

Saint Louis, MO

Atlanta: 2x06 Teddy Perkins

Wait, Donald Glover was Teddy Perkins?!?

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@nmahoney416 I know, right!? I'd watched twice before I found out and then had to go back and watch again. He deserves some kind of shiny f-n award for that.

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War of the Worlds: 2x07 Episode 7

How is it possible for 2 people to be the origin of a whole civilization? This would be a civ of incestious children which would become more degenerate with every generation. The genepool of two people can’t bring a full civilization?

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@vortilion An entire civilization of people that can travel through space and time, have advanced technology, but upon arrival, scavenge and use the America-like abundance of military weapons and risk their own lives rather than continue use of their rather fragile but vast supply of killer robot dogs.

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Supergirl: 2x06 Changing

Reply by will0

Alex' coming out was so pure/real and important fml. Yes straight ppl this is how you develop a gay character. That storyline is real as fuck IT HAPPENS IN THE FUCKING REAL LIFE so get over the "the writers just want to please the gays or can the writers stop writing stories that have nothing to do with their sexual preference?". We need/deserve this rep. And finally, i'm so glad the writers pulled this off i'm really looking forward to see maggie falling for alex ahhhhh fuck

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@alexdanvers Ikr - I almost applauded through some misty eyes...

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Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

Reply by will0

With one episode left, we get...was this an episode? Felt a bit more like an admission that they've never had any idea where they wanted this to go...

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@w13rdo Ok, so not a shortened season.

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Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

Reply by will0

With one episode left, we get...was this an episode? Felt a bit more like an admission that they've never had any idea where they wanted this to go...

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@crxiq Misread of the headers for the season.

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The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out

Reply by will0

Should have stayed in the house Karl...

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@splenda Apparently, about another year...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x02 Orientation (2)

Reply by will0

Okay, not that there is any doubt in my mind that my girl Daisy could quake a planet apart, but I call bullshit. Why would she do that? Unless it was the only way to defeat whatever evil they were fighting at the time. I don't know. I don't buy it. It's too early in the season to reveal something as big as this, which makes me think that it'll turn out to be a lie somewhere down the line. We'll see.

Oh, my poor baby Jemma. What has she gotten herself into? I hope she gets her hands on some of the Kree technology and uses it against them. She's a tough cookie (not to mention a damn smart one). She'll be all right.

I hope we'll get to see the events unfold from Fitz's perspective soon. I want to know what happened to him and how he's going to figure out where the rest of the team is.

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@aniela-krajewska Daisy could have gotten mind controlled by Scarlet Witch gone bad or Ebony Maw.

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Stranger Things: 1x08 Chapter Eight: The Upside Down

Reply by will0

The very end is a little disappointing. Nancy didn't wind up with who wanted her with. While the kids got over 11's sacrifice a little too quickly.
The show is like a book I couldn't put down. But I think the end could have been better. Hopefully there's a season 2 to give answers about what we were left with.
11 some how communicating with Mike is what I expected but
instead we got left with it being teased that I guess Will has monster slugs in him. Which could have even taken over his body.
That was haunting and creepy. So hopefully we do get some answers and maybe even 11 brought back some how. Either way if Mike wasn't going to wind up with 11.
Nancy not with Jonathan in the end was pretty annoying. "Oh cool, she got me another camera, I will just be alone taking pictures of stuff."

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It might not have been obvious, but Nancy did kind of make overtures to Jonathan, but he wasn't picking up what she was putting down. In the alley, notice what was said when Jonathan snapped on Steve...

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