Cb Uppercut



Dinner for Schmucks

Why did I like this movie so much? Well for one this is a very stupid comedy like dumb and dumber style but if you can accept that than this can be a treat. Paul Rudd kills it as always and Steve Carell plays his role like nobody else could. Very enjoyable comedy imo and very underrated.

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Get Smart

I consider this movie to the released version of “threat level midnight” which in my opinion makes the viewing experience a lot better. You shouldn’t have high expectations when watching this movie or you’ll disappoint yourself but if you can turn your brain off for a while and you’ll need to cause as a spy movie sometimes the script is just lazy when things that don’t make sense or the movie will just be unrealistic. This is a spy comedy and it deliverers on that, like I said you can’t take this movie to seriously but if u achieve that this can be a very enjoyable film everyone does great in their role especially Steve Carell and it’s an enjoyable time.

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Clouds is a feel good and very sad movie at the same time so get your tissues ready. I felt everybody gave a great performance and that this movie was put out with the best intentions. For every second Fin Argus is on the screen he embodies Zach Sobiech and brings his character to life, Lil Rel Howery also stole every scene he was in. You learn to love the parents even tho there no perfect family and the music in this movie is so good. There’s a reason Clouds has gone :pound_symbol:1 twice now it and the story behind it just have a way of gripping into your heart and head and just staying there. This isn’t a masterpiece by any means and there are probably better movies about somebody near death but this movie finds a way to make you smile, laugh, and cry and is not forgettable.

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Definitely a lot different than other high school movies, even those in the 80’s that seemed to either focus on romance or rebellion. I feel for one you have to know what your getting into before watching heathers since it’s such a dark comedy and a unique one at you might have to be in the right mood to enjoy this one, but I did throughly and this will forever be a classic.

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The Dead Don't Die

This movie is very odd and different from other movies in it's genre, which can be a great thing at times but not in this case. It's nice to see a movie be bold and different but the formula wasn't correct this time. A lot of things don't make sense or measure up correctly or simply are not explained. This movie does have a great csst with great acting and a lot of scenes are funny simply by their facial expressions and not even the script, although the script is pretty funny but the movie as a whole has many issues but can still be enjoyed.

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First off, this movie is incredibly well acted. Kaitlin Dever and Beanie Feldstein both do a remarkable job. "Booksmart" is very fresh and just enjoyable it's very funny and just a great time. Highly recommend

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All of the intrest in this movie comes from the premise, kid superman but evil and that's what this movie is and that's really all this movie is. It has moments of attempting to be real or show emotion but it continually failed. Really all you have here is a kid with the abilities of superman attempting to kill everyone and that's it nothing more, so if u can enjoy that check this out, if u need more i'd say skip it.

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Long Shot

A bit long compared to others in it's genre but dosen't drag at all. Movie is very funny and has better writing than I was expecting, Seth Rogen is great as well is Charlize Theron and they both have great chemistry definently a great watch.

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Gloria Bell

Considering this is an A24 film with a really good cast somehow it's still skipable. This film dosen't really seem to know what it's going for and istead of having an intended message or progressive plot we just follow events that take place which can make for some of the best movies if done right but it wasn't really done right. This film does have great acting and a good cast and isn't a bad watch just it's pretty skipable most likely u won't feel any different having seen it compared to having not.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
Wine Country

Never been a huge fan of really any of the actresses in this film, I find most of them funny half the time and annoying the other half of the time but this movie is enjoyable. With lots of sweet and funny moments the group of ladies really is what keeps the movie watchable. Maya Rudolph steals the show, and this film is a fun time nothing great, but a pretty decent comedy.

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

As someone who has never had any interest or connection with Pokemon or pokemon charcters I can still say this is an enjoyable movie. I think this will be really fun movie for die hard pokemon fans but most of the intrigue came from Ryan Reynolds for me. All of the pokemon charcaters look good, and humor is a big part of this movie and they're are constant jokes made it dosen't really come off as trying to hard even tho they were trying hard. Ryan Reynolds carries this movie with his voicework because this movie dosen't really work without him, but still a fun movie that can be enjoyed.

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Pet Sematary

Obviously this version of "Pet Sematary" can't be as as surprising as the original because it's been done before. Although this isn't a straight copy and paste of the original with better actors, slight things are changed but you always know whats coming. Still a decent horror film, it is a little disappointing to see a Stephen King novel like Pet Sematary adapted twice now and only have two decent films to show for it.

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Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Surprisingly good, im a big fan of serial killer movies but I wasn't really interested about a movie about Ted Bundy from Elizabeth's perspective but this movie kept me watching. Zac Efron is great and gives his best performance of his career hands down. Whole movie is kinda a flashback from the present and some things felt off from a tone perspective and I can't sit here and tell you that the movie isn't completely accurate because even tho I don't think it completely is, im not gonna spend forever trying to find the minor things that were changed. Still a decent watch as long as you don't expect anything great.

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Fighting with My Family

Who dosen't love an underdog story? "Fighting with My Family" nails about everything that you could expect from a movie like this. The action/choreography is top notch, great charcter progression, it's extremely funny, and also really hits you in the feels.

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Strangers on a Train

Not the very best from Hitchcock, but still great. Synopsis had me excited and the movie played out really well, with great acting and terrific directing but wasn't crazy about the ending but that's mostly because I expect the best of the very best from Hitchcock when it comes to the end of films or just films in general.

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The Incredible Hulk

Not the best mcu, nor superhero movie. It's decent just lacks depth of charcters you don't really care about any of the charcters besides Bruce and Betty. Action is good but can be cgi heavy, villain is also very weak.

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The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

Not as good as the first, but still super enjoyable due to the charcters and pop culture references.

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Iron Man

Forgot how good this film was, it really is one of the better superhero orgin movies, Robert Downey Jr. is amazing as Tony Stark ,Gwyneth Paltrow is great as Pepper Potts I wasn't the craziest about Jeff Bridges charcter and the movie was a little predictable but still a great film that started it all.

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Pretty in Pink

A high school film that can be forgettable, charcters were decent you didn't hate everyone but didn't really care for any of them either not the best film with John Hughes behind it but it's alright.

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Maybe it's just me but there's nothing special about this movie. There's nothing that stood out that made this movie great, maybe it held up better when it came out but the movie isn't hilarious nor scary I do like some of the concepts when it came to ghosts and some of the charcters were likable but nothing extraordinary when it came to this movie.

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Layer Cake

For a movie that looked and started promising it quickly became a convoluted storyline with too many names and things going on at once to follow and eventually even care about.

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American Wedding

This movie can be difficult to watch at times, but also has it's moments. Although this movie is at it's best when it's not a trying to be a comedy because the humor in this film is just unoriginal, lazy, and just not funny anymore for a third film in the franchise. Surprisingly it has it's sweet moments but still a mess that could easily be skipped.

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Captain Marvel

I'd say the 3rd act is definitely the weakest, I definitely enjoyed watching Carol and Nick Fury more than Captain Marvel but I still ended up liking this more than I was expecting which isn't saying much but I was pleasantly surprised. Sure the hero needs a flaw and hopefully more personality in the sequel but I still thought Brie Larson was very good and the film wasn't half bad.

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Isn't It Romantic

Movie was kind of cliche and stupid and even though it's supposed to be a parody of stupid and cliche rom coms dosen't change the fact that I still felt like I was watching any other rom com.

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Happy Death Day 2U

I liked how they went into the science of why the time loop happened, Jessica Rothe is once again great in her role and really takes the movie to another level. {spoilers} It was a bit disappointing not getting to see more of Tree and Carter together because they were surprisingly one of the best parts of the first film and also with her choosing to stay in the new timeline it was a bit irritating because her and carter pretty much have to re fall in love every time and this franchise always maintains resetting a few more times after the movie feels it could already be over but it's still a really enjoyable watch mostly because of Jessica Rothe.

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The Princess Bride

Probably an overated film, but still a good family film that has something for everyone.

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A very charming and fun movie with nice moments sprinkled throughout, and Tom Hanks gives a very underated performance.

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Say Anything...

This isn't the best "high school movie" i've seen but it's still really good and has layers unlike most movies in this genre so it was a nice surprise. John Cusack and Ione Skye are both great.

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