


The Mandalorian: Season 2

I am 50 years now, watched SW ANH the first time in the early 1980s.

This show did (so far) what I hoped the sequels would do.
Thank you Jon Favreau
Thank you Dave Filoni

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Space: 1999: Season 1
Bones: Season 2
Bones: Season 1
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 3
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2
Marvel's Daredevil: Season 1

I knew nothing of the character before the Affleck movie. And while that one wasn´t a revelation I really liked the idea behind Daredevil. That´s the kind of superhero I like - in general a human being. Not some alien fallen to earth, a god out of mythology or a guy that turns big and green (to name a few to make my point).
This is one of the best shows first season I´ve ever seen. The dark and gritty atmosphere got me pulled in instantly. I don´t think there was a bad or boring episode. The whole thing builds up to a great finale. Both, the hero and the villain, are well written and superbly brought to live by Cox and D´Onofrio alike. That doesn´t mean the suporting cast is weak. On the contrary - they all have their moments and have a place in the story. Which I hope will go on for a long run.

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Bones: Season 6
Bones: Season 3
The Mandalorian: Season 3
Bones: Season 9
Bones: Season 4
Bones: Season 8

In its entirety better than the previous season. There were some really good episodes like "The Patriot in Purgatory" or "The Spirit in the Machine". Some good moments alltogether. But I still shy away from the B & B romance. One of the show's strengths in its early parts was the relationship between these two characters. Now I think that's one of the weaknesses. It's just too much in the spotlight after 8 years. I have lost all interest in this topic and am much more focused on the characters of the second level.
For the most part, the show is at a standstill. It does what it does best but brings little new.

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Bones: Season 5
Bones: Season 7
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 2
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 1
Bones: Season 12

That last season wasn't as bad as the previous one but still could not convince me the show deserved more. They had 12 seasons, almost 250 episodes, which is something few shows reach. There is a reason for that even if, from my point of view, the were past due at least 2 years. Even the ones before weren't outstanding. I loved the first 100 eps, the next 100 were OK, and the rest was pretty much a time filler. It really ended with the death of Sweets.
In any case I can now cross off the show from my watchlist. I am sure it won't find its way back on it again.

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Bones: Season 10

I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to stop after this season. The show is pretty much on rotation, it's a drifter. And so is my attention - drifting in and out. Stories are following a blueprint and oftentimes you can pretty much hear the words before they are spoken.
Then there are they major things - killing Sweets, bringing in Aubrey, another child for B&B. All of this did not made this show better. Yes, there are still some nice moments but they are getting few and far in between.
I don't want to quit at 90 % completion so I carry on but that really is my main motivation. Right now I have no interest in learning anything new about the characters

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Star Wars: Visions: Season 2

After the first season I wrote that it has some cool episodes but overall I don't think I need more.

After the second season I would say it has one, maybe two, cool episodes but overall I'm sure I don't need more.

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Falling Skies: Season 2
Falling Skies: Season 3

Again, I am standing on the fence. This show has just enough to keep me going. But I'll be honest if I say, had I watched it on its original run, not knowing how many episodes lying ahead of me, I would have probably quit here and now.
I didn't like whole Charleston arc. The genres listed for this show are action, adventure, fantasy and science fiction. And there is very little of any of that. It's a drama first and foremost. That's not what I want to see. The writing is convenient, not always logical you just have to accept things as they are presented. Maybe I expect too much or I am over-analyzing.
With only twenty something episodes left I'll probably finish it but I don't see this becoming one of my favorites.

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Falling Skies: Season 1

Since it is neither extremely awful nor exceptionell good I'd say "fair" is a fitting assessment.

I see the potential this has and I hope they don't throw it away. My concern still lies with the fact that the teenagers are at the center of the story. I can't put a finger on it though. And of course you are reminded of the series V.

It looks a bit dated when it comes to CGI and SFX but it seemed to be low budget even in 2011. Just an observation.

The plot can be a bit predictable at times and there is a little bit too much of a history lesson going on which only speaks to the american audience mostly. Charcaters are OK, after all we only had 10 episodes to introduce them and the plot, which isn't much.

As I said I see the potential and I hope we'll get a little bit more of an idea as to the motives of the aliens. On the DVD specials was the Comic Con panel where someone asks if Earth is but a sideline of a much larger scale and I find that idea intriguing. All in due time.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 1
Bones: Season 11

They should have ended this after S10. This show has basically degraded into a mediocre comedy that tries to do crime drama. The writers are more concerned to create awkward moments between characters, which is then underscored by some funny music, than writing something serious. The best that happened this season was Hodgins being paralyzed because it created tension and conflict. Didn't last long though. Plus, the constant discussions between Booth and Brennan are so nerving. It is incomprehensible how a guy stays with this woman. And of course everyone of the main characters needs to have a relationship. So after a brief stint with the hot photographer Cam is back with Arastoo and Aubrey and Jessica are dancing around each other.
I really don't think there was a memorable episode in this season. Well, only a dozen left.

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Space: 1999: Season 2
Westworld: Season 2
Marvel's The Punisher: Season 2
Star Trek: Voyager: Season 4
Star Trek: Discovery: Season 2

I've been contemplating for a couple days now what to write about S2. Or if I should write anything at all. Because quite frankly I've written enough already over the course of this season.
So let me close by saying this: Ever since Nemesis and the ending of ENT I'm waiting for good Star Trek. And I still do. If the Abramsverse and/or DIS is the Star Trek of now than I am glad I still have the older shows.
As always, this is my personal opinion. If you like that stuff, fine by me.

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