


Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x03 The Solitary Clone

That's more like it. Just like "Andor" isn't all about Andor, "The Bad Batch" can produce an episode without the Bad Batch. Great episode start to finish. Very dark mood. We see once more what the Empire is really all about and how they lie about peace. Love seeing Cody again and I'm glad he's seemed to be chosen they right side. I wonder if Crosshair can also one day accept that he is wrong and find his way back to the Batch.

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The Pentaverate: 1x02 Episode 2

I do understand the low ratings. It sure won't become a favorite show of mine. I must say, though, I find the Canada / US comparisons are good.

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The Man in the High Castle: 1x01 The New World

So, did the Axis Powers win the war or not? The status quo says yes, but that film roll says otherwise. Please don't tell me they've lost and no one in North America knows it. Because that would require a lot of suspension of disbelief. With P.K. Dick, who knows where this is going. Which also has me worried. Because so far, I haven't finished watching anything based on his work.

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Watched the first season and it was OK. But, personally, I fail to see the masterpiece everyone is talking about. Which isn't really surprising for me as this lines up with many high praised TV shows I found rather mediocre or didn't even watch because of lack of interest in the first place.
This (S1) was a story for a two, maybe two and a half hour movie. But not for 12 hours. And in the end it was very generic. A unmoral politician who covers up his arse by sweeping a horribly gone wrong drone strike under the carpet which turns a POW marine into a terrorist. That's not what I call ingenious writing. Granted, it is of some interest and they managed to fool me completely. But the main reason I didn't buy in was I never saw Lewis playing a bad character. Which might be one reason he was casted for this role.

While both, Lewis and especially Danes towards the end, deliver remarkable performances, I don't like their characters and have no interest in how their story moves forward. This is why I quit after the first season.

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CSI: Vegas: 1x09 Waiting in the Wings

I am surprised no one even entertained the idea Hodges confession was forced, especially after they killed the other guy, until they discovered the scene. I am not so sure any more that Wix is the mastermind behind all this. He doesn't strike me as that kind of criminal genius.

That love interest from Folsom for Rajan - it's not working. There isn't enough chemistry between them, after just nine episodes, to make it feel natural. We're supposed to accept it because we've been told they work together for some time but we've seen just some fleeting moments. It's forced because every show thinks it can't exist without a romance. Those are things you bring in in later seasons.

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Band of Brothers: 1x03 Carentan

When you watch this it is easy to forget that those men actually lived and experienced this. The final scene was ĺike a kick in the stomach.

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And ABC just cancelled after five episodes.

To be honest, I expected this after the first episode. Watched it because of Katey and I do like it. But I understand that it gets no traction with viewers. It isn't a clear cut drama because of all the comedy elements. It is also not funny enough to be a comedy. And it shouldn't be with a topic like that. So it tries too much to pull in viewers from different angles. Maybe if they had focused on the dramatic aspects it could have survived. Acting wasn't bad, I liked seeing Katey again.

Let's see if they at least manage some kind of ending.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x13 Repentance

The story is very much Star Trek. The question of whether or not the death penalty is an appropriate means of justice is a mine field to walk through.
I am not quite sure what the intention of the writer was. We're given both sides of the argument but in the end they decided to execute Iko. Which could be interpreted that it was justified.
There is also the question of being born evil. If it is something that can be treated. Can you be held responsbile for your actions if you have deficiencies ? There is a mental insanity plea in our justice system to cover that.
If there is one point where I really have a problem with this story, than it is the question of why they don't tried the treatmeant on the other prisoners. It feels a bit like preferred treatment after the Doctor discoverd this by accident. Is it moraly just to deny those other prisoners the same?

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Star Trek: Voyager: 7x10 Flesh and Blood (2)
Star Trek: Voyager: 3x06 Remember

There is a very important message here about the treatment of people who think different. And that message is still true today. Just look around. I am not taking anyones side here but we see people are being attacked for having different opinions. Things are being forced upon us and if you don't want to go along you are destructive.
This might be an extrem szenario at first but don't forget that resettlements have happened in our own history. And like the episode shows change starts with one person.
Unfortunately the weight of that message is somewhat lost behind a love story. Most of the time it feels more like a father trying to prevent just that instead of a society trying to cover up a genocide.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x10 The Lost One

So they pretty much have all the pieces but still couldn't see the big picture.

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JAG: 8x21 Meltdown (2)

Ugh, that was an awful two-parter. I only watched about 10 % of this episode, the important stuff. At least they got rid of two bad characters in one stroke. But we still don't know who's the father, don't we ? Probably a nobody.

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JAG: 5x03 True Callings

So that's it ? Harm's second career as an aviator lastet but three episodes. I mean, it was obvious he wouldn't have a fututre there but they built it up for a couple episodes and this is all ? Seems like the producers wanted him out of JAG to create some new plot lines there between characters.

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JAG: 3x19 Death Watch

At this point we really didn't need to resolve the season one finale which it doesn't do anyway. The totally left out that Harm was arrested. Yes, it does explain somewhat why Mac looks like Diane but to be honest by now that doesn't matter. In the end it's more confusing than it's worth.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x15 Lower Decks
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x14 Sub Rosa

I will not bother analysing this episode as it is basically level with those Fabio novels of that time.
Being very, very generous I will admit, being a McFadden fan, I can get through this episode, although barely. And the sets on the planet do look great in HD.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x19 Lessons

I'll put this one into my favorite episode category despite the fact I was always rooting for the Picard/Crusher train. They did make Daren look a lot like Bev, though. I wonder why I only noticed that now.
The scene where they play the little Ressican tune in the Jeffries tube was very emotional and had me on the verge of crying. The episode works really well as it is able to carry the emotions needed to make us care and feel. Stewart and Hughes have great, instant chemistry.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x11 Hero Worship

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2020-01-23T17:09:24Z— updated 2020-03-26T00:53:54Z

It's interesting how Data's always cabable to explain how he isn't emotionally impacted by events yet it sometimes feels like a distraction. And I wonder, by what routine Picard chooses which uniform to wear.
With those questions I think you can assume the episode itself didn't provide much of anything.

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Wheeler Dealers: Dream Car

I love Wheeler Dealers, have watched every episode including Trading Up. This one is not that good. It's three different shows cobbled together and not very engaing to be honest. But it is something you can watch on the side.

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Friends: 5x06 The One with the Yeti

Even if I didn't already know what will happen between R&R I never would have bought this marriage with Emily. It was always so obvious and whatever they tried to write in to distract from that was never convincing.

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Friends: 1x21 The One with the Fake Monica

Two episodes ago Marcel got confiscated by animal control, now he's back only to be gone again. That is lame writing.

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The Siege of Jadotville

First off, great movie ! Not that overdrawn Hollywood stuff. Much more realistic. Really pulled me in and the fighting felt very tense.

As for the story I have to admit I hadn't known it before. Doesn't surprise me one bit though. But it's good to see that those things come to light at last and the soldiers get the recognition they deserve. One of the sad truth of life. Too many things have happened, and are still happening, we don't know about.

Fu**ing politicians always come out on top. Always have been, Always will be.

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Superman: The Animated Series: 3x08 Superman's Pal

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that piece of Kryptonite that powers Metallo destroyed last time he showed up ?

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Mary Queen of Scots

Not quite sure where to put this. If you span a period of 25 years in a two hour movie there are supposed to be gaps in the story. But it is tough to put events into a timeframe if you don't know much about the history.
I like period dramas and I am a huge fan of Saoirse who played well. As did Margot. They both carry the movie a lot. The oscar nominations are also well earned. But that's just it. It looks pretty but it's lacking in storytelling. The material would have been better for a mini series. I am not dissapointed nor do I regret watching this. I think a "7" is an honest rating. It takes into consideration the effort made to produce this movie.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x03 Elementary, Dear Data

Early in season two we get one of my favorite TNG episodes.

Yes, it is up to debate if Moriaty should have been able to achieve this kind of power from a simple mishap. But I think that is the one concession you have to make in an episode that asks, in essence, the question if conscience and self-awereness equals life. A topic very much Star Trek.

I really enjoy Daniel Davis performance as Moriaty. He is perfect for that role.

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The Mists of Avalon

I have never read the books, I know they are a worldwide best seller, but this short series is still no advertisment to do so. To be honest I couldn't even bring myself to watch the second half of it because towards the end of the first it drifts a little bit too much towards a soap opera.
Then there is the thing that every time the Arthur tale is told it is told differently. F.e. I can't remember that a lot of the main characters were related and that there was incest between Arthur and his sister. While this might be omissions of knowledge on my part I can still not give this a high rating.

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Steve Martin and Martin Short: An Evening You Will Forget for the Rest of Your Life

Two of my favorite comedians. I've always been a huge Steve Martin fan but Martin Short ruled this show. But I do think this was shortened because there was very little of Steve.

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Mercury 13

Historically this is interesting but it is easy to look back in time and pass judgement.
I will probably get a lot of heat for this comment but there was no great conspiracy to prevent women to go into space. Those were different times, a different society. It's not right or wrong, it's history. The hostile comments against men of the times are misplaced. Mercury 13 wasn't a NASA programm. And the argument that it would have been different had they send women, that women are better and what it would have ment is the other side of the same coin.

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Designated Survivor: 2x18 Kirkman Agonistes

So did the writers played on a hunch when Kim Raver was casted as Andrea Frost that everybody would assume she would be romantically involved with Kirkman and therefore ignoring her as a suspect ? Interesting.
Also, does this mean we have seen the last of Damien ? Because I never liked the character and he really was not contributing much.

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The Commuter

It's a typical normal-man-gets-into-impossibe-situation thriller that follows the blueprint for the genre. If that is what you're looking for than that is what you'll get. As long as you don't expect the world out of it you'll be fine.
Oh, and Liam is actually close to being 66 and if you ask me it doesn't show. I'll hope he does some more movies.

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