


Cake: 4x01 Ask, Believe, Receive

Shout by sp1ti

A collection of obnoxious shorts...

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 2x10 Manifest Destiny

Shout by sp1ti

Jeez Louise... Even if you can make it past the woke-barrage this starts out with you are still left with a subpar package on all fronts. Heck, not even the basic setup makes any sense here.
https://youtu.be/aAxx4gStqn4?t=36 :rolling_eyes:

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 2x05 Quota

Shout by sp1ti

And now it's time for the most generic and unexciting zolmbie addition to the series...

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 2x04 Imposter

Shout by sp1ti

Fantastic amulet... it serves no purpose other than to ruin your life for...? Working at an investment firm? Why did his mom even go on a triad of supporting him and saying a man who isn't able to provide for his family is worthless if this is that much against "the spirit"? How the heck did that other girl get lost there too - seems like it only served as another scene of whyte ppl racist? Why am I still watching this...

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 2x03 Instinct

Shout by sp1ti

A call about domestic disturbance because a wine glas fell down... This then gets spun to imply a believe-all-women narrative (despite her acting like a loony) and after they're just out of the door he already admits to her being right. Obviously he does not see her grabbing the meat hammer or how she is holding it in her hand - or that she is taking a full swing at him :rolling_eyes:.

"Take some protection, just in case you're wrong... or right." What does this even mean with a narrative where she suspects everyone to be a killer... :exploding_head:

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Dr. Ramune: Mysterious Disease Specialist: 1x02 The Chikuwa Penis

Shout by sp1ti

The premise for the episode is certainly weird even for anime standards but it played out quite boring and plain to be honest. Just like with last weeks episode it's apparent from the get go what needs to change for the "cure" but the process isn't really worth sticking around as the comedy isn't hitting great strides either imho.

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Two Sentence Horror Stories: 2x01 Bag Man

Shout by sp1ti

Lmao... this turned silly real fast. The setup is pretty much wasted and would have been more interesting without the wanna be slenderman at display here.

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Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW: 1x13 Tataridamashi-hen: Curse-Deceiving Chapter, Part 5

Kinda weird and meh arc with a WTF ending... Hoping they did not forget about the answer arcs...

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Supernatural: 15x20 Carry On

Shout by sp1ti

AAAAnd they doubled down on the botched ending... I'm not in the loop with the series production but you better hope that there is a good excuse for them having to resolve the story like this. I don't mind that they did what they did here but it doesn't work if you play this after last weeks episode. The trajectory for this was all wrong and it's missing a lot of in between! Kinda hard to fall for the manipulative writing when you have to doubt what is being presented to you. And Sam growing old was not only cheesy pandering but a huge joke that had me laughing because of the unbelievably bad makeup.
Rushing an ending for a show after 15 years is NOT appreciated.

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Supernatural: 15x19 Inherit the Earth

Shout by sp1ti

I'm sorry: WHAAAAT? This was awful. Not that Supernatural ever was very coherent but this was a rushed, sloppy and frankly a very anticlimatic conclusion to their ordeal... they even had to pull a "and-here-is-how-we-dun-it" to "explain" this mess.
Sam & Dean can apparently take a massive beating from fists powered by such godly energy that when absorbed is enough to transfer the powers over to Jack (who needs build up when you can just give him more OP powers...). Most "powerlevels" were also disregarded for this like Chuck's omniscience and featuring Amara, Death/Lucifer etc.. . And no time for Cas? I know there is another one coming but this had a freaking montage at the end...

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x05 The Altar of the Dead

Shout by sp1ti

I hope this puts a lid on the pacing oddities this show has because an hour long exposition episode is and should not be normal... most of what is shown was already hinted at previously so I'm sure they could have done without this...

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Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW: 1x01 Onidamashi-hen: Demon-Deceiving Chapter, Part 1

Shout by sp1ti

WARNING: Looks like the Higurashi New marketed as a remake was bait all along.
This is a sequel* to the original series https://trakt.tv/shows/when-they-cry-higurashi.

Since it's based on a visual novel with different routes repeating events are expected which is why they were able to mislead with the premiere but the second episode reveals a twist of the series and references being set after the events of Higurashi. They also changed the title from "New" to "Gou" 業 after episode 2...

*What exactly it is we cannot say for sure right now but you are definitely not getting a fresh start.

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Higurashi: When They Cry - NEW: 1x02 Onidamashi-hen: Demon-Deceiving Chapter, Part 2

Shout by sp1ti

WARNING: Looks like the Higurashi New marketed as a remake was bait all along.
This is a sequel* to the original series https://trakt.tv/shows/when-they-cry-higurashi.

Since it's based on a visual novel with different routes repeating events are expected which is why they were able to mislead with the premiere but the second episode reveals a twist of the series and references being set after the events of Higurashi. They also changed the title from "New" to "Gou" 業...

*What exactly it is we cannot say for sure right now but you are definitely not getting a fresh start.

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Room 104: 4x11 Fur

Shout by sp1ti

Dull and predictable from the setting and title alone... the only semi decent part was their fusion. The retro setting and art didn't really click either.
Also truly progressive by having a black and hispanic girl as the leads but the resident campus rapist is still the good ol' white jock...

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Room 104: 4x09 The Last Man

This musical "tribute" to manly power fantasies is top tier cringe, bland and ultimately pointless in it's resolution. Surprisingly this is what they wanted going by the "commentary" of Mark Duplass after the episode...

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My Hero Academia: Special 6 HLB

Shout by sp1ti

Kinda pointless OVAs with an uninteresting story and heaps of redundant info making this somehow a two parter.

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Lovecraft Country: 1x02 Whitey's on the Moon

Not for me definitely. The breakneck pacing has little regard for characters or a proper plot (so things must be convenient) and in this format more akin to something on SyFy or CBS rather than the ""HBO prime time slot""...
Underlying the FX sample pack with a Gil Scott-Heron song is just tone deaf and quite try hard imho (it didn't fit the scene nor the theme). George served his part as a plot device too apparently so let's commemorate it with killing him off...

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Lovecraft Country: 1x01 Sundown

Wasn't eager to start this after having seen all the fake shilling on it's IMDb page (most of which - including the negative ones - has now been removed ???) and am actually still unsure about this 70 minutes later. I can't say that I'm not intrigued but found the change of pace towards the end rather unexpected for something branding itself with Lovecraft (I mean it's at least there in the creature design).
I don't feel like I'm necessarily in competent hands because this had very little substance so far. I'm going to be very cynical about what I've seen: Yes, racism bad (queue examples), black culture so rich (queue overlong concert scene AND play modern day trap music), car chases are exciting (let's do two of them with the first one resulting in a quite illogical conclusion which everyone ignores) and let's not forget we are here for some monsters (which came with the usual horror logic trappings)... Having now looked at the trailer I know even less of it's intended direction - just that this is certainly not the 10:star: material some have people claimed this as :person_bowing:.

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Room 104: 4x04 Bangs

Shout by sp1ti

Are they out of ideas maybe or is the season order just setup this way? These episodes have all been pseudo psychology ones with a tendency to become more goofy. Not a good sign.

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Room 104: 4x01 The Murderer

Shout by sp1ti

Way to on the nose imho as I could take this seriously... especially when paired with this set of 5.

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Corporate: 3x01 Pickles 4 Breakfast

I know it's supposed to be funny but it correlates so much with reality that it becomes bleak :astonished:.

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Sword Art Online: 4x14 End to Eternity

Shout by sp1ti

Not sure how I feel about the duel scene. The Ufotable influence has certainly been around for a bit and while it was flashy the bold strokes and perspectives used felt like a different show completely. Really wish there was a softer transition to that - don't think it was "worthy" to stand out this much.

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NOS4A2: 2x05 Bruce Wayne McQueen

Never really cared about the show much (far from a masterpiece) but with the current snail pacing and little new going on it doesn't really hold my interest anymore. I think I'm done with this.

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The Misfit of Demon King Academy: 1x02 The Witch of Destruction

Shout by sp1ti

Mahou Jesus should consider himself lucky to have been delayed until fall because this chad demon king incarnate is even more overpowered than him :laughing:.

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Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!: 1x01 Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

Shout by sp1ti

Perfect example of a show where LOUD isn't funny but what can you reasonably expect from it anyways when the big chested protagonist wears a shirt stating that they're huge...

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Cake: 3x01 Cos & Effect

Shout by sp1ti

I hope this is not the line-up for recurring segments of Season 3... felt really dumb.

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Snowpiercer: 1x08 These Are His Revolutions

Oh no, this got a second season? Guess it's time to cut my losses. This was quite a lot of screen time to get to terrible action set pieces and parole spouting nonsense. I know the budget might not be the biggest but the extras were standing out in every scene...

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NOS4A2: 2x02 Good Father

That backstory skipped a part I think... quite a tedious setup imho.

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Gleipnir: 1x12 Where the Promise Was Made

Shout by sp1ti

Oh boy, that backstory was seriously messed up.

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels: 1x04 Josefina and the Holy Spirit

I have a hard time believing that in 1938 people identified as a top or bottom... not really much history on those terms though.

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