


Invincible: 1x05 THAT ACTUALLY HURT

Cool, intense, shocking, sad, and unpredictable.

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Bluey: 1x30 Fairies

I love the music in this episode.

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The Tick: 1x02 The Tick vs. Chairface Chippendale

A ton of funny villains to battle the Tick in this episode. Pacing was a bit stiff by today's standards and no musical background made the episode feel empty.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x21 The Return

Shout by Eric

When Fitz realized that Hydra Fitz was just real world Fitz .... wow. That is some really great writing, acting and character development. And the angry ex meltdown. Nice job Fitz.

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October Faction: 1x09 Bonds of Blood

This show just gets harder and harder to watch. I know the writers want there to be a main storyline to follow but the sh*tty behavior from the twins and the parent's self-hatred is the highlight of this episode and I just don't care. Exposing everyone's flaws and secrets doesn't make you a good guy. I think it is important to expose entitled assholes but they just beat you over the head with it. I applaud the message but its so poorly forced into the story that it ends up turning viewers like me off. Instead of possibly having some impacting storyline it just came off preachy and arrogant.

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Hilda: 2x09 Chapter 9: The Deerfox

Hilda with pigtails was adorable. I cried when Twig left and I'm so happy he came back. It was nice seeing Hilda and her mom getting on better as well.

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The Venture Bros.: 3x05 The Buddy System

Bonkers episode and one of the best overall. It really leans into the main concept of the show.

Jesus...Action Johnny. Thats some dark stuff.

Quote of the episode, "Maybe when there is a cartoon called The Venture Brothers things will be different." LOL.

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Hilda: 2x07 Chapter 7: The Beast of Cauldron Island

I liked the song "The Life of Hilda" at the end of the show.

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Jumanji: 3x14 Good Bye Jumanji

Shout by Eric

Too bad the final episode was a sort of “Best Of” episode but it nice to finally see Allen’s clue and see him finally escape. The clue was very specific to that situation. Not a very clever ending.

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Jumanji: 3x09 The Ultimate Weapon

Its cool that brought back all the villians from the series. I would have liked to see the Stalker as well.

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Jumanji: 3x06 Armageddon

It was pretty neat watching the game start to fall apart.

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Jumanji: 3x05 Return of Squint

Very cool deep sea adventure. I like how Squint got what was coming to him.

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Jumanji: 2x11 The Riddle of Alan

Shout by Eric

Interesting plot that Allan is the creator of Jumanji. Too bad it was never explained what the statue was about. I wonder if they will come back to it.

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Bluey: 1x06 The Weekend

The walking leaf bit was so sweet. My son loved it.

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Bluey: 1x29 The Creek

Great music in this episode.

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DuckTales: 1x03 The Great Dime Chase!

Who doesn't love a good mystery and surprisingly they are filling in backstory on a character first created in 1938: Della Duck, mother to Huey, Dewey, and Louis. The best episode off the reboot so far. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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Voltron: Legendary Defender: 8x12 The Zenith

Shout by Eric

Kind of a gut punch to have your child not accept you.

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Hilda: 2x04 Chapter 4: The Eternal Warriors

It started out well and was great to see David again but the resolution felt incomplete and very reset button like. I did like David's song.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I am still so frustrated with the sequels following this movie and how they squandered such a great set up. The chemistry between Han Solo, Finn, and Rey worked great and it was completely forgotten in the next movie. The reunion with Han and Luke would have been great. Instead we are left with a unsatisfying reboot of the franchise. This was a pretty good movie that understood what it wanted to do.

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Jumanji: 2x07 Robo-Peter

A creepy kids version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

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Jumanji: 2x06 The Master of the Game

I enjoy the puzzley episodes. Kind of neat to find another player.

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary

I thought the daughter did a nice job showing emotion and just being overall cute. The scene where she says goodbye to baby yoda was very believable. It wasn't the greatest episode but I still enjoyed myself and the action was very good again.

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

Shout by Eric

The Mandalorian firefight was awesome. So glad I got to see something like that but I don't understand what they did it. I hope it gets a good explanation. So now Mando is on the run. Good setup.

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The Mandalorian: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Child

Wow. I am really enjoying this show. I don't know what else I could say.

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Hilda: 2x02 Chapter 2: The Draugen

Yea! Woodman. Glad to see you back.

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Jumanji: 2x04 Air Judy

I'd like the introduction of a new bird tribe that lives in the clouds and at first I though the artificial sun was clever but really it was only a plot device to defeat the villain. We will probably never hear from any of these things again.

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Jumanji: 2x03 Brantford, the Game

The concept of a Brandfort game within Jumanji is great but unfortunately it is much more then a Picasso mirror universe of the real Brandfort. It would have been a lot more fun if the writers had made an multi episode arc of it but I guess that works against the episodic nature of the show. We will see if there is a return to Brandfort the game but I doubt it.

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The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: 1x05 Hulk Versus the World

The Kang intro was well done. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.

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The Love Bug

I loved this movie as a kid and it doesn't disappoint 40 years later and a true Disney classic. Its very much a live action cartoon but some really beautiful shots in that classic Disney style. Everyone should watch this movie at least once.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

I can't believe I waited this long to watch this show. I guess I didn't want to be let down by Disney again after the mess they created with the movies. This is great. I can't wait to watch more.

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