

Beirut, Lebanon

Attack on Titan: 4x07 Assault
Attack on Titan: 4x24 Pride

“You know… I wished I could stay cooped up in my room, ears shut… but… if I did that… those burned bones would never forgive me…” :broken_heart:

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Attack on Titan: 4x02 Midnight Train

Shout by Tagouga

I loved the scene with Reiner mentioning everyone back at the island. His family expected him to recall the horror of the people there and he tried to do that however he couldn’t really come up with anything terrible to portray them negatively. These episodes really make me feel sad for Reiner and his conflict (which we already saw some glimpses of in previous seasons).

Zeke doesn’t know the truth about his mother? Or was he intentionally hiding it?

So by now, we basically know or have heard of all the Nine Titans:

  • Erin = Founding/Attack Titan (2 in 1)
  • Reiner = Armored Titan
  • Bertholt/Armin = Colossal Titan
  • Annie = Female Titan
  • Zeke = Beast Titan
  • Ymir/Galliard = Jaw Titan (which apparently got an upgrade)
  • Pieck = ? Titan (the titan who carries a box on his back and is always with Zeke - not sure what its name is)
  • Tybur Family = War Hammer Titan (which he haven’t seen yet)
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Shameless: 11x01 This is Chicago!
  • There is always that person who likes to get the pricey stuff when they really can't tell the difference. That is Tami!
  • Frank's made up history speech was great!
  • Can't we get a full season where Ian and Mickey are just happy together? I get that the writers want to create some tension and the money thing works but the whole monogamy conversation? If anyone would choose monogamy it would be Mickey in my opinion. All the character development in previous seasons showed that Mickey is very invested in his relationship with Ian and so it seems out of character that now after they are finally together for good, he would be thinking of sleeping around
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Attack on Titan: 4x17 Judgment
  • Seeing Levi this way hurts!
  • Marley seems to have come fully prepared, even with how little knowledge they have
  • It is great seeing more of the War Hammer Titan’s powers being put to use
  • That ending song & animations are beautiful!
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Attack on Titan: 4x06 The War Hammer Titan
Vikings: 6x11 King of Kings

I really wasn’t a fan of Bjorn during this season, I have no connection to his character, so I really wasn’t moved by his death. I mean it was supposed to be this epic send off but it just dragged for me and it felt very flat. And honestly to say that Bjorn “was even greater than Ragnar”?! How? Yes, he was a beast of a man but I fail to remember any moment where I was really impressed by him or any of his plans/actions. He lacked Ragnar’s greatness. The only thing he succeeded in doing was unite all of Norway on his death bed, and they all answered his summons because he was a son of Ragnar! I feel the show failed to build him up as a truly remarkable character.

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Attack on Titan: 4x01 The Other Side of the Sea

So the season starts with a 4 years time jump and we are seeing things from the other perspective. What we know so far:

  • Zeke and Reiner’s failure to retrieve the founding titan + the loss of Annie (Female Titan) and Bertholt (Colossal Titan) caused nations (like Mid-East) to wage war on Marley (who is using Eldians as their military)
  • Zeke and Reiner are reaching their end (the curse of Ymir) and needs to be replaced by new warriors

The Curse of Ymir is 13 years.. When Eren spoke about it, he had 8 years left, and Armin had 13.. In the last episode of Season 3, we see a time jump but I don’t remember how much so I wonder how many years do they have left with the current time jump as well?

After the big reveal in the last season and the reality of titans, it was sad seeing all those titans being thrown out of the plane to meet their demise. It feels weird to root for Reiner and Zeke in this episode.

Not a big fan of the opening and closing sequences soundtrack.

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Elite: 5x01 I Killed Him
Attack on Titan: 4x16 Above and Below

Shout by Tagouga

  • That first scene was so weird with the titan opening up its stomach and putting Zeke inside
  • Armin getting all emotional after hearing Yelena’s plan was a bit much. Was he faking it?
  • Yelena killing Griez caught me by surprise! I figured she wouldn’t condone what he was saying but I didn’t think she would just shoot him like that
  • I don’t know how Gabi hasn’t lost her mind completely by now
  • That last scene was epic! And of course, they would cut at that exact moment…

I was putting off reading the manga until this season was over (which was initially after this episode) mainly because I wanted to be surprised by the anime. But now that we are getting a part 2 and the fact that it will be in 2022, that is such a long wait so I guess I will be starting the manga and hopefully can make myself stop before reaching the end (and avoid spoilers) just to leave some suspense for the anime.

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Attack on Titan: 4x15 Sole Salvation
Attack on Titan: 4x11 Deceiver

Shout by Tagouga

  • It is so ironic that the girl helping Gabi is the same one who was saved by Sasha and she did so to live up to Sasha’s legacy. It took me a minute to make the connection when she started telling her story and I totally missed that those were Sasha’s parents at the beginning (even though we saw them just a couple of episodes ago).
  • That whole talk with the girl demanding to know what her mother did to deserve such a death was so well done. Gabi kept repeating the one thing that she is constantly being fed by Marley which is that they are responsible for their ancestors’ sins and hence no Eldian is really innocent. I wonder at what point - if any - will her narrative start to change?
  • Marley preparing to wage war when there is a big imbalance in power. They have 3 titans, one of which is not in his best state (Reiner) while Paradis has the Beast, the Colossal, and Eren’s 3-in-1, in addition to the scouts themselves.
  • What was the purpose of Mikasa’s flashback? It seems to accentuate Eren’s violent side?
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Attack on Titan: 4x10 A Sound Argument
  • Historia was on board for becoming a titan however the fact that she went and got pregnant means that Eren probably convinced her of another way to save Paradis (maybe he let her in on the secret plan)
  • The scene of them riding into the sunset arguing about inheriting the titan was such a wholesome moment, which makes their current situation even sadder with them being torn between the Eren they knew back then and the current Eren
  • Levi annoyed at everyone getting so big :joy:
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A Teacher: 1x06 Episode 6
  • I am glad Eric went back to his mom at the end
  • Claire, despite her husband being willing to work with her and resolve this issue, decides to run away with Eric! I am not sure what she thought might happen. I mean, he is a kid, it is not like you're gonna go and build a life together!
  • This show would have benefited more if it had been done as a movie OR as a 3-4 episodes mini-series (with longer episodes obviously)
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Bridgerton: 2x08 The Viscount Who Loved Me
Shameless: 11x09 Survivors
  • Wow, the writers don’t even want to mention the name Fiona at all!
  • Gallavich and Frank’s scenes were the only good parts of the episode. Although since we only have a couple of episodes left, I would have liked to see more of Frank’s interactions with his kids and the aftermath of his diagnosis
  • It seems the writers are determined on making Kevin dumber as the season goes. Since when he was a bad father that couldn’t take care of his daughters??
  • All that buildup and tension between Lip and Debbie was resolved in a second? And suddenly Lip has already a plan set for Liam?
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Shameless: 11x06 Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good....Eh, Screw It

Shout by Tagouga
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-02-16T12:43:21Z— updated 2021-02-20T21:37:11Z

So it is confirmed that Frank has dementia. Frank is such a horrible character, he has done so many inexcusable things throughout the years but I am sure I will be in complete tears as the story progresses. William H. Macy does one hell of a job portraying this character.

Another highlight of the episode was Mickey and his conflict when it comes to his father. I love the way this was handled and how he dealt with it in the end.

I miss old Lip and him actually making smart decisions! And now he wants to sell the house where his siblings live? Even if they each get a cut, why would they want to add “paying rent” to their problems? And what about Liam? Who will he end up with?

It is ironic how Debbie was the one to point out that Carl was actually raped. I hope this means she now understands the gravity of what she did to Franny’s dad (whatever his name was) Just watched the Debbie's Hall of Shame episode and she actually raped her first boyfriend Matt. With Derek (Franny's dad), she lied about being on birth control pills.

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9-1-1: 4x04 9-1-1, What's Your Grievance?

So I'm guessing Maddie's brother died and the family adopted Buck afterwards which is why he has no memory of that kid. Because why would you hide a sibling's death from your child? They had so many years to tell him...

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9-1-1: 4x03 Future Tense

Oh god! I hate things related to the eyes. Had to skip that scene altogether!

So what is the secret related to Buck? My first thought is that he is adopted. However, the fact that Maddie told her mom that Buck was seeing a therapist (which is something he explicitly did not want to do) makes me think there is something more serious going on.

Now for the crossover event, I am usually not a big fan of crossovers especially when I am not watching one of the shows but this one really worked. The 9-1-1 Lone Star episode was great and their team seem like solid characters, I actually enjoyed that one much more than the 9-1-1 episode. I loved the pairing, like-minded people put together. I wouldn’t watch Lone Star (9-1-1 is enough for now) but I wouldn’t mind another crossover when done well.

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Big Sky: 1x06 The Wolves Are Always Out for Blood
  • I am curious to know about Cassie's past and why the shooting affected her as much
  • That funeral scene would have been more impactful had we been attached to the characters
  • How did they know that Cody's car was buried there?
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A Discovery of Witches: 2x10 Episode 10

Ysabeau felt a powerful presence near Sept Tours but only the least reliable person (Marcus) got out to check it. The chateau is filled with daemons, witches, and vampires. They are already aware of the danger lurking around them however they still have no preparations whatsoever. They are basically just sitting idly waiting for Matthew and Diana to come back.

I didn’t like Diana going behind Matthew’s back and giving her blood to Hubbard when Matthew explicitly told her not to! This is bound to make troubles and we see the first glimpse of that when Benjamin Fuchs comes questioning Hubbard. Speaking of Fuchs, is the Oxford blood rage vampire related to him in any way? We got a reveal of the face but it is not someone we recognize, at least I don’t. Are we supposed to have an idea by now who it is?

What is the point of Marcus’ girlfriend? She feels very forced into the story…

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x02 Episode 2

Shout by Tagouga

The episode feels rushed, many characters are introduced but nothing really fully explored. I haven't read the books so I am not sure how much more details it has but for example, the alchemist scene was very quick and I failed to really understand it. How/what caused the snake to come alive?

I am glad Diana got accepted into the witches' covent, it would be interesting to see her full abilities. As for Sato, how do we know she is also special? Was it something specific that was shown in the previous season?

On the other hand, while everything seems to be working for Diana, it is not the case for Matthew who came back a different man and is having trouble fitting into his old role.

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This Is Us: 5x05 A Long Road Home
Bridgerton: 1x06 Swish
A Teacher: 1x09 Episode 9

The SNL skit of this show was great!


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A Teacher: 1x08 Episode 8
  • A round of applause for Nate and his speech at the dinner table :clap_tone1:
  • After everything that happened, Claire agreeing to see Eric! :person_facepalming_tone1::female_sign: Like, how stupid are you?!
  • At this point, I feel like the story is over... I wonder if something unexpected will happen in the last 2 episodes
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The Fall: 3x02 Episode Two

Shout by Tagouga

  • I loved that they addressed the issues of Paul standing outside the vehicle in the forest and him and Anderson not wearing any bullet proof vests. It kind of bugged me in the season finale how convenient this was, but it is good to see that it was being purposely done for the review plot that followed
  • I believe Paul and don't think he is faking it. However, what is the law concerning convicting someone with a memory loss? I mean he still committed the act but does it present a loophole the defense can use?
  • Since he is a murder suspect, it is weird that he is not handcuffed to the bed and there is no officer directly in front of his door
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9-1-1: 7x04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered

I am not sure if they are preparing for Buck and Eddie to be endgame but I like this Buck/Tommy storyline! And he calls him "Evan"!

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Family Secrets: 2x09 Family
  • I was a bit worried when the connection between Turgut Ali and Haluk was revealed but I am glad he ended up being one of the good guys above corruption and whose sole purpose is to maintain justice. I also loved the change in the actor’s facial expressions after the reveal, well played!
  • Why is no one discussing the fact that Burak definitely had an accomplice? The first clue should have been the way the door was closed when they reached the room where the victims were kidnapped. After Burak went in, someone obviously locked the door and put all those things behind it.
  • I loved how everyone came to help our trio but I felt sad that Pars didn’t have any family member present during that moment
  • Eren and Pars on the beach is my favorite scene!
  • The way Merdan chose to kidnap Yekta was so unexpected and hilarious!
  • No Çınar!! Why would you take that gun??!!
  • That ending!!! And Parla dropped something at the scene, hopefully someone cleans that place up!
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Ozark: 4x04 Ace Deuce
  • Wendy just doesn't know when to stop!!
  • I honestly forgot that Ben wasn't actually a drug addict and thought Ruth was pissed because Wendy was lying about him being missing :sweat_smile:
  • The minute that driver opened his mouth, we all knew he was gone
  • Marty relaying that "go fuck yourself" message :joy::joy:
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