

North Atlantic Ocean

The Changeling: 1x04 The Wise Ones

Apollo sums this show up perfectly: "...I don't know what fuck is going on. I don't know anything, man! I don't know what the fuck this is."

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The Nevers: 1x06 True

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-01-12T21:16:33Z— updated 2022-12-26T02:21:46Z

This one is the cherry on top. Brilliant storytelling, with so many revelations (finally!) and promises... I didn't expect to love this show, but I do, almost as much as I hate cliffhangers. Now to wait forever again to see who else made it, if it's Knitter and she's gone dark... doubtful... but, I have hope. wink

From the look on his face and what we saw in Amalia's vision, it seems like Penance will ultimately choose Zephyr/Amalia (has already chosen, if that stare in this episode's closing is anything to go by) and Mr. Birdlow may side with his sister (Edmund Hague's puppet), Augie will be like CCTV for them lol... aaaand then domino effect. I can't wait...

(3rd rewatch addendum)
...I mean I clearly can (wait)... this indefinite return shit is frustrating, but, well, here we are... still waiting.

(post shitty news about the cancellation)
....aaaaaand another one bites the dust, cancelled like all the others because it's "too woke". At this point I might just stop watching current television altogether, perhaps thats the puritan push anyway.
Ah well, so it goes.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x21 Last Rites

Ohhhh, I didn't forget this bullshit, but it still hits hard every time. Man, I don't know if more annoyed at the writers for repeatedly torturing and tarnishing all the characters they made us care about, or at myself for watching it all a third, fucking, time. This is the definition of madness.

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The Nevers: 1x03 Ignition

That fight on the water is one of the best i've seen in recent years. Beautiful choreography!

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Once Upon a Time: 6x20 The Song in Your Heart

2023 rewatch - I remembered NONE of this! I generally dislike musicals, but this is surprisingly tolerable.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x09 The Bear King

"Five years earlier... two years later... two years later... two years later...", come on now, that's just bad form. Still, Amy Manson made this filler the best stand-alone episode of the entire show, inspite of the choppy writing.

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The Nevers: 1x01 Pilot

"She's not killing whores, your grace, these are respectable gentlemen." (LOL, WHAT?!)

"...the heart of our empire brought to a shuddering halt, by the caprice and ambitions of those for whom ambition was never meant." (ouch!)

Aside from the fact that the show is a delightful visual treat of Victorian steam-punk sci-fi (which itself is uncommon and fascinating), it also has dialogue that hooks and keeps you on the line (pun intended). It's about positive change, the fight for equality, and about what it means to be human. From this brilliant opening episode, "The Nevers" has proven itself a worthy investment.

This is my third go 'round as I impatiently await its return. Good stuff!

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Dead to Me: 3x10 We've Reached the End

...and what an end. I genuinely don't know how to feel about it, I'm conflicted. In some ways nothing changed, the chemistry, the vibe... but everything is different, you know, and that change sucks.... nothing to do though, other than accept the loss... (FUUUUUUCK!!!) of this unique gem of a show. It was entertaining and unpredictable, and it will be missed... everything ends. sigh

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x10 Revolution (2)

Ya know when you've had a beautiful gift you've been meaning to give someone, but you've had it for a long time and it has lots of delicate little pieces that require proper assembly, but time got away from you and now you've got to rush to put it together, then wrap it up for delivery, but you rush assemble so some screws are missing and a few integral bits get lost in a corner somewhere... and the wrapping, oh my, the wrapping looks like shit...
Yeah, that's what this is.

Ok, sure, perfection does not exist, life can be cruel and unfair... everything comes to an end, blah blah blah... and there were some good scenes in this finale, and I'm grateful the show existed at all and... * sigh * but this... because plot points and proper closure and... SPOILER - a truck?! Knowing how her parents died... Why would they do it like THAT?! For what reason?!

Look, I'll be bitter for a while.

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A fitting name for a perfect gentledog.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x22 Cogenitor

This episode is contradictory to what Star Trek is about and I am confused and disappointed by it. It almost seems like a cautionary tale to "stay in your lane" and not to challenge (even harmful) traditions and customs, but that wouldn't make any sense, this IS Star Trek... right?

The decision Archer takes to "not interfere" in a situation that was clearly potentially life threatening is so bizarre and out of character I got whiplash. Also, I get that the writers may not have understood the difference between gender and sex enough at the time to incorporate they/them/their pronouns into the story, but it was odd to hear "she and her" so often when the character in reference is a noted third gender, had told Trip that their name is Charles (since we're leaning into traditions here), and was initially introduced as "it". You'd think that 22nd century humans (and a Danobulan, and a Vulcan) would be less limited in their thinking. Clearly there was some disconnect between minds in the writers room resulting in this Twilight Zone, non Star Trek (or perhaps TOS antiquated perspective) episode.

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Dead to Me: 1x09 I Have to Be Honest

Probably spoilerish...
Can someone just hit Steve with a car?! Call it (Car)ma. He's more than deserving, the guy is utterly revolting.

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Dead to Me: 3x04 Where Do We Go Now?

Finally drummed up the courage to comment... this new season is intense and you'll need tissues for the tears (or the back of your hand if you're like me and "it's just allergies").

Needed to take a short break here because of how heavy it is... it's good... but heavy... like life... might need to watch something light and fluffy after...

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Star Trek: Voyager: 4x08 Year of Hell (1)

Looks like Kes (and everything she told them about the Krenim) got erased from this timeline too... oops.

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Line of Duty: 6x07 Episode 7

Line of Duty ended a little while ago now, but it's been a fantastic run and more worthy of continuation than a lot of the garbage out there. Ah well.

Anyway, this ending is a nope for me. It's alright for a season closure, but as a series finale, nah, I'm not having it. I reckon Buckells was ensuring his safety by claiming to be the top man, protecting the real puppet master Chief Constable Philip Osborne. Osborne is also the man who Jo was lead to believe was her father, and Carmichael is on the take. I imagine if we'd been given a season 7, Carmichael might have been pressured enough to talk. Would have been nice to get full closure for the case and for the characters.

9/10 for the show overall... I'll hold back that 1 for the floppy finale. Really gonna miss Hastings' aphorisms.

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His Dark Materials: 1x05 The Lost Boy

He will jab, he Will Parry!
* chuckles into oblivion because I am an eternal child. LOL*

I'll just add that now that we've seen Serafina, I want more. She's glorious, and I loved the scene between her and Cor... Co... uhm (insert name here at later date) the very cool old guy with the beautiful orangey blonde beard, that was my favourite scene of the show so far.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x18 The Crossing

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-12-07T02:12:24Z— updated 2022-12-08T03:09:20Z

Sure, ok, make the first non-corporeal species Enterprise encounters evil, because two legs good, no legs bad, right. The xenophobic undertone of this episode is hilariously ironic when you consider the whole point of Star Trek is to examine and embrace other cultures and ways of life.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that the theme of Enterprise is "Star Trek, yes, but make it sexy."

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x20 Oasis

We've seen this story concept before in DS9 episode "Shadowplay" (S2:E16) - planet of holograms with a malfunctioning core matrix, and all they want is to go on living. Only DS9 did it WAY better, this story is mediocre at best with most of the reveal rushed at the end. I will say I liked the acting and it's always good to see Rene immortalised on the screen...

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Dead to Me: 3x06 We're Gonna Beat This Thing

Aaaaaaand the giggles are back. Loving it. When life gives you lemons, throw them back and take hallucinogenic mushrooms instead!

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x09 But I Don't Even Have A Dress...

Ok, so THAT... happened... but let's talk about Michael Horse aka The Marshall, that man is BEAUTIFUL! He's apparently 71/72 but my goodness he has aged like fine wine! I can totally see why the President was drawn to him and his megawatt smile. Gonna have to bump Twin Peaks up the watch list and maybe rewatch the episodes of X-Files he starred in. Wooh, The Marshall was the second best thing about this episode, everything else was... well... whatever.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 3x10 Warlord

Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-07-19T22:40:27Z— updated 2023-08-21T12:01:26Z

Embarrassingly bad episode, and no one needed to see Neelix's toes, it's a sight you just can't unsee.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x10 Farewell

Themes this season: Love, redemption and forgiveness. It's been enjoyable, imperfect, of course... but still, quite enjoyable.

As a long time Star Trek fan, I never thought I'd see the day when the Borg would be welcomed into the federation. Wow, just... wow! That's growth and it's great!

Also, they CRUSHED this episode! Lol, good story, good times.

Art is always subjective and it is impossible to please everyone, but if you're lucky your positive impact will outweigh the negatives (like Jurati did for the Borg). ST: Picard is an acceptable TNG sequel I strongly believe all the original creators and cast would (and should) be proud of.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 3x05 Second Skin

The more he removes the veil, the more you see how terrifying Garak really is.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 3x10 Revolution (2)

Second time around because I'm a glutton for punishment (not doing it a third time, that would be truly masochistic), and I'm even angrier at how they dismissed Anacostia. Sure, the finale was a giant mess, but I'm especially heartbroken about Ana. The way they killed her was unforgiveably cruel.

Someone suggested a sequel series, and I'm all for it. We can hope for a fixer.

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Once Upon a Time: 5x11 Swan Song

Skip this entire season and save yourself the regret.

I'm rewatching (for the third time) because, evidently, I'm an idiot who likes to be tortured. Forgot how absolutely ridiculous this dark Swan/dark captain/underworld plot was. Fortunately, I'll likely forget again.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x23 Regeneration

I enjoy anything that features the Borg, so this is a win for me. It's not great, but it entertains.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x19 Judgment

Good episode. :thumbsup_tone4:

Did we ever find out what happened to Kolos? Was he able to make a significant impact like he wanted? I don't recall if it's mentioned in Klingon history? Does anyone know? I tend to think not considering what became of the Klingon Empire. Maybe they mention him later in this series... will just have to keep watching and find out.

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Ratched: 1x07 The Bucket List

LOL Osgood got the last word after all, and Petunia said, "Yessir, you killed Mommy, fuck you very much and goodbye!"

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 2x16 Future Tense

"It's bigger on the inside!"
Doctor Who reference win.

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Ratched: 1x02 Ice Pick

Ok, shit got real dark, real fast, still... it's a big leap into interesting.

The doc is a quack and a sadistic piece of shit, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, he was on the nose about Edmund.

Also, I think peaches, oysters and bologna are all disgusting, but LOL at metaphors.

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