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Mortal Engines 2018

I had not very high expectations for this movie because of the reviews and box-office flop. But I always knew I had to watch it and boy did I love it. Why this movie did so bad when it was released, I'll never know. The movie has gorgeous visuals, amazing CGI and an original story. I was hooked right from the very beginning and was not disappointed at the end. Would love to see a continuation.

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"A mechanical, soulless dystopian theme park ride to nowhere."

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Difficult to get into at first - there's barely any hand holding in this brave new world (even if it is just London on wheels) - but once the story developed and a little history was learned, I started to enjoy it more. Visually fantastic, although a little too much CGI at times, this is worth a watch, especially for Londoners who most certainly haven't seen their home city depicted like this before!

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Ignore the bad reviews. I really enjoyed this movie. Great special effects, good pace, interesting story line. Well worth a watch.

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Don't listen to the critics - this was a really enjoyable movie to me. If you enjoy a little fun and an unpretentious movie then you'll like this. To me it's in the same category as Wild Wild West and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

It's a nice, easy watch without all the pretention, a lot of Steampunk association and almost nostalgic in its disregard for cultural film critics' opinions.

Perfect for a Wednesday or Friday evening alone with something to drink as company.

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Good ol' sci-fi. I will admit firsthand, I am a sci-fi nerd. I loved this movie. The critics will say what they say. I am not going to prove them wrong or anything, but I loved this. Go ahead and watch it, don't listen to snobs who say otherwise! Cheerio!!

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I totally enjoyed this movie, And I have no idea why people keep criticizing it!

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To be fair, there were parts of this movie that were fantastic. Some of the effects, the fighting, and the scope were good. The problem is these things were not brought together well. They started plotlines and then just let them dangle. They seemed to expect us to have some foreknowledge.

In some ways it seemed like there were several different movies edited together. The whole save and brought up by a Terminator was just out of the blue.

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2018-12-14T23:49:22Z— updated 2018-12-18T21:43:55Z

Mortal Engines is a retro platform game with its outdated special effects, bad voice acting, and stale story line. While there were some interesting worlds and the final boss battle was as exciting as it was predictable, overall the film suffered from too much lag time while it struggled to load all the unnecessary back story.

Peter Jackson co-wrote and produced Mortal Engines, and that's obvious enough from his sticky fingerprints all over this project. Yet while we have all the grand scale visuals that come with an epic Jackson film, most of the dialogue -- and especially every one-liner we were forced to hear -- should've been cut because nobody plays a retro game for the tired stories.

Better than an after school special rerun but nothing else.

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The first half of the movie I thought "Oh, that's not too bad". Just for me to hope that it would finally end in the second half.

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This could have been great decent as a TV show. As a movie, not so much. It's too rushed, you don't get time to care about most of the characters, there is no development. There are many more problems, but the lack of progression is the biggest issue.

Excellent CGI, though. Too bad they didn't spare a little budget for the scriptwriting.

What a waste. Waste of a story, waste of good actors, waste of money... and more importantly, waste of my time.

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It was a good movie but felt a little rushed, and the end was a bummer... It had potential.

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The most likeable character is a ruthless killing machine. A robot. Most of the human characters are shallow, one dimensional automatons that don't amount to much.

There's a Han Solo wannabe, there's the rich girl he can't have, and the rebellious girl who obviously is just hiding her spontaneous love for him. There's also Asian Matrix-Era Carrie-Anne Moss who, like much in the film, is blatantly foreshadowed. Then there's a handful of people not to get attached to.

Some fun scenery and lovely bits of design, but it's a mostly empty world with mostly empty characters. Pretty, forgettable.

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This film is a steam punking piece of crap on caterpillar wheels. Thin story line, acting mediocre, even from Mr Weaving. Absolutely no chemistry between the love interests, but one knows from the very start they'll be hooking up. CGI was good tho. I had expected to see battles between actual mobile cities, not just London and anti-tractionisitis. I had a lot FFS moments and wanted the lead male just to die already.

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A cast out of mainstream with the exception of Hugo Weaving. An Academy Award Winner Peter Jackson and a good dystopian story makes Mortal Engines a good surprise this year.

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Read some horrible reviews beforehand so my expectations weren't high. The movie wasn't bad, I enjoyed it more as it progressed. I recommend watching it if you are into dystopian movies.

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A bit like steampunk itself, looks good but doesn't actually work at all! Awful script and some dodgy acting does not make for a good film, but the visuals are great!

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2018-12-16T17:22:20Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:20:39Z

What I was expecting... eye popping visuals, same old story, characters you don't care about. I'm sure fans of the book will be pleased. If you really must see it, then go to the biggest screen you can otherwise all of the effort will be lost. For me, it was like revisiting John Carter again... Ironically enough, my favourite scene was when the cyborg Shrike dies and remembers his son. 5/10

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Love the idea and concept. Fighting scenes was horrible! Hey at least Shrike was cool! Entertaining movie to watch in Cinema. 6/10

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Very visually, at the level of the script, not so much. The robot starts well, but then its history ..... It has entertained me the movie.

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Not what I'd hoped for. Peter Jackson was the draw. I knew the cities on wheels was going to be a hard sell for me (just too many logistical improbabilities to let me suspend disbelief). The cast was good. The CGI was spectacular. The warnings for our real world were obvious. But, I wonder if this would have been better as a TV series than a movie. The characters and the plot seemed to be rushed for me, and there seemed so much more to explore before it rushed to its inevitable conclusion. I didn't engage with the characters and the story as I hoped I might. I am going to give this film a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Steampunk SciFi]

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An interesting idea and some good CGI can't save this from being boring.

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okay so I saw this for a free preivew and I still left after 20 minutes of the movie I'm sorry but I just couldn't get the idea and it moved so slow maybe I should try it again but as of now I'm just gonna stick with my theory that the movie kept sucking ass and never got any better than that I can't recommend that you waist your time and money on this load of shit I really had hoped the review would have went a little different but that's just how I saw it

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I read the book, just know that it was written in 2003 and they probably shouldn't have waited so long to make it but cgi tho.
Separating myself from the novel here are the positives and negatives:
Shrikes voice is quite good.
Valentine is a good casting choice.
The cgi looks good and happened world building a lot.
Tom is quite bumbling which helps drive hesters dislike of him.
The music is pretty strong.

Unfortunately there is really poor character development. In cutting this book to make a film they really twisted a lot of the character roles and changed who did what, which in turn affected the flow of the movie. They also eliminated guild tattoos from the movie and made the mayor an idiot, lessened the impact of Valentine's death by taking it away from Hester and by keeping him evil lower his characters depth. Why bother naming bevis if he's in the movie for 10 minutes? Hester has a literal deus ex machina in her hands the entire movie. Ugh.

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Visually, it's not bad. And the action's okay.
It just completely falls apart when it comes to character depth, acting (besides Hugo Weaving, everyone sucks), editing (very strange editing choices, as well as a lot of noticeable ADR replacements) and making me even remotely care about the story in general.

Wasted potential.

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Where is the sequel, it takes to long!

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WOW! Huge Transformer-like cities on caterpillar tracks driving around the landmasses like the Fast & Furious. What more do you need? The visuals are quite amazing as is the concept. However, I would have loved to know about the Lazarus machines.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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CGI Bullshit Movie with boring characters and a stupid story.

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Just watched "Mortal Engines" and it's a singularly beautiful movie with some of the clunkiest dialogue I've ever heard on screen. The production design should have won Oscars: the rolling cities, the beautiful floating islands, and the huge tracks carved into the landscape gave it a feeling that's a cross between "Brazil" and "Lord of the Rings" and "Avatar." And while the movie started out with such potential, the acting and dialogue make the viewer laugh out loud--and not in a good way. Every character moment is over-telegraphed, and every line of dialogue feels like a "first draft," without any polish or subtlety. If only they'd taken another $100,000 from the special effects budget and paid a couple of good screenwriters to take two or three more passes through the script to fix the dialogue. But see this movie for the sweeping effects and gorgeous production design--just try to ignore the grating moments of "character development."

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Action packed and those special effects are so beautifully stunning
Loved this action packed movie throughout really kept you on the edge of your seat and the special effects are so stunning I defiantly recommend a watch if you have spare time.

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Unbelievably bad movie.

The story, the effects, the acting. Actually everything about this movie just feels so cold and uninspired and well, completely awful. Stay away from this one.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this, the script was tight, the CGI was fantastic, there is no hand holding and i really wish this got a sequel.

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I liked this movie and really enjoyed watching it, but at the end I feel like something was missing. The relationship between Hester and Shriek was by far the best part of this movie for me. I really loved the visuals (but it's Peter Jackson so I wasn't much surprised) and I honestly hope we get a sequel :)

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Not as bad as I thought, it got me entertained, the characters are too plastic to work , I kinda feel that I was watching the fist and the final episode of some Netflix series but with a lot more of Budget.

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Ohhh we built this city! Bow-bwowww!!! We built this city..onnn.. rooock...and rolllllllll ppphhhffrrrrttt!!!!

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Book is 10
Movie is 6.5

I feel that the movie is kinda rushed. Of course who can fit a week to read to a two hour movie. I understand that this movie will lack some scenes from the book.

Shrike story was short.
Katherine scenes is short.
The other resurrected is not on the movie.
And many more.

I like the colors, cinematography, the cast costumes and and design of the traction cities.

Overall a 6.5 for me. The question now that lies in my head, Will they make the second movie out of the second book? I think not.

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Marketing please please please don't promo it like an adult movie or teen even, it's a kid movie at best and no, it's not the worth watching kind of kid movies.

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The best thing about the movie: cgi
The 2nd best thing about the movie: the blondie and the redheaded :heart_eyes:

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Mortal Engines is not a bad film because the visuals, production, and costume design were on point.

Although it is funny how the character Hester Shaw wears a red scarf to hide her horrific scars; however, from what I learned from the novel (that it is based on), Shaw is described as missing one eye and lost most of her nose, but in the movie, she has a little scar on her face. It's another Ready Player One situation where the actress is supposed to be horrible looking to everyone, but she is still beautiful and can easily be a model.

Also, the Minions showed up in this movie. If that sounded random and out of nowhere, you now know how I felt when it happened.

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My dissapointment is imessurable and my day is ruined.

Read the book, it is great. The movie is average.

This being one of my favorite book series I was set up to be disappointed, but I didn't expect the movie to be this bad. It loses so much depth.

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Well, I found it more entertaining than I thought for the failure that it was, but everything is very fast paced and there is a lot of content that should be in the book that is missing, but hey, it is usual when a movie is made based on a book. Anyway, a pity that they are not going to adapt the rest of the books.

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So much potential. Terribly executed. Too many much going on in the story line it makes for a rather boring watch. The CG was the saving grace, cause God knows the acting didn't help.

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The world depicted in this movie does not make sense. And the same story could be told without any moving giant city. Moving cities seems the least sustainable way possible for any group of people to survive in that world. There is no valid reason for the world to stay like that for centuries and not settle here and and there, especially as they also have planes. It is also impossible they would not run into trouble instantly, if the city falls or breaks there is no way at all they could lift it up again. And bringing all your civilians (as spectators) and estates to go to war is to worst idea ever.

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A bunch of lofty words and intense stares. Could not care less about the characters. Just not a good movie.
I liked the Warhammer 40K vibes of London.

How does someone die from knowing that someone other is loving someone else?

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I haven't been this entertained by a movie in such a long time. All round great acting, stunning vfx. I love it.

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I like this kind of postapo mix with steampunk and with some extra action. :)

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Bad movie. Looks really good but that's about it. The storyline is absolute crap and everything else is mediocre. Read the book and looking forward to the movie but then realized how they changed half of it and also forgot to put any character progression in. Ends up being a bunch of fights and cool cgi scenes with a little bit of dialogue in between. Honestly seems like they just made the movie so that they could show off cgi without thinking much about anything else.

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Futuristic action in a world where cities are mobile.

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This film had a great idea for a film but for its length of just over 2 hours, not much happened. The relationships between some characters such as between Tom and Hester, felt rushed. Overall better than most films but one to watch the once and probably not again.

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Really really boring movie.
Why does even exist?

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Despite some stunning (and sometimes not so stunning) visuals, this movie never lifts me up to really be enthralled into the setting and story. I think it has an amazing setting, but I miss it being drenched in lore. It could have used a dash of mystery, wonder and soul.

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movie should really appeal to sci fi fans. kinda a goth style after apocalyptic movie. a great commentary, if you want to look deeper, on the humanity of human beings, or lack thereof. it delves into how we lose or maintain our humanity. an interesting commentary.

probably a bit hokey if you're not into sci-fi or what's a bit deeper. the action scenes won't make up for it if you don't like looking our inner humanity in the eye. pun intended, if you watch the movie.

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Nothing brilliant, nothing new, reminded me a little of howl’s moving castle.. some average action and the picture wasn’t bad and the cast were okay.

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non sense final wft this

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this movie would've turned out better if it was light & full of adventures. like Mad Max but for kids and family too.

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I haven't read the book, so I can't speak to accuracy and I don't know how much was from the book and how much was movie license. The problem with this movie is that there is too much going on but none of it is fully developed so we end up jumping around. I get it, its hard to get all those details in (hence the reason so many books are broken into multiple movies) but its worth it to take the time. Otherwise you have a romance where wisty glances somehow become love in 20 mins with no developing the relationship. Where they jump from one battle to the next, all of them over in 5-10 minutes, with a then predictable ending. This is why movies based in books get a bad rap. They either try to do too much and fail or they end up cutting essential details and are never fully developed.

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Just like any movie that is meant for teenagers you have to let some things go. There’s a fair amount of action to keep you entertained and something to watch for the whole family.

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How did this flop at the box office.. Enjoyable movie action scenes and SciFi was on point... Loved Weaving and Lang in their roles rest of the cast was solid.. Nice pacing

7/10 was my rating

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Nice try to make a new Star wars and another Death Star!!

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When I first saw the trailer I was hyped! It looked something great, a fresh air.
But, after seeing it, it's a complete fail.
Everything is rushed, there's no real story telling, it's all about fast paced CGI. The idea was good but the realization was flawed and weak.
for the budget, could be a lot better! It's a 6/10.

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was quite enjoyable, would want a second movie.

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A strong 7! Don't agree then suck it up buttercup.

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Sinopsis Mortal Engines (2019) cinema film box office yang seru ini bercerita Ribuan tahun setelah peradaban dihancurkan oleh bencana alam yang dahsyat, manusia hidup beradaptasi dengan cara baru. Kota-kota besar yang dahsyat sekarang bertebaran di Bumi, dengan kejam mengincar daya tarik kota yang lebih kecil. Tom Natsworthy (Robert Sheehan) yang berasal dari Lower Tier, kota traksi besar di London mendapati dirinya berjuang untuk kelangsungan hidupnya sendiri setelah menemukan buronan berbahaya Hester Shaw (Hera Hilmar). Dua orang yang saling berlawanan, yang seharusnya tidak pernah bertemu, membentuk aliansi yang tidak mungkin dan ditakdirkan untuk mengubah jalan mereka dimasa depan kisah keren bioskop xxi Mortal Engines

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A total surprise, I was not expecting to get hyped by this film, I entered the theater just to spend the night and maybe eat some popcorn, and everything captivated me.

The special effects and the majesty of the art blew my mind, the story is fast enough to get the attention of the viewer and it completed (the main story) at the right time, no hurry, the characters could be less predictables but they are quite suitable.

I do not always comment but I felt the need to write something for this (maybe I will exaggerate with this word) masterpiece, but has been quite a long time since any director/creator gave us an unique universe with such an epic distopic emotion.

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The writing and some of the acting wasn't exactly the best. And it kinda dragged out in the middle. Still, I liked the concept of moving, fighting cities, and I liked the characters. I don't usually like films with so much action, but I quite enjoyed this one.

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I was soooo excited for this movie to come out! I love Peter Jackson his work and couldn't wait to see this. Let's start off with the graphics. They were everything we are used to when we think "Peter Jackson", so so beautiful. I think they might be my favourite part of this movie, to be honest. The characters are a close second though. You could relate to most of them which made it easy to form a bond (either love or hate). There could have been a bit more character development if you ask me (and as my friend said at the end of the movie "the biggest friendzone movie I've ever seen"). One thing I really missed while watching Mortal Engines was the history. I felt like they left out a lot of valuable and interesting information and filled that precious time with more action scenes. Which to me was a bit disappointing.

So, overall, a cool idea, a really beautifully made movie but lacking a bit of depth in the screenplay.

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Nothing made sense, the characters were all boring, the dialogue sounded like it was written by an eighth grader, there's no real sense of danger or importance to any actions, the kindest way to describe the plot is that it was a poorly constructed rip-off of Star Wars: A New Hope, and there were way too many macguffins. The special effects looked neat but that doesn't make a good story. And the romance? There was more chemistry between Hester and the cyborg than her alleged love interest. Just... just awful.

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The universe is very interesting but the plot is super cliché. I also found it difficult to connect with the characters. They just weren't very complex... The humoristic lines (with the minions, for ex) fell flat too. I'm not sure where they were going with them ? It didn't fit the overall mood at all.
All in all, it's pretty bland but not so awful that I would tell people to stay away

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Not really my kind of film, but I enjoyed it as much as I could. I laughed out loud twice, which I was not expecting, so that was a plus for me. There's nothing new here, and it was very predictable at times, but films don't have to be new or unpredictable to be good. I reckon anyone who's into this kind of film will love it.

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Looks like the biggest turd to come out in years. This will bomb for sure. Watching the preview it looks like a movie that has been shelved for 10 years. This will be a bigger flop than John Carter.

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I sure hope the book is better bc boy howdy this movie was lame. Some of the special effects were cool but then even that couldn’t save it. Yawn fest.

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I had a ball with this film. It's unlike anything I had seen before and I found it great fun - most of all for the weird, fantastic Heath-Robinson machine / sets which were really inventive and kept on getting weirder as the film went on. 'London' was a bit ho-hum although a bit of a giggle, and the storyline was nothing new (boy meets girl, boy is a bit of a wally, but girl decides she likes him in the end of course. But finding a film like this was a tiny fabulous bloom in a sea of Hollywood shit. Now all I have to do is wait for Pandora 2...

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This Movie looks like a Big Fat Turd

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