


Dark Matter: 1x04 Episode Four

Shout by sp1ti

As if I needed more reasons to drop this boring show.

Consider this:
You wake up in a room. You are bound together with a guy on a chair, back to back. There is a door and a control panel located at one end of the room, a corrugated plastic sheet on the other. What would you do to escape?
A) Try to shift over to the door, headbutt the console and yell for help in the corridor.
B) Anything else.

Yes, you can't make this shit up.

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Seraph of the End: 1x10 Results of the Choice

I actually found at least most of last weeks episode not to be bad but this one is another stumble. This time it seems to be a planning fail :/.

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Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?: 1x02 (Monsterphilia) Monster Festival

"It must be because of this rare skill, which I've never heard of before!"

Fucking dropped.

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Blood Blockade Battlefront: 1x01 Secret Society of the Magic-Sealed City

Shout by sp1ti

Okey, it's no coincidence; Created by Yasuhiro Nightow. The designs, music and characters certainly carry his vibe. If the animation keeps up it might turn out quite good. I highly doubt the story itself is enough to carry this.

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 16x14 Intimidation Game

Shout by sp1ti

I can't wait for CSI Cyber for more of this awkward (funny) shit.

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True Detective: 4x04 Night Country: Part 4

Shout by sp1ti

Just how often are they gonna roll with the magic realism... it's hilarious.

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Rent-a-Girlfriend: 1x36 Ideal Girlfriend and Girlfriend

Shout by sp1ti

Bro doesn't even hug her :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Slasher: 5x08 Vengeance

Can't say I enjoyed this season very much and sadly this couldn't have ended much goofier.
I don't think they did a good job of hiding who the widow was... funnily enough she can't fight for shit in the finale and moans like a madman...The detective throwing away all his morals in an instant (going as far as participating in the killing) didn't fit at all and why tf would the only guy left on the kill list be walking around alone...).

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NieR:Automata Ver1.1a: 1x04 a mountain too [H]igh

Looks like this is postponed until further notice ☹ https://myanimelist.net/news/68442225

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The Midnight Club: 1x10 Midnight

You're not stupid Ilonka? Mhhhh. Honestly, this ending was utter shite. The Shasta storyline just gets conveniently amped up only to get abruptly stalled again and ofc. no one in the house heard or saw all the ambulance or police cars right at the porch... and Ilonka tells them about it only later and then even off screen?? Couldn't take up any episode time silly because we want to instead conclude some character arcs and two lame Midnight Club stories and throw in two more mysteries because this is a faux finale after all~.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 3x08 Erased

Shout by sp1ti

I don't get it at all... Why are they pushing to sign the contract??

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American Horror Stories: 2x06 Facelift

Quite a strange script for this one but it was passable until it came to the reveal after which it was just embarrassing to watch.

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American Horror Stories: 2x05 Bloody Mary

This showed some promise but is unevenly paced and has lore that doesn't make sense unfortunately.

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American Horror Stories: 2x03 Drive

Boring, lazy and non-sensical. This is intentionally misleading in a non-smart way. Neither the way it's acted out nor the dialogue (including exposition dump) hold up after the "twist". People around her, including the last victim know about a "nightclub serial killer" and we're even shown a pin wall full of news articles and missing persons stuff with headlines like "bodies found" (+on the computer) with lots of people, yet she is "only" at her 6th victim and hides all the bodies in her vince cellar... And the motive... jesus, what's your problem?.

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American Horror Stories: 2x02 Aura

Didn't necessarily hate this but the concept sure is undercooked and made very little sense. I anticipated that Jaslyn would become a medium but apparently a cliché revenge plot is more in line with the show...

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Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer: 1x01 Amamiya Yuuhi and the Lizard Knight

Ugh, if the battles are already this unanimated I don't even dare to phantom what's in store.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x03 Dog Star Swing

Fuck... this is going to get a lot worse isn't it?

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Eli Roth's History of Horror: 3x05 Holiday Horror

Jamie Lee Curtis is really reaching with her analogies...
Halloween (2018) - #metoo
Halloween Kills (2021) - #BLM

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Cake: 5x05 Brave New World

Shout by sp1ti

And now they're recycling segments from previous seasons (the VR native kid)? I guess I'll check back next season to see if they got something more interesting to offer once again otherwise I'm pretty much done with this show.

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Chucky: 1x03 I Like to Be Hugged

Looks like they didn't commit and will just drag things out with Jake. Having the end play out during another house party is just plain lazy writing, especially with the headphones and everyone having their eyes closed the entire time. What even was the point? It's not like Lexy's little sister wasn't awake the last time they threw one and she apparently is carefree enough to even smoke weed inside the house - like her parents wouldn't notice...
I'm also constantly weirded out by Devon. Just doesn't feel like a real kid and he somehow always ends up at the cool kids table despite not showing any aspirations of that.
Anyways, not interested in spending another 7 hours with these kids.

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American Horror Story: 10x10 The Future Perfect

Shout by sp1ti

I guess this is what happens when you're already renewed for three additional seasons... This really was just a random mess throwing out historical references but not really tying anything together in a way that would make sense.
What was the point in keeping any humans around to breed when they apparently just needed the one perfect body to do so? Why did they keep Troy alive but not Jamie??

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Slasher: 4x07 Goldfinger

Shout by sp1ti

Damn, quite a few cruel kills this season.

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I, Tsushima: 1x09 Episode 9

Shout by sp1ti

What a rollercoaster of emotions :lizard:.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x02 The Lake House

The whiplash is u n r e a l. After cranking the drama and politics up to 9000% for the premiere this just plain ignores all of it and plays le separation funneh (and conveniently puts Diaz on drugs for the whole affair). Not at all interested in finishing the show anymore.

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Battle Game in 5 Seconds: 1x02 Demon God

Shout by sp1ti

Quite the prude censors at work for the simulcast huh? Takes you right out of it if you have to guess what "shocking" thing is actually hidden behind the magic white fog... Odd standards considering that the girl is fighting an ugly bastard in the same episode. (this was NOT done for the JP broadcast!)
Feels otherwise like generic death game fare - moreso surprised that it's still holding up given the multiple studios involved and inexperienced main directors (certainly less bold with the onscreen text this time around).

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Deadhouse Dark: 1x02 No Pain No Gain

Shout by sp1ti

I only now noticed that they're saying themselves this was inspired by the "Blue Whale Challenge" but honestly that makes it almost insulting as the short lacked any credibility or depth for that matter. Her circumstances were entirely different to whatever transpired for those kids and far from credible. (My expectations in this anthology were clearly off :neutral_face:.)

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Deadhouse Dark: 1x01 Halloween

Shout by sp1ti

Despite the attempt at a curveball this is sadly wholly predictable and still pads the runtime for no reason... I wish they left the train clearly hitting them out to at least preserve some ambiguity. The phone recording angle was also quite gimmicky and more so annoyed me in how she framed her recordings.

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My Hero Academia: 5x11 Our Brawl

Shout by sp1ti

Remember when Deku was quirkless? Yeah, me neither...

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Cake: 4x04 Out of Order

The "Shitty Circumstances" bit was actually funny - I'm shocked?!

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Kemono Jihen: 1x11 Memories

Shout by sp1ti

I mean the first episode already showed that this is not SJ rated but I'm still surprised how cruel these backstories are actually turning out to be given how "cute" the show likes to play.

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