The Long Goodbye

Are you kidding me? This crap has ~90% on Rotten Tomatoes?

Gould's Marlowe is an unfunny, mumbling, bumbling, obnoxious, cringy idiot. They replaced the signature crime noir protagonist speaking from the off with this guy speaking to himself no matter if there are people around or not. He's a clown in need of psychological help.

The plot is full of things that make no sense. Marlowe running after Eileen and getting hit by a car, ends up in hospital? What? Why? Waste of time. Verringer hitting Roger in the face and Roger not killing him in return? Ridiculous. Augustine never laying a hand on Marlowe after all the sht he says? Yeah, sure. Marlowe knowing somebody brought the money and who it was? GTFO!

The only top 10 seconds of the movie was the final scene with the hammock. And even that got ruined by the ridiculous harmonica dance nonsense that followed it.

In conclusion: I had hoped for a hard-boiler crime noir thriller for adults, and got some kind of clown fiesta for kids.

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Sleepaway Camp
  • Terrible acting
  • Terrible dialogs
  • Terrible plot
  • Unbelievable characters (90% of them complete psychopaths)

  • Good effects

Unless your mind is clouded by nostalgia, this is not worth your time. There are worlds between this and Friday 13th or Halloween.

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Yes, we get it. You're a sexist and hate men.

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Day Shift

+ Great opening
+ Entertaining first half of the movie
+ Interesting MIB-style world and characters
+ Did you notice the cameo by the guy from Dark?

- Seth is unbelievably useless, gross and unfunny
- Why do people turn into Kung Fu masters after becoming a vampire?
- The villain starts off as most powerfull biatch in the universe and end as weakling that cant kill crap
- The second half and especially the end is pretty bad
- You probably have to be Murican and a Snoop fan to not find his final scene cringe

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The Deathmaker

Underrated and unknown even in its country of origina Germany, this gem of a movie shows one of Germany's greatest actors of all time in what could be describes as Mindhunter or True Detective in a single room.

The movie tell the true story of a serial killer in early 20th century Germany, long before the word serial killer even became to be.

Unsettling and fascinating and sad and awesome. Watch it.

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The Barbarians

Delightful trash.

Trashy acting, trashy plot, trashy villain, trashy movie.

Watch this with friends, popcorn and alcohol and you might have a lot of fun!

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The Name of the Rose

Mysterious murders, religious fanatics, dark conspiracies, historical plots, intriguing characters, good acting, awesome camera work and audio - this movie has it all.

One of my favourite movies of all time, this is what a historical thriller should be like. Masterpiece.

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A surprisingly watchable movie. Maybe not something to watch on the big screen with your family or friends, but on your computer with the option to fast forward it's pretty entertaining.

The scenes are also surprisingly well written and acted. Some seem to be improvised, with people misspeaking and it's still all in the movie. Add to the realism.

No, the big porn stars are not male. They're female. You have to be brainwashed not not realize men are just replaceable object in this industry. The only man ppl even remember might be Rocco Sifredi. Women are the stars. It's all about them. And if you think they're mistreated in some genres, you havent been paying attention to the movie. Some ppl (m & f) do that because they love it, or because it pays well. Does the existence of femdom mean the industry is misandrist? Use your head.

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The Lost City
The Master

Does not make any sense. But thats a requirement for any artsy-fartsy movie: to make zero sense.

Acting, music and cinematography are superb, though.

It just lacks a plot.

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Mission: Impossible II

Every good about the first movie they dropped in this one.

The helicopter scene at the end of part 1 was awesome, so they decided to put 50min of ridiculous, stupid racing-shooting-kungfu action in the second that doesnt fit the franchise at all.

This is not a spy thriller (part 1 was a very good one), but a Michael Bay action flick for the drunk.

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A Farewell to Ozark

Wanted to be like Breaking Bad, became more and more like desperate housewives.

Such wasted potential.

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Death on the Nile
The Night of the Generals

An intriguing whodunit murder mystery set in World War II. You're presented with 3 suspects right from the start. The case and chase span several decades, and other events from the war play a role as well.

Basically every role is played by a famous actor, and they're all good.

You notice it's not a film from the 2000s the way the case develops and the way the thing is resolved.

If you get the chance to watch this, do it!

The murder mystery is not the most breathtaking by today's standards. The characters basically just aged by putting wigs on.

Good actors. Weird, uncommon story line. Interesting WWII backdrop.

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S.O.S. Barracuda - Part 2

Budget says $500 and I am willing to believe that.

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Gretel & Hansel

Oh, look — another book / song / movie appropriated and twisted by Feminists.

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Destiny, My Love: Second Song

Well-made slice of life movie without much of a story or meaning. For those hoping for some steamy action between these beautiful people: there is none. The only scene happens within the first 5min — after that, it's a 3 hour tease.

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I Saw the TV Glow

Maaaaaaaaaaybe dont call Owen a 'her' in the teaser? Just an idea.

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The ObamaGate Movie

Three lunatic C movie starlets living out their MAGA delusions.

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Werewolves Within

After watching "After Party" (especially season 2), I can't watch anything with Sam Richardson. His onscreen persona is so terrible I wanna punch him in the face for the full 90 minutes.

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Black Coal, Thin Ice

A dirty, decent crime thriller but nothing to write home about.

BUT: What was that ending about? After the plot is done and over, there's exactly 10 minutes of nonsense about some guy on a rooftop throwing fireworks and police trying to stop him. WTF? Is this something only Chinese get? Was that supposed to be funny or reflect on something that happened earlier? Confused.

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This Is the End

Holy shit, American culture is the worst thing this universe has ever seen and will be the end of mankind.

Like toddlers giggling about poo poo jokes.

Please go extinct already.

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Mad Detective

In short:
Good neo-noir crime mystery somewhere between Monk, The Sixth Sense and Asian hard-boiled movies like The Chaser.

----- Random thoughts:

Mad Detective is not as violent as say "I Saw The Devil" except for one gory scene at the very start. It's a weird scene, and doesn't quite fit the tone of the rest of the movie.

There aren't many action sequences, but they're okay.

As a Westerner, telling the young male actors from each other was hard at times.

Even though they're very different movies, I'd like to compare Mad Detective to The Wailing. They both attempt to pull the same trick: keeping you guessing what's what until the very end, and make you change your guess multiple times on the way.

The Wailing, being the masterpiece that it is, succeeds way better at doing that. Plus it has mesmerizing performances by at least 2 of the protagonists.

----- Verdict:
Good (7/10)

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In the Mood for Love

Saw the first 15min. Twice, within a year. Stopped watching because I found it boring and messy and claustrophobic.

Might be a great movie - maybe I'll force myself to watch it some day. But the beginning is a huge turn off for me.

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DO NOT WATCH if you like animals and dont want them killed on screen. Disgusting.

Apart from that one scene, the movie is a decent action flick. 3 months later I cant remember anything extraordinary about it so dunno about calling it a masterpiece in 2023.

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About My Father


wtf, wtf, wtf

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  • Peterson is an uninteresting and sometimes ridiculous protagonist
  • Music was completely out of place, and repetitive
  • Weird soap opera monologues
  • Terrible WTF ending

  • The villain was well cast and acted

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Soylent Green

Are there really some alt-right idiots in these comments calling the plot paranoid or outlandish?

Look at this movie, then look out your window. This is another proof environmentalists and the left were right the entire time. They were right 60 years ago, and we're in this mess because you rightwingers were to ignorant / sociopathic to acknowledge that. Thanks.

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Soylent Green

Still very watchable and entertaining in 2023.

The big reveal is not presented well, but the rest is still very good and, of course, way ahead of its time story-wise.

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The Blackening

Not as good as Bodies Bodies Bodies, and the end was too long and had too much talk.

But overall, entertaining little slasher comedy. Well done, folks.

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