

America's Finest City

24: Legacy

I remember really liking the first few seasons of the original 24, on rewatching them now they came off as a bit silly, but for the time they were in they were great. Unfortunately, this show seems to keep the silliness of the original, rather than keeping with the times. If you'd like to relive those days, then give this a shot, but don't go in with high expectations.

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@matt-minix-gmail-com Agreed. I was just about to post a similar opinion. This show feels a bit outdated now.

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Secret Invasion

I am not sure about killing Maria Hill, she's been here so long but other than that pretty good first episode.

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She will be back. My money is on the version of her from the Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. universe crossing over into the MCU during Secret Wars.

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Easily one of the best shows out right now. I'm truly sad it was only 10 episodes but the best shows usually are short just to keep us wanting more. It could be my ties to growing up in the area but the characters and plot were so driven that I was hooked.

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Double-double with animal fries!

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If I you want to watch a 60s American show with a better storyline and acting, try Mr Ed - it’s a far rewarding experience. WandaVision may be a slow burner, but it’s going to turn off viewers before it gets hot. Plus for a 30 minute show, the last 7 minutes of it are just credits.

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Wilbur, you make fun of horses and all you'll be riding is a pogo stick!

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His Dark Materials

As someone who hasn't read the book(s) I get the feeling, that there is information missing.

There are reactions in certain scenes where I don't understand what gets the characters so excited. They act like its obvious, while it isn't for the unknowing viewer.
I have the suspicion, that there is a section in the book explaining the reaction which wasn't translated in the show sometimes.

I don't know if its true, but are the daemons all female? If so, I hope it gets explained why that is (unless I missed it).

Aside from that, great cast, great storytelling and great characters so far - Although I somehow love Marisa best so far, cunning and evil - my kind of woman :)

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@fishinabottle Hmmm this depends on the experience you want from it I suppose. The first book in the Book of Dust trilogy does have some prequel elements but they seem to be in the form of flashbacks more than the whole book being a prequel, and the later trilogy is a different style than the first trilogy, if only slightly, because authors change and grow in their writing style as their career goes along. I think maybe for the first read release order is the way to go, at least it was for me, and maybe on second and third reads I will change it up some? But I have only read them once so far!

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The Great

This is seriously the best thing I've watched in a long time. Sometimes gruesome. Always amazing. It kind of reminded me of "The Princess Bride" meets "The Royals". I binged it and want a LOT more.

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@flarg I also started watching this show "just to check it out" and ended up binging it in a couple of days. It is difficult to put aside.

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His Dark Materials

As someone who hasn't read the book(s) I get the feeling, that there is information missing.

There are reactions in certain scenes where I don't understand what gets the characters so excited. They act like its obvious, while it isn't for the unknowing viewer.
I have the suspicion, that there is a section in the book explaining the reaction which wasn't translated in the show sometimes.

I don't know if its true, but are the daemons all female? If so, I hope it gets explained why that is (unless I missed it).

Aside from that, great cast, great storytelling and great characters so far - Although I somehow love Marisa best so far, cunning and evil - my kind of woman :)

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@phfora As someone who just read the books ( just finished The Secret Commonwealth, and it may be one of my favorite book series of all time) I am finally going to give this show another chance!

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The Americans

Shout by smc89

The Americans is hands down the best show on TV right now. Such a perfect show from start to (hopefully) finish. I think we are pretty lucky to be getting six seasons of this beauty! 10/10

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@smc89 agreed agreed. I rarely give something a perfect 10, but this is the Bo Derek of modern television shows.

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I gave up on this show after 70 eps as you can see with no intention of coming back. The soapy drama really is too much (same with Flash). I rather watch Daredevil and the likes. It started out strong and went downhill as it progressed.

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@nuwonda agreed. I cannot say that I've ever previously felt upset about the production of a television show, but I am upset about the results of Iron Fist.

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I gave up on this show after 70 eps as you can see with no intention of coming back. The soapy drama really is too much (same with Flash). I rather watch Daredevil and the likes. It started out strong and went downhill as it progressed.

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@nuwonda I am really looking forward to Marvel's Iron Fist. I feel like they might knock it out of the park with this next TV show.

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Downton Abbey

I can't believe I've had this show in my library for more than a year and I've only recently started watching it... One of my biggest mistake regarding tv shows...
This show is just amazing! You just care about all the characters, nothing is black and white, a character you hate one instant can become your favorite in an episode time, you can go from laughter to tears in a matter of minutes. The stories are so well written they just seem so real. And the actors are just perfect. I don't think there is one I don't like, not event one with room for improvement. This is one of the best casting I've seen in a lot of time.

Everyone should just watch it, it is one of the best show I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of them.
And I'm normally not a big fan of tv shows set in the past.
It's really hard after watching it to go back to newer and lighter shows. They just seem dull...

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@snoopy1492 I agree wholeheartedly! :D For instance, I cannot stand the Thomas Barrow character - he is such a weasel - but he is such an important part of the show that even though I cheered when he left the house, and sulked when he returned, I have to admit that he is an integral character.

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there is a bug i had collected all the series and sometime i wanted it to uncollect but 2 episodes can't be uncollect and there is a message of error

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@tasmani Oh no! Red light! Something's still wrong kid!

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The Seven Deadly Sins

Shout by adolfrian

Is anyone know when season 2 comes out on Netflix?

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@adolfrian The release of the second season was pushed back to 2017.

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it's getting worse every episode

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@anazaisei yeah, I gave it up for other shows pretty soon.

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