

Los Angeles, California

Don't Go in the Woods

Kind of a hard film to rate because technically speaking it's an incompetent mess. One of the worst slashers I've seen. But I also thoroughly enjoyed it. If you're into impressively lousy trash give it a watch.

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Once a Thief

Man, what a weird movie...

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The Hooked Generation

Kind of a mixed bag. Had some good action, but it dragged at points and felt a bit unfocused. I thought the main guy did a really good job. Kinda reminded me of Steve McQueen, which is a massive compliment coming from me. Unfortunately, there's long stretches of the movie that he isn't in.

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The Psychedelic Priest

I guess I kinda like what it was trying to do, but I don't think it pulls it off very well. Probably didn't help that the film didn't have a script. A couple good improvised scenes, but that's it.

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The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

Very well made. It dragged a bit at times. Wouldn't normally be my kind of film, but I liked it.

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Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2

There's a solid 15 or 20 minutes of this film that is top tier, unadulterated, laugh out loud nonsense. The rest of the film is almost unbearably dull recap. Is it worth it? Maybe. I think everyone should watch the film in its entirety at least once, if only just to get a sense for it, but if you ever come back to it just skip to that hour mark where things actually get good.

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Enter the Game of Death

Some pretty decent kung fu in this one, a bit better than what you'd expect from most bruceploitation films. As per usual, it was clearly shot on the cheap, has terrible dubbing, and a near non-existent plot (though in this case that works in the film's favor). Still, it's a cut above the rest. If you enjoy cheap chopsocky action and want to give a bruceploitation movie a spin, this might be the one to check out.

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Kurt Russell is superb as Elvis, I was really impressed. The film itself is just fine. Not great, but good. I only watched it because it's a John Carpenter film, though you wouldn't know it. Recommended just for people interested in Carpenter's early career, or for fans of Russell or Elvis.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady

A great performance from Lee, he was always a very accurate Holmes, but the story leaves much to be desired.

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Out of the Blue

Disco sucks. Kill all hippies.

This is one of those "plot-light" films, where you aren't being told a strictly structured story as much as you're experiencing life through the eyes of a character. Great if you're in the right mood, but not for everyone.

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Forrest Gump
Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles

Another incredibly polarizing film that I don't have a very strong opinion on. The critics seem to love it. The public seems to hate it. Me? I thought it was alright.

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Citizen Kane

The cinematography is superb. Half of the premise was great. The film should have focused on the theme of Kane's isolation and developed that idea more than it did. The whole rosebud thing should have been cut out. The structure was interesting (journalists going to interview former colleagues about Kane), but likewise not enough was done to exploit this novel concept. Overall it wasn't bad, but it's an awfully mediocre movie to be considered the greatest ever.

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The Ape Man

Bela & an Ape, what more could you want? This one was shot cheap and it shows. Bela gives a superb performance as always, and most of the other actors seem like they're having fun. It's a pretty typical "mad scientist turns himself into an animal/human hybrid and needs to turn himself back" kind of movie. It's not gonna blow your mind, but it's kinda campy, kinda goofy, and at an hour long you won't feel like you wasted your time.

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Halloween II

In between the bad character drama and botched white horse metaphor (death rides a pale horse, not a white horse) this can at times be an alright modern slasher. Rob Zombie definitely didn't pull any punches with the gore and that right there is 75% of what you need to get right with these things. I really think with just a few minor tweaks it would have been a much better film.

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The Snorkel

Slow build, but a smart payoff.

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Death Whistles the Blues

A slick, jazzy crime thriller that suffers greatly from a weak third act.

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Born for Hell

A film directed by a Canadian, with a Hungarian producer & writer, a French, Italian, and West German crew, featuring an allegedly American main character returning home from Saigon, South Vietnam by way of Belfast, North Ireland! Though ostensibly a grindhouse slasher, this absurdly internationalist production doesn't really feel like anything else of the period, or any other period for that matter, making it a more than worthy curiosity.

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Nightmare Castle

This is a film that has always intrigued me, but I was never for the life of me able to tell what the hell was going on - and I still can't.

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The Thirsty Dead

Reminds me a lot of American lost world/primitive tribe films from the 50s & 60s. Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet, Mesa of Lost Women,
She Gods of Shark Reef, and so on. It is of some mild interest, and I want to like it, but I can't help but think it would have been much better if the runtime was trimmed by 15 or 20 minutes.

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The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent

This one had a fair amount of charm. Maybe I just like Viking movies.

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Scream and Scream Again

A really odd detective-political thriller. Hardly the Price-Lee-Cushing vehicle it makes itself out to be, and not at all a horror film despite the name. I must admit I really don't know what to make of this one aside from the fact that I found it quite enjoyable.

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Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace

A shoddy plot and inconsistent tone serve to weaken an otherwise superb performance by Lee. This could have been a great Holmes film had it received better care. Worth a watch, but disappointing given what could have been.

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Technically speaking, it's one of Smith's better films. The religious "criticism" seems almost quaint now, and I find it a bit difficult to believe it was really all that controversial except among the vocal busybodies over at the Catholic League. Upon rewatching it, I can't help but think this one is a tad bit overrated in Smith's filmography, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly.

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Not one of Milligan's typical horror or exploitation films, but a character drama. Very reminiscent of a stage play, and there's a quite a bit of Cassavetes to it. I thought it was really wonderful.

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I Bury the Living

A psychologically disturbing horror thriller, critically weakened by an anemic ending.

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The Forbidden Door

All I can say is wow... I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't that.

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Dark Waters

Wow... I was not expecting that!

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The tagline of "It's exactly what you think it is" might undersell this one a bit. This one took me by surprise, it's really good. One of the better early 80s slashers I've seen. A standout from what may have been the best time period for the genre.

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In a lot of ways it's the Canadian answer to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Like most things Canadian, it's a bit slower and more dry and dimwitted than its American counterpart, but it retains that not-quite-foreign, not-quite-American quality that makes it a worthy curiosity.

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