

Los Angeles, California

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth

"Jesus Christ!"

"Not quite."

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Drag Me to Hell

Tries to recapture the Evil Dead movies, but with bad cg plugin effects instead of bad practical effects and bad unfunny dialogue instead of bad funny dialogue. You can excuse a movie as being "unserious" if it's enjoyable in some way, but this is just torture (and not in the good way).

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A Scanner Darkly

This movie would be way, way better if it just wasn't rotoscoped.

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Spider-Man 3

It's a major product of its times. I can't not love this one.

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It's amazing how strong a legacy this movie has. How many scenes, lines, and images from it have endured and remained recognizable. Long after the MCU is laid to rest people everywhere will still remember Sam Raimi's Spider-Man.

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Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror

Probably the best Children of the Corn sequel, not that that's saying much. Some fun, albeit pretty cheesy gore, and a few pretty creative camera angles.

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This Stuff'll Kill Ya!

Decent southern comedy. Looks like they had a lot of fun making it. Pacing is a tad slower than it should be, but I enjoyed it.

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Bedtime for Bonzo

Had a lot of fun with this one. Most people probably only know this one as "that monkey movie with future president Ronald Reagan in it", but I think it deserves a lot more credit that that. Reminds me a lot of the Three Stooges short "Hoi Polloi", but with a chimp instead of stooges.

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How to Make a Doll

Didn't expect much going in, but jesus christ.

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I probably would have enjoyed it more if it wasn't so poorly shot.

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Hercules in New York

The movie where Arnold wrestles a bear in Central Park. Do you need anything else?

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The Last Stand

I never really thought much about Arnie's comeback film. I like Arnold alright, don't get me wrong (I even voted for him), I just never felt this was something I had to see. Then at some point I realized Kim Jee-woon directed it, and I figured I should give it a go. Well, it's no I Saw The Devil, but I had fun.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I think this one's a bit overhated. The real problem is that Indy is just too damn old. I enjoyed everything that didn't involve geriatrics pretending to be 30. A big budget alien-archeology flick with ruthless Russians and rock 'n roll would have been great if they had just bothered to come up with an original character.

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Easily the best Indy flick for me, and probably Spielberg's best film as well.

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Return of the Living Dead Part II

Return of the Living Dead was a great movie, this one's just alright. A serviceable sequel and pretty typical late-80s horror flick.

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True Detective: Season 2

Jesus Christ this is fucking dumb

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Four Flies on Grey Velvet

Shout by Torgo
BlockedParent2022-04-12T21:51:44Z— updated 2023-06-11T04:55:07Z

Early Argento. Entertaining with some fun moments throughout and a very visual end scene. Not great, but worth a watch.

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A Taste of Blood

Hersch's vampire "epic". Well made for a typical film of the splatter genre. I don't think it overstays its welcome, but despite the extra amount of effort that went into this I wouldn't say it's his best. Above average, and the more typical subject matter might make it a good gateway into splatter film and older grindhouse pictures for the otherwise uninitiated.

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The Gruesome Twosome

Pretty good splatter flick from Lewis. A good example of him mixing horror and comedy, though it isn't exactly the funniest film in the world.

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Something Weird

Best man vs. bedsheet fight scene I ever saw.

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Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice

This is one of those "it happened again" movies. Wonder why they even bothered.

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Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

I think shifting the series towards being a slasher was a good idea. Execution is a bit lacking, especially the acting. It's not like Children of the Corn was that great to begin with, and I like bad slashers, so eh. Can't complain about it too much.

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Who's That Knocking at My Door

I like films like this. It's almost a little sub-genre that exists in my head. Late-60s, independent, shot in black and white, distributed by some nothing distributor nobody's ever heard of. Little dramas that would have been made by up and coming directors "cutting their teeth". De Palma's Wedding Party is another one that comes to mind. I can't really say this is a good film, but I like it a lot. If you only know Scorsese from Wolf of Wall Street or Goodfellas, it probably won't be for you.

That scene with "The End" playing... what a mindfuck! Did Coppola ever see this?

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Two Thousand Maniacs!

Hersch always maintained this was his best. I don't know about that, but it is a good one. Fun early southern slasher.

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Scum of the Earth!

It isn't a better film, but I might have enjoyed this one more than Blood Feast.

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Blood Feast

I think this one gets a bit too much credit from grindhouse fans. I had fun with it, but Hersch did a lot better later on. But of course, that was "later on", so people pay less attention.

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The Hills Have Eyes Part 2

I think this one's a tad overhated. It's not great, but there's way worse mid-80s slashers out there.

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Turn-of-the-Century Surgery

Possibly the first ever gore film.

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Bad Black

This one's a more technically competent film than Who Killed Captain Alex. Definitely recommended for Wakaliwood fans. I'd be interested to see a copy of it without VJ Emmie if one's out there.

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Who Killed Captain Alex?

Honestly kinda surprised they managed to make this with just $200. I guess the actors were all volunteers and the effects free plugins, but it looks more in the range of $1000 - $1500 at least.

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