

Omicron Persei 8

Ahsoka: 1x01 Part One: Master and Apprentice

So... is that road/highway just for the girl Tom Cruise wannabe or does other traffic use it too.

I think I'd rather watch the Muppets, Pigs In Space, than Girls in Space Star Wars knock off with bland acting forced 'deep thoughtful non-expressions' and incredibly inept fencing choreography. The obligatory copy and pasting of ideas seem to be what we have to put up with of late.

The acting is made like there should be Helms worn by all with the long pauses of nothing, but there's not a helmet to be seen. There's only the acting and pauses like they have helmets on. 4/10

Onto ep 2.

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Ahsoka: 1x02 Part Two: Toil and Trouble

There's a lot of copy and paste in this show, at least in the first two episodes. It's Girls In Space not Star Wars and it only goes to show that catiness and bitchiness is still strong in this future.

They are trying to capture 'The Mandalorian' style of acting but without Helms on so there's a ton of emptiness. There's a 'Tom Cruise' knock off and a ton of just standing around with arms crossed.

No wonder Favreau is pissed at Feloni for buckling and letting Darth K-Kennedy to insert her nonsense into this show yet again. She is the cancer that's destroying Star Wars and LucasFilm completely.. her departure cannot come quick enough. Ahsoka was to be the first show KK free, but she forced her grubby nose and demands into this show too in key areas.

Roll onto Mandalorian Season 4.

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The Witcher: 3x03 Reunion

Third episode in and my thoughts are, how did the writers of this season believe they write better than the creator who wrote the books?!

This is such a waste of time now. Story goes nowhere and everywhere. I can see very clearly why Henry Cavill dropped this steaming pile crap down the toilet where it belongs and said, 'Nope, I'm done'. I'm done too.

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The Blacklist: 10x22 Raymond Reddington: Good Night (2)

Well, that was a unique way of putting an exclamation mark on the end, with no out.

I'm going to truly miss this show... it was an amazing run and James Spader was so good in this. All the cast was good in this. There were some amazing moments, the episode farewelling 'Glenn' was the most beautiful way to send off an actor that played a character on this show.

I really felt the show got it's legs when the whole 'Elizabeth Keen' character story was finally done. It should have been 'done' a couple seasons earlier.

The big question is, what am I going to watch now?

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The Blacklist: 10x20 Arthur Hudson

I hate what I'm watching, my favourite show coming to a conclusion...

Or is it?

Is this just the biggest deflection of Reddington's on the audience? Is it really the final season? Is it the beginning of the end of our most loved criminal mind?

I'm going to HOPE that it isn't because what else can we look forward to.

James Spader, the lead of this series, and the cast and crew, writers, production, everyone have done an amazing job. I've always loved James' work.

Here's to Season 11...!

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

What a show!
I'm very much enjoying Silo. The character development is very good especially as most of them are complex.

The agoraphobic character plays it very well, although it possibly would've come off a little better if she had a few more attempts than she did throughout season 1.

I haven't read the books so I have no idea the direction the show is going to take us, but it's the journey not the destination that's important for a show like this.

Love this show and gave this season a 9. I don't do 10's.

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Silo: 1x09 The Getaway

Each episode makes me enjoy the show all the more. The actors are doing a great job, the cerebral mind game is building. Just imagining the situation if you were in the Silo for 140yrs and nothing, or little is being shared or taught to you. The Silo is all you know. Then slivers of truth reveal themselves like what are those little lights in the sky at night? How screwed up would you get?

This is the type of show that needs that slow burn for the audience to really involve themselves into the "What If" question. What if, that has actually happened in reality because there are scholars that believe we have lost an entire advanced era on earth and all (well 99%) has been decimated in a global calamity.

My curiosity would plague me till I found more information and it shocked me what he did with the oven. I'd would say it will drive him to crazy town destroying that.

I really hope the wait won't be a couple years before S2 comes out. I'm captivated. Put yourself in her shoes, become involved mentally involved. Such a good show.

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Silo: 1x08 Hanna

Great episode!
This is a slow burn show, as we know, so given that, this episode was a roller coaster of information and probably the pivotal point of this season.

It's one of the better shows at the moment and one of the few that I'm interested in. At least this has some quality to it.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x01 The Broken Circle
Warehouse 13

This is the third time or so I've watched WH13. Generally a fun show. 'Pete' throws out some funny one liners and there's a range of great guest stars.

I don't really recommend binge watching the show because you'll notice the inordinate amount of crazy annoying times 'Myka' says Pete's name. I mean enough that you expel an 'Urrrrgh' out loud, and not just 'Pete' but 'Peeeeeeete'.

Also the show introduced a gay character but it was done well and tasteful. His preference isn't the focus, and the character isn't an obnoxious extrovert that just makes you want to turn off. A lot of newer shows could learn much from the way WH13 did it without pissing people off by pushing an overt Agenda.

Just grab some popcorn and have some fun watching Warehouse 13.

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Barry: 4x08 wow

This has to be the best, most perfect of finale's to a show as dark and as humorous as this that I've had the pleasure to watch. It didn't beat around the bush. Each beat had a purpose. Then how can the hands grenade not get a mention. Most rightly so... WOW!

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Silo: 1x05 The Janitor's Boy

Definitely a slow burn. First two eps were more engaging, no doubt to capture an audience and now it is slowly cooking along.

Some good actors in this show. Hoping the attrition rate will slow. So far so good, if the sci fi distopia genre is of interest to you.

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Superman & Lois: 3x08 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

I couldn't get through the first 15min.
Such a shame Superman and Lois turned into Days of Our Lives. Up, Up, and Away...

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Barry: 4x05 tricky legacies

Okay, that was weird. I'm presuming all that was going on in Barry's noggin.


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I haven't read the books. I don't know much about this series at all other than its a scifi. I like most scifi so long as the story is well told, acted okay, and generally not get too ridiculously stupid. The mystery is (over the first two episodes) well paced and it's giving us just the right amount of hooks to keep us going.

My question is why do they go out in protective suits? My first thought would be to provide a nice cocktail of hallucinogens and poison, but that's too obvious and predictable.

Then of course the are other major questions that arise like obtaining raw resources, but I guess things like that may get answered as we go along. But I guess Gilligan's Island went for quite a while without answering some major sticking points... but that's another story.

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I'm so glad Futurama is revived (rivalling cats lives)! Bring it on! Such a great scifi comedy.

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Superman & Lois: 3x07 Forever and Always

A family / enemy / love / friends / whatever else triangle... Seriously? They tried to make it less predictable seeing these are the only people on the planet I guess it makes it hard to not get into this tangle.

I might just forget this season and come back for Season 4 if there is such a thing coming.

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Star Wars: Andor

After watching the first 2.5 episodes after it was released and got bored from watching it I returned to e if it got better... And it did!

I just finished the season and I must say it's a darker more along the lines of 'The Expanse' style of Star Wars focusing on a very small portion of that world.

I'm glad I took the time and energy to come back to Andor. I'm now looking forward to season 2!

If you tried watching Andor to begin with push through the first 2-3 episodes and you will be surprised by this storyline. it clearly has No Kathleen Kennedy fingerprints on it.

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Superman & Lois: 3x06 Of Sound Mind

Look, I get the cancer awareness 'thing' and all the family issues going on and the kid being ignored because everyone else being busy.

Maybe they should change the name of this show to 'Family Issues' costarring Superman.

Then we have Bizzaro Superman being regurgitated again. The level is being raised on one end and the show is slipping into a hole. Not sure how much more I can keep myself awake for. I'm not oblivious to cancer or people dying around me. It's part of life.

And when what you enjoy is no longer doing it, why hang around. Life is short and time valuable. We are here to be entertained. Cancer awareness should be found in a documentary.

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The Ark: 1x12 Everybody Wins

So glad this season is done. I couldn't even watch longer than the first 7min. And because I can't watch it because it is that mind numbing I won't even rate this episode. The season is Done and I'm done with this garbage. Have fun with season two, the five of you watching.

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The Ark: 1x11 The Last Thing You Ever Do

How low can this show go? This has to be just for kids 7-12yr olds. It hurts my head watching this believing there will be some actual acting going on and story.

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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

I was hoping for a tongue in cheek comment in the trap something along the lines of "This is NOT the way", but I guess it was too corny even for what this show has become. Yes / No ?!
Well I'm gonna say it. This is not the way. I was kind of expecting the Din Djarin getting the treatment of what the big guy got to be honest. His show has been taken away. I guess there's always the finale to complete Pedro's contract.

This is not the way. Maybe I've just become jaded over how many shows have succumbed to having no real imagination or creativity any more. Well here's to next week, hopefully the finale pushes the funk out of the way and it is an enjoyable finale.

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The Mandalorian: 3x06 Chapter 22: Guns for Hire

What's goin on? Have we lost our way with Jack Black and Uncle Fester... And why was Bo Katan permitted to be without helmet after all of the hubb bubb of Not taking the helm off 'being the way'. So why wasn't Din given this role or doesn't the Armorer know Din is the star of the show?

I'll ask again, What's goin' on with The Mandalorian?
Again 'democracy' portrayed as it is, oppressive and corrupt... at least they got that right.

This better be comedic episode like some other shows that throw in the occasional 'off the cuff' episode.

Now the dark Saber is given...Oy Vey...

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The Ark: 1x09 The Painful Way

This is the most appropriately named episode... The Painful Way. The way this episode is acted, directed and written was probably the most painful in this garbage show to date. Terrible 2/10

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The Ark: 1x08 Every Single Person Matters

Wow... I didn't realise how ghastly a show can be. Don't waste your precious time on this... It's gawdaweful.

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The Ark

I've forced myself to watch this first season and the last two episodes are yet to come.

Firstly I want to ask WTF happened to this show? With Devlin and Glasser at the helm (Devlin brought us the Stargate movie, and Glasser, Stargate SG1) I kinda expected a far better show than this pile of stinky crap.

There is far too much criticize about this show but I can summarise it with a 3/10.

It's appalling to put it kindly.

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The Ark: 1x03 Get Out and Push

This is so bad... I had high hopes, and that was a mistake. I'm done.

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The Ark: 1x02 Like It Touched the Sun

This is an adolescent high school soap dressed up as a wannabe SciFi. Maybe it's just trying to find its legs, but I very much doubt it.

The whole thing looks like it was developed on a shoe string budget and then someone spent half of it on lunch.

I only rolled my eyes several times this episode.

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NCIS: 20x10 Too Many Cooks (I)

It's come down to doing a triple cross over episode... Only points to how bad the show has become to try to keep interest in it.

It used to be a go-to show for me to watch, but since Mark Harmon's departure this show has gone downhill so very fast.

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