

California, USA

The Magicians: 5x10 Purgatory

Mar-GoPro? Heh. Gotta love the odd cultural cross-overs.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x03 Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me

That new title-intro is certainly different. And kinda weird. And I like it. Weirdly.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x05 All Souled Out

Did we just see the proto-beginning of Heroes for Hire?

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Good Omens: 1x06 The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives

Now that was The Ultimate Odd Couple Saves the World (and Each Other).

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x01 Steps Into Shadow

Good tough start to follow last season's cliffhanger.

I do wish that the Stormtroopers weren't always portrayed as hosing great splays of blasterfire and still utterly unable to hit any actual target (at least come up with some reasons why these professionally trained too-accurate-for-sand-people soldiers still miss every single shot).

But other than all that, good stuff. And wondering if we're gonna see more hints of A New Hope comin'.

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The Leftovers: 3x05 It's a Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt World

Every season needs one Matt-centered episode. Filled with a dizzying mix of utter wackiness and seeming arbitrariness, but with that stubborn thread of persistent-if-evolving Purpose almost guiding him through to... somewhere...

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Doom Patrol: 2x05 Finger Patrol

Hmm. Let's let two superpowered but very emotionally and socially immature children play completely unsupervised for a couple of days. What could go wrong?

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The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos

Poor Radovid looked like he was having one hell of a panic attack there at the end.

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The Flash: 9x06 The Good, the Bad and the Lucky

I like seeing occasional episodes that focus on various other characters, but this...

This felt like the writers took a genuinely interesting story-concept idea and tossed together some quick and sloppy story around it. There were some good bits in there, but most of it was... disappointing.

I was actually encouraged by the first four episodes of this season; still not as good as Superman & Lois, but certainly easily better than much of The Flash's recent seasons. Then... sigh.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x09 743

As weirdly entertaining as the whole Five-vs-Five thing was to watch...

Would it have worked (and been much simpler) to never contact fourteen-days-ago Five but instead to quietly stalk him until he, as he did before, dropped his mission and briefcase to transport himself back to 2019, and then grab the briefcase he left behind? As it turns out, this seems like it'd have cost them the same amount of time and a lot less risk...

Other than that, fun and crazy entertainment as always...

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Blindspot: 5x08 Ghost Train

Given how Patterson clearly knows those bunker tunnels better than anyone and has clearly planned a series of discovery contingencies, I have to wonder if her sad "I'm sorry"s through the closed-door window were about having failed everyone (as it seemed to suggest) or about having to leave everyone behind and captured while she slipped out yet another way from under all that fiery doom. Wishful thinking, perhaps, especially near the end of the series when writers are most likely to give some characters heroic ends, but... maybe...

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Titans: 3x09 Souls

Okay, so the world of the lands surrounding that Stygian railroad weren't as thoroughly thoughtfully fleshed out as I'd've liked. But, it was a nice way for Donna and Tim to meet and return, and it gave us a last (and better) goodbye for Hank.

And for everyone mad that Hank didn't get his return, consider: Donna and Tim woke up in the bodies they'd left behind: how would that have worked out for Hank? :-(

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The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

"With all due respect, Madame, where are you going with this?"
"Wherever I goddamn like!”

"Whoever the fuck you are, stand down and let her speak."

Yup. Gotta love Chrisjen Avasarala more and more all the time.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x12 Too Legit To Quit

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-02-24T22:49:36Z— updated 2022-02-28T22:16:06Z

"We are chaotic."
"But Chaotic Good."
Indeed. :dagger_knife::dragon:

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x08 Legends of To-Meow-Meow

Taking "screwing things up for the better" to a whole new wormhole x-treme.

Ever so oddly—paradoxically, perhaps?—Legends of Tomorrow seems to perform at its best when it goes full-out timey-wimey wacko.

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The Expanse: 4x09 Saeculum

I had forgotten how much I missed ProtoMiller. Daaamn.

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Orphan Black: 5x02 Clutch of Greed

Gaahhh! MK! Dammit. In some ways, she basically pulled a Beth: suddenly just couldn't take it any more, and found a train named Ferdinand to throw herself in front of. But still... Dammit. Would like to have seen more of and from her before she went and did something like that... Sigh.

Even so, I'm kinda hoping that, somewhere down the line, we'll find out that MK left some sort of surprise running on some computer server somewhere that'll suddenly spit out valuable information or crash some big neo network at just the right time... Ah, well. I can hope, at least.

And maybe we'll get lucky and Ferdinand will go the way of Aldous Leekie.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x16 The Lawless

Definitely got the impression that Sidious was very much enjoying this (then quite rare) opportunity to flex.

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Arrow: 7x16 Star City 2040

Between her intense training from childhood by no less than Nyssa (now that was a surprise) to that "this is going to be fun" fight (albeit clumsily led into), I couldn't help thinking for a moment of Mia as future Star City's own Hanna (if not quite as realistically so).

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Designated Survivor: 2x14 In the Dark

Mostly enjoyed it overall, but...

That nonsensical technobabble about how Chuck finally figured out how to end the blackout was complete gobbledegook. Please, writers, learn a little about your subject before you go waving your magic story wands like that.

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Good Omens: 2x03 Chapter 3: I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists

Muriel is so oddly adorable in her utter cluelessness.

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Willow: 1x08 Children of the Wyrm

The story/plot overall was good enough to be fun, but not especially good.

But this show really does know how to have loads of fun with its characters.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x08 Paranoid Android

And so,
following a brief bout of discovery and resistance,
gets her invitation renewed
to remain
in the Twilight Zone

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x14 There Will Be Brood

So the Fountain of Imperium is sort of a cousin to the Mycelium? Iiinteresting...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x07 Back to the Finale: Part II

As fun as all of that was, who else thinks that not hovering a while to search for Kayla (before blasting away into space) is going to come back and bite them later?

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x05 Tipping Points

Best line:
"Oh, look at the time!" —Hondo Ohnaka

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x02 Meat: The Legends

Nice seeing that brief cameo-moment of original-timeline Zari. I hope we get to see more of she who was the center of one of the best time-loop episodes ever.

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x05 AKA I Wish

C'mon, Jess, you know not to touch evidence like that. DNA? Fingerprints? Evil genius booby traps?

Otherwise... iiinterestinger...

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Gotham: 4x09 A Dark Knight: Let Them Eat Pie

Did anyone else wonder what Pyg was really up to here, what his point was? No cameras to publicize and expose the rich's eating of the poor? No poisons in the pies to punish the rich? Did he really think that he'd be teaching these rich a lesson that they'd actually take to heart? What was the point? Just seems inconsistent with his earlier intentions to actually clean up Gotham's corruption. And who else was surprised that Pyg seemed trying to kill Jim, the one GCPD officer he actually respected? I get the desperation of escaping capture, but...

Oddly, it ending up being a good thing that Oswald left that one knife in the odd place that he did... :-O

Other than those niggling bits, great episode. So many threads winding their wiggly ways all over Gotham, I'm sure to eventually collide in myriad interesting ways...a

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x07 Felling Tree with Roots

Wow. Something about being a Marvel TV character named Ward just really screws a guy up, doesn't it?

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