


Westworld: 3x01 Parce Domine

I have a shitty memory when it comes to any show but is this even connected to where this started from ? I don't want to go back and watch everything again but I barely recognize it. It doens't feel like Westworld. Right now this has gone from "best show of that year" to "couldn't care less". And I guess the WWII thing is the new simulation this year ?
Well, maybe I'll wait for the whole thing to finish and start from scratch at the beginning. Or, not ?

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Richard Jewell
Star Trek: Picard: 1x05 Stardust City Rag

Not quite sure what to make of this. Felt a bit like a Bladerunner / Oceans 11 mix.

The relevant stuff for the general story happened in the last five minutes and even that came to no surprise, really. I don't know if Brian Brophy was even asked to again play Maddox but seeing how little time he would have gotten I could understand if he'd said: no. Other than that this was a short arc to re-introduce (?) Seven. Because I'm not sure we'll see a lot more of her. Personally I found their disguises a bit too flamboyant.
For sure they are throwing a lot of mythology into this to build bridges but it isn't always working like it should. Because either they are burning them immediately (Icheb) or they are not really walking over them (Picard and Seven talking about their assimilation).
As I mentioned before I don't mind this kind of episode in general but it seems to be taken up space that could be better served towards the main plot.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x02 Maps and Legends

So they really did what Picard and Guinan were talking about in Measure Of A Man.

I like the Romulan angle as they are still a race that needs to be deeper explored given how long they are around in the ST lore. Is the Zhad Vash their equivalent to Section 31 ? Not sure where this Borg stuff is leading. I thought Star Trek was too over-borged at times.

This clearly isn't the federation of old if an admiral takes they position that they should decide a race's fate. I would have love to watch a show centering around that part in history and how Picard acted at the time. But I am OK with where this is at now.

Only thing I can't stand is the Abrams hommage lens-flaring. In the conversation between the Commodore and that Lieutenant you couldn't at times see them. Why does every Star Trek show have to look like that now ?

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Batman: Hush

Great animation and story but I think it's a bit to many characters involved. If those villains are downgraded to extras what's the point in having them anyway ?

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8 Days: To the Moon and Back

There are hours upon hours to watch about the space program in general and Apollo 11. Although I've watched it all repeatedly I never grow tired of it. Especially during the last days, nearing the 50th anniversary, many documentaries were shown. Didn't particulary like this one for one reason.

I am not a huge fan of re-enactment. I prefer original footage. I understand its necessity at times but more often than not it feels like a low-budget movie. At least, if you do it, use the actors voices instead of overdubbing the fake characters with the real voices. For someone like me, who knows their faces and voices it is very disturbing and disjointing. And mixing original footage with re-enected scenes makes it worse.

And the inserts are unnecessary dramatic at times. It's OK to point out the critical stages of the mission but adding lines like "if this (or that) doesn't work, the mission is over" is kind of useless.

It's my personal opinion but watch "Apollo 11" instead.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x22 Shades of Gray

I hate clip shows, always have. Even a great show such as this can't get away with it. First 15 minutes are OK, then it goes down fast.

If I remember the production history correctly this was due to the fact that the Borg episode ate up more than the usual budget for an episode so they had to come with ways to save money elsewhere. Which ultimately led to a clip show as the season finale. It would have been an awful episode at any point of the season but as a finale it's even worse. It would have been better to shorten the season by not producing this episode. But S2 is already the shortest so maybe that wasn't possible, I don't know. (I went to check up on that, there was a writers strike happening around that time)

If there is any episode of the whole run you can leave out, it is this one. I would rate it as a bottom five of the whole franchise.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x14 The Icarus Factor

Isn't that a coincidence that Pa Riker shows up after Will mentioned him in the last episode ?
Well, it's not a bad one. It gives character background, which is never a bad thing. Althought, the way they mended their difficulties was a bit too Hollywood. Plus, those suits look silly now. And the connection to Dr. Pulaski felt out of nowhere. Granted, she's only just on board for a brief time now, but you being in love with a fellow colleagues father ? I think that would have come up. Well, maybe I am a bit picky.
One thing from the logic department: how do pain sticks cause pain on the holodeck ? Aren't there safeguards in place ? Usually they are mentioning it when those are turned of. OK, I am being picky again.
In hindsight it was obvious Riker wouldn't accept the promotion. As he will turn down others in the future. Loosing him would be like loosing........hmm. Whom, now? Who does Riker stand for compared to TOS. He's Number One. Which was Spock. Who himself is more represented by Data. Never really thought about that.

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I watched Unbreakable a long time ago and I didn't watch Split (which I do regret now). So it took me a while before the pieces of this movie fell together for me. But when they did it was amazing. I was really convinced "They" had won and it all felt rather unsatisfying before things turned around.
A very well made movie that is subtle and not blatantly action ridden. McAvoy's performance is ten out of ten alone. You could watch this stand-alone but it probably is better if you watch all three in succession.

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A timeless TV classic from when the whole family came together to watch. Totally worth a re-watch after all these years.

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The Flash

This show can be really good when it deals with the main plot. It can be equally awful when it brings us the bad metahuman villains.
Nevertheless it really picked up for me at the end of S2 where I really wanted to watch it but what happened next I had not anticipated.

I will remember this show as tough to stick with at first. Evolving, over the two seasons I did watch, to something I liked. Then it dropped like a millstone within the events of 3 episodes to the point where I couldn't quit fast enough. And it made me ultimately realize I should probably not start watching another superhero-show.

I wish, for once, they would make one of this shows for adults. Without all that unessessary drama.

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The Predator

Ever since the first Predator with Arnie I'm waiting for a worthy successor. This one ain't it either. I was tempted to quit watching instead I choose to let it play along. Man, this is awful.

Bunch of stupid morons that are supposed to be funny, but aren't. I am not sure who's worse - those "soldiers" or that guy Traeger with his I-am-a-cool-mothaf*** vibe.

Dialogue like: can you ask the kid to turn down that psychosis. One stupid one-liner amongst many.

Plot holes, f.e. the guy swallows that cloaking device and seemingly never went to the toilet after that. Whole script is no good.

CGI isn't good either. Apperently 88m $ (according to imdb) isn't enough nowadays. Action scenes have lots of cool moments, if you're an adolescent that is. You clearly can identify the target audience by the number of times the f-word is used.

Whole movie is just a waste of time and money. But, of course, at the end we get a hint for the next movie with a Predator suit that is a cross between Iron Man and Optimus Prime. I really hope someone has the good sense to stop this from happening.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x17 Home Soil

A great story idea again somewhat ruined by a sledgehammer morale. Still way over on the better side of season one episodes.

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Marvel Rising: Initiation

Kiddy girl stuff, what I'd expect fron Disney. Not really worth watching.

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Yes, the car chase is what sets this movie apart from similar ones. Althought I remembered it to be longer. But the rest of the movie isn't bad either. It's a thriller in the truest sense of the word with convincing portrayals from, both, McQueen and Vaughn alike.

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American Pastoral
X-Men: Apocalypse

The problem I usually have with the Marvel movies is that while they where something special when they started they´ve become a common thing in cinema today. So I´m not as thrilled today with every new one coming out, I watch them, they were quite average to me lately. I found this to be quite entertaining though. Story was good, I like that we see more of where the x-men came from and how they got together. Visually it is good too. As I said, it´s a good and entertaining movie.

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Charlotte Gray

Movie is OK. The story is lacking a, bit though. I thought it odd that she went over to France to find her love and after finding out what happened to him she soon falls in love with another one. That´s to convenient story writing.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

That was kind of a letdown as a season finale. It only serves to prevent the destruction of Homelander for at least another season and I fear we get a repetition of season three "How to kill Homelander". I get it, he's a show favorite but it's just unimaginative. And what happens if Butcher is in the same situation, facing Ryan and Homelander, at the end of season 4 ? How do we get to a point where he either can accept he has to destroy Ryan to or for the latter to switch sides ?

But we then still have Soldier Boy. And there is the same problem arising. How can he come back with a different outcome then now ? Like I said, we just put in multiple twist to lengthen the story.

And at this very moment I don't like it.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x05 Fly Me to the Moon
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x20 The Chase
Star Trek Beyond
Home Improvement

Really love this show. Just finished watching the whole thing again.
This is not only great comedy, this is about the people, their life and everyday problems. There arent't a lot of sitcoms you can watch more than once, this is definately one. And if you haven't watched it, well - what are you wating for ?

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The Simpsons: 35x05 Treehouse of Horror XXXIV

Remember when these Halloween episode were actually spooky. And why not air it last week when it would've been on time ?

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 1x12 Days of Future Past (2)

Mystique is Rogue’s adoptive mom ?! That's a forced plot twist if I've ever seen one.

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The Simpsons: 35x02 A Mid-Childhood Night's Dream

Pretty dull episode. I was never a fan of Marge. She always exaggerates everything.

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CSI: Vegas: 2x15 Ashes, Ashes

OK, that's it - I'm out. The individual episodes are more or less watchable but they are dragging that season spanning plot out to the max and I just don't care any more. Don't want to watch five more episodes and the long breaks between episodes are not helping in that regard.

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The Crown: 1x07 Scientia Potentia Est

The meeting between The Queen and Winston was absolutely superb. And finally she shows some bite.

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