


My Mental Choices Are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy

Shout by sp1ti

This show can be quite fun if you're not expecting much. It plays out the same jokes on the character's tropes in every episode again but that gets mixed up with the insane multiple choice questions our MC gets from God. I could have done without the sometimes excessive fanservice though. The ending is also rather meh but hey, ten episodes are not much to work with.

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Blood Lad

Shout by sp1ti

Being cut short to only 10 episodes this is basically advertisement for the Manga which is slowly progressing itself and not legally up to date or fully scanlated (30/50 chapters). The typcal Shonen-Quest is still at an early stage and we only got hints about the battle for a new king. The show itself is O.K. at best but doesn't bring anything new. I almost dropped it after the first two episodes. The thing is that it can be entertaining and look good but it often has bad designs or even cheap looking "monsters" (kids anime style) and the fanservice was annoying too unless you find huge cans classy... I don't see this being popular outside of it's airtime.

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Squid Game: The Challenge

Shout by sp1ti

If you take this for what it is - a Squid Game Reality TV / game show, it has some decent entertainment value in regards to how people behave with this amount of money involved but I also did go very heavy on the skip +10s button (especially in the first half).
There also have been a lot of first person accounts of the show popping up, including rigging accusations, which I sort off get but the behind the scenes bonus actually highlights that they've put in a lot of effort to accommodate for the insane amount of people on camera. Editing obviously can do a lot too (like the first game in reality supposedly taking more than 7 hours to complete).
Take it or leave it imho.

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Shout by sp1ti

I accidentally closed the tab after finishing writing something up for the show... can't be bothered to go in detail again.

This is basically a giant injoke as the Cody Heller got this produced and cast with a A-lister, taking on >her< name and dating a fictional version of >her< bodyfriend (also named after him ...Dan Harmon).
The setup - as outlandish as it sounds - makes sense as a way to allow the protagonist to process her insecurities/drama/trauma in wake of seeing her sex doll version... but it is made little use of and is instead quite superficial and often cartoonish (making her a bigger "dummy" than the doll in the process). Sure there is a (sort of) progression towards the logical conclusion of self-love but the ride is not worth it. And that ride - I kid you not - involves her setting up a date for the doll which is suddenly lusting after a 12 year old... Cody is kind enough to provide the lube for the occasion.

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Hero Mask

Shout by sp1ti

I have no idea what I hoped for (and my expectations were looow) but this show is offensively boring and generic at best... I don't think I will finish this. It feels very un-animeish (just the OP alone will let you know that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YheFQ6y0xlA) and is more akin to procedurals aka very exposition heavy and frankly boring since they forgot to add interesting characters into the cast (if they are even worthy of being recognized as a human being). Many of the action scenes are also done quite poorly and suffer from sometimes atrocious editing so nothing to see there either. The mask as pretty much the only sci-fi element of but didn't add any excitement either.

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Stars Align

Seems kinda silly but dropped after Episode 9... At this point it's just a melodramatic slog where everyone's parents are abusive in some way or another. But thank god there is Maki to fix things who is apparently also an empath in addition to already being the "gifted" tennis ace of the show. Kanako also is handled very weirdly making her mainly a fujoshi insert...

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Captain Earth

Shout by sp1ti

Dropped after nine episodes and realizing it will be a two cour show. I was never really content with it starting from the first episode already and it's only gotten worse. It feels like a kiddy show when your antagonists invade your base with an ice cream truck. The story's message is also forced and inconsistent, ass pulls are frequent and don't get me started on the amount of teen angst in this show. At least the art is consistent but I'm not a fan of the designs tho. I'm rating it unusually low but the show is not good enough and neither bad enough.

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Shout by sp1ti

Dang, whoever did the English dub for this is right in hiding their identity. Weird pronunciations (ESL?), awkward line delivery (in tone and pace) and just an uneven package overall is not how things are done in 2024. Even looks like they're gonna change personnel (or use AI)?
Thankfully this isn't the end of the world as the show itself has it's own kind of vibe so it's still somewhat watchable. Just be warned.

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Unlimited Fafnir

Shout by sp1ti

Meh, no idea why I even watched 9 episodes of this. I got a week behind and couldn't bring myself to continue. Low quality battle harem with Playstation 1 era graphics monsters. Fear not, everyone needs the MCs D here.

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I Know What You Did Last Summer

Not gonna lie... I didn't want to watch the show merely on the expectation of getting another 90s slasher turned into a mystery series/teenage drama but I still clicked the trailer and then I saw it: :clown: :clown::clown: - yes! A clown emoji convinced me to give this one a go regardless (on which was delivered on multiple times). While it sort of was what I expected with plenty of flaws it was ultimately kinda "watchable". Still wouldn't recommend it however as there are entire episodes were pretty much nothing happens and the ending was very unsatisfying --> it was all quite unearned with more dumb stuff piling ontop of the characters all behaving different from how they were portrayed before.

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Sadly this show does very little with the core concept of the Snowpiercer besides some early exposition about the carts and is instead more concerned about it's pointless crime case and drama and does so with extremely uncharismatic characters (except for the "antagonist"). Having now also proven that the action chops aren't there either and wanting to drag things even further out with a second season I'll gladly exit this ride and get frozen instead.

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Shout by sp1ti

I was behind on episodes but really I would have been better off dropping it at this point. This features very little of the sport outside of training and narration and can't balance that out with a good team dynamic either. While the initial memory loss of the main character was already a bit gimmicky, they pull it again later on and which brings to light just how psychotic some of the people in this show are.

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So I’m a Spider, So What?

Shout by sp1ti

Dropping this as I can't see myself lasting through a 2 cour of this. According to some previews this was supposed to be great but the back-loaded magic academy stuff is uninteresting and the spider segments while having at least some personality are just the same thing every episode.

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Ultramarine Magmell

Shout by sp1ti

Quite the lackluster package... thought I might finish this but nahhh. There isn't really any plot to go by as it is mostly just a collection of episodic stories around Magmell but those are all beats done before, and vastly more interesting too. There is no sense of exploration as the MC is pretty much invincible and he already knows a lot about the place leaving him mostly indifferent to everything unfolding. There is some attempts at comedy but it doesn't really hit nor is it consistent. Add to that bland character and creature design with just tolerable art and animation... Really not worth it.

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Turning Girls

By the author of Inferno Cop comes another, minimalisticly animated short series. The overall runtime is a bit more than a half hour which allows you to power through the episodes quite quick. There are more than enough fun moments to justify doing so (especially the Kaerun live-stream episode) but it's not like you will miss out on something profound. The whole thing is (as far as I can tell) officially on YouTube including English subtitles.

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Follow This

Shout by sp1ti

Besides the episode about Intersex this is quite awful but expected given that this is by Buzzfeed.

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Shout by sp1ti

If Norway had Adult Swim this show would probably have aired there. Produced by the Dead Snow/Hansel & Gretel guy you can guess where it dabbles in. I would have wished for a stronger Twin Peaks vibe but it looks like if anything that would be in S2 (if that ever happens).

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While usually in an anthology you have your good and bad segments here they felt quite even being created by the same staff but still dabbling in different kinds of "horror" each time. Problem is that there really wasn't anything that would make them stand out. The premises are not bad per se but with 30 minutes episodes being told in a straight forward narrative they can't seem to hit a sweet spot in addition to making almost all "twists" predictable.

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The Moth Effect

Shout by sp1ti
BlockedParent2021-08-26T02:22:34Z— updated 2021-08-27T11:01:06Z

Can't say I really liked any sketch whole so far... There is also a heavy emphasis on political topics but instead of packing their messaging into the gags their "humor" mostly boils down to sarcastically spelling out their exact stance on it - especially tiresome if that happens multiple times each short episode.

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JJ Villard's Fairy Tales

Shout by sp1ti

If this show has one major draw then it's the artstyle imho which I dig a lot. Problem is that while those crude versions of Fairy Tales would look great as a series of artworks it comes across kinda shallow and sometimes dumb when corporated into a full "story". Still, didn't hate it and would watch more of them as my leniency for 10 minute episodes is quite high anyways.

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Shout by sp1ti

Thought this would be more interesting but it's basically just celebrities praising their staffers/collaborators and them talking about stuff with varying degrees of relevancy to their work (exceptions are sometimes involving artists themselves)... Adding in some occasional animation does not really elevate the material. It is also mostly related to artists I don't care about.

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Beef House

Shout by sp1ti

As lowbrow as this is I actually found myself enjoying this quite a bit from the second episode on.

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High School Girls

Shout by sp1ti

Sorry but this is just trash... There are no jokes in the show and the scenarios are stretched out despite being only three minute long. They also decided this should be a SILENT comedy but somehow found it a good idea to include grunts instead. :exploding_head:

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Mr. Nobunaga's Young Bride

Apparently it is required to have one jailbait anime in each season now...

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The Wizards of Aus

Shout by sp1ti

A fun but short series that brings genre sensibilities to TV. It's not without flaws but I gladly take more shows like this.

Streaming world wide at http://www.sbs.com.au/ondemand/video/600180803988/the-wizards-of-aus-honk (there is no proper index)

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The Boys

Shout by sp1ti

Despite having been hesitant to watch this (bc superheroes :rolling_eyes:) I gave it a try anyways in hopes for subversion or spoofs of the genre (hello https://trakt.tv/movies/super-2010). Unfortunately this was just very bland and slow with some seriously lacking characterizations and world building just for the sake of being able to do an otherwise generic but raunchy "thriller/heist-ey" type of deal vs the hot current :superhero: everyone seems to crave...

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High School Fleet

Shout by sp1ti

That twist is so cringey I just had to stop with this show.

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Shout by sp1ti

A boring procedural that makes little sense with kitsch mythology mixed and starring Lucifer as the ultimate douché. Seeing that the main hook should come from the chemistry between him and the cop lady and they're at backwood sexism there I'm not seeing any hope for the show.

Dropped as of Episode 4.

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Li'l Quinquin

Shout by sp1ti

P'tit Quinquin is a mini series from Bruno Dumont who is usually busy making arthouse movies. Can't say I've seen any of his films but I certainly thought about giving one a go in the past. Having been a bit reluctant to watching all four episodes in one sitting I found myself surprised of how fun this thing actually is.
There is plenty of dark humor and the vibe is almost goofy at times. The characters are also everything but standard with (?)most of the cast actually being non actors and also involving people with physical or mental disabilities (which makes it sometimes hard to guess if some scenes are played for the laughs). The look of the show is also quite nice and the rural village makes for a good setting.
Be warned that not every mystery is resolved so if you need that closure you might not want to watch this. For everyone else I can only recommend to check it out once it airs on ARTE.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii2BzMaUr3M

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Penny Dreadful: City of Angels

As current as they hit the current protests going on I cannot help but to feel bored. Very little supernatural is going on and the plot lines are hardly new. My core issue however is that I still don't get why this is unfolding. Why would the "bad" lady spend her years trying to incite a race war when she is already powerful enough to destroy the world as it is and for that to focus on this particular community (in the year 1938..)?

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