

California, USA

In the Dark: 4x13 Please Shine Down on Me

The whole time, I was thinking that one call to Gene and/or Sara expressing concern that the call warning Jimmy about the sting might have come from Josh (which Gene or Sara could then easily find out), and just sit back and let Josh experience the same arrest-and-trial and blind-jail-prisoner hell he was so determined to see Murphy get. Much easier, much more poetically appropriate.

But instead...

Not at all what we all wanted for Murphy or Felix, after everything they've been through, especially once someone finds Josh and fingerprints the big knife right nearby (or did she pick that up on her way out?).

Pretzel deserves better.

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In the Dark: 4x12 Going Up

i think my only plot objection is that, when they ran upstairs to help, Max and Darnell should've gone up, knowing the lunk they'd have to get through, while Felix made sure to copy that recording and Leslie made the call. But in the heat of such a moment...

Felix did show up surprisingly well upstairs, though.

Otherwise... daaamn.

And, dammit, Josh, look what you did. :cry:

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In the Dark: 4x11 The Deep End

Wow. An episode in which a lot of progress happened and everything seemed to go well.

We all know what that means for this incarnation of Murphy's Law (even without the flashforward bits)...

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Doom Patrol: 4x07 Orqwith Patrol

The Weird is strong with this one.

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In the Dark: 3x05 Planes, Trains & Automobiles

This show is a perpetual study of how plans can so easily fracture, intersect, interact, and go completely and utterly wrong.

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x07 John and Sun-Hee

The lesson: Do not bring Compound V into contact with cancer cells.

Or the wonderful and wise Sun-Hee will come back and spank you. :cry:

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x05 BFFS

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2023-08-19T02:20:18Z— updated 2023-08-21T04:04:28Z

Freaky flashbacks to the Golgothan (a. k. a., The Excremental), if a little less visually gross.

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x05 BFFS

The bathroom "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I was just here taking a sh*t" moment was weirdly pretty damn funny.

Pretty much the rest of it was a whole lotta WTF?

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Good Omens: 2x03 Chapter 3: I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists

Muriel is so oddly adorable in her utter cluelessness.

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x01 Laser Baby's Day Out

The degree to which this episode captured the look, movement, and sounds of the old Warner Brother's Looney Tunes / Tiny Toons cartoons (excepting the gore) is weirdly stunning.

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The Boys Presents: Diabolical: 1x01 Laser Baby's Day Out

Successfully blending that much adorableness with that much carnage is something of a [weird] achievement in itself.

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Man, every puffed-up local mini-lord that tries to prey on the passing-through Joelorian and his charge just get destroyed, don't they?

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The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos

Poor Radovid looked like he was having one hell of a panic attack there at the end.

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Manifest: 4x12 Bug Out

When the episode title shows additional meaning in the episode's last few seconds...

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The Flash: Season 9

Turns out there're other reasons for at least some of this last season's choppy abbreviated feel: :disappointed:

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The Flash: 9x13 A New World (4)

It was a nice goodbye.
A somewhat weak action/conflict episode, with multiple super-bads (some of whom individually once stymied the team for most of a season) defeated far more quickly and easily than they ever were or should have been.
But at least it included a fairly nice goodbye; better than some.

Edit: Turns out there're other reasons for at least some of this last season's choppy abbreviated feel: :disappointed:

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Superman & Lois: 3x04 Too Close to Home

"Damn, Kent." :thumbsup::open_mouth::thumbsup:

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The Flash: 9x06 The Good, the Bad and the Lucky

I like seeing occasional episodes that focus on various other characters, but this...

This felt like the writers took a genuinely interesting story-concept idea and tossed together some quick and sloppy story around it. There were some good bits in there, but most of it was... disappointing.

I was actually encouraged by the first four episodes of this season; still not as good as Superman & Lois, but certainly easily better than much of The Flash's recent seasons. Then... sigh.

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The Flash: 9x01 Wednesday Ever After

That may have been one of the goofier SF/comic-series timeloop episodes I've seen, but it kinda worked in that the characters got use out of it to reconsider parts of their lives and parts of the presentation were just a fun sort of funny. The cause and solution to the timeloop were weirdly out of nowhere, but they usually are, so... Yeah, kinda silly in places, but other parts worked, and it was mostly fun overall.

Besides, I feel like comparing it to Legends of Tomorrow's "Here I Go Again" (episode 3x11) is kinda unfair. ;-)

That said, I hope that story and presentation get more serious (at least in terms of plot and execution quality) as the season progresses, as, while fun for an episode, this tone won't work for the season as a whole, and feels like an odd choice to open with (given that it could be taken as a promise of what's to come).

That logo at the end, though...

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Doom Patrol: 4x04 Casey Patrol

That was some seriously randomly wacky side-story.
Although I did like how it tied back into the main growing plot at the end.

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Pennyworth: 3x09 Rag Trade

Damn, but crazy ol' Bet Sykes has the craziest damn charmed life, must have the wiliest guardian angel on watch.

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Willow: 1x08 Children of the Wyrm

The story/plot overall was good enough to be fun, but not especially good.

But this show really does know how to have loads of fun with its characters.

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Willow: 1x02 The High Aldwin

So far, I'm really liking pretty much all of the characters and the actors' renditions of those characters.

The story is... okay.

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 3x05 Druz'ya I Vragi

That was a whole different kind of hallway fight scene.

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Unforgettable: 2x13 Reunion

This show didn't always have the strongest plot writing, but even then its characters still make it fun to watch.

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Stargirl: 3x13 Frenemies - Chapter Thirteen: The Reckoning

My name is Artemis Crock. For three months, I was lost and alone with only one goal: revenge. Now I will avenge my parents' terrible death, and stop the monster who murdered them from ever hurting anyone again. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

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Stargirl: 3x13 Frenemies - Chapter Thirteen: The Reckoning

Some small clunky bits here and there, but overall a pretty good closer to the series. Certainly better than some of the other Arrowverse shows got.

I actually kinda liked that the main story was wrapped about 2/3 in, and the remaining third was postscripts and other wrap-ups which we're all done pretty well, if a bit more abbreviatedly than I'd've ideally liked. And, of those final closing bits... Artemis may well have delivered the biggest and most impressive daaamn reaction of the season, and Shade one of the best closing lines.

Not bad, peoples. Not bad.

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Stargirl: 3x09 Frenemies - Chapter Nine: The Monsters

Daaamn. And after all the Eclipso-induced hell that Mr. Deisinger survived last season...

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24: 8x01 Day 8: 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

I think I especially liked...

"Who's Jack Bauer?" —Arlo Glass

[looks of dude? seriously?] —everyone else

Arlo don't know Jack. Yet.

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24: 8x01 Day 8: 4:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M.

And Jack experiences yet another "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in" experience...

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