

Omicron Persei 8

Reacher: 2x08 Fly Boy

I think if I tried pointing out all the illogical parts of this episode I'd run out of space, but let's just go with the dumbest part: Why on earth did they bother with bringing Dixon and O'Donnell on the chopper just to dump them? Obviously it was just an excuse to open the doors so Reacher could crawl in, but so far this season the writers don't seem to bother asking themselves "what is the goal of the character here"

And why was Reacher in charge of what happened with the money? A bit weird, as he's not their boss but whatever

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You clearly weren't paying attention... 'The Terminator' told you why, and why they dug the bullet out of the leg... It's good to keep up.

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Reacher: 2x08 Fly Boy

That was a satisfying ending!
They better bring this guy back for a third season
He finally got a new toothbrush

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Season 3 is already filming. All good.

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12 Monkeys

Reply by tropolite


Review by Deleted

I stopped watching at episode 10! Now, let me say that I was really looking forward to this show and I'm very disappointed it didn't live up to my expectations. What made me stop watching? It's not the acting, not the effects - it's the story.

It feels like the writers didn't know where to go with this around episode 7. Cole and Cassy stopped the outbreak, everything seemed to be fine! Guess what? They didn't! Somehow the story must go on and thus the outbreak wasn't really stopped. I suspected this would happen, but it threw me off anyways.

I think the two hour movie it was based on just hadn't enough juice to fuel a whole TV show, so the writers introduced some other characters and brought more storylines into play. Unfortunately, this didn't really help and made the whole show more confusing than interesting. If they had sticked to the original storyline, explained some parts of it in more depth, especially some characters, I believe they could've made a great 20 episode show.

There was so much potential. Instead the show was convoluted with characters and storylines, which I think are just there to stretch the whole show over more episodes.

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If you wanted only another 12 Monkeys movie then this would've been a bit of a disappointment, but if you're after much more then this is a series that you perhaps should have stuck with.

I've only gotten through the first two seasons but I cannot wait for season 3 and 4! It's taken me this long to dedicate the time to start watching 12 Monkeys, but it's a show you need to pay attention as it jumps many times, but it's worth it!

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x06 Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger

does anybody know if this is supposed to have one more episode or two?

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@kd6-3-7 with SO MUCH stuff to wrap up still??? idk how to feel about this

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Probably best if you don't think of it as a separate story. it's called, The Book of Boba Fett. The Book is only a piece of the bookshelf, or library.
I'm just looking at it as Star Wars - The Return.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x05 Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

Sneeky Bugga's!
Great Episode... No denying it.
If my eyes didn't device me that looked very much like a Halo easter egg.
And the ships. All of them. The latest one is great for a runabout but there really needs a cruiser of some type and throw the run about in the back for those special jobs
Yeah, I know. You have no clue what I'm talking about. I'm not one for spoilers but I do like teasing because this is worth it for those who haven't started watching this yet.
Star Wars, the better iteration, shines through in this episode. See y'all next week! 9/10

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@iaani Yeah I agree, clearly another great Easter Egg.
Amazing episode. Next week should be another blast methinks. This Is The Way.

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Shōgun: 1x05 Broken to the Fist

Reply by tropolite

One complaint: why has it always to be so fcking dark? Why?

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I don't find it too dark. Night, yes but otherwise well lit and balanced.

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Silo: 1x10 Outside

Reply by tropolite

Just as expected, watched 10 episodes of this show to have almost no questions answered and it ends on a cliffhanger. It's a very a big ask of the viewers these days to get engaged in shows like these, when there's zero guarantee it gets to the end of the plot before the platform decides to cancel it.

I'm not familiar with the books but as others pointed it, season 1 only covers a portion of it. Why? Why does it have to take 6 seasons to get to the end, when there's clearly no need. Ep 4-7 were fillers, wasting times. They couldve made 12 episodes, cut some subplots and probably finish the whole first book.

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@New phone who dis No, I expect them not to drag out a book to 2 seasons, when there's clearly not enough plot that requires it. Especially if they aren't even guaranteed a second season.

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What? You said in your original post that you're not familiar with the books. You're just assuming that all shows, regardless of what they cover, must cover one book. They doing that with War and Peace.

There are shows that are terrible because they're unsubstantive... and, well terrible. But there are shows that are slow burns, yet intriguing, the characters are amazing and just well written.

There's a phrase that says it all, it's not the destination, it's the journey that's important.

I've enjoyed the journey in this first season, and as season 2 is already green lit I'm excited for what is to come.

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

Well the first episode obviously did some initial grounding of the characters and set the scene of what we can somewhat expect from HotD season.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I still can't get past 'Lord Corlys Velaryon' considering in the older times especially they kept in breeding as they didn't want their bloodline tainted. That is well known in the lore.

Back in GoT, Xaro Xhoan Daxos was a trader and fit well in the show, as did other ethnicities depicting different houses and regions. It just doesn't sit in the story well and is a clear token character to get a PoC into the main house. It would have been better to have a Meister role or other primary role but not Targaryen.

I always give new shows 3-4eps to either hook me or push me away, so we'll see what next week brings us.

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@scott7337 no. That is just one part and I didn't say I have a problem with the show. I specifically said it wasn't bad. But there were things that could be improved. But this is the first episode and even the first original episode of Game of Thrones was terrible and they have to reshoot it. I will be reviewing till at least ep 3 or 4. Corlys just doesn't make sense especially with the silver hair also. Targaryen's keep to their own kind as the lore goes. It would make more sense that the Meister or other primary role have the 'Hollywood token ethnic/gender swap' happening. Even friends of mine with Corlys' same tone were scratching their heads about this clearly obvious token placement where it could have been far better done elsewhere.

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

Well the first episode obviously did some initial grounding of the characters and set the scene of what we can somewhat expect from HotD season.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I still can't get past 'Lord Corlys Velaryon' considering in the older times especially they kept in breeding as they didn't want their bloodline tainted. That is well known in the lore.

Back in GoT, Xaro Xhoan Daxos was a trader and fit well in the show, as did other ethnicities depicting different houses and regions. It just doesn't sit in the story well and is a clear token character to get a PoC into the main house. It would have been better to have a Meister role or other primary role but not Targaryen.

I always give new shows 3-4eps to either hook me or push me away, so we'll see what next week brings us.

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@jamesmcavoy Yes we do know because that was one of the very things that were described in the books of the Valyrians, pale fair skin, silver or golden hair, purple eyes...
The reason they don't particularly focus on the purple eyes is because very rarely the color can be seen in normal footage, only in facial closeups.

I personally don't give a damn what color people are as it's only a wrapper to the person, but the lore of a story is lore. If they chose to stick with the silver hair they should have stuck with 'pale fair skin' also. Why is the silver hair such a big part of this culture of people, because it is by lore fundamental to the story.

What would it be like to have a pale fair skinned primary character in Black Panther in the primary family of Wakanda I would be scratching my head on that stupidity too.

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Superman & Lois

Reply by tropolite

This show is both really good AND really bad...

it doesn't have the usual CW feel to it, the fight scenes are excellent and have me coming back for more but the show still has plenty of face palm moments throughout which serve as reminders that it's the CW lol

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I'm probably one of the worst for calling out cringe moments, but honestly I haven't come across any in the episodes that have aired. I've been really and pleasantly surprised. I've been looking forward to watching this on a weekly basis. There's only one or two other shows I can say the same for and I'm a bit of a hobbiest with series and shows generally. Blacklist is another of my habitual dietary needs.

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Marvel's The Punisher

Reply by tropolite

gets better every episode, actually.

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Hope so, I'm struggling getting back to it after just 2 episodes. I normally watch the first 4 eps before making up my mind on shows but this is becoming a drag but I can see potential. Also have always liked the actors in this so I'll continue to get better, as you say every episode.

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House of the Dragon: 1x02 The Rogue Prince

Reply by tropolite

I get that people are excited for more politicking rather than big battles, but that doesn’t mean that what played out was interesting and not completely predictable. The show isn’t bad but it is definitely to be seen if it is good

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@jimdarko Agreed. I normally watch 3-5 episodes to make any real judgments on a show and whether I stick with it. There's lots of gushing going on here in the comment section - and about the intro of all things. Okay, we get it, they've tried to hook on the unique GoT intro and it's worked.

I'm keen for good storytelling, seeing twists, and arcs of a show, excellent acting and the craft of putting it all together. The predictability was glaring even down to the jaded aunt. And the interjection of Rhaenyra into the increasing tension, well, was predictable and of course what followed at the King's announcement to take another wife.

The only real standout for me so far is Matt Smith. He is doing a good job in his role and letting the seeping out of his underlying traits be shown to the viewer. The wrapping of the little finger was too 'in your face' - it was too laboured and would have more impact with wearing gloves and then the reveal. We're being spoon fed as viewers when we don't need to be, something I liked about the first seasons of GoT.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x04 The Great Wave

Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-09-16T08:46:58Z— updated 2022-09-18T19:48:34Z

I have a bit of a mixed opinion about the show. It still looks nice. Perhaps a bit too clean (does Bronwyn really always looks like she's about to attend the Met Gala? All other peasants are wearing rags and she's sporting a clean and sexy dress. Really?). But that's apparently where the budget went to. I feel that they neglected characters and stories though. They jump from location to location but I'm not sure we learn all that much character-wise. And the best described character Galadriel is strange. I would even call her a bit childish and immature. Isn't she supposed to be wise, composed and clever? Although I know very little of the LotR lore, I always thought the elves don't behave like humble humans (the worst example of this was of course last episode's Baywatch-horse scene). I mean, I get it: the first season is used to introduce the various locations and characters. Given the sheer number of different locations and people that's a monumental task already and in this snail speed they need more episodes to create believable characters. Thus, I'm afraid, most time of the remainder of this season will also be allotted to this rather boring introduction. And boring it is: all the character building via dialogue is mediocre. Plus, over the course of the first season, they want us to show the slowly growing threat to this mostly very peaceful world. So they can't have too much action w/o the stakes having reached existential levels. I'm okay with that. They should take all the time needed to have a credible climax later, but surely this is another factor why this episode doesn't feel exciting.

Something is simply off. I watch this episode and I profoundly enjoy the locations, costumes, props, wigs and make-up, but the story just passes by. I don't really care too much. Why should I pay attention? It's very one-dimensional and very black and white. You know exactly who is good and who is bad and who will forge alliances with whom (after some initial reluctance). There's still some mysterious aspects left (primarily surrounding the orcs, their handler and the comet guy), but it's not really important to pay attention: Orcs are bad, the comet guy is good and he will help the elves and their allies eventually. I wouldn't be surprised if the essential parts of season one's story can be summarized in one short paragraph. And all the fantasy babble feels tailor-made to true fans of the LotR franchise - it's not made for people like me. It's just a bit dull and unsophisticated story telling with unnecessary pathos and it's way too dragged out. Tbh, this is totally in line with the movies in the LotR franchise.

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Your one sentence, "Something is simply off", rounds this show off very nicely.

However your assessment "of all the fantasy babble feels tailor-made to true fans of the LotR franchise - it's not made for people like me". As a true LotR fan myself, it isn't made for us in any way, shape or form.

It's truly horrible writing as if a grade school child wrote it, (not to offend any children with writing ambitions here), and even the showrunners declaring this as a Tolkien, Lord of the Rings show is an abomination and sickening to even equate this as such. Tolkien's masterpiece of the mythos of Middle Earth should in no way be connected to this monstrosity albeit a couple familiar names and locations.

As you come to the conclusion, "it's not made for people like me, who aren't true fans of the LotR franchise", and considering my conviction that this is Not made for the true fans of Tolkien's works, it begs the question, "Who is this mess really made for?!?

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The Ark: 1x11 The Last Thing You Ever Do

Reply by tropolite

this episode is horrible if you have bad arachnophobia

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Close AM... May as well just shorten that up a little... 'this episode is horrible'.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x03 Adar

Reply by tropolite

It's terrible but in a "so bad it's funny" way.
You've got "12 Years an Elf" freeing the slaves from the pale skinned "Ultra-Morgoth Republorcans"... Galadriel is absolutely horrifying in every scene (check out that horse ride wtf), the Lucky Chaaaarms Hobbits (nuff said)... Halbrand Solo is the only good character so far.

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@celozzip Halbrand is probably the least ridiculous character, I agree. Watch him closely and he's patterned from 'Bronn' in GoT.

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Young Sheldon: 7x14 Memoir (2)

Reply by tropolite

I got emotional even during the Previously On..., lol. We watched these kids literally grow up. It's going to be sad not seeing what the Coopers have been up to :cry:

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Start watching The Big Bang Theory again and you'll get to see most of the Coopers again, occasionally.

It was a very satisfying finale to a fun show.

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Ahsoka: 1x02 Part Two: Toil and Trouble

Reply by tropolite

There's a lot of copy and paste in this show, at least in the first two episodes. It's Girls In Space not Star Wars and it only goes to show that catiness and bitchiness is still strong in this future.

They are trying to capture 'The Mandalorian' style of acting but without Helms on so there's a ton of emptiness. There's a 'Tom Cruise' knock off and a ton of just standing around with arms crossed.

No wonder Favreau is pissed at Feloni for buckling and letting Darth K-Kennedy to insert her nonsense into this show yet again. She is the cancer that's destroying Star Wars and LucasFilm completely.. her departure cannot come quick enough. Ahsoka was to be the first show KK free, but she forced her grubby nose and demands into this show too in key areas.

Roll onto Mandalorian Season 4.

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@tropolite Damn, you should consider selling your insider information. That's some deep knowledge of behind the scenes stuff! I am envious!

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Not that I have anything that cannot be sourced by others, it's all public information.

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Grimm: 3x10 Eye of the Beholder

Reply by tropolite

That wasn't spaghetti. That was noodles with a spot of sauce on top.

"You don't realize how different you and Nick and Hank are. You don't judge."
That's a damn lie. Juliette may not, but the other two, most certainly.

How the hell was Nick out after just one punch? He's taken worse hits than that and walked away just fine. What a poor excuse by the writers just to have Juliette save the day...


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I had a somewhat similar problem with this episode as you did.
The whole 'Juliet the Grimm by association', can kick ass too, wasn't the worst bit for me anyway. The writers went to town with this episode showing how much of a virtue signalling person Juliet is. It was so over the top.

Instead of treating her friend as she's always done she had to make a big deal about her friend being wesen. It was really 'off'. Nothing of that part of the story line in this episode settled well with me.
The budding relationship hope of Hank's and his lady friend was better written, yet predictable.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x06 Udûn

Reply by tropolite

Dear oh dear... I read these comments and reviews and honestly I wonder if I'm watching the same show.

Has people's taste and understanding of quality in entertainment been pummeled over time to put the bar so low now that this show is being gushed over the way some people are doing?

There is no consistency, the compositing is atrocious, there are some major modelling issues that should have been fixed in post. Continuity is appalling. The Galadriel thing is just monsterous. The acting and writing is truly some of the worst I've seen in such a huge budgeted show.

I was in moments of out loud laughing at the absurdity, or in silence with jaw dropped in gross astonishment. Then forehead in hand with vocal groans pain.

The closing scene was complete nonsense. That would be endgame for any living flesh. Alas we know there is a main survivor that would be an impossibility. 2/10

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@tropolite it genuinely feels like there are lots of people who are forcing themselves to enjoy and hype up the show just to combat the people saying bad things about it. I don't quite agree with your rating, as I think 2/10 is a rating that requires much worse stuff than what we got this episode, but it's certainly not good. Personally, I think the show's worst offensive is in being bland, boring, and generic. None of the characters are interesting, and none of the plots make me care. Action is subpar compared to other big budget shows and movies. The one good thing the show has going for it is how nice it looks, but that's where the positives end IMO. Maybe like a 5/10 for me. I don't think it's awful, just totally uninspiring and bland.

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The viewers being enthralled with the 'prettiness', is something I brought up in last week's episode opinion.

And that's one of the problems with it also as I mentioned the compositing is quite bad and there are definite issues with how 'pretty' it looks, like how Gollum was transfixed on 'My Precious' neglecting everything else around him.

Even the show's prettiness makes it look false, compositing live against the screen with really bad lighting mix, environment mix, let alone continuity from one shot to the next. It has bad daytime soap opera filming at times.

I agree with you there is no substance, depth of characters, arcs, development, and yet they develop absurd segments that have very little relevance. It's clearly written by amateurs. Definitely has no 'Lord of the Rings' atmosphere. I only got to episode 4 of Wheel of Time, but RoP has more of that feel/sense about this show.

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The Terminal List: 1x08 Reclamation

Reply by tropolite

I don't understand why WARCOM had to be bribed by Horn if the order to test the drug was legal ? Because if they are not involved, there is not any cover up needed...

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Pretty sure they proved the drug wasn't used legally (in the safe room in the finale).

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Halo: 1x05 Reckoning

Reply by tropolite

Aliens in fiction should just use English. They talk very slowly like toddlers when speaking their own language. lol

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Hmmmm... no. There will no doubt be confrontation between the races and when that arrives it's look pretty silly of everyone was speaking English when they aren't supposed to understand each other... after all that is always a foundational components to conflict, the lack of understanding of language and culture.

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