Caleb Peters


Grand Prairie, Texas

The Office: 6x08 Double Date

I'm incredibly disappointed in that wimpy-ass slap, I was really hoping for a proper punch.

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The Office: 6x04 Niagara

I don't know what YouTube video they're referencing, but that wedding scene was great.

Can't believe Michael banged Pam's mom though.

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The Office: 4x06 Branch Wars

Mostly awkward and kind of cringy. I'd say if you have time to kill you can watch it, but if not just skip it.

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The Office: 3x04 Grief Counseling

The entire bird funeral arc is pretty "meh", but Jim's subplot isn't bad.

Definitely a skippable episode though.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x14 Sub Rosa


Somebody wrote this, presumably read through it, then went "yeah, that's good enough."

Then, shipped it off to whatever director or executive needs to approve episode ideas.

They also read through it - possibly fixing some errors and typos along the way - and then also went "yeah, that's good enough."

Then, they built the sets, got the actors, and filmed the episode. While performing the written dialogue.

I genuinely thought I'd put it a lightly spicy parody of Star Trek instead of my disc, but nope. It's somehow real, and on the official disk no less.

Decided that was enough hinted ghost sex when Crusher & Troi started discussing the grandmother's secret spicy journal (which Crusher read through..... why?)

So, in conclusion: Don't. Just skip it.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x13 Homeward
The Simpsons: 12x10 Pokey Mom

I'm quite disappointed they sent Jack back to prison in the end, they could've kept him around for a bit. He was noice.

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The Simpsons: 12x04 Lisa the Tree Hugger

Lisa will never have a good solo episode, but she's at least slightly tolerable in this one.

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The Simpsons: 12x01 Treehouse of Horror XI

The final segment elevates this up an entire star. It's so insane and hilarious, that I can't help but love it.

But disappointed that Lisa didn't get killed or something by the end though, ah well.

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The Simpsons: 11x15 Missionary: Impossible

Damn, they just blueballed us with that ending.

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The Simpsons: 11x13 Saddlesore Galactica

It descends into a weird fever dream hybrid by the last third, but at least Lisa didn't bitch on her soapbox like I was afraid she would.

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The Simpsons: 11x11 Faith Off

Yeah, so Fat Tony only shows up in the last like, 2 minutes, and doesn't really do much. Not sure why the description isn't accurate.

But, the episode itself is fine. I was surprised to see them bring back that one episode where Homer went to college, and they even have the nerd characters.

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The Simpsons: 11x10 Little Big Mom

Several good jokes and scenes. That bit where Marge's leg is full of hair after her cast gets removed was an unexpected laugh (and the hospital even has a code for it, lol).

Disco Stu trying to hit on Marge while she's oblivious to it is great, as is the "stupid sexy Flanders" line.

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The Simpsons: 11x07 Eight Misbehavin'

Couple good lines from Apu when the Simpsons visit, but as the other review said it is rather sitcom-y.

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The Simpsons: 11x06 Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder

Homer only starts to (try and) bond with Maggie in the last 5-ish minutes, and imo that should've been the main focus of the episode.

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The Simpsons: 11x05 E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

I need an alternate universe where Homer manages to make billions off of tomacco.

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The Simpsons: 11x04 Treehouse of Horror X

Yeah, none of the three are very good - especially the last 2.

It's a shame too, since I love the treehouse of horror episodes - they're usually pretty creative.

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The Simpsons: 10x22 They Saved Lisa's Brain

The plot doesn't start for 2/3 of the episode, and then it's just like 3 scenes of them being nerds and not running the town the way people want.

Homer's sub-plot is just..... why? There was already an episode about it, and it's just wired the whole time.

And Stephen Hawking just shows up at the end for no reason? Wtf was this episode?!

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The Simpsons: 10x21 Monty Can't Buy Me Love

The last half or so of this season has been insane, and although most of the episodes are fun, this one is mostly odd.

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The Simpsons: 10x18 Simpsons Bible Stories

Got some funny jokes, but definitely skippable.

And Lisa (almost) being the only one to get to heaven at the end is just kinda dumb since she's done her fair share of "sins".

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The Simpsons: 10x17 Maximum Homerdrive

This is the second time Homer has indirect killed someone.

But this time it was an entire episode.

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The Simpsons: 10x12 Sunday, Cruddy Sunday

Always hated football, but this was pretty damn funny on its own.

The B-plot with the eggs doesn't really have a resolution, but the joke of Maude walking in as Marge is giving their address is pretty good.

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The Simpsons: 10x11 Wild Barts Can't Be Broken

Well there's another damn song number, but it's not as bad this time 'round.

Though Homer never got properly confronted with what he did, but oh well.

I do like how the seniors end up implementing a curfew for everyone that won by a single vote, it's a nice ending.

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The Simpsons: 10x10 Viva Ned Flanders

I can't believe Ned is 60.

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The Simpsons: 10x07 Lisa Gets an 'A'

The side plot with Pinchy the Lobster is very funny, and Homer bawling over his loss while eating him at the end is great.

And I'm glad Lisa didn't get to fuck over the entire school, would've hated her even more if she did.

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The Simpsons: 10x06 D'oh-in' in the Wind

Homer putting weed (or whatever it is) into the drinks at the end is kind of funny, but the rest of this episode is just about as cringe as hippies are.

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The Simpsons: 10x05 When You Dish Upon a Star

No clue who any of these people are, but the episode is pretty funny.

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The Simpsons: 9x24 Lost Our Lisa

I didn't think it was possible for Lisa to not be a condescending douche in an episode focusing on her, but I'll be damned - she's not like that this time around.

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The Simpsons: 9x22 Trash of the Titans

Absolutely love how they just move the entire town at the end.

So bizarre, but so perfect. The song parody (which I'm pretty sure is parodying the Candyman song from willy wonka) is bearable since the actual singers on the cast sing it, rather than the VAs.

And the parody of that one environmental awareness ad is so random, but fits so well.

Pretty good otherwise, though Homer is more douchy than usual.

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The Simpsons: 9x20 The Trouble with Trillions

Seems like several episodes near the end of this season never got finished, so they just end on a cliffhanger.

This is one such episode.

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