

Omicron Persei 8

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

I kinda enjoy the show, but my issue is that the monsters only get a few minutes of screen time. I don't want to see the budding, weird love triangle between brother & sister & May (Cora). I want to see Godzilla and the rest of the monsters. I am still watching though.

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@Sou7hern Welcome to Monarch: Legacy of the Randa love triangle

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Foundation: 2x09 Long Ago, Not Far Away

The general storyline doesn't make any sense. He came back ( Michael bay style) only for his husband. he's dead now. Why kill the only thing he came back for?

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@annonimousse To really drive home how terrible Day/Empire truly is. It feels as if this is leading up to him betraying Day/Empire. They've already hinted at it several times and he even discussed turning against Empire with his partner. Without his partner, what other reason is there to stay with Empire? What else has he got to lose now?

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Was a fantastic show up until the start of season 3. Season 3 was a departure from how good this show was, a huge change in quality. It felt rushed, akin to GoT ending. The whole "it was in your head the whole time" was a slap in the face of fans who genuinely loved this show. If I could unwatch season 3 I would. If you love this show, do yourself a favour and skip season 3. NOT WORTH IT. Enjoy the show that it was, and keep that as your memory of it.

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@Seb#4462 Thanks. Yeah, season 2 left off kind of open ended. Sad to see them unravel such a unique story.

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Invasion: 2x01 Something's Changed

I’m glad the characters are still annoying, stupid, and idiots. Luke needs a smack.

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@whos_ur_buddha You're too kind. I would have left that kid at a gas station a long time ago.

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Invasion: 2x01 Something's Changed

Great start of season but... I found it odd that a military truck in the US would have containers bearing a large label "PETROL" since its called gas in most of America. Furthermore, military vehicles all use deisel not petrol. Perhaps the writers are all European.

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@Lanz637 Those looked like North American vehicles and yes they are almost all diesel engines. I imagine the petrol is/was for gas generators. The petrol thing must have been an issue with props department. Nobody in the Americas calls it petrol. That's entirely a British thing(UK, India, South Africa).

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Invasion: 2x01 Something's Changed

Solid first episode to start the 2nd season. I hope it remains more cohesive than the first season was. But my suspension of disbelief was shattered when they claimed Heinz 57 sauce could make a realistic substitute for fake blood...:rolling_eyes:

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@CrimsonWatch LOL. I scoffed at that as well. I especially liked how quickly Mitsuki can light Molotov cocktails with matches and throw with pinpoint accuracy. Also, for context, Osaka is a city of 19 million people. Snowballs chance in hell you're finding who you're looking for without a satellite tracking system.

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The Peripheral: 1x06 Fuck You and Eat Shit

Shout by Paul

this show has the worst casting. when did they get 2 more headsets??

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@celozzip Flynn requested/demanded them when she had leverage. I really don't see what leverage she has now though. She clearly can't locate Aelita. I would like to see more of the future explored though. This inspector character is interesting.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

Why didn't Rhaenys kill them all and end the whole situation? Then there would be no war. Was that her saying she was on their side?

If not, then this is one of the most stupid moments in the whole show.

But why would Rhaenys be on their side? When Rhaenyra is the true heir (and also will be the first queen, like she would have been).

And she might have got Driftmark for her granddaughters in a negotation with Rhaenyra instead of it passing to her bastard. But even besides that, she just had her granddaughters betrothed to Rhaenyra's sons, further sealing their alliance.

Even if Rhaenys was going to be on the greens side, she could have stopped an entire war by killing them.

How did she even get to the dragon pit past the guards.

Why aren't there any dragons protecting the kings coronation, don't they have like 5 of them?

The white worm part was rubbish.

I've been on the blacks side for a couple episodes now, and i don't like how much the show has painted the greens as the bad side and the blacks as the good side. Rhaenyra is the legitimate heir, and would be a good queen. Alicent wants Aegon king because of a misunderstanding of Visery's last words, and Aegon would seem to be a bad king. But ok, that's how things go.

If Rhaenys was undecided, then she still could have averted an entire war by killing them.

I'm guessing since she didn't say anything and flew off, she's on Rhaenyra's side.

It was a good episode overall, but the ending was stupid.

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@warden1 Right on. I can totally see that. I get the feeling that a lot of viewers saw "Dragons" in the title and were expecting this show to be all about dragons. When, in fact, the title is "House of Dragons" which refers to a family of humans that breed and occasionally make a bond with a dragon. The other half, "Game of Thrones", well we know to expect from that.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

54 minutes of snoozefest that could have been told in 5. Last few minutes are good, but not enough to save the episode.

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@boglesby Lol. The source content for this show is the second half of the first volume of Fire & Blood, which is 70,000 words at most. Game of Thrones, the first novel, is nearly 300,000 words. These are television writers not epic writing novelists. Be content with the excellent acting capabilities of the actors to convey what the script cannot.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

why the cgi is so fucking lame???? Great episode but I couldn't help wonder about the bad cgi

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@feepiva You want bad CGI in a television show? Go watch She Hulk. You want great CGI? Then go watch Lord of The Rings and while you're at it, look up how much that great CGI cost them.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

Unnecessary waste of time drama. She had a chance to burn them all but flies away on the dragon.

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@whos_ur_buddha That's completely out of character for Rhaenys. I suggest you rewatch the show. Especially this episode when Rhaenys relates to Alicent and how's she been used as a pawn. You do also realize that these characters have known each other for 30+ years.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

54 minutes of snoozefest that could have been told in 5. Last few minutes are good, but not enough to save the episode.

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@boglesby You should go watch How to Train Your Dragon. Seems to be more on your level.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

My god was it frustrating to listen to Alicent and Otto repeatedly talk about “the king’s final wish.” Such a perfectly frustrating episode watching the greens activate their plan knowing just how wrong they are about what Viserys wanted. I actually do feel for Alicent at this point, it’s clear she really did love Viserys and truly believes that what she’s doing is honoring what he wanted. But Otto is so smug and annoying. Rhaenys’ moment at the end was so cathartic though and I love that she got her moment this episode. The finale looks like it’s going to be an absolute banger, I can’t wait.

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@justinnumerick Part of that is Otto has been controlling and manipulating his daughter's every thought and decision. She's doubting everything now, but one thing is for certain; she loves her sons and will do anything for them. I don't know how they're going to fit a resolution into the next episode. I predict that it will be a cliffhanger ending.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

Why didn't Rhaenys kill them all and end the whole situation? Then there would be no war. Was that her saying she was on their side?

If not, then this is one of the most stupid moments in the whole show.

But why would Rhaenys be on their side? When Rhaenyra is the true heir (and also will be the first queen, like she would have been).

And she might have got Driftmark for her granddaughters in a negotation with Rhaenyra instead of it passing to her bastard. But even besides that, she just had her granddaughters betrothed to Rhaenyra's sons, further sealing their alliance.

Even if Rhaenys was going to be on the greens side, she could have stopped an entire war by killing them.

How did she even get to the dragon pit past the guards.

Why aren't there any dragons protecting the kings coronation, don't they have like 5 of them?

The white worm part was rubbish.

I've been on the blacks side for a couple episodes now, and i don't like how much the show has painted the greens as the bad side and the blacks as the good side. Rhaenyra is the legitimate heir, and would be a good queen. Alicent wants Aegon king because of a misunderstanding of Visery's last words, and Aegon would seem to be a bad king. But ok, that's how things go.

If Rhaenys was undecided, then she still could have averted an entire war by killing them.

I'm guessing since she didn't say anything and flew off, she's on Rhaenyra's side.

It was a good episode overall, but the ending was stupid.

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@Warden1 I think you should rewatch the episode. Especially the scene where Rhaenys explains to Alicent that she's been manipulated her entire life by her father. Rhaenys has suffered much a similar fate and that is why she didn't toast everyone. Alicent stepped in front of her son because that is the one thing she holds as truth that she loves her son's and wants what's best for them. She will have some decisions to make very soon.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

Can someone please explain to me why this show constantly looks like butthole every episode? Don’t say it’s because of the time period, Fuck that! please do something about the darkness.

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@ABSTRACTlegend Get a better television and maybe an eye exam.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

So the whole thing is because the king said the name of that dude, but his wife thought it was the name of their son? Wtf is this kindergarten bullshit?
Also I've never yelled dracarys so much as I did at the end of this episode.

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@TimeRaider It might not have been clear, but Alicent's father, the Hand, has been poisoning her mind for most of her life. One thing she stuck to though is that she will do anything to protect her sons. Also, Rhaenys opened her eyes to this and told her that she understands all to well what Alicent has been through. Had Alicent not stepped in the way, then her son would have been toasted like a marshmallow.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

Shout by barred.

Rhaenys should have just torched them, buh then the story would have basically been over which is no fun

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@prk111 Rhaenys has no hatred for Alicent. In fact, she relates with her on a deep emotional level as was made clear in this episode. Had Alicent not stepped in the way, then ol boy would have been made into an extra crispy chicky nuggie.

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House of the Dragon: 1x09 The Green Council

One dracarys could have delivered the justice, but I guess then the show would not be as interesting as it is now.

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@3ton Rhaenys made it clear that she understands Alicent on a personal level. If Alicent hadn't stepped in front of her son, I can promise you that he would have been toast. Could that moment of weakness been a huge mistake? I imagine we're going to find out.

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For All Mankind: 3x09 Coming Home

NASA engineers having babies on Mars? Allowing someone with a very obvious mental condition into NASA? I barely made it through the last episode and 5 minutes into this episode and looks like more of the same.

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@Strykar I also have to add that Kelly seemed so adamant on researching botany on Mars. So much for that.

Also, this episode brings up another contradiction to her character. She said that Helios wasn't focused on Science and that NASA was. NASA is still very clearly funded and influenced by the government. Helios on the other hand only wants to establish a colony there on Mars. The writing has either been taken over by children or flushed down the toilet.

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For All Mankind: 3x06 New Eden

WTF is wrong with this season?

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@alex1798 The writing wasn't planned out like the previous seasons. I didn't check to see if new writers came on, but that might be a contributing factor as well. This season is certainly not well thought out and the characters are paper thin.

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For All Mankind: 3x08 The Sands of Ares

They sure do a lot of talking, arguing and fighting for being low on oxygen.

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Exactly, nothing like the writing in the previous seasons. Remember when they told Molly to stop speaking to conserve oxygen? I also laughed at the part where they said they took BOTH MSAMs to the surface and those are their only lifeboat off the surface.

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

I think I must have missed the announcement that there's gonna be one more season after this. I was under the impression that this was the final season, and the super long episodes made me convinced of that even more. I could have sworn I had read that this was supposed to be the end. I watched this entire season thinking the show was coming to an end, and now I've just watched this 2.5 hour long episode thinking it was a series finale, and honestly, I was left feeling very underwhelmed at it. I was thinking "Why haven't they actually wrapped anything up?" then I come on here and read comments to find that there's actually still one more season to go. I guess I'm kinda happy that they're gonna do another season, since that means they'll actually wrap some of this stuff up. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish this was the last season.

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@ragreynolds Cut the last episode of after One dies. Draw your own conclusions about the other minor plot points.

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

Shout by Deleted

The greatest Sci-Fi TV show I ever watched. We will meet again on this ǝpısdn-down roller coaster, but I can't wait years.

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@DulanjaX "Young Adult" Sci-Fi would be a more accurate description.

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

Honestly, it was fine, but it definitely is a build up for the final season and one big cliffhanger. Just wish there were more stakes with people dying etc. Plot armour is strong on this show. Only side characters can die, apparently, main cast always comes back somehow.

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@jamesmcavoy I agree. Max had severed tendons, ruptured blood vessels, shattered bones, massive internal bleeding, and... Apparently now Eleven can just heal you with her telekinesis...err...Super powers. IMO, the show should have ended with the death of One.

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Invasion: 1x09 Full of Stars

Am I stupid, or is that just not how space works? You can't just swim in "it", because there is no "it" to swim "in". It's nothingness, so flailing your arms around won't do shit because there's nothing to push against ... Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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@Alexnader Remember that the last time we saw Hinata, she wasn't wearing a space suit. She is clearly hallucinating or dreaming or something else that will be explained later.

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Yellowstone: 4x01 Half the Money

So where are the rest of the episodes? You show s4x1, but going through the calendar there are no more!

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@Trevskie Season 4 is TBA. For whatever stupid reason, Paramount refuses to make an announcement. Rumors say that there were some last minute reshoots. That would mean it won't be released until at least this fall.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

Shout by jxnxxr

so the first three episodes were for nothing? we're not having a plot with the resistance?

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@rghmf The same with pretty much the entire last season. This feels like lazy writing to me. Easier to write a story with fewer characters.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

Better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

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@tasa24 Better to kill them off than have to write them into the rest of the story.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

on the last scene why not disable lydia and take the car? no keys, learn to hot wire damn it

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@jirona Why not wait for the single driver to approach the rear of the van and ambush him? Why wait this long to kill off 5 main characters? Lazy writing.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

on the last scene why not disable lydia and take the car? no keys, learn to hot wire damn it

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@jIrona I'm not sure where the show is headed, but it just needs to stop already. June was just shown being transported in a prison van and she was restrained. Lydia also said that the handmaids were too few and they put a ton of effort into finding and capturing them. And yet the driver just opens fire on them? This show is getting ridiculous.

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