

New York, NY

Jurassic Park

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Jurassic Park’:

  1. Thank you, Steven Spielberg, for creating my favorite movie of all time. THIS is your masterpiece. I first saw this in the movie theater with my little league team, and it transcended any cinematic experience I had ever had. It raised the bar. And very few experiences have ever come close to it ever again.

  2. Thank you, John Williams, for creating one of the greatest scores of all time. Majestic, epic, beautiful, hopeful, and inspiring. This story could not properly be told without it.

  3. There are too many thoughts to share for something so iconic. This was a lightning-in-a-bottle film. Just perfection. The cast, the pacing, the realism for something so fantastical. Pure magic. And :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:nothing:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: — no sequel to ever come forth since — will ever meet its greatness.

Bonus Thought: Thank you, Michael Crichton.

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The Matrix

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Matrix’:

  1. It would be unfair to rate this film anything lower than a 10. It was revolutionary. It was insanely original. And it was next-level stylish. Purely iconic.

  2. One of my favorite scenes, that was surprisingly action-free, was with The Oracle. The actress was superbly subtle and her character’s interaction with Neo was fantastic.

  3. I was super impressed by the way such a complex story was introduced. The first half of the movie was basically a lesson, as we learn along with Neo. And it was ingeniously and intriguingly explained.

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Scream 2

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Scream 2’:

  1. Scream 2 is a stellar sequel. Probably my fave sequel of any film (equal maybe to ‘Batman Returns’). It upped the ante in every way Randy detailed, and then some. I would argue that it’s even better than the original.

  2. This second entry solidified Sidney Prescott as a bona fide badass. She’s right up there with Ellen Ripley and Sarah Conner — and it needs to be talked about more.

  3. There’s a certain choreography to these films that I love. The movement through the school scene with Dewey and Gale kept me on the edge of my seat when I first saw it in the theaters. Epic stuff.

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Shout by Corey
BlockedParent2021-12-17T06:31:29Z— updated 2021-12-18T18:13:44Z

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Scream’:

  1. My favorite horror film of all time — one that honors (and pokes fun of) all that came before it. Classic. Iconic. This movie blew me away when I first saw it many moons ago, especially that beginning. Nothing else like it.

  2. This cast was lightning in a bottle. Neve and Courteney have become some of my favorite actors — just because of this film. Neve is a true leading lady, a force to be reckoned with, and she brought Sidney Prescott to true Scream Queen / Final Girl status. Again… iconic.

  3. The music is perfection. To me, all of it is synonymous with Scream. “Red Right Hand” will always take me right back to this film. The score lends to that sense of dread and drama. And I love that a lot of it continues throughout the franchise.

Bonus Thought: I think it’s crazy how the identity of the killer(s) isn’t obvious, yet insanely obvious at the same time.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Kill Bill’:

  1. This is, hands down, Quentin’s masterpiece. None of his other films hold a candle. And to not include that Uma contributed to the majesty of all this would be a tragedy. She is an absolute force.

  2. When I first saw the Vernita Green battle in my initial viewing at the theatre, I was floored. I just didn’t expect what this film was about to throw at me. I’ll never forget that feeling. It’s one I’ve wanted another film to offer again ever since — and I’m still waiting.

  3. The music. My goodness. It just elevates this film even further. Every song for every moment was perfectly matched. Simply epic.

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E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’:

  1. I just watched this film, one that defined my childhood, for the very first time in a theater — and it was as epic and tender as ever. Iconic in every way. Absolutely magical. And the feels are unbelievably still very, very real. Spielberg at his supremely best.

  2. THAT SCORE. The sound of it brings tears to my eyes and truly reminds us what films can conjure. John Williams is a singular genius. Again, iconic.

  3. It’s a consistent takeaway from the film, so I’d be remiss not to acknowledge it: Can Drew Barrymore be anymore adorable? When Gertie cries, I cry.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Kill Bill: Vol. 2’:

  1. I consider both of these volumes one extraordinary film. Neither part is better than the other. They’re both wonderfully different in their own spectacular ways.

  2. That trailer fight with Elle never ceases to be brutal and disgusting and amazing. I always cringe at the thought of Beatrix in there with her bare feet. And it all culminates perfectly. Daryl Hannah was iconic as Elle in these two volumes.

  3. I absolutely adore Uma Thurman. So dang talented. And this is her best film by far.

Bonus Thought: Fingers crossed for a Volume 3.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Signs’:

  1. I’m not a fan of Mel Gibson as a human by any means, but it’s difficult to deny how incredible his performance was in this film. The entire cast was wonderful.

  2. I don’t think I had ever felt as much tension as I did when I first saw this in the theater. The buildup was fantastic and effective. The creep factor was solid. I literally screamed at one point (that damn party scene), and remained on the edge of my seat until the final scene.

  3. There’s so much here that connects one thing to another, beyond the epiphanies at the end. This was a well thought-out story with a solid message. M. Night’s best film in my opinion.

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Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar’:

  1. I didn’t want it to end.

  2. Part Austin Powers. Part Romy and Michele. Pure sunshine.

  3. It was ABSOLUTELY ridiculous — but somehow, some way, it worked so well. Loads of humor and heart. The perfect tonic after the past year. It makes me miss going to the movies even more.

Bonus Thought: I cannot WAIT to go on vacation again.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Aliens’:

  1. Many people hate on this sequel because it turned classic horror into an action film. I understand, but I don’t see how that’s necessarily a bad thing. They took an incredible film, an original story, and expanded on it perfectly. The scale here is extraordinary and it feels like it was absolutely meant to go in this direction.

  2. Perfect pacing. Just perfect. One helluva climax. And just when you think it’s over...

  3. So many amazing visual moments. So many iconic scenes. FX that still hold up today. Eye candy galore.

Bonus Thought: Sigourney IS the Sci-Fi Queen.

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Jojo Rabbit

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Jojo Rabbit’:

  1. Simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m in awe of this film. I did :asterisk_symbol:not:asterisk_symbol: expect it to go as dark as it did. Absolutely phenomenal work by Taika Waititi. Scarlett was fantastic as well.

  2. The child actors did such an incredible job. Roman Griffin Davis (Jojo) and Archie Yates (Yorki) knocked it out of the park!

  3. The tying of the shoes. Broke. My. Heart. Oh, but the dancing. We should all be dancing more.

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Scream 3
Return of the Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Return of the Jedi’:

  1. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed the Ewoks.
  2. It was particularly great seeing Luke and Leia’s bond strengthen.
  3. It looks like Anakin brought balance to the force after all.
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Spider-Man: No Way Home
Leave the World Behind

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Leave the World Behind’:

  1. Gosh, how much I’ve missed Julia Roberts.

  2. I almost forgot how much I love Sam Esmail. I was enamored straight out of the gate here, hooked right away. His direction, the way he frames everything, the way he builds tension, the use of music, how all these characters had constant, quality, well-developed interactions with each other… he’s a genius. So much talking and I was never bored. Not for a minute. Now I need him to write/direct a horror film. Can you even imagine?

  3. As the buildup progressed, and the story headed towards its unfathomable conclusion, I worried more and more that it wouldn’t stick the landing. But it most definitely did.

Bonus Thought: The Thornes know what’s up with that Buffy collection. I’d be all set lol.

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The Witches of Eastwick

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Witches of Eastwick’:

  1. Three absolute queens. Their chemistry is actual magic. And they make this film the 80s classic it is. Watching them together is everything.

  2. This is Nicholson doing what he does best. Eccentric, charismatic, and a little psychotic. His performance is on another level.

  3. After several viewings, I didn’t realize John Williams did the music for this! And knowing now, I could most definitely tell. The theme has stuck with me for years.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Scream’:

  1. The word “shook” was created solely to describe the way I felt when Billy Loomis showed up.

  2. In this moment, I have zero desire to watch another trailer again. It definitely didn’t ruin the movie, but it absolutely annihilated some stellar reaction potential — especially with character deaths and the incredible reveal of which house they were actually partying in.

  3. All-in-all, I loved it! It’s a Scream movie through and through. Fan candy galore. But when I first walked out, I was wading in waters of disappointment. Because I wanted more Sidney. More Gale. I didn’t want a new lead character being the badass with attempts at iconic one-liners. BUT… then appreciation sunk in. The appreciation that the spotlight needs to shift. That franchises are destroyed by milking characters for whatever they’re worth. And, the truth is, this has probably been the best supporting cast since the original. Seeing our surviving legacy cast finally move on is the best way to honor them.

Bonus Thought: There’s one word in this film that I absolutely LIVED for… “Trap.”

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Hocus Pocus

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Hocus Pocus’:

  1. My first drive-in experience tonight with the Sanderson sisters — and they’re as iconic as ever. Quintessential Halloween fodder. A staple of the season.

  2. Bette is the queen of this film. There is no Hocus Pocus without all three, but the Divine Miss M’s theatrics take it all to a whole ‘nother level.

  3. The fact that this film currently has a 37% on Rotten Tomatoes is a testament to how much we should ignore critics and just ENJOY. Find out for yourselves.

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Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’:

  1. One of my favorite comedies of all time. This is when I (and perhaps the rest of the world) fell in love with Jim Carrey.

  2. I love how they decided to make this character equally intelligent and zany. There was — usually — a method to Ace’s madness.

  3. Ace needs a comeback and I think Carrey could still pull it off.

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The Empire Strikes Back

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Empire Strikes Back’:

  1. Films don’t get much more :asterisk_symbol:epic:asterisk_symbol: than this. After this rewatch, I completely understand how this is hailed one of the best films of all time.
  2. Somebody told me recently that the original films don’t hold up anymore, especially for a new generation. I highly disagree.
  3. Seeing this in a theater - in 1980 - must’ve been magnificent.
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Monkey Man

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Monkey Man’:

  1. I haven’t seen fight scenes this amazing in a very, very long time. Some of the absolute best, and they kept me on the edge of my seat. Brutal and so badass.

  2. Dev Patel. Looking sexy AF. And the fact that he directed this film — where style seamlessly meets substance — makes him a whole lot sexier. Spectacular job.

  3. I love love love that there was trans representation in this! AND that they literally kicked a whole lotta ass. Again, if I couldn’t love Dev Patel any more (see thought #2).

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Saltburn’:

  1. Wow, that was a journey. I wish I went in a little more blind. I definitely knew too much, but I was still very captivated by this story. It’s the kind that definitely lingers with you for a bit.

  2. These two male leads. My goodness. First, Barry Keoghan is one helluva talent. That final scene is iconic. If it didn’t involve nudity, we’d be seeing it in future award show montages. He seemed fearless and absolutely nailed it. And to make me pity and cringe for Oliver one moment, and then rethink everything in a flash… masterful. Second… Jacob Elordi… lawd help me. That man overflows with such charisma and charm. And that voice. I fell in love with Felix too.

  3. I have so many questions: Was everything part of the plan? Or was Oliver making decisions on-the-fly? Was he motivated by money and privilege? Or did he really desire companionship? Did he truly love Felix? I’d like to believe so. Because, before Felix discovered the truth, I believe he truly loved Oliver. Having a multitude of questions usually takes away from my experience, but I’m actually okay with these.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Enchanted’:

  1. Amy. Frickin’. Adams. She was born to play this role. The effortless way she channels whimsy, innocence, and pure optimism is the most powerful magic of this movie.

  2. I love how, while it clearly pokes fun at Disney fairytale ridiculousness, it also celebrates it in the harsh realm of reality. It makes us want to believe Giselle, that absolutely anything is possible, even in the most hopeless of places. It’s incredibly touching.

  3. The music. Not one single song falls short. They are all catchy and purposeful and endearing. The sheer title of “Happy Working Song” is genius.

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Fear Street: 1978

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part Two: 1978’:

  1. This isn’t Hereditary. It’s not The Conjuring. And it’s not meant to be, in the slightest. It’s a film based on a young adult book series. When you truly grasp what this movie derives from, you can’t help but to be impressed by it. For what it is, it’s very well done. I absolutely loved it!

  2. Speaking of impressed… I continue to be taken aback at how fantastic the characters are. The music and the “choreographed” feel remind me a little of Scream. And I am definitely enjoying the mythology of it all. This has the foundation to actually become a quality television series.

  3. I never thought this would feel like an authentic slasher film. I was wrong.

Bonus Thought: My biggest qualm… they found that hand in the mall way too damn fast. I’m gonna chalk it up to them being drawn to its energy.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Pinocchio’:

  1. My first time watching this in its entirety as an adult — and it still has all the magic and more. Quite a jump in story and substance from _ Snow White_. And the animation is just gorgeous. A reminder that there’s a very special something lost in today’s digitally-dominated Disney landscape. My critical grown-up mind and my childhood heart fused together in much appreciation for this viewing.

  2. Six words. “When You Wish Upon a Star.” The song that officially anointed Disney with the power of making dreams come true. Disney’s enduring theme that hope is alive in the strangest of places. Iconic is an understatement. This song is the best of us.

  3. Oh, Jiminy Cricket, how under-appreciated you are. The original sidekick. I found myself living for all his quips more than ever. And I may have rediscovered a new favorite character. You are spectacular.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Greenland’:

  1. I’m in awe of how fantastic this film was. This is what every disaster film should aspire to be. One of the best I’ve seen in a very, very long time. Nearly perfect pacing. Great acting. Nothing cheesy. Kudos.

  2. It’s a tragedy that I couldn’t see this in a theater with a crowd. It would’ve been a thrilling cinematic experience.

  3. Not one moment of this film was wasted or filler. Every moment contributed to the next. And every moment contributed to my anxiety. As it should have.

Bonus Thought: The mirror of humanity here was truly terrifying.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Parasite’:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Super original and exceeded all my expectations.
  2. Whyyy couldn’t the people in the basement come to an understanding with the family?! It totally could’ve been a win-win. So tragic.
  3. Creepy to think whoever lives in that house will have a secret tenant. Hopefully Ki-woo’s plans work out one day.
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Star Wars

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars’:

  1. Thank you, George Lucas.
  2. I find it so incredible how much the prequel films - as well as Solo and Rogue One - provide SO much needed backstory to this original classic from the 70s. Others may disagree, but I think they did a damn good job.
  3. I’m in awe of the legacy this little film started.
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The Little Mermaid

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Little Mermaid’:

  1. Halle Bailey IS Ariel. She was absolute perfection. From voice to vibe, she captured her essence impeccably. I believe a star has officially been born.

  2. Melissa McCarthy had veryyy gargantuan tentacles to fill. And I think Pat Carroll would’ve been incredibly pleased with what she did with her sea witch.

  3. I thought they built upon the original film’s story in all the right ways. Fleshing it out to make a little more sense. Providing more substance. While not everything was picture perfect, it worked and gave fresh magic to a beloved story.

Bonus Thought: I thought it was a fantastic movie to look at, especially under the sea. Gorgeous colors and visuals. Eye candy all around. And that includes Jonah Hauer-King. :pound_symbol:snack

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Fear Street: 1994

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part One: 1994’:

  1. Lemme tell you… I loved it! It was nostalgic. It was an homage to so much that has come before (that intro had ‘Scream’ written all over it). But it also had a hefty dose of originality. Great characters you cared about. It took risks. It surprised you. And it was a LOT more mature than I expected it to be. I loved the books way back when, and this made me wanna read them again. Bravo.

  2. I LOVED the LGBT twist in the beginning! Did NOT expect that person to be Sam. Solid execution.

  3. It had a bit of a Hocus Pocus vibe to me, which made the character deaths and the paths into “Rated R” territory that much more effective. It was a weird and welcomed mix.

Bonus Thought: I legit can’t wait for the next one. Super invested.

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