Outlander: 2x07 Faith

Teaaarss!!!! Teaaarss!!!! I was so moved! Such a well written episode! One of the best of this season thus far.

Although the scenery moved backward and forward, the story was unbelievably coherent. Caitriona Balfe's performance in this episode, from first shot to last was exceptional. Her face was a complete mirror for Claire's inner world, and the drama was tautly written across every tremulous emotion Balfe put on display.

This character's ability to withstand turmoil is incredible, and her resilience and loyalty to be admired. Say what, she is clearly the soul of this show, and Balfe is perfectly cast.

At the end my last thought was, if Randall's been poked in the willie, then how is he supposed to father the lineage that leads to Frank? But the answer is obvious. Mary & Alex.

Ok! Back to Scotland! Hurrah!

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Ghost in the Shell

I first watched this movie with my brother back in 1997, at the beginning of an epic animé phase we both went through that lasted almost two years. It remains, in my opinion, the finest animated film in this genre to date. It's almost prescient in it's examination of philosophical humanity, and the rise of AI. Watching it again, it makes me realise it is the reason why I love robot Sci fi. The only sci fi I love better is Robots in Space.

My brother died last year, and this is the first time I've watched this film in a decade and it made me miss him a great deal. Miss him, and appreciate that this was our 'thing' back when we were young and foolish.

One note: I've watched both Japanese sub-titled and American dubbed versions over the years. While I appreciate the American dub, my favourite still remains the original Japanese language film.

#BeKindToCylons #KeepEmClose

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Outlander: 2x04 La Dame Blanche

Oh I cracked up! This episode had so many funny moments... but now I am truly intrigued by the La Dame Blanche.

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The Ottoman Lieutenant

With a simple story, set against a revisionist history (as the previous commenter pointed out), this film manages to convey a wealth of feeling between the two leads, and a well stretched fabric of supporting performances by Kingsley and Hartnett. Kinda interesting to have Harnett play a bit of twat here, but you know... I get the need for a foil. Not a bad little film, with some gorgeous landscape shots, but the end seemed a tad too pat and predictable for my tastes. Will be watching Hilmar, as she did very well. Final note: The score was not overly emotional but a very constant support throughout the film.

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Me Before You

I didn't expect to be so moved by such a little movie, but with a captivating performance by Emilia Clarke, the witty laugh out loud funny writing, and a heartbreaking but not too clichéd ending, made this film a little overlooked gem.

Sam Claflin acquitted himself nicely, as did the entire supporting cast. Charles Dance and Janet McTeer as Will's parents, were a gelid and steely bonus no matter how secondary their characters were. I liked that they were never positioned in the story as obstacles to anything... Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter's Neville Longbottom) is again, chameleonic in the way he fits himself into characters, and Brendan Coyle (one of my favourites from Downton Abbey) were nicely cast.

However, it is truly Clarke and the screenplay that stand out here. I've never read the book, and probably never will, but I liked the story very much. I also like that it didn't play like a Hallmark movie, and the banter between Clarke and Claflin was well paced and they worked their chemistry very well, right up to the last letter in Paris.

This was a great little film... well worth the watch, just get some Kleenex.

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Game of Thrones: 7x06 Beyond the Wall

I screamed at several points... the tension was beautifully unbearable throughout. Well made, and pitch perfect.

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The Expanse: 1x08 Salvage
The OA: Season 1
The OA: 1x07 Empire of Light

This episode is a bridge. It cements the link between all six of the group, it creates a fundamental break between The OA and her parents, while at first seeming to forge it.

Brit Marling continues to be exceptional in her performance, and in the writing of the screenplay. Although we have no Dastardly Hap to hate, we find ourselves losing some sympathy for Nancy, and gaining immense respect for 'BBA', who not only goes to mat, she puts everything she has on the line for Steve.

Steves breakthrough, while at first seeming to be a betrayal, allows The OA to really shine.

I love seeing the team learn the five movements, and how naturally Steve learns the movements, similar to the way The OA and Homer form a strong understanding around the first two movements.

I am deeply impressed with this show. I understand there are some folks who apparently don't 'get' it. It's ok. Those of us that 'get it', 'get it'. It's just not for you. It's clearly for us.

Exceptional episode, that perfectly preps for the finale.

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The OA: 1x06 Forking Paths
The OA: 1x05 Paradise
The OA: 1x02 New Colossus

Well ok! Now we're getting somewhere.

Although, one could not reasonably expect all the answers in episode two, the second episode rapidly advances the story and we finally start to get a sense of why The OA is so seemingly 'unhinged'.

At last, the 'villain' appears. I am also finding the growing byplay between the characters and their rough sketches interesting as well. We get only a little of that in this episode, but I am curious as to what their role is and why The OA needs them to be there. Brit Marling, who plays The OA, and produced, and mostly wrote, is doing an excellent job of conveying all of this character's many textures. While she appears unhinged, she also appears perfectly calm, resigned, aware and purposeful.

I am absorbed as her five listeners to her unfolding tale, and while there are no bells and whistles, this is a story being told in performance and writing, I am immensely curious as to why Hap's creepy serial killer like self is really about. As weirdness goes, this is not Twin-peakish, but it's certainly weird-as-all-out in a very human kind of way.

On to the next episode.

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The OA: 1x01 Homecoming

There I am, engrossed for nearly an hour in one of the strangest stories I've been told in a while, and THEN I see the open credits appear. That it came at a point in the story where the 'weird' turned up 'extra', I must admit, my jaw dropped for a moment. If for no other reason, I can say, I did not expect that.

For a first episode, this does very little in terms of telling us more than Prairie... my bad, The OA, is... well what is she? I don't think any of us could guess from this first episode. The basic premise as it stands is: Blind girl disappears. Girl reappears with sight. She's tapped into something we can't see, but maybe some people can 'feel'.

The way the narrative is built, the way it engages you in a subtle way... yes, let's watch on and see where this goes, but as of this writing, I cannot guess as to what is happening.

This show is oddly creepy, but at the same time, inspiring.... I'd invoke 'Twin Peaks' but maybe it's too soon for that.

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The Expanse: 1x05 Back to the Butcher
The Expanse: 1x04 CQB
The Expanse: 1x03 Remember the Cant
Travelers: 1x05 Room 101

Despite a flawed script and hit and miss acting, this eight-episode Brazilian series was well executed despite it's tiny budget, the world it created remained convincing throughout. I found myself invested in the characters and their growth. I'm eager to see what happens on Offshore, and how the Cause proceeds from here. The story is what carries this show above its flaws. Season 2 is due next year, and it's my hope a little more budget will inspire the writers to move beyond some of their more obvious tropes.

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Queen Sugar: 1x13 Give Us This Day
Palm Trees in the Snow

Could have been 20 mins. shorter, but it's really well acted, the performances occasionally near sublime. I agree with another commenter, if watching on Netflix, opt for the English subs and let yourself be swept away. Enjoyed this.

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Westworld: 1x07 Trompe L'Oeil

I saw that coming... Bernard was clearly a host from the nature of the conversations he was having with Delores. This was an exceptional piece of story development though.

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Atlanta: 1x10 The Jacket

My boy Earn... progress sometimes looks like a storage locker and $200 extra.

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Westworld: 1x05 Contrapasso

Right now... Delores and Maeve are my girls. I have all the feels for 'em.

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Westworld: 1x02 Chestnut

This show is exquisite... The character development in two episodes has beaten two seasons of anything else I've watched since Battlestar Galactica.

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Underground: 1x07 Cradle

I watched this episode literally in tears for portions of it... this was an amazing, well written, well acted, heartbreaking episode.

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Atlanta: 1x09 Juneteenth

That's the sound of the man, working on the chain gang... #GoVan

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Weeds: 1x04 Fashion of the Christ

Shout by N'Delamiko Bey
BlockedParent2016-10-09T19:11:46Z— updated 2016-10-26T12:00:18Z

The arrival of Andy! This show kicks off at his point of entry...

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Marvel's Luke Cage

A big beautiful bullet-proof Black man in a hoodie is an inspiring thing to watch. Although the storyline takes some paying attention to for its "Falcon Crest-like" twists and turns, this production was well made. Dawson and Colter are what makes the second half of the season 'pop', and the kiss at the end... oh yeah. #coffee. Simone Missick is channeling Angela Basset like a clairvoyant with her facial antics, but other than that this was a solid season. Oh, a word on Theo Rossi and Alfre Woodard's villany: #weirdshade ya'll. #weirdshade

All in all: I am keen to see what happens in Season 2. I am ready for another season. I just finished 13 episodes, and I'm ready for another 13.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 5x12 Bride of Chaotica!

Paris: ...now the vial is sitting on a small pedestal next to the throne.
Janeway: I'll keep an eye out. (salutes) Thanks for the briefing.
Paris: I'll see you at the Fortress of Doom! And remember: You're the Queen!

Star Trek: Voyager: Season 5, Episode 12, "Bride of Chaotica"

I am STILL laughing my ass off and loving this episode. I named one of the makeups from "Quirked" after Janeway's performance in this episode. What a hoot.


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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x14 Message in a Bottle

This episode still cracks me up after all these years. Hilarious! Robert Picardo is BRILLIANT!

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