

New York, NY

Schitt's Creek: 4x06 Open Mic

Thank you for making me ugly cry, Schitt’s Creek.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 8x05 Snatch Game of Love

Kahanna, worry about yourself and maybe don’t suck at Snatch Game. At the end of the day, it’s a competition for 200k and Heidi was only doin’ her damn thing. The narcissism is real, honey. Not a fan. You should’ve gone home.

Kandy, I see right through you. You said what you said and you’re just crying about being called out on it. Another one-note queen who’s pissy after falling short one too many times. Consistently saved for the sheer obnoxious “entertainment” you bring to reality TV.

I’m basically annoyed with both of them for ganging up on Heidi, whom I adore and was rooting for. Now I’m cheering on Jimbo all the way. That Snatch Game of hers had me in absolute stitches. If only she channeled her Shirley Temple moves into her lip syncs.

Also, did anyone else notice how watery Heidi’s eyes were when she was talking to Ru about her Snatch Game? So sad.

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Survivor: 44x07 Let's Not Be Cute About It

Carolyn is everything. Such a unique personality, and she comes across as super authentic and a breath of fresh air for a show where we’ve seen so many personalities. Really, really rooting for her.

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Australian Survivor: 10x24 Episode 24

An amazing season ends with a bit of a whimper. Only because the three of them basically got by because of George. And Liz didn’t finally “decide” to get rid of him… it was a bit of a stretch for her to claim that… bc it was the only rational decision for everyone to make in that moment! Nobody was gonna vote for Gerry.

George’s gameplay is unmatched, by any Survivor player, ever. The fact that he made it THAT far is unfathomable, and worthy of endless praise. I began to get bored once he was voted out, because he was the only one truly worthy of the win.

Still, out of the three left, the right person did come out victorious. And it really was a fantastic season with a spectacular group of castaways!

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

As soon as I saw Linda Ronstadt, I knew. =)

Wow. I feel like this never happens in these types of shows. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and something horrible to happen the ENTIRE episode. But this was, ultimately, a heartbreakingly happy ending. And it was all about love. Such a beautiful well-rounded story.

That last shot was perfection.

“I was never afraid before you showed up.”

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x05 House Of Fashion

Bring back the deliberations! I’m definitely missing some quality judge time. And HOW can we watch an episode of Drag Race and not hear “Silence! Bring back my girls.”??? It just ain’t right.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 6x11 Glitter Ball

One of the very few times I’ve disagreed with Ru’s decision.

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Supernatural: 11x19 The Chitters

Absolutely love that this show — one always overflowing with machismo — finally gave us a gay male couple. Love that they made them hunters. And I love the way that Sam and Dean embraced them.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 5x11 Sugar Ball

Roxy… I don’t even care if I spelled her name wrong… is an awful human. Mean-spirited and an unfortunate representation of the LGBTQ+ community.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 5x04 Black Swan: Why It Gotta Be Black?

Ru made the exact call she should have. That was the least entertaining lip sync on the show.

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Supernatural: 10x16 Paint It Black

One of my biggest qualms about this show is its occasional lack of grandeur. For example, you’d think something as imposing as hell would be depicted as anything other than what appears to be my neighbor’s basement. And Crowley, the king of it all, sits on a throne that I could probably order online.

When such things are brought to such a basic level, it affects the stakes and the story — and how much we’re able to truly get seriously invested.

Hopefully we’ll get a bigger, and more epic, peek behind the biblical curtain as this story progresses.

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Supernatural: 10x01 Black

This was so incredibly boring. This show needs to stick to what it does best: monster-of-the-week episodes.

The angel stuff is SO tired. It’s not remotely compelling. And I’m not entirely sure what the hell their job/point is anymore.

The show has already ended at the point of me watching this. And if episodes continue to be like this one, I don’t know if I’m gonna make it through to the end.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x12 In Dreams

I love a good “dream” episode, but this was quite a strrrrrrretch. I don’t know if it’s the fact that I’ve not been all that invested in Grace as a character or the ultra-cheesy dialogue from all her “revelations.”

It was an attempt to be poignant and, in my opinion, it fell flat. In the end, Grace realizes that all of her emotional crescendos were literally one flat delusion, making all we had just seen even more absurd. Yeah, sure, it was definitely a twist but I don’t believe it served the story.

And after Morgan kills Riley’s entire team and stabs him in the chest, Riley doesn’t shoot Morgan upon his return? Was he inspired by Grace’s nonsense speech (which actually ended up being nonsense)? That was just lazy writing. Riley embalms people alive. He’s not that nice.

This series continues to be a challenge to get through.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x05 Valhalla

Shout by Corey
BlockedParent2021-01-18T09:19:31Z— updated 2021-04-12T22:00:17Z

Diego and Luther are THE absolute worst. The show’s weakest, most intolerable characters, 100%.

LOVED the entire scene with Vanya, Allison, and Klaus in the salon.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x03 The Who of You

This season is turning out to be much better than the previous one. Semi-predictable, but a fun ride nonetheless.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x10 Graduation

Probably the best episode of the entire season. It was often a frustrating ride, but this was a fitting end to the show (except you killed the character I was rooting for the most). Bittersweet and hopeful. I just wish there was a little more Hannah.

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Outlander: 5x08 Famous Last Words

Watching one man mope around miserable for an entire hour doesn’t make for riveting television. Make it two men and it’s just plain unbearable.

I adore this show, but this was one of my least favorite episodes.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 9x01 Drag Queens Save The World

I’m not sure how I feel about the plan for this season. I love the charity element, and that these organizations are getting some visibility. But — with no eliminations — there are zero stakes each episode as a viewer.

And there doesn’t seem to be any criticisms coming from the judges either. The love fest is nice and all… and these queens have certainly earned their praise… but we still need some CRITIQUE… and I only foresee the concentrated love fest continuing.

My qualms aside… this is an EXCEPTIONAL cast. I can’t help but look forward to what they’ll bring to the stage each week. I think I have to look at this season as a celebration of this show’s legacy rather than a competition.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x10 Werq the World

When I do vote, it won’t be from watching that performance challenge. Am I the only who can never understand what they’re saying? And the decision to have a lip sync for the win was probably based on the fact that the show wasn’t ready to lose Q or Plane Jane… which would have likely been the case.

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From: 2x09 Ball of Magic Fire

WHY would you give Randall the gun for ANY reason? How could any writer think this material would make logical sense?

Jim continues to be intolerable. What an awful character.

Lastly, it’s insane how a second season is about to end and NO questions have been answered. It’ll be a TV miracle and creative genius if all of these mysteries are properly tied together.

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From: 2x03 Tether

Boyd not telling people about what he discovered is infuriating.

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From: 1x09 Into the Woods

Why does Jade ALWAYS HAVE TO YELL? He needs to take it down a notch. It’s a bit much.

Also… I understand that we need character-building, but there are way too many inane chats that don’t advance the plot. Let’s get a move on already.

I will say that the ending was surely interesting.

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Survivor: 44x13 Absolute Banger Season

Yam Yam’s big personality came across, to me, as “showy” and forced. I was not enamored by it like everyone else. And I don’t believe he was as strategic as everybody perceived him to be. He clearly wanted Carolyn out for a while, but failed at convincing anyone else. So I’m not thrilled with the winner. (Although it beats last season.)

I was really rooting for Carolyn, but happy she reached the end. We, as an audience, were lucky to have watched her play. Such a unique and genuine contestant.

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From: 1x05 Silhouettes

The season is half over and I feel like barely anything has happened. Character interactions are boring as hell. The acting is questionable at times. When is this show gonna kick into high gear? When am I gonna start giving a crap?

It’s a shame because there’s some true potential here.

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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars: 8x01 The Fame Games

I could barely understand any of the queens’ lyrics in that challenge. I thought the whole number fell flat in general.

Also, I’m all for positivity, but does anyone feel like the judges are holding back constructive criticism? That they’re being a little too complementary like the last All Stars? Looking on the bright side of a queen’s flawed looks is a beautiful thing, but lite-critiquing does not an entertaining reality competition show make.

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Wednesday: 1x08 A Murder of Woes

Ok, that hug moment was pretty frickin’ fantastic. None of us want Wednesday to lose her signature indifference, but it was pretty powerful to see her care for her friend in the way her friend wanted/needed to be cared for. Loved it.

I kept thinking how Gwendoline Christie was such a great presence on this show, so it was a major bummer to see Weems meet her end, ESPECIALLY in such an anticlimactic way.

I really felt like the Crackstone scenario happened way too fast. I feel like he could’ve been a long-game big bad, looming over the school in an epic seasonal arc. Like more of a war than a single battle. Dude was pretty creepy.

All in all, Wednesday is a fun show with a solid cast of characters you care about. With tons of potential. And Ortega killed it.

Hopefully next season will be a lot less predictable (tho that shapeshifting scene totally got me!)

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Dead to Me: 3x10 We've Reached the End

This season had no reason to be this depressing.

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Dead to Me: 3x07 Can We Be Honest?

The amount of secrets is getting exhausting. At this point, Jen and Judy have no reason but to be completely open with each other. Jen holding back the pregnancy news to her was absurd, and annoying.

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Survivor: 43x13 Snap Some Necks and Cash Some Checks

The incredibly-selfless and historic prize donation aside, I don’t understand how people could be happy with this season. I didn’t find it to be remotely compelling, the cast was barely engaging or captivating, and — I’m sorry — but Gabler did not earn this win. There was never a single accomplishment, throughout the entire season, that made me think that this guy was worthy of the title of ultimate Survivor. Not a one. One of THE most anticlimactic finales I’ve ever seen, despite how unexpected it was. I miss the old format.

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Survivor: 43x08 Proposterous

I fell asleep during this episode. Is it just me, or is this season pretty darn boring?

I’m simultaneously watching the Australian version and I’m beginning to think — with the incomparable Jeff Probst aside — that it’s superior. Check it out if you haven’t!

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