

Omicron Persei 8

The Enormity of Life
My Mum Tracy Beaker
Men in Black: International
13 Reasons Why

So dramatic with lots of plot twists throughout the seasons and season 3 rocks too
Loved the new dramatic season where Ani comes in as the narrator great to have a new voice narrate the mysteries to Bryce Walkers killer as it begins to unravel. Overall the new season leaves you confused throughout not trusting anyone as everyone is a suspect and has a motive to kill Bryce and leaving you truly shocked by the outcome, which will hopefully leave the victims of rape by Bryce such as Jessica, Hannah (Who committed suicide at the end of the first season) and a few other rape victims some closure wherever they are now.

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No Good Nick

The art of a con and revenge really comes to light in this series loving it
Nick moves in with the Thompson family who did something across her family, therefore she pretends to be a long lost relative coming to stay. She has one goal along with her real foster con artists parents the Harbours who she plans to con to get money for her Dad in jail. Unbeknownst to her she makes an emotional family connection to the Thomson's and the cons become harder and harder as she values their love, family and friendship with them. Just makes you think what would you do if someone wronged you and your family would you try to go after them like Nick did before your humanity kicks in. Love this and I definitely recommend watching this series as it is an interesting one with lots of twists and turns along the way.

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The Upside

Such a well acted emotional heartwarming true story film I truly did love it
This film will leave you satisfied and happy as it is a lovely film about second chances no matter how bad something seems to be. While Phill will his disability he tried to have a great quality of life by hiring Dell that treats him more like a person than a patient. Kevin Hart And Bryan Cranston are amazing in this lovely emotional movie and I would highly recommend you watching it if you have a spare two hours and six minutes.

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Andi Mack

Love this emotional coming of age TV Show from the bottom of my heart so sad that it is ending
Andi Mack has been wild ride showing how important that having your own identity no matter who you are and being yourself around others is so important. This TV Show also teaches that including and accepting is so crucial to life, also while watching the characters grow up and struggle with everyday life that is so relatable.
I will miss this TV show I hope Disney changes their mind on cancelling this wonderful TV Show as it will be forever missed and always in my heart as the finale was so on point hilarious and emotional too like all episodes of Andi Mack. Well Done to the amazing cast and crew of Andi Mack as this TV Show will be dearly and greatly missed as it has been a wonderful wild three years. Anyone Who has not watched Andi Mack I highly recommend you watch this amazing emotional TV Show as I assure you will not be disappointed

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Long Shot

Loved this super hilarious romantic movie
This movie starts off with two people who have known each other since they were younger and they have not seen each other since the girl called charlotte at 16 years of age and she used to babysit for a boy at the time was 13 year old called Fred and they both shared a romantic moment that year in the kitchen until life goes on. Then 25 years later they meet again Fred knowing exactly who she is, however, Charlotte remembers him not straight away until she thinks have, we met before so inviting him over to speak with her. We have in this romantic story two completely different people with a lot of history who you would not think would end up together such a lovely romantic story. I would highly recommend watching it as the script is on point and the acting is phenomenal.

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You find with this movie after Jack Malik has a really hard 20 years trying to make his singing career. After an accident riding home and hit by a van on his bike he wakes up one day and everyone has forgot about the Beatles and he has a decision to make choose fame and fortune and pass the songs as his own or go with the love of his life his best friend and manager since primary school and be truly happy. I highly recommend this film as it is funny and such a feel good film with this nice little romantic love story throughout the film.

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Saving Zoë

Such an emotional story line loved it really gives a 13 Reason Why Vibe
This story is great so well acted as after Zoe is murdered a year later Echo starts investigating further into it as the police could not find anything. All suspicions are on Zoe's boyfriend still even though he has been cleared of all charges rightly so and after Echo doing some digging there is more than meets the eye to the mystery of Zoe's Murder and she goes along to solve it with a very emotional ending. I would defiantly recommend you watching it as you will not be disappointed and Vanessa Marano and Laura Marano acting is on point as we go backwards in time then forwards in time to present day too.

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If you want some hilarious comedy this will defiantly be you jam
This film is so hilarious and brings up some home truths about bullying it just shows that you can become your own boss and still be nice to people. Even though Jordan had her guard up after being bullied from being a little kid. Being wished back into her younger teenage body not at first, nevertheless eventually helped her gain perspective in the end. I would highly recommend you watch this film if you have a spare one hour a forty five minutes you will not regret it so hilarious takes so you back to being a kid.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home
Summer '03

This movie goes deep with amazing acting from Joey King
This is a really emotional movie as the Grandma revels news from her deathbed giving her clarity before she dies, nevertheless these hurtful news brings the family into a downward spiral. They screw up a lot and tires and anger is presented throughout the story, which makes no one actually sad to see her go as they are all angry with her even though she did not mean certain news in a hateful way even though it came across like that. If you are looking for a loving film that is funny comedic you have come to the wrong place, nevertheless if you are looking for a deep emotional reality film that is more like real life literally dropping a Bomb from her deathbed this is the film for you I highly recommend it as Joey King and the rest of the cast acting is amazing the crew did an amazing job too and it just shows just think about the consequences before you say anything hurtful to anyone.

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Spider-Man: Homecoming
Mortal Engines

Action packed and those special effects are so beautifully stunning
Loved this action packed movie throughout really kept you on the edge of your seat and the special effects are so stunning I defiantly recommend a watch if you have spare time.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones

Action packed show sorry too see it be cancelled and goes out with a bang in Season 3
Loved Marvel's Jessica Jones throughout the seasons with lots of amazing fight scenes and also dealing with loss and emotional connections between family friends and lovers too. Season 3 is a great end to this fantastic TV Show where it just leaves you satisfied that everything is wrapped up nicely, nevertheless still leaving it open to interpretation too and plus more powered people this season too what is not too love.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Loved this film so hilarious and really revitalises the magic of what it is like to be a kid again.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Just watched Godzilla King Of The Monsters such amazing acting and special effects. I would definitely recommend anyone who is into alot of action and special effects. That if you have a spare 2 Hours 12 Minutes go and watch it you will not be disappointed. Much better than the last Godzilla alot more amazing special effects with a whole new set of amazing actors you will be impressed I know I was. Plus Maddison Russell played by Millie Bobby Brown @milliebobbybrown is so amazingly brave and really kills it with her amazing acting performance especially the emotion you really feel throughout the film. Well Done to all the cast and crew I will be looking forward to the next Godzilla film. :scream::sob:

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Stranger Things

Stranger Things Is Not For The Faint Hearted Especially Season 4
This is so emotional as Season 3 sets you off with a bumpy ride with lots of action, romance and it has a lot of emotional scenes along the way I highly recommend it if you have spare time to watch it. Stranger Things Season 3 is the best Season yet hears to the very long wait for Stranger Things Season 4 as it is going to be well worth it in the end. Plus my favourite characters are Mike And Eleven their Mileven romance is amazing true young caring romantic emotional love as a romantic I truly do love it.

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Murder Mystery

Murder Mystery so hilarious full of murder and mysteries what is not to love
Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston what more could you want from this movie s I am so impressed ad the classic murder on ship/ yacht really worked so well with lots of twists and turns along the way. This movie is also hilarious and a Adam Sandler And Jennifer Aniston Movie that I will never forget. Well Done to the cast and crew for getting this amazing with a lot of hilarious amazing acting throughout the film .

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Man With a Plan

Just Hilarious
Man with a plan is so hilarious each episode keeps getting better and better I defiantly recommend a watch.

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The Purge

So Jaw dropping murderess madness loved it watch if you love the films too
Amazing a lot of action more purge but in ten episodes what more could you ask for.

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My Mum Tracy Beaker