

Omicron Persei 8

The Dry

Really good movie. The story was great. The acting was great. A bit slow, not a lot of action but it didn't really need it. I generally don't like flashbacks but they were well done and actually added to the story and the suspense.

The best movie I've seen in quite awhile.

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The Witcher: 1x04 Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials

This episode only made things more confusing! It is not at all clear that there are several different timelines! Very poor TV writing and producing!
And those of you who are criticizing those of us who aren't following the different timelines, keep your superiority to yourselves! Maybe if you took the time you use criticizing us to explain what we missed, we could follow the stories better! But, then you wouldn't be able to feel superior!

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The Northman

Barely worth the time. The only thing that kept me watching was the scenery and, to some extent, the music.

The story was awful, the dialog was awful, the acting was barely adequate, and the star actors were completely wasted.

The director is supposedly a visionary but I'm not sure of what. I'm pretty sure if I see his name on another movie, I'll take a hard pass!

I went into it hoping and expecting much better. As it went on, it got worse and worse. And, at 2 hours and 17 minutes, it had a lot of time to get worse. It was easily 45 to 60 minutes longer then it needed to be.

All in all, mostly a waste of time. Only the scenery and music brought The Northman to a 5 out of 10.

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Those Who Wish Me Dead

Better then I expected, much worse then it could have been.

The scenery is fantastic as is the fire scenes.

The acting is ok, not great. Even Angelina Jolie who I've never been a fan of.

But, the character development is non existent.

I can accept Hannah and Connor surviving by submerging in the stream, although I'd think the air they keep coming up for would be super heated. But how does the fire watch tower survive? I'm guessing most of it was metal? But why wouldn't the cabin part burn? The movie only shows wood up there, it doesn't explain very much! And they leave the movie hanging. The kid is safe. Or is he? Is that the boss in the U.S Marshal's truck? The movie never explains what the father found, who's after him, what the note says that the father gave the kid, nothing.

Very unsatisfactory. I would have give it a 5, maybe a weak 6 but the scenery and fire scenes bumped it up to a 7.

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Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Surprisingly good movie. I went into it not expecting much and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

Some great scenery along with pretty decent acting (although I found Lena Headey's character a bit ridiculous) over come some poor dialog and the occasional cringe worthy scene.

Some fairly large plot holes cause the movie to bounce incoherently at times (especially the ability to travel what appear to be large distances very quickly and the constant insistence on traveling alone in known zombie areas!), although, if you accept the premise of zombies, it's pretty easy to overlook the incoherency.

Overall, I gave Pride and Prejudice and Zombies a 7 out of 10 and look forward to the sequel, if there is one!

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It was ok. The premise is fantastic but the actual implementation is very hit or miss. The movie jumps all over the place making it very hard to follow, it's very jumbled. There is little to no emotion shown by the actors.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x10 Et in Arcadia Ego (2)

A great episode, a fine ending to a fantastic season. The most interest I've had in a Star Trek season in years. I must admit, tho, I didn't much care for Picard coming back after such an emotional ending (at least for me, I cried as he died as he identifies for me Star Trek as much as Kirk, Spock, etc., does.) It feels like such a cheat, although it's understandable as it would be hard for Star Trek Picard to continue if Picard is dead. TV must continue to fill the pockets of it's masters!

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Started off surprisingly good being a Netflix film.
But, quickly went down hill!
Acting wasn’t particularly good.
Giant plot holes.
But the worst part was thinking we wouldn’t notice that an entire group of trained and linked soldiers were wiped out as soon as they landed but an untrained civilian and an unlinked mech survived multiple attacks and multiple things falling on them without even a scratch!
The only thing worthwhile was the scenery.

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Not a great movie but much better then expected! Would have gotten a better rating if the English voice overs were more emotional!

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Better then expected. Not much action, just two vets bonding and trying to get over their issues.

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Outside the Wire

Ok movie. Acting wasn't too bad, action scenes were pretty good, dialog wasn't too bad. The robot Gump scenes were pretty good!
Plot and story weren't bad but a few plot holes. Marines only leave the wire in groups but Leo and Harp move around without a problem. Why were there normal people at the black market and the bank in a war torn city? The shot after the bank is blown up shows a city with little damage. The Russians leave a nuclear missile base but don't decommission it? And leave it unguarded? With power? Fully functional? And Leo and Harp drive down undamaged roads by themselves in undamaged cars!

Main problem was I never could figure out where the movie was going or what it was trying to say.

I gave it a 6, it wasn't a complete waste of time.

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Hanna: Season 2

A complete let down. The first season was so good, the second season is just disappointing. The acting is awful, especially Clara and Sandy. Everything is drawn out. And the plot holes are huge!

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Madame Web

One of the, if not the, worst marvel movies I’ve ever seen! Probably one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen!
The dialog is awful!
The acting is awful!
The plot holes are big enough to drive an ambulance with lights and sirens through!
The only redeeming value is I watched it during breaks at work so I didn’t really lose any time watching this piece of garbage!

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True Detective: Season 3

Much better then season 2. Not quite up to season 1 but definitely better than season 2.

Really, the only complaint I have is the flashbacks. I don't generally like constant flashbacks and it takes a lot to really make them work. Season 1 had flashbacks but they were generally ok and mostly worked ok although I would have be happy if they didn't have them. Season 3 has them constantly! And, they flashback to 2 different time periods! And, they don't make it clear which period they're flashing back too! And, they don't work as well as they did in season 1.

I give season 3 a weak 7 out of 10 due to the flashbacks.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

Not a particular good move due to it's being disjointed and all over the place. It never felt like a Guardians movie. I never felt like I was attached to any of the characters. I especially couldn't get into Gamora and Nebula acting the complete opposite of their characters in the previous movies.

Most of the action was pretty good and most of the acting wasn't bad but the story had no continuity and didn't make sense thru most of it so I gave it a 6 out of 10, not a complete waste but I doubt I'll watch it again.

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Heart of Stone

Basically an MI rip off but it’s not bad. Could have been a lot better but not a complete waste of time.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

An uncomfortable subject matter for an old fogey like me, it took awhile for me to get thru it.
But, holy cow! I had tears in my eyes at the near end!
One of the best single episodes I’ve seen in a long long time! Nick offerman and Murray Bartlett are fantastic as bill and frank!
I think it’s a bit of a plot hole to expect them to not be over run by someone at some point but it doesn’t detract at all from the episode!

A 15 out of 10!

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Yes, it's silly and ridiculous, with some huge plot holes.

Yet, I found it entertaining.

7 out of 10.

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The Terminal List: Season 1

Best movie/show I’ve seen in awhile!

I like Chris Pratt but I still don’t think he can do the dark brooding type he plays in this but it doesn’t detract a lot from the overall show.

The only other complaint is that I could see the plot twist from very early in the show!

Overall, an 8 out of 10! Can’t wait to see if season 2 is as good!

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Started off pretty corny, bad acting, bad dialogue, bad pretty much everything.
But got better at the end.
Wasn’t great but wasn’t bad. Much better similar movies out there but also much worse ones too.
Overall, not a complete waste of time.
I gave it a 6 because of the beginning and middle, down from a 7.

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The Last Duel

Shout by sirtwist2
BlockedParent2022-06-07T05:16:19Z— updated 2022-08-01T08:11:04Z

I started off really liking this movie, it started off much better then I expected. During the second repeat of the story, it started getting old. It really got old during the third repeat of the story.
Yes, I'm aware of the subtle and not so subtle differences in each retelling of the story but I'm sure we could have made the differences apparent without three repeats of the story and two and a half hours of my time.
By the time we got to the end, I didn't really care who won the duel.
It did have Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and introduced me to Jodie Comer and Nathaniel Parker and a couple of others. The acting, for the most part, was pretty good, the scenery was great, and the fight scenes were believable.
I gave it a 6 due to my like of the actors, the scenery, and the fight scenes.

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All the Old Knives

Started off with a lot of promise and ended with nothing happening. The ending was obvious pretty early, the flashbacks did nothing, and nothing happened. There were so many places this could have gone but the plot was just left to collapse on its on. I don't even need to hide anything due to its being a spoiler because there's absolutely nothing to spoil.
I like Pine, Newton, Pryce, and Fishburne but there wasn't anything for any of them to do nor was there any attempt made to flesh out their charactors.
I really can't comprehend any reason why anyone would want to be in this movie or, more to the point, why make this movie at all?
I gave it a five for the four actors and the promising start. After rereading my comment, I think I'm going to drop my rating even more!

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6 Underground

Good story, although I can't imagine a team like this would stay unknown very long. Great action, although a bit hard to believe at times, and great scenery. Good acting for the most part.
The beginning was very chaotic. Just start the movie and go forward, the jump backs are very jolting and were totally unnecessary. That dragged my score down.
And Ryan Reynolds' constant sarcastic comments and smart ass characters are really getting old! I really liked it at first but he plays the same character ALL THE TIME! This also dragged my score down. The other actors were pretty good.

Overall, not a complete waste of time but there are better movies that cover the same basic ground.

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Mortal Kombat

The fight scenes were great!

I know nothing about the Mortal Kombat realm but the fight scenes alone were worth the viewing, although I could have done without the excessive blood.

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Strange Days

A great plot and story! Too bad the implementation was beyond awful!

The acting was at best cheesy and at worst atrocious. Half the time, the actors weren't even trying, it was like watching robots. And the dialog was even worse.

The only reason I got up to 5 stars was due to the plot and story being so great and the action scenes being, for the most part, pretty good.

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Shout by sirtwist2

Good, not great. Not a big Jolie fan but she's decent in this. And I love Liev Schreiber, he's pretty good in this as is Chiwetel Ejiofor. Fast paced, plenty of action. Couple of plot holes tho, mainly, Jolie breaking into the president's totally and completely safe bunker? Come on, I would hope that it wouldn't be as easy as both Jolie and, near the end, the cops, make it!
Overall, a decent way to waste a couple of hours but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it again.

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E.M.P. 333 Days

Decent plot, decent pacing and filming. The actors and dialog are very wooden, very little inflection in tone and very little emotion. Could have been much better with just a little effort.

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One More Shot

Probably the single worst movie I’ve seen in some time! I usually force myself to finish watching any movie I start but I could only get about halfway thru this farce!
If they told us Amin one more time that they needed to talk, I would have jumped thru the screen and shot him myself.
This movie was so bad that Berenger and White didn’t even pretend to give a shit!
Adkins had very little to do as far as showing off his fighting skills, not even sure why he was in the movie.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

About the same as part 1, not great, not bad.

Quite a bit more action, other then the painful slo-motion, the action wasn’t bad.

Acting was ok.

Scenery was pretty good.

I won’t be looking forward to the next movies but I will watch at least watch the next one, if there is one.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Wasn’t great, wasn’t bad.
Acting was acceptable, nothing particularly great or particularly bad.
Plot has been done before and better.
Visuals were outstanding.

I could have found better things to do with my time but it certainly wasn’t a waste of time.

I will be watching part two!

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