


Snowpiercer: 1x08 These Are His Revolutions

Oh no, this got a second season? Guess it's time to cut my losses. This was quite a lot of screen time to get to terrible action set pieces and parole spouting nonsense. I know the budget might not be the biggest but the extras were standing out in every scene...

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Dr. Stone: 1x02 King of the Stone World

Oh, didn't catch the Boichi in the intro so that's why the designs looked so looks familiar. Anyhow, was lukewarm after the first episode and this hasn't sold me anything different either. Can't say I like Dr. Stone as a character nor do I get the feeling this will really be about rebuilding society in a post-apocalyptic setting but just rushing past some initial world building to focus on one-dimensional characters somehow fighting it out (which can be expected since it's running in SJ weekly). I'm not the target audience but I tried :wink:.

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Swamp Thing: 1x02 Worlds Apart

You know, I thought I'd give this a shot given it's "horror" roots and provided that it is already canceled (and possibly cannot go too superheroish) but I cannot get into a story when I have to scratch my head every few minutes; this plays out too illogical. Be it terrible scene flow or the fact that no one reacts or handles this setting in a believable way. Dropped.

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Sword Art Online: 3x17 Truce

Aerobics master Kirito-sama VS physics...
...earth never stood a chance.

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Charmed: 1x02 Let This Mother Out

While this episode was luckily a lot less preachy than the pilot, it did little to reinforce my trust in the remake. Instead of giving the girls the time to explore their newfound powers and sisterhood it gets crammed with episodic fantasy stuff that CW shows apparently require. Them behaving very random and frankly stupid also didn't help it (was close to turning it off). I'll gladly welcome a Charmed reboot in my TV schedule but if this is all we can settle for then I'm going to drop this sooner than later.

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Junji Ito Collection: 1x02 Fashion Model / The Long Dream

I really wish they would either empathize Ito's style for "dramatic" scenes or add some eerie music to it. Feels quite bland mostly :(...

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Castle: 8x22 Crossfire

This is real? Pardon my choice of words: LMAO... That ending really was just slapped on top of it.


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My Hero Academia: 1x01 Izuku Midoriya: Origin

I heard the manga isn't that bad but this was a slow paint-by-numbers deal that didn't draw me in. Not a fan of the world building considering everything looks normal despite having 90% of people getting super powers... It will also be as extreme of an underdog story SJ can think off. Why BONES is doing this for 13 episodes I dunno.

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ERASED: 1x11 Future

Part A had a nice reversal but that's about it. The spider thread "motive" is pretentious from out of nowhere... The timeskip with no explanation as to how he survived or what happened exactly was also quite lame (one would expect his time travel ability to set in..). All in all another episode not carried by the presentation.

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Please Tell Me! Galko-chan: 1x01 Is It True You're a Gyaru?

Shout by sp1ti

That was unexpectedly weird. I figured this would be Gyaru pandering but it revolves around weird topics with her doing stupid shit with insert questions like "Is it true that even young girls have hair on their butts?" or "Is it true you can tell someone's pubic hair thickness by looking at their eyebrows?"?¿?¿

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Noragami: 2x05 Divine Acclamation, Imprecation

Awesome episode! Looks like it was a good decision to end the first season with original content to get this played out without too many cuts. The connection the regalia have with the gods certainly allows for some complex dynamics. Too bad most shounen neglect that side of their "tools".

Nitpicking: Yukine's new form was kind of an asspull but something I can live with. Why wasn't Bishamon picking up on the fact that Kugaha is slaughtering half her family? And why would Kugaha bother to leave Aiha alive?

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Attack on Titan: Junior High: 1x01 Starting School! Titan Junior High School

Consider me surprised but that wasn't half bad. As long as they can keep it interesting I'm down with this.

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Prison School: 1x06 Vengeance is Hana’s

I almost forgot how glorious this series is!

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The Following: 3x15 The Reckoning

Shout by sp1ti

Of course they had to do the edgy ending. I'm glad it's finally over, that "powerful people" arc they teased would have been even more dreadful to watch.

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Your lie in April: 1x17 Twilight

Still 5 episodes left... damn -.-!

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Tokyo Ghoul: 2x04 Deeper Layers

Shout by sp1ti

I would actually like to get what's going on instead of having to looking at the effects of budget limitations.

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Death Parade: 1x01 Death Seven Darts

That OP is great and so are the production values. As for the actual content I'm not yet convinced... I really hope this isn't the weekly format as it is heavily reliant on twists. People will also always be opposed to actually playing the game so I don't see the setup as something great (that couple was rather easy to convince). The ambiguity isn't helpful either.

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Slasher: 5x08 Vengeance

Can't say I enjoyed this season very much and sadly this couldn't have ended much goofier.
I don't think they did a good job of hiding who the widow was... funnily enough she can't fight for shit in the finale and moans like a madman...The detective throwing away all his morals in an instant (going as far as participating in the killing) didn't fit at all and why tf would the only guy left on the kill list be walking around alone...).

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x03 Dog Star Swing

Fuck... this is going to get a lot worse isn't it?

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Redo of Healer: 1x02 The Healer Ruins Princess Flare!

Shout by sp1ti

Oh, now here comes the edge... up to 999% of what Japanese TV allows huuh. While I'm not opposed to fucked up shit I didn't really care for how sleazy they presented some of the -well- hentai scenes (eg. her fingering herself was decidedly fetishized with a see through shot). Also, was the best plan you could come up with really to let yourself be drugged up and abused until you've come to your senses again? Still, this seems like I ride to take just to be "in" with the drama - already canceled in Germany o/.
And if anyone wonders; uncensored is indeed quite raunchy but also the only way if you don't want to watch an audio drama (is a shot of crooked fingers with a black tint really too much?)...

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Room 104: 4x09 The Last Man

This musical "tribute" to manly power fantasies is top tier cringe, bland and ultimately pointless in it's resolution. Surprisingly this is what they wanted going by the "commentary" of Mark Duplass after the episode...

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Good Girls: 3x06 Frere Jaques

The writing for Good Girls has always been convenient but damn are they doubling down on stupid. They might be sloppy and reckless but the bird and the phone... cmn.

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My Hero Academia: 4x25 His Start

A really weak season and this clunky establishment of Endeaver as a "symbol" through the pointless hero popularity ranking is not really fueling any hope in me (I mean Hawks was interesting but Endeavor wanting to redeem himself by being a strong hero and conveniently not having his full powers active - meh).

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Homeland: 8x07 F**ker Shot Me

Oh, did the actually cast Danes husband this season :smile:? This could be interesting.

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My Hero Academia: 4x12 Unforeseen Hope

This show still has some leniency from me but why are people still hyping this..? Unlike previous episodes we got less inappropriate flashbacks but it still takes a character to call them out for standing around. But guess what they went on to do after finally bursting the walls down to the bad guy #1 :angry:? This pacing just makes everything feel hollow (hope it was worth it for the movie). The fights are all in the same boring hallway which apparently is also quite easily broken into from above LOL and involves tons of scene blocking with endless spikes and other lazy ways to not having to animate much on screen. Overhaul's powers are also on-demand adjusted as it's constantly scaled down what he apparently can do just so that the "must-safe-loli-at-all-cost-gang" can compete just disintegrate everyone OK?. Imagine having your final wishes be disrespected and not getting further away than 10 yards from the action and they are not even making excuses..

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Family Guy: 18x04 Disney's The Reboot

Spot-on Netflix spoof right here (and other cancerous programming ;))!

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x04 Ports in the Storm

The elevator kill was great even if saws don't work like that... but the "story" is getting so messy I'm not even going to bother to make sense of it.

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Scream: The TV Series: 3x01 The Deadfast Club

Mixing up the demographics was about the only change done here... I guess it was a nice touch to include Tony Todd with that but that's about it. "Glowing in the dark" white guy had to die because he was "a racist on the inside"... Oh boy! Now that is intelligent dialogue that makes sense... A very poor setup of the backstory so far and the party having everyone in Ghostface masks was the cringe on top. No one expects horror writing to be very grounded but they are not even trying.

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Black Mirror: 5x03 Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

Shout by sp1ti

While I fault many Black Mirror episodes for not properly looking at the implications of the technology presented this one probably takes the cake... Transferring the consciousness AND reading brainwaves just used in the entertainment field as mere plot-device for a Disney-story. Expectations subverted I guess?

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Dororo: 1x16 The Story of Shiranui

This was really out there...

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