Matthew Tedford


Omicron Persei 8

Madame Web

This is the most amazing movie I have ever seen. This is art. This movie will become minimum 10% of my personality from today until the day I die. I walked out of the movie theater a changed man. Some of my favorite moments from the movie:

Dakota Johnson starts off the movie by stealing a taxi. Nobody questions this. She spends the entire movie driving this stolen taxi. She removes the license plates from the taxi to apparently make it more inconspicuous (???). She crashes the taxi into a diner, completely ruining it. She still drives the taxi. No character questions this at all. This has become her car. She then randomly decides to go to PERU (????). She drives the taxi to the airport. Then she drives back home in the taxi. This implies that she parks the stolen taxi, which is beat up, busted, and has no license plates, at the airport for at least a week with nobody asking questions.

Dakota Johnson's sole superpower in this movie is vehicular manslaughter. I am not kidding. The main way she deals with the bad guy is by crashing a big vehicle into him unexpectedly. Not once, but twice in the movie. Also, this bad guy can see the future. And it still happens. Incredible.

This movie is sponsored by Pepsi. Dakota Johnson spends five minutes of the movie trying (and failing) to open the most blue, unblemished can of Pepsi I have ever seen in my life. Five minutes she is just holding this thing, rubbing it, stroking it like a genie, pulling the tab, tapping it. She never opens it.

Also, the villain is defeated when the gigantic neon letter P from the logo on the exploding Pepsi-Co factory falls on him and squishes him to death.

There is not a single line in this movie spoken by the villain that was not ADRed. It's fantastic. He sounds exactly like Tommy Wiseau.

During a dramatic flashback in the movie, we watch Dakota Johnson's mother find out that her child was going to have a disability. But in case any of the viewers are too dull to interpret the literal dialogue that she is saying correctly, Dakota Johnson is providing CONSTANT dialogue in addition to this explaining to the dull viewers exactly what's going on. "But I don't have muscular distrophy..." "So THAT'S why you went to find the spiders." And my personal favorite, "You did it..." The way Dakota Johnson says "You did it" is seared into my brain and will be forever how I say those words from now on. They are just too fucking funny.

Dakota Johnson uses the taxi from earlier to kidnap a bunch of teenagers and decides to leave them in the forest for hours. The teenagers literally say "Maybe you shouldn't be leaving us in a forest like this?" and Dakota is just like "No stay right there, byeeee" and then goes back to NYC in the stolen taxi and cries with her cat about her mom and spiders. Then she gets mad when the teenagers go to a diner to get food because she also left them in the forest without anything to eat and without any way to contact her. In fact the moment a teenager mentioned a cell phone, she immediately threw the cell phone out the window without asking any questions.

This movie is OBSESSED with letting you know that it takes place in the 2000s. Britney Spears' 'Toxic' plays on the radio and the DJ is like "This song is going to be a HUGE hit!" Dakota parks her stolen taxi in front of a Dangerously In Love billboard. Dakota spends 120 seconds anxiously listening to a voicemail message on her ancient home phone to progress the plot.

Dakota Johnson falls into the river and gets hit in the eye with a firecracker (exploding Pepsi factory) and is blinded after she defeats the villain. The girls she's taking care of have to pull her out of the river and perform CPR on her. This exact sequence of events (minus the blinding) happens earlier in the movie.

Dakota Johnson then goes to the hospital. Nurse asks "Oh, is everyone here family?" Dakota Johnson says (with the sappiest smile ever, and with a ridiculous bandage covering her eyes) "Yes, they're mine" and "I have everything I need right here" (blegh)

Then the last five minutes of this movie are the most hilarious five minutes I've ever seen in cinema ever. Everyone in the theater was cackling. I was almost crying from laughter.

Dakota Johnson has the fugliest and most ridiculous pair of sunglasses I have ever seen in my life. There is also this ugly fucking SPIDERWEB WINDOW that apparently got added to her apartment that it is never explained how it got there. Also, SHE IS IN A WHEELCHAIR!!!! Girl is just blind!!!!!! WHY IS SHE IN A WHEELCHAIR????

Well the girls she's watching get back home. Then she does the slowest, funniest, most dramatic and comedic turn around in the wheelchair to face them I have ever seen. And the sunglasses just make it so much worse. By her smile alone you can tell she is finished with this movie and wants her paycheck so she can get the fuck out. Hilarious.

Absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever seen.

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@samwightt I enjoyed your version of the movie more than the actual movie.

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The Acolyte: 1x03 Destiny

Shout by buræquete
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-06-12T09:45:47Z— updated 2024-06-14T06:02:46Z

How does this at all related to the high republic period, we see nothing apart from these witches and stuff, so boring, the chanting part was like some musical, so cringe. Also witches supposed to use magic, not force, this is all wrong.

Good job making Jedi look evil and witches sweet & peaceful, what the actual f? Jedi never took away children without parents consent. Also kids are already too old, why would even Jedi test them, they are not supposed to be eligible at this age, why even bother?

So it was the Jedi who raided the place and burned it to the ground to kidnap the kids hence the guilt is it? What the f? Osha is super traumatized, conflicted, old, and too attached, 10 times worse than Anakin, why go this much effort for those boring twins? ZERO sense

Wookiee Jedi was the only good thing in this whole episode.

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@buraequete Did we watch a completely different episode or something?

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

THIS SHOW IS STARTING TO SUCK REALLLLLLY QUICK! Remove Kwan's side story and every other side story and focus on master chief's story. People watch halo to watch master chief, not all these dumb ass side stories.

Kwan: Take the helmet off, they'll notice you. Kid takes helmet off and holds it. There is no way they can see the helmet when he is holding it....... dumb.

I do not like the "new" cortana. Stop fixing shit that ain't broke.

Unimpressed with the "build up" to the covenant attack. THIS ALL SEEMS SO DAM CHEESY!


Dam Liberal Hollywood has to make every white role an ethnic one. So old!

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You definitely sound like someone that plays Halo

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

How many'll skip it 'n jess wait fur the "R" version this time?

(I'll be... Can't wait!)

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@vwfringe I'm not reading all of that.

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Halo: 2x07 Thermopylae

THERE IS HALO THE GAME.... AND THEN THERE IS WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IS... Apparently just having Master Chief in the story line 33% of the time qualifies it as Halo. Pablo aka the guy who plays Master Chief is just about the only decent actor in this entire series. This show ranks up there Obi Wan for let downs.



What the fuck was the point of adding Perez's story line?


OMG the love story between the blonde and Master Chief is just soooo lame.... She is a terrible actress. WTF IS UP WITH THAT HAIRCUT? Halo continues to be a huge let down to those who played the game.

The new Cortana is still arguably worse then the one in the previous season... She must be the daugther/sister of someone important in Hollywood.

Do we only get to see Master Chief in his suit during the opening credits now? Fuck this show!


The guy who replaced Halsey reminds me of a dick, cause he looks like one....

Kwan's story continues to disappoint and bore all viewers who played the game and we continue to ask, why the does this chick have a story line at all......... TERRIBLE ACTRESS CAN'T CONVEY THAT ENOUGH! I can't stand this bitch


Halsey and Miranda are supposedly these science genius' yet they are taking lessons from Kwan. God I hate the writers of this show.

Halsey, Miranda and Kwan aka "Halo's Angels" (Charlies Angels jab). However at least the Charlies Angels were fun to look at. DUDE... Halsey is supposedly some genius yet she stands on the bridge and almost dies from amazement. Again, fuck you writers....

The only reason i gave this show a shot is because of the game which it bares no resemblance to. There is no reason to continue watching it besides the fact that I am this many episodes in. That is the only reason I continue to watch. The story line, plot, actors/actress, CGI and most everything else about this show completely sucks ass!

I know now that the producers, actors, director, camera guys, etc never played the game Halo and just read the synopsis on the back of the game box. And we have this PoS Halo because of it. Next time play the game, ask the ones who loved the game what they want to see in the show and fuck all those who haven't played the game... STOP CATERING TO EVERYONE HOLLYWOOD!

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@mediacenterkodi There's a game? Like Monopoly?

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What If...?: 2x09 What If... Strange Supreme Intervened?

What if... Screenwriter didn't come up with anything and just made a mess out of fighting characters.

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Who and what did they mess up?

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x01 First Date

no background music for most of the episode and only realistic sounds are used, while it may be correct way to do it. It just removes the FUN out of action and comedy genre of the show and made it into boring documentary.

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There was plenty of background music...

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Well Disney name is equal to stup1d1ty, because they keep trying woke content and expecting to people change his mind and embrace it like a religion and magically buy everything, well I could not make it through the 1st episode, 20s actors playing teens, woke , inclusive max level , no horror, Disney will replace blockbuster company as the most 1d1ot1c, stubborn, bunch of directors who destroy 100 years of history.

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@edgrande Hating on something for being inclusive is a bizarre stance.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

How many'll skip it 'n jess wait fur the "R" version this time?

(I'll be... Can't wait!)

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@vwfringe Why do you write like this?

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The American Society of Magical Negroes

I don't know what's going on with the other comments, I thought it was great!

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@nour1337 Cause you're lying. Body shaming? lol ok kid time for bed.

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The American Society of Magical Negroes

I don't know what's going on with the other comments, I thought it was great!

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@nour1337 What is this reason? I don't think you even understand the language you're trying to use. Tell you what, link the comment, like it, reply to it. Prove I said it or kindly harass someone else troll.

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The American Society of Magical Negroes

I don't know what's going on with the other comments, I thought it was great!

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@nour1337 I'd be concerned you're creeping my comments, but I never said Halo was boring (dumpster fires are very exciting) so :person_shrugging:

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Wow! Totally surprised by it.
They have studied "Dark" really good, the show was truly fantastic. An exception story crafted throught out all the periodes, a very tight script, really they managed to close and give answers to almost everything. This for a Netflix show is a must see for all the timer-traveller fans.
It also managed to do a proper "destroy the loop" and what happens to the characters as perfect as Dark Did. Charles was my favorite, the little girl those only 10 minutes of appearance stole the spotlight. The music was great and the direction was also good.

Of course lets all pray that Netflix will not salvage on the show and realize that this was a mini-series and not give a second season.

So yes about the last 2 minutes, you can skip them so it will not ruin you the story. There are only there in case of netflix's greedy,read it below:

From an article:
It’s a door left open, according to Bodies showrunner Paul Tomalin, simply there to give the story somewhere to go in a potential second series. Should Netflix decide to renew Bodies, then that mini-cliffhanger would be the first step on that journey. in short – they’d finished the story but wanted to justify a potential return if Netflix commissioned one, so it was tacked on

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@great_vc It's odd you left full spoilers about Dark and the loop but hid the vague statement about the cliffhanger

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Under the Bridge

Good show. Sad story. I dont know the real story, but i can see this happening. Unfortunately! You can skip one episode and not miss a thing. Its like they had to just make it longer. Once again, though, hollywood has to put homosexuals in place for no reason whatsoever!

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@westdg77 In your opinion where do you think homosexuals belong?

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The Coffee Table

Was there any need for making this film!? This is so disturbing

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@d10amanfilmy "Was there any of making this film"
What are you trying to say here?

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Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

Over a decade since it was released, and Kill Bill still holds up as one of the best "I've been done wrong, and I shall have my revenge" sagas ever committed to celluloid. With the release of "KB: The Whole Bloody Affair", the viewer is able to enjoy the entire saga in one fell swoop if so desired. As a bonus, this 215 minute version adds some scenes either missing or only alluded to in the original edits.

First up, the opening Klingon proverb, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." is gone and is replaced with a dedication to the late director Kinji Fukasaku (Battle Royale). Then in the O-Ren anime sequence, which was already fairly gory, the young O-Ren's murder of yakuza boss Matsumoto is even bloodier, with a close-up of his stomach and intestines spilling out after she guts him like a hunter does an opening day deer. In the House Of Blue Leaves sword fight against the Crazy 88, which changed to black and white in the original after Beatrix rips out a henchman's eye, here, the entire battle is in shown in color, which amplifies the severity of the carnage with gallons of Karo and red dye number 40 as several dozen limbs are severed and the entire sound stage ends up looking like the vampire club scene in Blade. There are also several different angles and gory shots added into the sequence including a brief, earlier encounter with the young boy Beatrix ends up spanking with her sword. With that addition, her reaction at their second encounter pays off better.

There is also an additional scene with Beatrix and Bill's lawyer Sofie Fatale, which clarifies why she was so broken (if losing one arm wasn't bad enough) when Bill is consoling her in the hospital. And finally, as Beatrix enters Bill's house and finds out what happened to her daughter, its a much better reveal since that reveal hadn't been hinted at as in the original versions.

While recent rumors of a Kill Bill: Volume 3 have yet to be confirmed, there IS a potential path forward as set up in Volume 1. Seeing as Beatrix is hardly an innocent victim. She's an assassin who kills other assassins, including another killer turned mother, as she consolingly tells Vernita Green's little girl, "When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting." She says this knowing there yet may also come a time when she, too, may be taken to account for going beyond "justice", and "balancing the books" in favor of pure and simple revenge.

Uma has said she would work with Quentin Tarantino again if he wrote a great part. Maybe that part could be Kill Bill, Vol. 3. Tarantino has said he will retire after his tenth film and he has already made his ninth, "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", which interestingly, did cast Thurman's daughter in an unspecified role. So what the future holds has yet to be written, but I for one, would look forward to revisiting the deadly viper assassin's world one more time.

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@vwfringe I'm not incompetent and have no use for streaming sites. Also do me a favour and don't think of me or tag me in dumb comments that will likely get you banned.

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Dead Boy Detectives: 1x06 The Case of the Creeping Forest

Wait, why can she see them without her powers?

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@justgeekingby With that logic more than half the human population should be seeing ghosts

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

I tried to like this, but with only 8 episodes there's not a lot to work with. The pacing is way too fast. If the movie didn't exist, this show would be getting all the hate that got.

This season was supposed to be Book 1: Water and Aang didn't even attempt to learn it.

The fact that they combined Jet + Teo and his father + Omashu all into one place is just ridiculous. We're supposed to see Aang and his friends go around the world exploring. There's supposed to be a balance between having fun + trying to focus on being the Avatar.

The show just feels soulless to me. Some of the actors just feel like they're reading off a card, they're way too robotic. We barely get any time to bond with the characters and there's barely any character development. Thanks to Netflix only making 8 episodes.

I really wish the directors or whoever nowadays STOP making shows with only 8-10 episodes a season and then making us wait 2-3 years for the next mediocre/bland season. That's exactly what's going to happen here for seasons 2 and 3.

Overall, this show is disappointing and very rushed. People that haven't watched the cartoon (are there people who haven't??) need to forget this exists and just watch that instead. I have a feeling this is going to be like the Witcher, which Netflix ruined too (which was TRASH).

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Would you have enjoyed this any more if you pretended the anime didn't exist and you weren't comparing it to that?

Also yes, people that haven't watched the anime exist. I am one of them.

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

THIS SHOW IS STARTING TO SUCK REALLLLLLY QUICK! Remove Kwan's side story and every other side story and focus on master chief's story. People watch halo to watch master chief, not all these dumb ass side stories.

Kwan: Take the helmet off, they'll notice you. Kid takes helmet off and holds it. There is no way they can see the helmet when he is holding it....... dumb.

I do not like the "new" cortana. Stop fixing shit that ain't broke.

Unimpressed with the "build up" to the covenant attack. THIS ALL SEEMS SO DAM CHEESY!


Dam Liberal Hollywood has to make every white role an ethnic one. So old!

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@ptknight you definitely own a salt lamp

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Halo: 2x01 Sanctuary

I feel like this show is now suffering from a reduced budget or something.

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@hub3rt Yeah this season just feels cheaper, the cgi, sets, even everyone's makeup.

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Suitable Flesh

I couldn't even finish it. Porn level acting.

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@jroorda I stopped just after it transferred to her, did it get any better?

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Suitable Flesh

I couldn't even finish it. Porn level acting.

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@jroorda I hope you enjoy it

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