

California, USA

Black Lightning: 3x03 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three: Agent Odell's Pipe-Dream

There is obviously quite a bit going on, much of it stemming from Odell's manipulative mind. Never quite sure what to trust, or how the various pieces really fit together, but definitely fascinated to find out.

The new suit looks pretty damn cool, except that it still glows in the dark (how's he supposed to sneak up on anyone glowing like that?), and who knows what other goodies are embedded in that magical watch?

Oh, and, after watching the way he appears and speaks and presents for awhile now, my wife is now convinced that Odell is somehow related to Droopy the Dog. (Hmm. How exactly would Odell look and sound saying "I'm happy"?)

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Pennyworth: 1x10 Marianne Faithfull

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-10-02T03:44:40Z— updated 2019-10-08T04:03:20Z

Some good stuff, a lotta crazy stuff, fun overall. Except... How the heck does that one small bomb do that much damage throughout that huge house? I think someone went rather overboard, there. But otherwise...

Making everyone's favorite butler out to be a serious national action hero in his youth, it seems.

Curious what they'll do with a second season if they get one.

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Emergence: 1x01 Pilot

So far I'm thinking some sort of Dark Angel meets Blindspot mix, but...

If nothing else, I'm pretty impressed by the performances and very curious where this'll go.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

Something about MJ standing firm, wielding that mace, seems worthy of an approving I-like-this-one look from Thor.

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The Flash: 5x18 Godspeed

Barry still has some serious mad trigger rage issues when it comes to anything to do with mom-killer Eobard Thawne, doesn't he?

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Supergirl: 4x15 O Brother, Where Art Thou?

One of the more interesting and fun episodes of late, IMO. Although that "Miss Teschmacher!" moment... damn...

My only real quibbles:

Why does the Department of Corrections hire and pay such morons? Especially the five near the helicopter, as they came running in near the end, after they must have seen what happened to the three near the door. They should have been shooting on sight from where they were. But, no. Run forward into the traps, you fools. Sigh. That scene could have been just as Lex-outsmarts-everyone impressive if those officers hadn't been idiots.

And when will J'onn realize that not everything has to be so abolutely one or the other? We are all a mix of both, light and dark, peace and violence, etc. Even a man of peace occasionally has to defend peace; that doesn't make him any less a man of peace.

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Gotham: 5x04 Legend of Dark Knight: Ruin

Given that, in the comics, Barbara Gordon is the name of Jim Gordon's daughter, I've often wondered if Gotham's Barbara would someday die doing something unexpectedly heroic, inspiring Jim's future use of her name. That's seemed unlikely for quite awhile now, but... now... maybe?

Gotham has certainly done far wackier than that, so far, so... who knows?

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Arrow: 7x10 My Name Is Emiko Queen

The whole Emiko Queen storyline direction is interesting, if perhaps feeling a bit recycled—albeit fairly consistent with the comics origin of that name, so... okay.

That new direction's execution (acting, direction, scene blocking) in this episode—especially around Emiko herself—however, was consistently terrible, as though the directors/producers just didn't care about the experience this time around.

Sigh. And hope...

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Gotham: 5x01 Legend of Dark Knight: Year Zero

Quite an opener into Gotham's nadir, and the hints at what refined madnesses will eventually crawl out of such a crucible...

My only complaint: given that everyone knows some degree of the situation in Gotham, who decided that flying that chopper into the city at low between-the-buildings altitude was any sort of a good idea? I would have been shocked if someone hadn't taken a shot at knocking down such a valuable and accessible target. Both Bruce (in his request and instructions) and whoever piloted that chopper should have known much much better than that.

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Arrow: 7x09 Elseworlds (II)

Earth-90 Barry Allen: Hello, John. You're not wearing your ring. Things must be different here.

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The Last Ship: 5x06 Air Drop

Kinda waiting for Hector's super-slo-mo epiphany to complete and push him to turn on Gustavo...

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Krypton: 1x10 The Phantom Zone

Obviously, there's more coming next season, and we'll probably see Seg-El somehow returned from the Phantom Zone at some point (and the struggle to keep Brainiac from returning with him?), but... I have to wonder... Will the house of El eventually rise while the house of Vex crumbles, and little Cor-Vex finds himself renamed somewhen along the way to, perhaps, Zor-El or Jor-El?

So many weird possibilities to ponder...

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Krypton: 1x06 Civil Wars

Damn. I can't believe that in all that time I didn't place the Voice of Riario. Niiice.

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Blindspot: 3x22 In Memory

There was some good stuff in there, but it also felt as though someone was trying too hard to pack the season finale with WTFs. The result felt... a bit jumbled...

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Blindspot: 3x09 Hot Burning Flames

I was starting to get a little encouraged by slow improvement over the last few episodes. The few two episodes of this season were far too rough, chopped together, sloppy. The last two were actually pretty decent, IMO. But this one was far too rough, chopped together, sloppy... Sigh.

Too much of Season Three so far is looking like a caricature of the first two seasons.

I heard that NBC has ordered a Season Four of Blindspot. Does that mean that Season Three does get significantly better somewhere along the way, or have NBC (who has never really been shy about canceling even good shows) dropped its expectations a bit much?

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Timeless: 2x04 The Salem Witch Hunt

The adventures are great, but...

These reckless changes to history -- saving not only the one who shouldn't have died but the other eight, as well? -- can have significant effects on the present, and I hope that they at least get recognized and treated beyond a few vocabulary changes ("what's a 'witch hunt'?").

And... I thought Rittenhouse would be going for precise surgical changes to carve out the history they want. Preventing the birth of Benjamin Franklin would result in massive changes of many sorts, well beyond his influences on speaking out against authority; there's nothing very surgical or precise about that. If they wanted to curb the First Amendment, I'm sure they could have found a much more precise way to do just that...

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The Flash: 4x22 Think Fast

Barry: Imma go get John Diggle and ask him.
Cisco: Quick, grab a bucket.

See? Someone's paying attention.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x10 Past Life

"I always knew that working with you guys was going to blow up in my face, but it's about to get literal!" —Deke Shaw

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Black Lightning: 1x03 Lawanda: The Book of Burial

Wherein Anissa Pierce discovers that it's not so easy to just step into being the next The Hood without first being forged into someone else, something else, by, for example, spending five years in hell...

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Lethal Weapon: 2x07 Birdwatching

Lots o' great stuff in this one from nearly all directions, except... is some sort of Force of Idiocy growing inside of Roger's brain this season?

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Supergirl: 3x05 Damage

It does seem as though every time I see Adrian Pasdar, he's playing a bigger eviller jerk than last time, and increasingly convincingly so. Nathan Petrelli (Heroes), Glenn Talbot (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Nolan Burgess (Colony), Morgan Edge (Supergirl). Almost like he's refining... something...

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The Flash: 4x01 The Flash Reborn

Like many others, I had fun watching the return of Team Kid Flash-- no, Team Vibe-- no, Team... oh, nevermind.


Barry's return and recovery really should have taken at least three episodes. This way it feels much too... simple. Disrespected, even.

It took an entire season to figure out and defeat Savitar, but just toss one Samaroid into the city and--poof--Cisco extracts scatter-brained Barry and Iris puts herself in immediate danger and--poof--Barry quickly descatters and saves her. Clearly, Barry's six months in Speed Force Prison was a piece of cake compares to the Savitar Crisis...

I hope, at least, that we haven't simply poofed all the effects of the six-month Speed Force Solitary away like that, that we'll be seeing interesting effects pop up for awhile. Even if they have to be prodded along by our new Thinker...

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Designated Survivor: 2x03 Outbreak

So, aside from all the questions about whether this show is leaning more crisis-of-the-week than the original story that gave it life...

The whole trail that Agent Wells is compelling down has found some quirky developments that beg the question of what the heck Lloyd was setting them after -- is he simply setting up for a Presidential scandal to toss the White House into turmoil again? what's the point now? -- but even then... Who the hell set that bomb in the medical records facility, and shouldn't Agent Wells and the others be all over where the hell that weirdly coincident explosion came from? Feels a little too much like "Oh, damm; guess we can't search for those records, what else have we got?" Uhhh... Hopefully that'll come back around in future episodes. It just feels like it could have used a line in there somewhere recognizing the WTFness of that explosion...

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The Last Ship: 4x04 Nostos

Hmm. I have to wonder if Omar will now be redirecting his seemingly endless supply of ready-to-die morons.

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Timeless: 1x13 Karma Chameleon

After all that, I now have to wonder... Did Flynn lie to Wyatt about who killed Jessica (and Gilliam was just taking an opportunity to mess with Wyatt), or was Flynn trying to show Wyatt something more insidious (and very not-yet-obvious) about Rittenhouse's machinations, or...

Or perhaps Time just doesn't like to be forced into a paradox -- such as Wyatt going back in time to erase the event that formed his motivation to go back in time -- and so has a tendency to Nudge Things in ways that will keep paradoxes from forming, like the barrage of occurrences repeatedly getting in Wyatt's way of distracting Claire and Joel, something else killing Jessica that night to take the place of Gilliam doing so, etc..

And Lucy getting over her own personal "Nooooo! That's not True! That's impossible!" moment and confronting her father like that...

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Stitchers: 3x01 Out of the Shadows

Fun, and good to see the gang back, but...

Did it feel like a rather lot was resolved awfully quickly and simply? Almost feels like the writers changed their minds about where they wanted to go between the end of season two and the beginning of season three, and so [a little too] quickly wiped things clean so as to redirect. Maybe not, maybe it's just plain old sloppy writing. Either way, hope the season's plot improves from there...

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The Blacklist: 4x16 Dembe Zuma

Redd just keeps unfolding new ways to mess up his own world, doesn't he?
(Knew that was coming back to him in some form; looks like it ain't gonna be a small one.)

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The Leftovers: 3x07 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

So much depth of portrayal, all to support and frame the core realizations of the episode which can be summed up with:
"We fucked up with Nora.
"Take this thing out of me." "Why?" So that we can never come back to this place again."

This seemed more like a final redemption and righting of Kevin himself than it did of the world-threat Dad believed was coming. (I suppose the implication afterwards is that there was no eventful significance to the seven-year anniversary after all.)

In that sense, this episode also bookends very nicely with the next...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x21 The Return

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-30T04:23:10Z— updated 2017-06-06T05:33:49Z

[after watching a short film depicting the newly supercharged I'm-a-real-girl-now Aida learning that Fitz still isn't that into her and having the mother of all meltdown tantrums turning her onto her new everyone-will-burn path]

And this, kids, is why we never allow inhuman children to go through the Terrigen Mist process before they have accumulated significant formative experience learning to deal with the ups and downs of life. Ever. Right, Agent May?

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Supergirl: 2x21 Resist

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2017-05-28T04:28:53Z— updated 2017-06-25T20:10:03Z

Oh, and, after Cat's rousing fight-back speech to the whole of National City, did anyone else feel flashes of last year's fight-back speech in Star City that led to the taking down of Damien Darhk?

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