


Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

ok ok i thought that we were going to have more before that ending that scene with her beating her mom up was pretty brutal, the episode takes a bit to get going but it pays off, not a perfect one, but a relevant one perharps.i just wish there was a bit more before it ended or made things slightly more interesting by putting Sara as a LGBT character for example

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@marasvinicus How does making her gay make this more interesting? It would totally change the dynamics of what it was trying to pull off...

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

Shout by Tasa24

Had I known a little of the backstory I might be invested in the episode, but this was pointless

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@mistamojo_ca I'm curious to hear what you make of the final shot? I fail to allude much of a point in this. So she didn't get the replacement Teddy... either she's gone mad or there are people in this world which can still live without a worry for food or water so that it's an acceptable cost to risk three lives for this instead, lol... The kid was dying, it's a dead world apparently but they are traveling somewhere far out to a factory (to look for a box she has had the serial number noted down)? If this really was a world like that they would have stitched something together themselves instead of disappearing on the kid.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

Shout by Tasa24

Had I known a little of the backstory I might be invested in the episode, but this was pointless

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@mistamojo_ca This wasn't really for the love of a child specifically. It was because they promised her sister. I know it's true that a child gets upset about loosing it's favorite toy, but it's a child afterall. The show tells itself what happens to their toys after a while in the next episode (and lookalikes usually work too to distract one). Here we have a lady with the serial number of the toy written down on her hand traveling with two blokes somewhere far out to a factory, all the while when a child is suffering and close to dying... This has me at a hard time believing this is about the spirit of humanity, more the opposite really. Consumerism won (given the lengths one would have to get through to get that serial number and the toy being the final thing the boy supposedly desired from them and them weighting this that heavy)...

Thanks for your reply though. I'm pretty jaded with BM I guess.

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

ok ok i thought that we were going to have more before that ending that scene with her beating her mom up was pretty brutal, the episode takes a bit to get going but it pays off, not a perfect one, but a relevant one perharps.i just wish there was a bit more before it ended or made things slightly more interesting by putting Sara as a LGBT character for example

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@marasvinicus The "Arkangel" technology does not really fit together with LGBT topics, or at least would have driven the narrative towards this completely and thus distract from the core idea (of her mother overstepping the boundaries and abusing it). This was teenage angst at play so it doesn't matter if you think that her "issues" were superficial (kinda offensive tho). Her mom would have reacted the same way regardless of what "issue" she would have assessed in her daughter's life.
For me this would have been more interesting if they focused more on the harms of "censoring" your child's perception of the world or the effect of "body mods" for a growing child. There was little point in putting on a generic drama for this kind of a cliché.

Dunno why he wanted to report this, but it certainly is an odd statement to make imho :]...

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South Park: 21x10 Splatty Tomato

Reply by sp1ti

Trump bashing is getting old.

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@mrmindway If only it were just that. This season is painful to get through...

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South Park: 21x01 White People Renovating Houses

Reply by sp1ti


Shout by Deleted

Somethings in this epsode felt in poor taste to me. It's like the writers didn't want to invoke neo-nazi imagery so instead they softened the mob to be low-IQ hicks. It's an easy target and the show is basically saying "Hah! You're not smart enough for the jobs we have and the jobs you used to work now have all been shipped off to China and India!" Sure. That's kind of the problem isn't it? Nothing insightful or funny about that. In fact it's kind of horrifying, given that low IQ people who have no job prospects historically lead to uprisings. South Park can often be cruel and find humor in that cruelness but not usually when doing social commentary. It also just wasn't funny. Dumb hicks are tired humor. There was nothing risky or all that original. There were some good bits with Seri and the parody of home repair shows. Last season had a weak opener so I hope it will pick-up (but also not devolve as the later episodes of the previous season did.)

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@lonelypanda Totally agree... the "South Park rednecks" were the wrong pick for the subject matter (with which they did nothing). It just came of as insulting... Did not chuckle once.

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Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x12 Demi-chans Want to Swim

Reply by sp1ti

Shout by ManiacB

Well that was a cute and enjoyable series ultimately. Probably not particularly memorable in the long-term but it looked pretty nice and had some fun characters and endearing moments.
I suppose if you had come into this expecting something like "Everyday Life with Monster Girls", you may be disappointed since was more of a slice-of-life comedy rather than a raunchy harem comedy.

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@maniacb True dat but I can't can't help to be a little creeped out by the way the relationships with the teacher is portrayed at times... as innocent this might appear.

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