Miguel Costa



Orange Is the New Black: 4x10 Bunny, Skull, Bunny, Skull

RIP garden and greenhouse. Now the fun begins!

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x09 Turn Table Turn

If that f-cker touches Maritza...

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x08 Friends in Low Places

It's not only the psychological scars that are permanent, there's also the body scars and they're more real than ever.

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x07 It Sounded Nicer in My Head

Chapman is gonna kill all these b-tch-s now.

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Orange Is the New Black: 4x05 We'll Always Have Baltimore

Diane Guerrero is so hot, I can't. Loved to see her flashbacks! WTF? Piper!!

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Person of Interest: 5x13 return 0

Thank you to everyone involved over the years in the making of this show. POI showed that you can make a network crime drama without need to be a case of the week type show. Not only that, POI made us think about a world where makind and artificial intelligence coexist and all the risks that come with it. I'm sad so few people know about the show because it really had the potencial to be something big. Anyway, can't wait to watch the new Jonathan Nolan show on HBO. Long live Person of Interest and the Team Machine!! I don't know about you, but my life will not be the same now :/

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Game of Thrones: 6x09 Battle of the Bastards

SPOILER ALERT: Ramsay tastes f*cking amazing!! What a feast, amiright?

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Person of Interest: 5x12 .exe

A modem from Edward Snowden's house just helped save the world from Samaritan. What a time to be alive!! :D

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Silicon Valley: 3x08 Bachman's Earnings Over-Ride

Congratz to the new Chief Evangelist Officer!

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Game of Thrones: 6x08 No One

D&D this episode: Hey viewers, you want to make theories? What about we just crush EVERY single one of them?

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Game of Thrones: 6x08 No One

Good episode overall but disappointed they didn't show Blackfish last fight and the fight between Arya and the Waif.

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Person of Interest: 5x11 Synecdoche

Wow completely blown away by this amazing episode. BEST. SHOW. EVER. I wouldn't mind a spin-off with a different team Machine...

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The Night Manager: 1x05 Episode 5

Priceless reaction from Pike when he returns to the Nefertiti Hotel. Tom is doing an astonishing job with his character.

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The Fundamentals of Caring

I don't know the book but Paul Rudd and Selena <3 Can't wait for June 24!

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London Has Fallen

I knew who was the mole since the beginning of the movie. Anyway, it's good if you want to disconnect your brain and just watch endless fighting and shooting scenes...

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Person of Interest: 5x10 The Day the World Went Away

Right now I just want the Machine to murder them all in cold blood. Can you make some bits of code suffer?? I'm sure Finch will find a way HAHA

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Person of Interest: 5x09 Sotto Voce

Team Machine is out in full force. #RIPTeamSamaritan

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Game of Thrones: 6x06 Blood of My Blood

The legendary Coldhands aka Uncle Benjen Stark :D

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Person of Interest: 5x08 Reassortment

Samaritan is gonna begin a purge on her own. Scary events will follow. Shaw is really out, I think.

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Silicon Valley: 3x05 The Empty Chair

The twist here is that it ended well for a change. But I'm sure everything is gonna derail soon.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x21 Last Rites

Everyone angry with Emma for always getting what she wants, but I'm more pissed with Rumple winning once again, well at least he still doesn't managed to wake up Belle. I really do hope they let Regina have a happy ending for once and don't push her again to the dark side!

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Once Upon a Time: 5x19 Sisters

Ok, this episode made me cry. I just hope Zelena finds her happy ending but one that it's not Hades.

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Orphan Black: 4x06 The Scandal of Altruism

Certainly one of the best episodes of the series if not the best. It looked like the season finale, I don't know how can they top this.

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The Blacklist: 3x23 Alexander Kirk: Conclusion (2)

That doctor is one hell of an actor, he was the whole time with Red on the ambulance and reacted perfectly as she had really died. Even after when Red grabbed him he maintained the ruse without let anything out.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x22 Ascension (2)

Daisy gone rogue and LMD's. What can we ask more for next season?

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Silicon Valley: 3x04 Maleant Data Systems Solutions

Laurie could be the CEO.

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The Big Bang Theory: 9x23 The Line Substitution Solution

I still like the characters somehow but the comedy in it, it's just awful.

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The Americans: 4x03 Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow

Well, Paige wants to know what their parents really do, now when Pastor Tim ends up dead she'll know what kind of things they do.

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The Graham Norton Show: 19x07 Tom Hiddleston, John Malkovich, Sara Pascoe, Samuel L. Jackson, Chvrches

Hilarious red chair!! Samuel L. Jackson explaining what a 69 is to John Malkovich! LOL

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Game of Thrones: 6x02 Home

This should've been the season premiere!!!

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