

New York, NY

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x05 Property Queens

When you take all the stakes away (aka no eliminations, prizes they aren’t winning for themselves, etc.), there’s clearly no sense of urgency to learn your lip sync lyrics. I love seeing all the queens every week, but we lose an element of what makes the show compelling.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 5x10 Episode 10

I am SO happy with this win. She is so deserving for so many reasons.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Red, White & Royal Blue’:

  1. The scenes before the beginning credits led me to believe this would be an intolerable, corny, cheese-fest of a film. I was wrong. This was heartwarming, well-done, and didn’t shy away from much. And I would love to revisit these characters again.

  2. It was great to see Uma Thurman! Her president’s reaction to her son’s news was EVERYTHING. Sincerely beautiful.

  3. I particularly enjoyed the scene of them texting / talking to each other while separated, the way it was put together. Envisioning them in the same room, the same bed. Appearing and vanishing. That’s when I started to realize this movie was actually pretty smart.

Bonus Thought: That journalist is a total POS. We’ve all met this guy.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x15 Reunited!

I cannot wait to watch Mistress lose next week. Next-level arrogance and she clearly revels in bringing others down.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x12 Wigloose: The Rusical!

Lux is a hateful bitch. And her drag is basic, continuing to forever rely on body.

Am I the only one who feels bad for Loosey? Yeah, she’s a bit intense… but this competition clearly means a lot to her. And isn’t that how it should be? That’s still important, right? Cut her some slack.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x04 Supersized Snatch Game

I REALLY enjoyed when we watched the judges deliberate while the queens weren’t on stage, so it’s a MAJOR bummer to see that gone. And another runway look from Salina that’s just horrendous. Sad to see Sugar go, but it sadly made sense.

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

It’s so great to see my Fringe queen, Anna Torv, on this show. Love her.

Super strong start here. Tons of promise. I wish more of that edge-of-your-seat energy continued a liiiiiiittle more throughout the episode. The tension dropped off significantly after the time jump, but… we inevitably need to learn some stuff and character dive, so all is forgiven.

Excited to see what’s to come!

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x03 All Queens Go To Heaven

I’m sorry, but Salina’s looks are HORRENDOUS. I’m surprised she managed to escape the bottom for the past two weeks.

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Survivor: 43x10 Get That Money, Baby

I now officially have nobody that I’m rooting for anymore. I love me some Survivor, but this season has been incredibly lackluster.

I also miss when they had the jury enter one by one, with the focus on who was voted out last. It was always classic Tribal Council. An unnecessary change.

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RuPaul's Drag Race UK: 4x06 Episode 6

Cheddar is absolutely spectacular. Such heart, smarts, and talent.

I would’ve been annoyed if Jonbers won the challenge. I like her, but it always frustrates me when a queen gets credit and praise for an idea that comes from RuPaul. It’s happened before, and I think it takes away from those who have executed their own concepts.

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Survivor: 43x06 Mergatory

I’m not a big fan of the shortened game. It felt like this merge came insanely fast. Barely any tribe vs. tribe.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’:

  1. What a RIDE. I loved it. It was an onslaught of absurdity and randomness. I’m still processing it. And I don’t quite get everything just yet. But, at the very least, it was a masterful work of art. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  2. It’s insane how something so ridiculous can be so moving. There’s a lot to unpack here. Beautiful messages about the choices we make, the complicated relationships with those we love, and the extraordinary things in living a simple life.

  3. It’s gonna be a while before I eat another hot dog.

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Survivor: 41x03 My Million Dollar Mistake

When will players ever learn… when you find an advantage… KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. You’re not GAINING someone’s trust. You’re putting a target on your back. Ugh.

P.S. Ricard is a slimy little snake.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x03 The Swedish Job

I don’t know who annoys me more: Luther or Diego (whose new look I’m not a fan of at all).

And does the whole Luther/Allison thing bother anyone else? Yeah, they’re not blood-related, but everyone else in the family embraces their brotherly/sisterly bond. It’s just a little odd to have romance there.

Greatest Character Improvement: Klaus. I wasn’t sure I’d like him at the start of the series. He was just wayyy over-the-top and obviously reaching to be a fan favorite. Happy to see them level him out a bit, while keeping him eccentric and giving him more sincere moments. I’ve grown to like the character a lot.

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Wonder Woman 1984
Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x08 AKA Camera Friendly

Is it just me, or are many of these characters fairly unlikeable? Malcolm has been pretty awful, Trish is almost a bit pathetic with her insistence on being a superhero (and her little PR stunt was wholly unappealing), and now Hogarth is detestable (along with her overly-ambitious assistant).

We need a little more Erik this season. He’s been a delight — and Jessica needs to quit leaving him behind.

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Legion: 3x04 Chapter 23

I’ve had my qualms about how the wackiness of this series can be so wasteful and detrimental to the story. Here, it was absolute genius.

The best episode of the entire series, so far.

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The Little Mermaid

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Little Mermaid’:

  1. Halle Bailey IS Ariel. She was absolute perfection. From voice to vibe, she captured her essence impeccably. I believe a star has officially been born.

  2. Melissa McCarthy had veryyy gargantuan tentacles to fill. And I think Pat Carroll would’ve been incredibly pleased with what she did with her sea witch.

  3. I thought they built upon the original film’s story in all the right ways. Fleshing it out to make a little more sense. Providing more substance. While not everything was picture perfect, it worked and gave fresh magic to a beloved story.

Bonus Thought: I thought it was a fantastic movie to look at, especially under the sea. Gorgeous colors and visuals. Eye candy all around. And that includes Jonah Hauer-King. :pound_symbol:snack

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Oppenheimer’:

  1. Much of the film, particularly in the beginning, felt more like a montage than a movie. The scattered-ness of the scenes created a disconnect that made it difficult to absorb what exactly was going on.

  2. Why the black and white? What purpose did that serve? I’ll probably find out at some point, but it’d be nice to know in real time.

  3. I certainly didn’t expect Nolan to give us Oppenheimer for Dummies, but I really wish he would have. Performances were clearly impressive (I’m looking at you, Cillian), but they’re hard to fully appreciate when everyone is having rapid-fire conversations about fairly complex situations — and you’re too busy trying to keep up. This being my biggest qualm.

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

One of my biggest television pet peeves is when a character can explain a situation a trillion times better than they actually do - and they don’t. When they can very easily defend their actions, successfully and succinctly - and they don’t.

That was Hughie here. Frustrating to no end. Starlight doesn’t deserve you.

Rant over.

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Black Mirror: 6x01 Joan Is Awful

At first, thinking of how this show once consisted of (and was catapulted by) fairly unknown actors, I was a little perturbed by the abundance of celebrity appearances. Then the twist happened… and that was actually all really clever.

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Fear Street: 1994

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part One: 1994’:

  1. Lemme tell you… I loved it! It was nostalgic. It was an homage to so much that has come before (that intro had ‘Scream’ written all over it). But it also had a hefty dose of originality. Great characters you cared about. It took risks. It surprised you. And it was a LOT more mature than I expected it to be. I loved the books way back when, and this made me wanna read them again. Bravo.

  2. I LOVED the LGBT twist in the beginning! Did NOT expect that person to be Sam. Solid execution.

  3. It had a bit of a Hocus Pocus vibe to me, which made the character deaths and the paths into “Rated R” territory that much more effective. It was a weird and welcomed mix.

Bonus Thought: I legit can’t wait for the next one. Super invested.

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Dark: 3x03 Adam and Eva

Not sure I’m a big fan of the alternate universe thing. This show was already complicated enough. And just when you’re getting a proper grasp on the story/characters — right before the final season, no less — they add parallel worlds to the mix.

I still love this show, but the complexities are beginning to get exhausting. I’m tired of trying to figure things out, and make sense of it all, during a season that should be tying everything together.

I’m hoping my opinion changes. :fingers_crossed_tone1:

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Talk to Me

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Talk to Me’:

  1. It peaked with that brutal scene, when the game took a violent turn (I straight-up gasped), which was fairly early on, and the rest of the film never really reached that level of shock again.

  2. Was it just me, or was the audio pretty awful? So many conversations were unclear. I couldn’t understand how the mom died. She took too many pills, on accident, and then clawed at the door? How does that work?

  3. I really liked the concept of the hand (albeit somewhat confusing). And I think it’s interesting to see it used as some sort of party game. But when characters are dumb enough to revel in something so awful, it’s difficult to care about their fate. I wasn’t fully invested in them.

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Shout by Corey
BlockedParent2023-07-22T02:32:47Z— updated 2023-08-15T14:33:20Z

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Barbie’:

  1. It started off strong and wonderfully ridiculous. It should have stayed ridiculous. Instead, they tried wayyy too hard to convey some deep message that got lost in the shuffle. There was a missed opportunity to be incredibly poignant but, once it became Kens vs. Barbies, it became rather cheesy.

  2. As impeccable and otherworldly-endearing as Robbie is, I feel like Gosling was the one who really shined here. He delivered the best laughs, solidly, and he’s generally SUCH a terrific performer. I loved his little ditty and almost forgot about his La La Land skills.

  3. I really liked the music! Lizzo’s intro was hysterical, the dance scenes were super fun, and I can’t get Billie Eilish’s closing ballad out of my head.

Bonus Thought: I see you, Allan.

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Halloween Ends

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Halloween Ends’:

  1. You’re tasked with creating a franchise-ending chapter of a legendary horror series with the iconic star/character that started it all, and this is what you put together? A “final” Halloween film that’s barely about Michael Myers. GTFO. Missed opportunities GALORE.

  2. The relationship with Laurie and her granddaughter starts out healthy and promising. A nice setup for chaos to ensue. Two seconds later, Allyson is ready to ditch her family for a random dude. So many out-of-character moments that made zero sense.

  3. This wasn’t the film to introduce (and focus on!) a character like Corey. Maybe mid-franchise this could have been done to mix things up a bit. Friday the 13th kinda sorta did that, where the killer wasn’t always Jason. But NOT this time, not when you’re touting a final face-off between Michael and his Final Girl. You’re setting your fans up for disappointment.

Bonus Thought: I’m officially pretending that this new trilogy never existed, back to when Laurie Strode was Michael’s sister and everything made sense.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Hellraiser’:

  1. After all these years, it’s nice to understand more, certainly not completely, what the heck that damn box is all about. I very much appreciated a more linear, fleshed-out story with this incredible mythology.

  2. While this new film got creative with the gore, there’s something about the practical effects from the original that unsettled me a bit more.

  3. I missed Bradley’s iconic Pinhead vocals, but I’m very pleased with Clayton’s take here. Her presence was different, yet strong and formidable. I’d definitely like to see her return to the role.

Bonus Thought: I loved the way the doors to the other realm opened up in various scenes, especially in the back of the truck.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x01 Winter Break

I was hoping for a season where Clay isn’t a moody baby the entire time. Not sure I’m getting one.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x14 Happy Ending

Bravo, Schitt’s Creek. Bravo. You stole my heart and will truly be missed. Perfect ending.

Simply the best. xo

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Jury Duty

3 Thoughts After Completing ‘Jury Duty’:

  1. Kudos for being something very different AND for pulling off something so elaborate. I left this viewing experience feeling super satisfied. Phenomenal payoff.

  2. To me, this was less of a comedy and more of an experiment. Quality reality TV. Yeah, it was funny for sure, but I was essentially more curious about where this was all going. And how authentic it was. I’m glad they showed all the receipts at the end lol.

  3. Fantastic, super-likable cast with great chemistry… especially our leading man Ronald. I hope we get to see more of him.

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