Cb Uppercut



All Is Lost

This isn't really a must watch considering it isn't to most eventful lost at sea movie, it also isn't very dialogue driven and can have you asking what's gonna happen the rest of this movie not because it's thrilling but cause ur curious as to why this movie was made. Not that this movie is that bad it's actually a solid watch just the screenplay dosen't seem too enthralling to me, and it would seem hard for any actor to shine in this role.

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Sixteen Candles

Didn't really expect to love this film cause it ain't my typical watch but what can I say John Hughes knows how to make a high school coming of age film.

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In Bruges

This is a really good film that is funny but also battles some serious issues, it's one of those movies that has a very subtle but big influence also Colin Farrell is electric on screen.

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The Squid and the Whale

This is a very down to earth small budget film but is very relatable a lot of this movie felt like my life growing up, but this film didn't always have you all the into story which can be a risk when a film feels sorta like a it's unfolding right in front of you sort of like a play or home videos. Which I think is a compliment to any film that can do that but you also what the audience to be into the story which was and also wasn't there. This film is short but due to it's very real feel it didn't really need a traditional story structure or a typical ending and could just roll the credits and you'd be fine with it.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

This is a really beautiful film with a great message, charcaters are great with depth but easy to love highly recommend!

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One of the best parodies that being said it makes for an great amount of laughs and I mean really a lot of laughs but besides the head on jokes there wasn't much left to love.

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This was a film that I was expecting to love but really didn't. I don't dislike this film at all I actually think it's a great film with phoneomeal performances and can very very real but also unrealistic at the same time.

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A really funny movie with a great cast, not really a must see but not something you'll regret watching either.

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East of Eden

James Dean was a true talent, and his acting is always superb this is a really great film that has a few plotpoints that don't circle around all the way but that's my only problem with this film because when this film is at it's best it's hard to dislike anything about it.

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Sing Street

A really great film, wish I could find more movies like this that just hit every emotion. It's a feel good movie that hits emotional elements also very funny, good romance, and great music.

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"Joshy" is a very real, lowkey, just down to earth movie. My only problems with it are that the movie constantly feels awkward which isn't a negative of a movie but it kept me from being completely invested in the charcters and that the movie occasionally had something happen over the weekend that kinda wanted you to see how that certain thing would play out later but the movie never got back to it, but because of this movie feeling so different and down to earth and just being about a weekend and that's all it didn't bother me as much as it usually would also im convinced that Jenny Slate is a female version of Seth Rogen.

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The Ballad of Buster Scruggs

Really good screenplay by the coen brothers manages to keep you entertained by a combination of different tones of stories with typically a familar face in there.

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Dazed and Confused

A good movie but not necessarily a classic this movie probably gets way more attention than it deserves considering there are so many movies that have done the same thing but better. Not necessarily a must watch but it's "alright alright alright."

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How to Train Your Dragon

One of the best animated franchises, movie has a bit of everything for everyone.

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How I Met Your Mother
Instant Family

This is easily Sean Anders best film was just expecting a funny comedy but was hit with so many more emotions. This film is funny and charming but also so heartfelt and happy and just a whole range of emotions to be felt and sends just such a great message.

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Eastern Promises

Viggo Mortenson is great he manages to play a bad guy in a bad business with a good heart very well and plays both sides very well. He's really what keeps this movie together from being another 20th century mobster movie even though it is that most mobster movies nowadays just feel very off from the old classics and some are just unwatchable but Viggo Mortenson is the heart and soul of this movie with some help from Naomi Watts.

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Dangerous Liaisons

A cross between "Cruel Intentions" and "The Favourite" even though this film came out before both of those. A very intriguing film the has a slow pace but manages to keep yoyr attention the whole time. Glenn Close, John Malkovich, and Michelle Pfeiffer are all great.

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Shadow of the Vampire

First half is good and intriguing but after a while it turns a little silly or goofy and kind of loses you, although still a decent movie and Willem Dafoe and John Malkovich are both great.

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The biggest problems with "Nosferatu" are the things it can't control. Being a 1922 black and white silent film with not the best cameras it struggles to always maintain your attention or really to even make you feel the horror elements but I don't blame the film it simply just dosen't hold up the best after time.

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A movie that really is just about life. All the performances are great, movie just feels real like your actually watching the events transpire dosen't even feel like your watching a movie which is a huge compliment to any movie.

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I was very excited for this movie knowing it was from the same director as "The Invitation" but this movie's timeline is more messed than the X-Men universe. It constantly jumps to the past, even further in the past, closer to the present but still the past, then the present {spoiler} which isn't even the present that you're not sure even where you are in the storyline half of the time. That being said i think this movie thought it had big twists but I was never really shocked. Nicole Kidman gives a fantstsic performance. The flashbacks are more interesting than the "present" that it feels more like a story about Erin Bell which is fine but idk I think if this movie had some coherence that it could of been a lot better.

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The World's End

Throw in Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and a pub a you have an Edgar Wright movie. This isn't as good as Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz but it's still really good. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are amazing on screen together as always and this movie is legitimately funny I was just curious to see how they would wrap it up and the finale could have been better but still very enjoyable.

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Seven Psychopaths

Not bad, just nothing great wish I could've cared about the characters or been more into the storyline because it is a cool concept but if this didn't have an a-list cast I probably would've mentally checked out.

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Great first film by James Wan manages to stay focused on the main storyline with the ability to also jump around with a combination of flashbacks or interconnected stories that keeps it thrilling the entire time.

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Very charcter and dialogue driven movie and Meryl Streep, Amy Adams, Viola Davis, and Philip Seymour Hoffman are all phenomenal and all battle serious topics and real issues with their characters for this movie and all did a great job.

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The Devil Wears Prada

The film is full of humor, charisma, and charm it constantly had me chuckling or grinning. Meryl Streep is fantastic as always Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and Stanley Tucci are all wonderful as well.

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Lars and the Real Girl

Very interesting movie that can be very uncomfortable to watch and very awkward at times. Shows how people can react and treat people when something weird or unfortunate is happening.

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The Big Chill

Nice, charming, entertaining movie that's an easy watch but takes place after something unfortunate happens so has it's serious moments. Maybe would've preferred the ending a little different but still a good watch.

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The Natural