalities, it's in the choices they make, in the way they interacted with each other, and in the pieces of themselves they shared in snippets of dialogue. Like the entire series itself, you appreciate these characters more for the subtleties you see only if you were really paying attention.

ALSO, was that a gun Rose's daughter was holding in the final scene? </3

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The End of the F***ing World

Wait, was that the end of the f---ing series?
F---ing thought-provoking stuff.
Really reminds me of the f---ing things I thought I could f---ing do and f---ing get away with in my f---ing youth until I f---ing had to face the f---ing consequences and had to f---ing grow up.
F---ing great stuff. ^^<3

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x09 Judgement Day

Shit's about to get real!
And I can't believe there's only one episode left.


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Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x01 Family

Shout by mp
BlockedParent2019-03-31T17:20:17Z— updated 2019-07-09T17:47:13Z

Stuck in Elk Grove, rooting for the Ghost Beaters again.
And all this while I was chanting, “Please not Pablo... Please not Pablo again...”

I cried the first time, you know. -.-

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Sense8: Season 1

When the narrative's so compelling that you hardly have time to question the trivial stuffs, you know you have watched a good show. I can't wait to see this ragtag cluster again in the upcoming season. ♥

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Preacher: Season 1

Slow burn. Big bang finish. I am still picking up the bloody little pieces of my shattered little faith (and heart).

I didn't expect to love this series as much as I do now, considering how it took me three days to finish the pilot episode. xD

But all of its wacky irreverence, solemn complexities, and 'wait, what the shite just happened?!' moments really do grow on you overtime (along with Jesse's scruffy mug, Cassidy's sassy accent, and Tulip's kickass charms).

I am so looking forward to what's coming next for this hapless trio.

And what's with all these TV shows and their "God is missing" angles?Maybe Jesse should hook up with Lucifer and the Winchester brothers sometime. That would be hella fun! xD

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Ash vs Evil Dead: Season 1

My first encounter with the chainsaw-wielding Ash Williams was on the "Marvel Zombies vs. The Army of Darkness" short film and he rocked! I have never watched any of the "Evil Dead" movies, but I think this series served as a good launching point to binge on them until the second season rolls around. ♥

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Etheria: 1x02 You, Me & Her

"Blow up the universe."

Who knew that choosing to be the safe one could actually lead to so much more trouble than if you had just been true to what you really wanted from the start?

And who could blame Anna for choosing shell art over this universe, seriously? ^^

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R L Stine's The Haunting Hour: 1x12 Best Friend Forever

"Can I keep him?"

That was... bizarrely satisfying.
And I liked the dead guy more than the live boy, too.
So glad they both got what they deserved in the end. :smirk:

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R L Stine's The Haunting Hour: 1x08 Walls

"We love this house. It's got charm."

The house looks like the Amityville house's estranged baby sister.
So, of course, you soon realize the mom was actually talking about a different kind of charm.

Really loved how smart that boy was, though.
And his parents actually thought they could outsmart him. Ha!
They wanted charm, they gotta be the ones losing sleep over it.
I think that was a fair deal. :smirk:

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Ash vs Evil Dead: 3x02 Booth Three

Insanely gross, just as it should be.
And "Take On Me" will remind me of Ash Williams' balls forevermore. XD

God, I'm going to miss this show!

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Now Apocalypse: 1x01 This Is the Beginning of the End

Shockingly "naked" from start to finish.
Totally missed the NSFW warning, but who cares about that these days~ XD

Will definitely be watching the next episode, because WTF?!

Also, it's my first Gregg Araki.
Color me intrigued. :)

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Jean-Claude Van Johnson

There's nothing cooler than a guy who can make fun of himself like this and also put a little bit of heart to something that kicked off in such a whacked out way. I will never stop loving JCVD/JCVJ/JCVV/whoever the hell he chooses to be. ^^

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Lethal Weapon: 2x22 One Day More

I have never watched the movies that inspired the show and was only roped into watching this when I had to write about it for a previous work I had. And I ended up enjoying every episode so much that it genuinely ripped my soul apart watching those final scenes with Riggs in this season finale.

OH MY GOD! I can't even begin to describe how much that hurt. Every punch he got from and gave to his dad, weighted by all the pain he has been carrying, even nurturing inside him for years. And just when you think everything was gonna be okay for him, that cemetery scene came along and turned things around in a snap. To be fair, though, the episode did some really decent foreshadowing there, I just chose to ignore it.

And I can't even begin to imagine what this would do to Murtaugh.

I came into this season knowing this was going to be Crawford's last. And as much as it excited me to see Seann William Scott in the next one, Martin Riggs is always gonna be missed. Terribly. T.T<3

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Atlanta: 1x05 Nobody Beats the Biebs

Biebs is the new black. xD

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Scream: The TV Series: 2x12 When a Stranger Calls