

California, USA

The Mandalorian: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Child

what kind of dagger is that ? 1 hit killed a rhino.

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Yeah, that's probably my only real nit with this one. He'd have to know that creature's physiology pretty well to have a decent chance to plant a single killshot with that knife like that, and that seems awfully unlikely. (Maybe if he'd sunk it into an eyesocket.)

But otherwise, the way the battering he received so badly damaged much of his armor and left him clearly exhausted by the time he pulled that knife... Wow.

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

Reply by Thogek

There was only one thing that was missing from the ending - Mando giving Grogu that metal ball he loves.

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LOL. My wife was practically screaming "give him the little metal ball in your pocket" at the TV at that point.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 2x09 Mother of All, Mother of None

Reply by Thogek

Wow. There's a lot to unpack here. What a penultimate episode! Season 3 renewal announcement, come through!

First off...
• LOL at whoever wanted to use their super soldier (Raelle) for a recruitment tour... our very own witch Captain America, love it :joy:
• Goosebumps at the mycelium origin story scene! Way to turn things around, and I think anyone still questioning Alder's intentions especially after the doubts planted by this season would be swayed back into her corner after that (very Season 1 finale feels, actually, so I guess she will always be a complex character); Raelle, of all people, sympathized with her!
• Morrigan's whisper, holy sh---!!!
• And the Rite of Proxy scene. God damn, that was intense!
• No offense to Victor Webster (guy who plays the VP), but I have seen him on a couple of other shows as the bad guy or an unlikeable one, or so I can't help but think that his character here is shady lmao (he has been to me since day 1 lolol). The way he's been all season about his daughter being a witch is sketchy to me. "He's actually a pretty good guy" my ass — if you have to say that about a character, it's almost guaranteed to backfire eventually lol. If the guy that stays behind turns out to be a means to distract or keep tabs from within the Fort, I wouldn't be surprised.

I've seen some reactions where people are genuinely worried that Alder is getting killed off in the next episode but I really don't think so, because if they stick with the decision made here (Petra replacing Alder), I think it would definitely be interesting to see Alder as a "regular" witch/soldier who isn't the Army General (and if there's one thing I've gleaned from Eliot's interviews, this seems right up his alley (hopefully).

In Petra and Alder's words, Alder has lived as the General for so long she's forgotten how to deal with consequences like a human and has made some... questionable decisions to protect the witches (and to some extent, her position). After her dismissal, she would be watching the new General eventually make similar big decisions, and possibly similar mistakes, like she did, but this time as a spectator... either making her introspective and see what she could do differently, or just smug and satisfied like "I told you it wasn't easy" (I wouldn't mind her being petty like that, I probably would be too lol).

I don't doubt that she would eventually try to scramble back into the seat of power (and that she might succeed at one point), but this should be a good arc for her... if she survives. This whole comment would be for naught if she ends up actually dying like people think and I'm a fool lol.

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The way he's been all season about his daughter being a witch is sketchy to me. "He's actually a pretty good guy" my ass — if you have to say that about a character, it's almost guaranteed to backfire eventually...

Something about how he acted while he was saying goodbye to his daughter struck me as driven by more than the day and the moment (even as much as that day had been), and it was one of the first things that came back to mind after that witch plague burst... I've kinda wanted to like the guy so far, but... I have a baaad feeling about this.

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Manifest: 3x10 Compass Calibration

Pretty dumb of Cal to think his mom over-reacted lol.

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Everyone in this show can be a bit overly one-dimensionally motivated at times. Ben's almost berserker-fervence in pursuing callings (which maybe he'll finally absorb now). Angelina's obsessions with fitting in and connecting. Cal's she's-supposed-to-be-here surety. As though no other factors exist, like they've never experienced the complex interactions of life.

Not that that's not necessarily realistic. I see real-life people who behave like this, too. But... sigh.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x09 Blue Crow Waltz

I didn‘t think that Spike is a PoS, but after he shot the running kid: He definitely is.

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You could see the conflict in his face as he tracked her running away, the decision that he just couldn't allow a witness this time, the pain afterwards. I suspect that that (piled atop everything else that'd just happened) is what broke his willingness to stay with the Syndicate (and to "do this any more") at all and pushed him to run.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People

Wrapping it up with the title "Captain America and the Winter Soldier" was a nice touch :)

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Or "Captain America and the White Wolf"?

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Manifest: 3x10 Compass Calibration

god i love how awful the cgi in this show can be

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Agreed. Even when the story does hit its occasional strong strides, the cheapish visual effects can make for some weirdly jarring interruptions.

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Dark: 1x10 Alpha and Omega

When I saw that flying machine in the last scene, I was waiting for Sarah Connor, John Connor and The Terminator to appear literally.

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"Welcome to the future. Come with me if you want to live."

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Dark: 1x08 As You Sow, So You Shall Reap

Shout by Jim G.

Yet another solid outing from start to finish, but did I miss an explanation along the way for how Ulrich was able to go back 66 years instead of just 33?

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I suspect it's because, within the tunnels past the first gate (in the caves), he turned left instead of right.

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Stargirl: 2x06 Summer School: Chapter Six

i don't give the CW much credit, but this was actually a damn good episode and Eclipso looks great, comic book accurate for once. can somebody please tell me why Beth is a member of the team, she is literally useless and adds nothing, she is a liability

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I'm thinking Beth is pretty useful when she fully connects with the goggles, but far less so when the goggles aren't working so well; made it seem recklessly dangerous to have her there at all this time.

OTOH, she is the one who found Mike.

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Superman & Lois: 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?

Interesting twist, or further back story to the iconic character…..was great bringing Kal-El’s mothers consciousness into the mix, added more unexpected history.

Only have one question, did I miss them say a short distance shockwave? as Morgan Edge’s assistant, Leslie Larr, seemed to be unaffected

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Yeah, good question. I suspect that she's simply been Kryptonian-fused much longer than the others, longer enough that her transfer has probably been fully complete for some time already.

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Superman & Lois: 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?

How did all those people fall all that way and survive after being made back into humans at such height? :rofl:

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Yeeaaahh. I can think of some possible explanations (such as they become disoriented and fell right away but their powers took a little longer to fully disappear), but it would have been good to include a line or two at least acknowledging that question.

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Titans: 2x11 E.L._.O.

Did mansplain really have to be a line this week ? :rolling_eyes:.

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That did feel kinda forced, like "I don't like what he's saying, so I'm just gonna dismiss everything he said because he's male." (Then again, it could just be a clumsy grasp 'cause she's clearly not feeling well and now all this.)

Now, if she'd said "batsplaining", that'd be different. :-)

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Doom Patrol: 3x03 Dead Patrol

Reply by Thogek

Spinoff series of the Dead Boy Detectives is in production. Much as I love this series I felt the pacing of this episode was a bit slow.

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I'm oddly curious...

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Doom Patrol: 1x10 Hair Patrol

Reply by Thogek

Who comes up with that kind of crazy shit????

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It seems the show took some weird liberties extending the original DC Beard Hunter into... weirdness.

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The Mandalorian: 1x07 Chapter 7: The Reckoning

Reply by Thogek

Why in the hell did they waste so much screen time telling the story of how the damn battle droid became a household droid? It had better come back to save the baby yoda looking thing. Otherwise, I can't emphasize enough how useless of a rant that was. Also, I'm disappointed to not see the ground defenses on that spaceship. Maybe next episode.

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Yeah, I'd like to think that IG-11 should have a good part in the next episode.

Then again, that makes me wonder why Kuiil didn't (couldn't?) call IG-11 out of the ship to help defend against the oncoming troopers.

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Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Reply by Thogek

Really CW? You're going to do Luke like that?!

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It also could be a way to open up a story-path that leads to the emergence of Batwing and Menace. (Hope hope hope.)

Wherever they are indeed going with this, it seems we'll have to wait a few weeks to find out anything more at all...

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Titans: 2x11 E.L._.O.

Reply by Thogek

Better. Apparently Bruce is God.

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Not just God. He's Batgod. ;-)
(Maybe he and Camazotz should get together and go bowling.)

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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Hunter Rambo? Yeah, kinda.
And Tech, when he has his full helmet and gear on, looks just a bit like Ant-Man.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x05 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist

Guessing we are going more Bill and Ted now...

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I'm almost kinda waiting for the episode titled "Nate and Z's Excellent Adventure".

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The Blacklist: 8x22 Konets

Shout by Pedro

wow what an ending ! :o was this show or season finale?

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A ninth season is planned and has been approved and ordered by NBC.

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Batwoman: 2x07 It's Best You Stop Digging

So Alice was held captive on an island when everybody thought she was drowned to dead, she learned to fight there and kinda gained superstrength. There is also some miracuru.. I mean miracle flower there. We get to see this with flashbacks bit by bit. Anybody watched Arrow yet?

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And someone named Ocean. Or Shado. Or something with five letters.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x14 There Will Be Brood

Reply by Thogek

So the Fountain of Imperium is sort of a cousin to the Mycelium? Iiinteresting...

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LOL. Or turn up on the night of Samhain and just butt into someone else's visitation, being his old Johnny self. :wink:

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Stargirl: 2x04 Summer School: Chapter Four

Reply by Thogek

Aaaaand the parents are idiots - again.

There are many things you can protect people from - the truth is not among them, sooner or later it always surfaces - no matter how deep you bury it (especially in TV Shows).
The only thing you're doing is planting a seed of misstrust.

Also: Not having all the information could actually put Courtney at risk, acting on faulty/incomplete information - so while they both ain't idiots, somehow they think that her feelings are worth more than her life? Find the flaw...

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Yeeaaahh. While I totally get their intention to protect (and thus I can believe that someones in their parentally concerned position might make that decision), I find it difficult to see a likely future in which this information doesn't eventually come out in some (potentially more painful) manner anyway. And they've already seen how that kind of thing can so easily and dangerously backfire, especially with someone as recklessly bold as Courtney can be.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x13 Infested

Reply by Thogek

Did anyone else recognize the “homage” to Lord of the Rings with the flashlight falling down the hole?

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I did have a bit of a "You stupid Took!" moment just then.

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Supergirl: 6x07 Fear Knot

Reply by Thogek

Do the Phantoms remind anyone else of Marvel Skrulls?

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Dementors in Skrull clothing?
That swarm ships like Mynocks?

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The Flash: 7x13 Masquerade

Reply by Thogek

What happened to Joe and Cecile baby?

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Didn't one of them say near the beginning that one of their mothers was watching the kid?

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Manifest: 3x02 Deadhead

Reply by Thogek

I recognise that young lady who had the 'scary' visions, I cannot remember where. I don't want to Google it. Clues please?

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On this Trakt page here, scroll up to the row of headshot photos under "Actors: Season Regulars", scroll the photo row itself side-by-side until you see her face ("Holly Taylor / Angelina Meyer"), click on that face, and an info page about that actress should load.

Looks like she's worked on a few things other than Manifest.

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Manifest: 3x04 Tailspin

Reply by Thogek

I don't think that "clock" was a scoreboard, to me the first thing I thought is more likely right, a timer. A timer that is counting down, as in a bomb, and the Brothers are running for their lives because it's about to blow.

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It struck me as a countdown timer telling the guys that they're out of time (death date?) and sorely need to hurry, in a visual form suggestive of football scoreboard's time-left-in-quarter countdown (to those familiar with such a thing, as these guys would be) to hint at where they should look.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x20 Death Trap

Reply by Thogek

I just can't believe that Boba managed to take down an entire cruiser mostly by himself lol

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A little too simply, perhaps, but... very Fett.

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