

Omicron Persei 8

Legacies: 1x06 Mombie Dearest

I hate MG. Such a beta soy boy. He's the only character I can't stand.

Josie is my favorite followed by Penelope but I don't want them together romantically. I like Penelope as Josie's bad influence.

Lizzie is OK but she's a very poor Caroline rip-off. Caroline was my all time favorite on Vamp Diaries and Lizzie isn't doing her any justice.

The Necromancer intro was super cheesy. Who ever thought that was a good idea should be fired immediately.

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Modern Family: 10x10 Stuck in a Moment

"Don't worry, they come back"
Had me laughing the rest of the night.

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Penn & Teller: Fool Us

Love this Penn & Teller show.

Binge watched all 5 seasons after running across a YouTube video that claimed that magicians were using Demon magic & sold their souls to the "devil" to get supernatural powers.

Only problem I have with the show is Penn going into super simp mode any time a female performer gets within a 100 yards of the stage.

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Stan Lee's Lucky Man: 3x06 The Art of War

Was I the only one yelling at my TV...

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A Discovery of Witches: Season 1

Decent 1st season.
A little too 'love conquers all' for my taste & we still know nothing about the Demons.
And since the sun apparently means nothing to the Vampires, I would appreciate an explanation of their limitations.
Aside from those complaints I'm looking forward to season 2.

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Loved it.
Always good to see a movie that isn't easy predict.

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The Spy Who Dumped Me

This was supposed to be funny?
Didn't laugh once.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x12 One Last Shot

Dear Mr. Fisk.

You can't make them happy.

You will never make them happy...

and when you foolishly try to make them happy THEY TAKE EVERYTHING

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x09 Revelations

The start of this episode was so awesome.
100% did not see it coming.

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The Secret Circle

Just watched this for the 1st time... canceled too soon

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Charmed: 1x01 Pilot

1st episode was decent.
Hopefully they lay off all the feminist / SJW garbage and focus more on story & character building.
Sadly it's difficult to find new shows that aren't ruined with the "woke" bullshit.

I'm going to give the show another chance but I fear it will continue with the agenda and die an early death.

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Australian Survivor: 5x17 Episode 17

Featuring the funniest idol grab ever

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Firefly: Season 1

Just watching this for the first time in 2018.
It still holds up and has me wishing there were more seasons.
Only issue I had was the Mary Sue character Zoe.

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Riverdale: 2x21 Chapter Thirty-Four: Judgment Night

So attracted to Cheryl Blossom right now. She has that sexy Red Riding Hood thing flowing.

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Zombie World 2

Mistook this travesty for ZombieLand 2... imagine my disappointment.
100% the worst Zombie movie I've ever seen.
The 2nd skit was halfway decent lost all respect for this on the 4th skit.

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Avengers Grimm: Time Wars

If you think the first one was bad...

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Avengers Grimm

Interesting take on old characters and the actresses are hot.
Nothing else to see here.

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The Originals: 5x12 The Tale of Two Wolves

Love Klaus but love "Daddy Klaus" the most

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The Originals: 5x11 Til the Day I Die

Worst episode of the season for me.
Really slow, and I really don't care about Elijah's mourning.
And, even though Freya is one of my favorites, I care even less about Freya and Keelin getting married.

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Westworld: 2x08 Kiksuya

Hope the last 2 episodes are more like this and a lot less like the first 7

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Supergirl: 3x23 Battles Lost and Won

14 minutes of slow good byes & boring set ups. It felt more like a series finale than a season finale and I'm going to accept it as such.

Season 3 was awful. Full of predictable plots and yawn inducing story lines. Oh and you gotta love the tired cliche of main characters dying just so someone can go back in time to right all the wrong moves.

This show is dead & I'm done.

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Legion: Season 2

Season 1 was awesome. One of the best Marvel TV shows of all times. I recommended it to everyone.

Season 2 not so much. End was perfect though.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

Was wondering why Bernard would waste his time with some old broad when he had so many hot droids at his disposal.

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Marvel's Cloak & Dagger

How is season 1 rated at 60% before the first episode has aired?
Is it the black guy with a white girl thing?

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The Originals: 2x21 Fire with Fire

God damn I love Klaus

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The Originals

I loved the Vampire Diaries but truly hated all of the originals and all of their story lines. I basically just wanted them all dead so the TVD could move on. So when The Originals spin-off happened I was happy that they would be gone and I'll never be bothered with them again.

So now in May of 2018, when I read that an Originals spin-off is coming I thought " If the Originals is good enough to garner a spin-off then I might have been wrong about them".

So here I am, nearly 6 years late, over half way through season 1 and loving it.

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Geordie Shore: 17x02 On The Pull

I'm so sick of Sophie and Nathan that I'm out on the rest of this season.
Probably won't watch this show any longer because I'm sure they'll be back again next season.

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Siren: 1x06 Showdown

I hate Donna. Hope the military catches her.

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The Snowman

Is every man in Norway a cuck or is this movie just casting men from Norway in a bad light?

Other than that it's a pretty decent mystery.

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Legion: Season 1

One of the best Marvel / DC shows ever. It's sort of a Super hero/Psychological thriller/Horror mash up.

I would rate this season a 10 but they nearly ruined the vibe of the show when someone made the artistic choice of turning half of episode 7 into a silent film.

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