

Omicron Persei 8

From: 2x08 Forest for the Trees

Okay, so I have one question.

If 'they' come from the cave and they sleep in there, why don't they put 1 or even 2 talismans hanging in the cave entrance so 'they' can't get out???

Not sure where this show is going... some of the characters are okay, but it's getting a little long winded without any answers coming.

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The Mandalorian: 3x06 Chapter 22: Guns for Hire

What's goin on? Have we lost our way with Jack Black and Uncle Fester... And why was Bo Katan permitted to be without helmet after all of the hubb bubb of Not taking the helm off 'being the way'. So why wasn't Din given this role or doesn't the Armorer know Din is the star of the show?

I'll ask again, What's goin' on with The Mandalorian?
Again 'democracy' portrayed as it is, oppressive and corrupt... at least they got that right.

This better be comedic episode like some other shows that throw in the occasional 'off the cuff' episode.

Now the dark Saber is given...Oy Vey...

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power: 1x06 Udûn

Dear oh dear... I read these comments and reviews and honestly I wonder if I'm watching the same show.

Has people's taste and understanding of quality in entertainment been pummeled over time to put the bar so low now that this show is being gushed over the way some people are doing?

There is no consistency, the compositing is atrocious, there are some major modelling issues that should have been fixed in post. Continuity is appalling. The Galadriel thing is just monsterous. The acting and writing is truly some of the worst I've seen in such a huge budgeted show.

I was in moments of out loud laughing at the absurdity, or in silence with jaw dropped in gross astonishment. Then forehead in hand with vocal groans pain.

The closing scene was complete nonsense. That would be endgame for any living flesh. Alas we know there is a main survivor that would be an impossibility. 2/10

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Halo: 1x09 Transcendence

So they pulled 'The Witcher' template. Use the whole first season as the forward for the rest of the book.

I'm not sure if I have the energy to invest in Halo for season 2. At least 117 shut up for the last 5min of this episode. And maybe he's had that helmet welded onto his damn shoulders!

And as bad writing does they crushed the whole major plots of each arc into the last 30 min of the last episode...

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Project Blue Book

Extremely disappointed this show was cancelled! Are you kidding? Had some good actors interesting writing with some elements of historical truth as the basis.

One of the very few shows I was looking forward to every week. Aside from the panic of a basic bug going around reducing the content that is available to us this was a gem shining from the pile of manure we are forced to rummage through.

Not happy with the History channel, not happy at all.

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House of the Dragon: 1x10 The Black Queen

Shout by tropolite
BlockedParent2022-10-10T05:53:10Z— updated 2022-10-23T13:20:18Z

[How can this episode already have several ratings for it? - original post Oct 10]


What a ride! Hail the Black Queen!

Honour, allegiances, and common sense still become clear in the rising tide of war. The intentional overcome by the accidental rage which more than often starts most wars.

Excellent writing, direction, performances. Every aspect of this show drips high fantasy for adults and for those that don't need everything to be spelt out to them as an audience.

Now this sudden recall of the realisation of the long anticipation between the early seasons of GoT is overshadowing the brilliance of this finale. No matter, I'll just rewatch it!

Thanks cast and crew for this splendid Season 1. And restoring the hope there can still be in Quality entertainment coming to an expecting audience and that all is not lost. 10

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

Well the first episode obviously did some initial grounding of the characters and set the scene of what we can somewhat expect from HotD season.

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. I still can't get past 'Lord Corlys Velaryon' considering in the older times especially they kept in breeding as they didn't want their bloodline tainted. That is well known in the lore.

Back in GoT, Xaro Xhoan Daxos was a trader and fit well in the show, as did other ethnicities depicting different houses and regions. It just doesn't sit in the story well and is a clear token character to get a PoC into the main house. It would have been better to have a Meister role or other primary role but not Targaryen.

I always give new shows 3-4eps to either hook me or push me away, so we'll see what next week brings us.

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Ahsoka: 1x02 Part Two: Toil and Trouble

There's a lot of copy and paste in this show, at least in the first two episodes. It's Girls In Space not Star Wars and it only goes to show that catiness and bitchiness is still strong in this future.

They are trying to capture 'The Mandalorian' style of acting but without Helms on so there's a ton of emptiness. There's a 'Tom Cruise' knock off and a ton of just standing around with arms crossed.

No wonder Favreau is pissed at Feloni for buckling and letting Darth K-Kennedy to insert her nonsense into this show yet again. She is the cancer that's destroying Star Wars and LucasFilm completely.. her departure cannot come quick enough. Ahsoka was to be the first show KK free, but she forced her grubby nose and demands into this show too in key areas.

Roll onto Mandalorian Season 4.

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x05 Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian

Sneeky Bugga's!
Great Episode... No denying it.
If my eyes didn't device me that looked very much like a Halo easter egg.
And the ships. All of them. The latest one is great for a runabout but there really needs a cruiser of some type and throw the run about in the back for those special jobs
Yeah, I know. You have no clue what I'm talking about. I'm not one for spoilers but I do like teasing because this is worth it for those who haven't started watching this yet.
Star Wars, the better iteration, shines through in this episode. See y'all next week! 9/10

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x06 Too Many Tuna Sandwiches

If you are watching any other show other than this one you need to catch up and be a part of this phenomena!

The show is pure artistry. The writing, the pace, the cinematography, the acting, the soundtrack, the crew working behind the scenes. This show cannot be this good if the is a weak link in the team work to bring this all together. This is the type of show intelligent, appreciative show watchers crave ... this is IT Baby!

I said it before, it is so friggin hard not to throw in spoilers but I'm not going to do it because everyone should have the opportunity to watch it 'clean'.

Just watch it... it's it next week yet?!

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The UnXplained

Catch up whoever hosts this site... The UnXplained have been running season 3 episodes for the last 6 weeks...

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Star Trek: Discovery: 3x08 The Sanctuary

They / them... How bout F*** Off Star Trek Discovery. No more of this nonsense for me. I've put up with a lot of crap from this show because I like Sci Fi and I used to enjoy The Star Trek universe. But we never see the toilet in Any Star Trek show but we've seen it time and time again in this monstrocity of a sh!t show. B-bye

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The Blacklist: 7x19 The Kazanjian Brothers

Well that was a surprise! It reminded me of a Fringe episode. Great work. Sad that the season is cut short but the media has everyone panicked and fearful over a virus that is only dangerous to 3-5% of the population. But that'll come out in time.

Looking forward to season 8.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: 1x10 Beyond Logic

Yes, season 1 is locked in, done. Over all a drag.
But having said that I need to give Mari Yamamoto the crown for best overall acting performance of the whole season of the whole cast, being exposed with reality and time and talking to a tree. Sincerely excellent acting.

But then the highlight of the season unfortunately came in the last 10sec of the final episode.

If they are going to do a season 2 of this show may I suggest they take inspiration from Godzilla Minus One and to drop the soap opera of the show and maybe show some guts and kill off the three most annoying characters... Brother, sister and girlfriend... especially girlfriend.

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Barry: 4x05 tricky legacies

Okay, that was weird. I'm presuming all that was going on in Barry's noggin.


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The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies

I was hoping for a tongue in cheek comment in the trap something along the lines of "This is NOT the way", but I guess it was too corny even for what this show has become. Yes / No ?!
Well I'm gonna say it. This is not the way. I was kind of expecting the Din Djarin getting the treatment of what the big guy got to be honest. His show has been taken away. I guess there's always the finale to complete Pedro's contract.

This is not the way. Maybe I've just become jaded over how many shows have succumbed to having no real imagination or creativity any more. Well here's to next week, hopefully the finale pushes the funk out of the way and it is an enjoyable finale.

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The Ark: 1x02 Like It Touched the Sun

This is an adolescent high school soap dressed up as a wannabe SciFi. Maybe it's just trying to find its legs, but I very much doubt it.

The whole thing looks like it was developed on a shoe string budget and then someone spent half of it on lunch.

I only rolled my eyes several times this episode.

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House of the Dragon: 1x06 The Princess and the Queen

Welcome to the two new actors... probably not the best episode to form a proper opinion of their skills as actors, but the episode itself had a lot going on and it was hard enough who was who and why just two actors needed to be changed and yet Ser Christon was his young looking self. And all those kids... are we suppose to keep track of them all? Such a shame Daemon's new wife (for this episode) had a problem, such a beauty.

We have a Dragon population explosion and there are a number of very interesting gaming pieces ahead methinks, for the throne. I'm not really sure why they chose to fast track the prestory into 5 episodes rather than extend the story over the first season. They must have their reasons I guess and we will know soon enough, but it better be a good reason.

We shall see how next week goes...I did enjoy this episode. Gave it a 7/10.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x10 A Quality of Mercy

Thankfully that's over!
... And the whole Spock eyebrow thing, how forced was That! I don't think that I can remember seeing him do that before.
And the whole finale thing... really, is that what's happening?

There are people that will like this show, I don't understand how, but it's up to them. Taste is a personal matter, and subjective, but if there is any hope for this show, they have to get some writers that have some actual sci-fi passion and comprehension.

If there's a season two I hope y'all enjoy it.

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The Old Man: 1x03 III

This is a slow burn show.
Don't get me wrong it's really cerebral and there's a lot of story going on. That slow burn is not because the flame is small, no, it's more like we're far away from a large bonfire. I was shocked when the episode finished, as it felt the 1+hr show must only be half way through.

Bridges and Lithgow are doing as you would expect, their craft very well. Just to see them working, doing what they do best is a joy to watch. The other cast members are no slouches either. This is including the fully furry ones... you got to love Rotties!

The writing is good so far. And the story itself draws you in like a moth to the flame.

This is just Good Viewing if you like this genre.
I suggest if you're unsure about this show watch the first three episodes and I'm sure it will shoot the drone out of the sky for you.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x10 Sins of the Father

Very frustrating, frustratingly frustrating.
Dexter, being a Blood spatter and forensics dude would have known about pins and they have their own serial number, hell, even I know that, and I know and Dex would have known that and seen the scar as an indicator that Matt had surgery while doing his slicing and dicing. And every man and dog knows these are made of titanium and don't melt.

I don't know... I'm pretty disappointed at the moment and not sure about the whole lot now.

Then the second Cameo... what the hell was that all for?
Yep, disappointed.

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x03 Smoke Signals

Who else is friggin enjoying Dexter as much now as in the original series? So damn good!

It looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in the Morgan family with the glimmer of a dark side in Harrison. we have a few mysteries popping up, another classic trait of Dexter OG.

This is good time for Showtime to announce a season 2 renewal, because of they think they can get away with just a single season they have to be friggin nuts! We've been starved of good TV show content over the last few years (with one or two exceptions), Dexter really needs extra attention. Who can just let this new found family of dark passengers alone to fend for themselves...?

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The Walking Dead: 11x01 Acheron (1)

I have to say it... Seriously what was the point to showing that poster other than being just a big flag of virtue signalling. The show itself has been a beacon of multi culturalism. That should be all of what we need from a show and entertainment. I have to agree with others this episode was a big step up from the last season and to see some old faces.

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It's June 2024.
This is the first time I decided to re-watch this show for years.
I must say bingeing this show and knowing the outcome rather than being caught up trying to figure out what's going on, you can really concentrate on the incredible story lines and the intricate and detailed story jumps, the stories within the story.

I'm deep into season 5 and LOST just keeps getting better and the characters continue to evolve and become more interesting. Either find a friend who has this series on Bluray or find it streaming somewhere, but this is THE show to binge if ever you're going to.

Great show to get immersed in!

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Young Sheldon: 7x14 Memoir (2)

That was a great finale cleverly dropping classic moments from the show and adding some special surprises to really bring it all together, wrapping paper expertly folded and fastened to seal it up, and to give that gift extra pop, the ribbon and bow to depict this is a special gift for you.

Congratulations on a job well done, bringing it to one of the best finales I can think of.

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Young Sheldon: 7x13 Funeral (1)

Beautifully written, bringing out some of the many ways people deal with this inevitable situation and still tastefully bring humor to an otherwise unavoidable cataclysmic event for family and friends. Well done to all.

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Young Sheldon: 7x12 A New Home and a Traditional Texas Torture

I wondered how they would do this... And it was very well done indeed. The daily, day to day, rigmorole continues... Till they don't.

Reagan 'Missy', performed the scene impeccably well.
I can't wait to see her acting bloom in future projects.

And Lance 'George Snr', had a full and interesting episode... it was a fun episode on the eve of the final two episodes that will wind the series of Young Sheldon.

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Resident Alien: 3x08 Homecoming

Ohh.... What!

Awe... Ahhh...

OHH... W. T. F**K
There HAS to be a Season 4
(Why we only got 8 episodes this season 'Is Some Bullshit!)'

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Shōgun: 1x07 A Stick of Time

It's so hard to heap enough praise on this show and do it justice. The complexity of the story, the beauty of the land. The cinematography, direction, acting from the stars to the extras, and crew giving 100% to the production of this masterpiece, it's such a pleasure to watch.

Such a beautifully told story.

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Shōgun: 1x06 Ladies of the Willow World

This was such an excellent episode!
It was most definitely a deep and expansive foundational narrative for the whole saga. The nuances, the meaning, spiritual significance, and subtleties I fear of certain acts of this episode are lost to the viewer.

I would imagine the significance would only reveal itself to those that have read Clavell's book prior to watching this amazingly crafted miniseries.

My hope is more of Clavell's Asian Saga is made with the same detail and love that Shōgun is clearly made and acted.

My further wish is this beautifully crafted series challenges others to put their heart and soul into future movies/series that rivals the quality we have in this miniseries. While at the same time putting the sword to the trash we've had to endure as quality entertainment enthusiasts seeking our next love, and yet being disappointed time and time again.

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