

New York, NY


Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Onward’:

  1. I loved the message that sometimes we need to appreciate what we’ve always had more than what we never knew.

  2. I thought it was an interesting choice to use fairytale creatures in a world that resembles our own. And I believe that there’s an analogy in there somewhere, involving a kind of wonder and magic that we as humans have forgotten about over time.

  3. The brotherly bond was incredibly touching and may have inspired a tear or two. The sacrifice at the end was painful, but perfect.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x04 I Get Physical

The lack of screen time for our main character here is a testament to how uninteresting he is. And these Marvel show episodes typically end with a solid, fairly-intense cliffhanger. This one? Luke gets sued.

Sounds about right.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x03 Wig Out

That last scene between Luke and Claire was painful to watch — and not because I was overwhelmed with emotion. I just don’t buy into all the over-the-top melodrama. And why does Claire care so much about the father stuff? It’s all just a bit much.

Luke is 100% the least charismatic Defender. It almost makes complete sense how this episode barely focused on him. It wouldn’t be entertaining otherwise. This show is held up by its female characters... Mariah... Misty... and Claire, when she’s not with Luke. Go figure.

I am, however, into this new guy with his own mysterious set of powers. Curious to see where that goes. But other than him and the ladies... this just isn’t a strong series.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x02 Straighten It Out

I hate Luke’s one-liners with a fiery passion. Super cheesy.

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A Simple Favor

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Simple Favor’:

  1. Henry Golden is absolute perfection.

  2. The character of Stephanie Smothers was just a little TOO over-the-top at times, bordering on obnoxious.

  3. Overall, I didn’t think the film was unenjoyable. But the mystery felt a little thrown together and the twist at the end — for me personally — was a bit overhyped and anticlimactic.

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God's Own Country

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘God’s Own Country’:

  1. A beautiful film about loneliness and the power of companionship. The power of love and someone else’s ability to make our lives infinitely better. To complete us.

  2. The beginning of this film was VERY “Brokeback,” in more ways than one. So, as a viewer, I immediately felt like I was watching something super unoriginal. But it eventually found its own footing to its own story... and to a refreshingly-lovely ending.

  3. I was hoping the L-word would’ve been said. But I get it. It took a lot for John to say all he did in the end. And that was enough.

Bonus Thought: Those scenes. Is it hot in here??

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The Comeback

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Comeback’:

  1. Thank you, Lisa Kudrow, for your genius. And for creating one the absolute best and wholeheartedly underrated characters on television.

  2. Like Valerie Cherish herself, ‘The Comeback’ deserved more than it ever got. Sheer perfection from start to finish. Treat yourself with this series. And witness one of the most magnificent series finales, ever. Then join me in praying for a season three.

  3. And then there’s Mickey. Robert Michael Morris was a gift. Without him, there would be something incredibly special missing from this show. xo

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x03 Kandahar

I like gruff. Not Christian Bale/Batman gruff. Bernthal is coming awfully close to Christian Bale/Batman gruff.

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Survivor: 40x10 The Full Circle

I despise the whispering at tribal. That was never a thing before. They used to remain seated, uncertain, and had to rely on the trust of their alliances to vote accordingly, after a day of deliberating. That was fun to watch. This sudden, last-minute, inordinately-long scrambling with each other... is not.

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Survivor: 40x09 War is Not Pretty

Was never the biggest fan of Adam, but my heart hurt for him here.

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Web Therapy: 4x08 Lost on the Young

Calista Flockhart + Lisa Kudrow = Perfection

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Ally McBeal: 5x22 Bygones

I love you so much, Ally McBeal.

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Web Therapy: 4x01 Call in the Light

I doubt anyone will see this review, but I just came to say that Lisa Kudrow is an absolute TREASURE. ‘Web Therapy’ may not have been a mega hit, but its little dose of levity is quite needed these days.

And who doesn’t love Gwyneth?!

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The Twilight Zone: 2x10 You Might Also Like

I wish the ending could have been stronger, but this outing probably feels like the most Twilight Zone-y episode out of all of ‘em in this reboot. It doesn’t hurt that the “To Serve Man” aliens are back! One of my fave OG episodes.

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Nine to Five

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Nine to Five’:

  1. This one was a good ol’ rewatch with family, reminding me that I apparently hadn’t seen it in its entirety. So much I didn’t remember.

  2. I got ‘First Wives Club’ and ‘Witches of Eastwick’ vibes with this. Three iconic women being pure badasses. Who would today’s trio be?

  3. This gets a higher rating for the theme song alone.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x18 SNL At Home 3: Kristen Wiig

Kristen Wiig is still a riot.

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Westworld: 3x06 Decoherence

Badass episode. Definitely my fave of the season. Maybe even the entire series.

I think I’m realizing that I’m purely anti-Serac. He reminds me of Thanos... good intentions (in his own mind), evil execution. But if it comes down to Maeve and Dolores, I’m :pound_symbol:TeamMaeve all the way. And that girl is PISSED.

Regardless, I’m living for all the strong female characters in this show.

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Westworld: 3x02 The Winter Line

Maeve! How I’ve missed you. How I’ve forgotten how pivotal you‘ve been to my enjoyment of this series. Maeve IS Westworld. Dolores who?

MUCH better episode than the premiere. As much as I DO enjoy Dolores, this episode proves how much more compelling and complex Maeve is as a character. And I looooooove how they’re building to a head-to-head between these two women.

Team Maeve, all the way.

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Westworld: 3x01 Parce Domine

I had read that this season wouldn’t be as confusing/complicated.


This might’ve been the most confusing premiere yet. :pound_symbol:wtfdidijustwatch

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Carnival of Souls

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Carnival of Souls’:

  1. That bus scene was pure nightmare fuel.

  2. I give this old film points for the creepy vibes. All brought on by a super atmospheric score and some haunting visuals (see thought :pound_symbol:1).

  3. I thought the story was lacking. About to do a deep dive into the meaning of what I just watched. I have my theories. And I’m sure many of today’s horror films learned a thing or two from this movie. But, in the end, I was scratching my head.

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13 Reasons Why

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘13 Reasons Why’:

  1. Season One was a heartbreaking, tragic masterpiece. It was compelling and often incredibly hard to watch — and one of the most emotionally-impactful seasons of television I’ve ever seen. The storytelling via the tapes, in my opinion, was especially unique. The rest of the series, admittedly still super-bingeable, pales in comparison.

  2. Throughout the series, many of the characters become interchangeably likable and despise-able. It’s one of my biggest criticisms of the series. Many of their actions are unnecessarily frustrating, inconsistent, and over-the-top. But, then again, these are high schoolers.

  3. Despite a rocky run, the final episode wraps things up rather nicely. It’s absolutely devastating, which is fitting for a show always shadowed by an ever-present cloud of tragedy, but there’s closure. And maybe even a little hope.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Mother’:

  1. Wow. They got me. I didn’t see that entire conclusion coming from a mile away — and I totally feel like I should have. That’s the sign of a good film.

  2. I’m really enjoying Bong Joon-ho as a storyteller. After seeing three of his films, I’m getting a better sense of his style and the quirky moments. I look forward to what he does next.

  3. The ending - with the kid they found guilty for the crime - was heart-wrenching.

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Dark Phoenix

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Dark Phoenix’:

  1. This movie was insanely predictable, almost every step of the way. And it all started with a trailer that gave away wayyy too much.

  2. I love Sophie Turner. She’s a fantastic actress. But I thought this was a poor casting choice. I feel like the whole character was done wrong. Never did I feel intimidated by her. Never did I sense this all-powerful being filled with rage. Never.

  3. Call me crazy, but I prefer ‘The Last Stand’ to this. I miss Hugh. I miss Halle. I miss Rebecca Romijn and Famke. The villain here was so poorly executed. In general, this was rough.

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The Shape of Water

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Shape of Water’:

  1. I couldn’t buy into the romance, at all. I just couldn’t. It was a little too “out there” for me.

  2. Did this remind anyone else of a backwards (a :asterisk_symbol:very:asterisk_symbol: backwards) version of ‘Splash’?

  3. The one and only aspect of this film that I enjoyed was Guillermo’s vision. I love his style. I love his creatures (Doug Jones is remarkable.). His penchant for dark fairytales. The way he’s able to deliver such a rage-inducing villain. I was just NOT able to connect with this story.

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A Cure for Wellness

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Cure for Wellness’:

  1. This movie does NOT deserve its 42% Rotten Tomato score. I thought it was a solid film that actually has solid rewatch value. It’s a complicated story where everything, I believe, makes a refreshing amount of sense in the end. And I thought it was shot extremely well.

  2. I was very satisfied with the ending. And there was a large amount of doubt (no thanks to the RT score) that I would be. I reeeally thought this would be another “he was crazy the entire time” ending, or another bleak conclusion where the main character is just plain f’d. But I was happy to see Lockhart in a better place and to leave with the absolute realization that he had actually found his cure after all.

  3. Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed the score. It was incredibly eerie and haunting — and I thought it contributed wonderfully to the film’s equally eerie atmosphere.

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Prison Break

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Prison Break’:

  1. Writing this after finally finishing the rebooted fifth season. Great to see these actors working together again. And to see a happier ending.

  2. It’s often a fairly fun show to watch, but - after so many years of being off the air, it’s proven not to be very memorable. I couldn’t tell you all that went down after the first season.

  3. While it’s difficult to recall most of the series, I’ll never forget how the first season’s finale was one of the most thrilling episodes of television I’ve ever seen.

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Prison Break: 5x08 Progeny

I can barely get my Uber driver to pick me up on the right street corner, let alone give him coordinates.

The amount of disbelief you have to suspend for this show is outrageous.

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The Lion King

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Lion King’:

  1. Timon and Pumbaa stole the show. Billy Eichner killed it and had me cracking up, particularly at the end of Hakuna Matata.

  2. Honestly, the worst parts for me: Beyoncé and the all-too-abridged “Be Prepared.” Then again, NOBODY can top Jeremy Irons.

  3. This film repeats so much of the original. Many of the same shots (w/ admittedly STUNNING visuals) and same lines. The best of this were all the parts that were new, because you can’t duplicate perfection. I just wish they mixed things up a liiittle bit more.

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Castle Rock: 2x08 Dirty

Who woulda thunk you’d ever root for Annie Wilkes? Strange, but incredibly fun.

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Castle Rock: 2x07 The Word

Shout by Corey

I was ecstatic to see the connection to the first season. We were left with questions that I thought would never get answered, but it looks like they just might after all.

Great to see Bill underneath that hood.

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