

California, USA

The Expanse: 4x09 Saeculum

I had forgotten how much I missed ProtoMiller. Daaamn.

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The Boys: 3x06 Herogasm

The opening warning-disclaimer has to have been the awesomest warning-label writing I've ever seen.

And that's just the moment opening into an episode thoroughly jammed with individual plotline advancements and interconnections, all leading up to that fight and that speech...

Well done. And only two episodes to go...

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Why do I now kinda feel like the line "You want a war?" was a foreshadowing of the later shift in cancellation-disappointed Sense8 fans' attitudes toward Netflix...? :-(

Efforts like might have something to do with that, too. Sigh.

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Sense8: 2x11 You Want a War?

Yes, Joong-Ki, your sister is a Terminator. And she will. Not. Stop. Until you are Cluster-fucked.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x16 The Lawless

Definitely got the impression that Sidious was very much enjoying this (then quite rare) opportunity to flex.

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Sense8: 2x01 Happy F*cking New Year

Wow. Just... wow.

I think the mind-boggling depth of them all being (what appeared to be) fully "present" at several different birthday parties at once was what impressed my poor struggling brain the most. But there was so much else. The varied real personal struggles of each of Will, Lito, Sun, Kala, Wolfgang,... and the way they keep growing more fluent with their connections, keep showing up for each other...

Okay, yeah, the sex-visuals were arguably a bit much, IMO, but those weird virtual-orgy-esque crossovers are completely consistent with the growing connections (and blurring boundaries?) between the cluster-members, so...

Did I mention wow?

Looking forward to how these struggles all proceed, and what the cluster does about Whispers -- did Riley's flickering eyes look like she was chasing the beginnings of an idea? -- when episodes resume...

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

Leon must be the mostly weirdly interesting individual.

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Mr. Robot: 3x02 eps3.1_undo.gz

Oddly enough, I rather enjoyed Elliot's unusual take on How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying.

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The Magicians: 5x10 Purgatory

Mar-GoPro? Heh. Gotta love the odd cultural cross-overs.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x13 The Whirlwind


"I know who you are. You are the whirlwind." —John Pilgrim

"Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind; it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked." —Jeremiah 23:19

"Damn right." —Frank Castle

Thank you, Jon Bernthal, for bringing to such life the Frank "The Punisher" Castle we will all remember.

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Colony: 2x09 Tamam Shud

I've grown used to expecting Will Bowman to go into full blown family-protection mode and start dropping bodies of anyone and everyone threatening his family, but there's something entirely different about seeing Katie Bowman do the same. Wwoooww.

That and, I gotta say, I was not-that-unpleasantly surprised to see Bob get a true gut-feel for the pain he's been inflicting on others. Not that he'll take it as a hint of any such thing, of course. But still...

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

Hmm. So how much of the Dark Army Minions' willingness to die for the cause is fueled by their belief that White Rose will bring them back once the mission is complete?

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-01-07T04:41:00Z— updated 2022-01-23T05:46:25Z

So, basically, Tannhaus created the break, Jonas/Adam and Martha/Eva perpetuated it, and everyone else suffered through this ultimate twist on Greek tragedy, all until Claudia finally figured out where the original break was. And we all felt our brains stretched and twisted trying to follow all of the convolutions that a bunch of time-traveling breaks and perpetuations would cause, despite what all the other time-travel stories have told us.

Interesting at the end to see some of who would still have existed without all the mad timeloop feedback yarnballing the family trees (and thinking through why they're still there and others aren't), and that Hannah would be the one to somehow Kenobi-sense the millions of voices crying out in release...


There was probably no way to wrap up all of that interwoven complexity in a way that would make all viewers happy, but I'm at least satisfied that this wrap-up make some sense and tied (so to speak) up the loose ends, despite the loss of some characters that will now never be. Well done.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x09 743

As weirdly entertaining as the whole Five-vs-Five thing was to watch...

Would it have worked (and been much simpler) to never contact fourteen-days-ago Five but instead to quietly stalk him until he, as he did before, dropped his mission and briefcase to transport himself back to 2019, and then grab the briefcase he left behind? As it turns out, this seems like it'd have cost them the same amount of time and a lot less risk...

Other than that, fun and crazy entertainment as always...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x04 Out of the Past

Also, nice reference with the episode title, "Out of the Past", a 1947 film-noir crime drama movie...

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Krypton: 1x08 Savage Night

Lots to like about this one. Things coming together, things splintering apart.

One gripe: Of all people, Primus Jayna-Zod should know that if the paramount objective is to kill that one lead figure, then you don't stop at one shot on him, however fatal the result may look. You keep firing. Against an enemy like this one, you keep firing until there's nothing left. But, oh, well. Aside from that...

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The Magicians: 3x05 A Life in the Day

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2018-06-10T03:12:40Z— updated 2018-08-07T16:18:13Z

Thank God for pause-buttons, because...

Messenger Bunny 1: At castle, getting married.
Eliot (to Quentin): Does that sound like Margo to you?
Messenger Bunny 2: Need help now, dickwads.
Eliot: Definitely Bambi.


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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Man, every puffed-up local mini-lord that tries to prey on the passing-through Joelorian and his charge just get destroyed, don't they?

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

The deadliest flashdance ever. (Daayam.)

And that hint of it's-going-to-be-okay smile emerging at the very end, as he finds the sorely missed taste of supportive family among the power of the dark side...

"Now, matters are worse." —Yoda

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Daaamn. I was really growing to like Alex, too, but... sigh... The risks of trying to recruit from that volatile mix of assorted desperates into what they're trying to do... I can't even imagine.

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The Boys: 3x03 Barbary Coast

Oh, poor Timothy... :-(

And Starlight's hidden fist-clench... damn.

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24: 5x06 Day 5: 12:00 P.M.-1:00 P.M.

Jack Bauer is a scary MacGyver of emergency enhanced interrogation tactics.

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption

Did anyone else kinda-sorta want to hear IG-11, somewhere along the way, say "Come with me if you want to live."? ;-)

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Travelers: 1x05 Room 101

Naming an episode such as this after that Orwell 1984 reference... Oddly fitting.

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The Flash: 6x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three (III)

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-12-15T21:08:55Z— updated 2019-12-18T15:58:29Z

Just wondering: Would anyone consider declaring that one of the seven Paragons needed to save the multiverse is a Paragon of Humanity to be just a little uninclusive toward our just-as-threatened non-human friends? (Coluans, Daxamites, Dominators, Kryptonians, Martians, Thanagarians, etc.)

It'd've been particularly amusing to see the Queen Dominator (whom we once saw visit Earth 1 looking for her baby who eight-year-old Ray had named Gumball) show up to help...

IAC, otherwise, good stuff. Little things to pick on here and there but, mostly, as promised, the best Arrowverse crossover yet.

And, now, with the possibility of Spectre-Oliver...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x10 Past Life

"I always knew that working with you guys was going to blow up in my face, but it's about to get literal!" —Deke Shaw

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Titans: 3x09 Souls

Okay, so the world of the lands surrounding that Stygian railroad weren't as thoroughly thoughtfully fleshed out as I'd've liked. But, it was a nice way for Donna and Tim to meet and return, and it gave us a last (and better) goodbye for Hank.

And for everyone mad that Hank didn't get his return, consider: Donna and Tim woke up in the bodies they'd left behind: how would that have worked out for Hank? :-(

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Good Omens: 1x06 The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives

Now that was The Ultimate Odd Couple Saves the World (and Each Other).

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 4x08 Legends of To-Meow-Meow

Taking "screwing things up for the better" to a whole new wormhole x-treme.

Ever so oddly—paradoxically, perhaps?—Legends of Tomorrow seems to perform at its best when it goes full-out timey-wimey wacko.

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Good Omens: 2x03 Chapter 3: I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists

Muriel is so oddly adorable in her utter cluelessness.

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