


Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x08 The World Vs Scott Pilgrim

Overall??? I loved it. Character who gained the most: Young Neil. Character that was barely there: Kim Pine

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x06 WHODIDIT

Shout by Eric

So Scott is back. I figured it was Kim behind the whole thing but this probably works better.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x05 Lights. Camera. Sparks?!

Great fight. This show is officially reminding me of Hi-Score Girl from the art style to the humor. Need to see if they are related.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x04 Whatever

Man, this got meta fast. I like the way the plot is going. I’m definitely enjoying this however this fight with the paparazzi was my least favorite so far. This show is much more about healing than fighting anyway.

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x02 A League of Their Own

I get it. Scott isn’t in this one. It’s all about the evil Exs. Let’s be honest. The comic was its thing. The movies was its own thing. So the cartoon is being its own thing too. So if you are going to do you own thing then … you DO IT! I love it so far. So glad I didn’t have to struggle through another Scott, Knives, Ramona love triangle again. Cheers!

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off: 1x01 Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life

I like it so far. I didn’t enjoy Michael Cera’s Scott in the movie but his voice acting is much more like the Scott imagined when I read the comic years and years ago. I’m glad they are not going shot for shot from the movie either.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum

This one hurt to watch but I was glued to my TV the entire episode.

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Star Wars Rebels: 4x03 In the Name of the Rebellion (1)

It was cool to see Kallus as a rebel. It will be interesting to see how his character arc progresses.

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Thor: Love and Thunder

I mean, it had good moments and some fairly good acting in spots but overall it just felt like almost nothing mattered and every obstable could be overcome with a magic workaround. There was barely any permanence to any decision except finally putting an end the Jan Foster romance which FINALLY got a pay off here but was wasted because it had been left on the shelf for a decade and I guess that is not the fault of this film. More than anything this movie shows that the Marvel Universe that felt so meticulously planned out in Phase 1 no longer has that long range vision and thats too bad.

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x14 Trials of the Darksaber

Best episode of the entire series.

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Bluey: 2x47 Ice Cream

Best interpretive ice cream dance.

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Bluey: 2x38 Mr Monkeyjocks

I watched this with my 6 year old hoping he’d understand the lesson of the episode. Nope.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x09 Blue Crow Waltz

They tried but this a clear lesson in how you should not try to copy and then deviate from a classic story. You can never measure up.

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Farzar: 1x04 St. Pudchuggers Day

This is almost a one man show. Dana does almost 80% of the characters.

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Zathura: A Space Adventure

My 6 year old and I just watched this movie together. He loved it!!

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Shadow and Bone: 2x01 No Shelter But Me

It was a little bit of a shock coming back to this after two years but as soon as the Crows got back together on the rooftop I was hooked again.

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Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire: 1x02 Mkhuzi: The Spirit Racer

This episode gave off a lot of 5th Element vibes for me.

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Lost in Space: 3x08 Trust

Lost in Space was a show about wild and completely unbelievable scenarios but it always got one thing right and that was the characters, their relationships, and their growth. Looking for logic in a Lost in Space script would be foolish but the things I always enjoyed the most was how much time and care was spent on the characters and espcially the relationship between Will and Robot. When robot died I really felt it and it's death felt like it was going to be permanent so that was a good dodge. But, overall a great series that looked incredible and made the characters the star of the show.

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Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire: 1x01 Herderboy

This seems like a answer to Netflix’s Love Death + Robots. The first episode is cute with good animation. I’ve read these episodes were produced entirely in Africa. Pretty cool. Looking forward to the whole season.

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Bluey: 3x34 Space

Why do so many of these episodes make me tear up.

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Lost in Space: 3x05 Stuck

Shout by Eric
BlockedParent2023-07-06T03:44:37Z— updated 2023-08-14T04:44:12Z

The flashback to Judy and Maureen growing together was sweet. We all give up some part of ourselves for our children and it’s always worth it.

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Lost in Space: 3x01 Three Little Birds

Few shows are as beautiful as this one. From the NASA-like outfits and equipment to beautiful landscapes this show is a joy to watch.

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The Powerpuff Girls: 1x05 Octi Evil

This episode reminds me of the octopus doll in the comic Something is Killing the Children.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x14 Graduation Day

They finally have the mutant rebellion and they save it for the last episode? Still this story had alot more feel and themes of the first season so it was nice it touched upon again even if it was the last episode. Things ended on an interesting cliffhanger. It will be interesting to see how XMen 97 try to pick up the pieces from this great series.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x12 Descent

An okay origin story but would have made more sense to do it in Season 2 when Sinister was the main focus.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x13 Hidden Agendas

There were some good ideas in this episode but it was really rushed. It feels like they crammed a two or three episodes into one. Add to that the really poor animation and you can see why people stopped watching.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x11 Old Soldiers

I expected a better story involving Captain America but it was just an average WWII story with Logan thrown in. Again, the animation is horrible.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x10 The Fifth Horseman

The animation is a huge drop in quality from prior episodes. Looks terrible. The story is great however and I enjoyed the Mayan history lesson from Beast.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x08 Storm Front (2)

It was nice to see Storm show her kindness in the end but the really doesn’t do a good job of showing why she would fall in love with an obvious jerk.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 5x01 The Phalanx Covenant (1)

I always enjoy episodes centered around Hank.

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