


The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

Where is the 11th heart for this episode?
I was so tense when the x-wing appeared and I was holding my breath for the whole fight. When he pulls of the hood I couldn't help but crying.
Even if the show would stop right there I would be very happy. But I am also very eager to see what comes next.
It's going to be a long year.

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Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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John Wick

This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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The Orville: 3x05 A Tale of Two Topas

And this, dear writers of contemporary Star Trek, is how you handle a topic like that.

I'm, sadly, not surprised about the rating (68 % at the time of writing) and some comments in regards to this episode. To each his own but I thouroghly enjoyed it.

It was past overdue that Klyden left the ship. I never liked him but there was no way after this he could have stayed. Don't think we've seen the last of him.

Bortus still hasn't performed "My Heart Will Go On"

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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Jurassic Park

I´ve seen Jurassic Park a couple times over the years and I´m always amazed how well this stands up to to later movies. This never looked old, not 10 years after, not 20 years after it was made.

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Family Guy

Yes, the show has changed over the years and so have the characters. You either like it or not. I think it`s still one of the best shows and I would take any season of Family Guy over all that reality garbage.

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The Boys: 3x01 Payback

Those were some gross scenes for sure. But that's what this show's been doing and I'm glad they didn't tune it down.

Anthony Starr is amazing. How he switches from one expression to another within a heartbeat and scare the shit out of you. But I think ultimately Homelander has to be gone by seasons end. You can't keep this plot up forever.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x04 Part IV

I wish Vader would've killed her. She's just a weak character. Even a ten year old kid is not intimidated by her. It should have been Vader chasing Obi-Wan from the beginning if it is that much of a personal thing for him. The story could have been so much better.

I'll admit, this episode was rather weak. Convenient writing and all in all a remake of Obi-Wan on the death star. No real suspense since the only character that could have died is Tala.

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Easily the best TV show in a long time. Superb acting and very intelligent writing.

I will have to re-watch this before the second season because it´s so complex I´m not sure I´ll remember everything when the time comes.

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The Orville: 1x09 Cupid's Dagger

I want Bortus to sing My Heart Will Go On

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x05 The Axe Forgets

This show is growing on me without even trying. It's slow but I don't feel bored. I just like the tension, the dynamic between the rebels (if you can call them that already). The petty Imperial lackeys that are scraping for the tiniest bit of power. I have no clue what role Syril is gonna be playing in all of this. That they keep coming back to him suggest he could be important to the plot. Otherwise it makes no sense. Mon Mothma's family is really loathsome and Luthen seems to be overly anxious.

What can I say - I like it.

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The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin

The writing is great, you have a story that keeps you interested. You only get dripplets of information each episode. On top of that you have great action sequences. This show continues to improve with every episode.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

This was in many ways not what I was expecting. I thought there would be more fireworks. However I enjoyed every damn second of it. The tension was so thick, you could cut it. It reminded me a bit of "The Guns of Navarone" (if anyone here is old enough to remember that). You know that at some point it would all go sideways, that there would be casulties. But I did not expect practically the whole team going down. The Eye looked spectacular and the soundtrack is great, too.

A darn well excecuted episode.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x05 The Perfect Game

That b/w sequence was absolutely brilliant and althought he was merely the observer D'Onofrio is amazing even without saying a word.

But how on earth did a guy like Dex get past a FBI psych evaluation ?

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x05 Truth

Funny how most people think this is boring filler stuff, or even dislike the whole show, while I do like it more and more.

For me it seems this is the first time that Marvel puts substance over effects. There is an actually story involved instead of just knitting together CGI shots. Of course there is an agenda in all of this, there is no denying that. But I don't see this as a bad thing.

And I'm looking very much forward to the final episode now.

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The Mandalorian: 3x05 Chapter 21: The Pirate

During the recap I thought: please, no. Not pirates again. But this episode really caught fire, literally as well as figuratively. It's beginning to go into the direction I'd hoped for with the Mandalorians.

Now, I wonder since Din still posesses the Darksaber could that become an issue again ? Or can Bo lead them without it now that the Armorer has spoken on her behalf ? And I'm certain it wasn't Mandalorians who freed Gideon. That's a ruse to blame them. Even with him escaping I'm still convinced there is a bigger fish in the water.

We can now safely assume that the ex-imperial is an operative for the empire remnant. I really like that Capt Carson gets a bigger role. He's a really honest guy.

And what do you know - Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios. Another Rebels connection. Uhh, I like where this is going.

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Just finished watching it and, like some, I´m a bit on the fence. It´s a good show that has a lot going for it, most of all the cast. The acting is outstanding at times and gives you some really beautiful moments between the characters. John Nobles performance is among the best I´ve ever seen on TV. And I became very fond of Anna Torv. And despite the fact that a lot of the scientific background is borderline at best the show never feels silly.
But like some others mentioned I too think the plot went south during the later parts. The first two season got me hooked pretty fast, the third I think was at times to much to fast. But with the forth came the nosedive. It deteriorated to a point where I simply didn´t cared anymore for the plot and just went on watching to see how it ends. Not to mention that the conclusion has huge logical problems.
I´m not regretting watching it but I don't want to watch it again.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x03 Part III

Shout by FinFan

He's back ! Vader enters the picture and immediately the heat is literally turned up. One shot, one breath of him has more weight as ten minutes from the Third Sister.
I had not imagined that him and Obi-Wan would meet that early. And now we have the question of continuity. There has to be another meeting because that one could not have been what Vader was describing in Ep IV (with Obi-Wan being the Master and he the apprentice). Yes, those things matter to me. But as one-sided as the duel here was it had me on the edge of my seat. The lightsabers in the dark, the musical score, Vaders voice - that was an amazing sequence.

How on earth did Reva get past Leia ? There is one tunnel leading to where the pilot was waiting and she had to pass Leia to get there first. Yet she was there waiting, the pilot already dead.

All in all by far the best episode. Obi-Wan talking about Padme and his memories of his own family was another great scene.

Now I'm hyped.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x04 Watcher

So, let me see what we got here.

A stupid "hommage" scene to Star Trek IV that wasn't funny.

A muscle packed Guinan who's given up on humanity. Since Q changed the actual timeline and not created a fantasy, how does that actually work that she doesn't recognize Picard althought they have met in "Time's Arrow" ?

A totally unnecessary car chase scene with the usual amount of smart comments. Seems like Raffi and Seven are now the comedic relief.

More on-the-nose comments about contemporary earth. I miss the old episodes where you actually had to use your brain to make connections instead of being served pre-chewed food on a silver plate.

And at the end we see Orla Brady as (supposedly) The Watcher. Something that, in my opinion, seems to be just to have a role for her to play. Because I don't believe she's anything else than the Laris we've seen so far in the normal timeline.

I do feel sorry for Annie Wersching who's only hanging around (literally) instead of actually doing something.

It's a mess at this point.

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Silo: 1x03 Machines

The action sequence was running a bit long but otherwise another solid episode.
I'm surprised there wasn't another way to relieve the steam pressure. Was that just a story tool to generate tension? You would think the builders would incorporate a way to make repairs in case they are needed. Otherwise they were either pretty sure the generator would run forever or they never anticipated it runs so long. Weird.
Did you notice the moment they switched to the back-up the screen showed a healthy, green environment outside ? No coincidence I say.
Bernard is hiding something, he is a much more important player in the tale. Unfortunately I was sure the moment the major opened up to the deputy her clock was running out.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x06 Two of One

Do all those plot pieces actually have a purpose ?

We went back in time to restore the timeline. Now we have Soong and his cloning (funny that he doesn't protect his files). Jurati and her personality issues. Rios's Doctor is back in the picture. Raffi's becoming more annoying with every episode. I'm still not sure what's Q's play ? And Picard having a traumatic episode. Does all this actually have something to do with the main issue ?

Oh wait, there was a little bit of Renee Picard in there. And concerning that, I don't know if her not making the mission is the problem or her making it is. Maybe it's something else entirely. I am also confused that Picard didn't seem to know about his ancestor. From TNG we know he's well versed concerning his family history. But neither the date nor the place seemed to be important to him.

I don't hate the show but I'm also not overly enthusiastic. Truth be told, I'm bored. And that's worse than either of the other options.

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The King

This is neither an action fireworks nor has it endless battle scenes. You should know that before you watch.

It is a slow build up that can be percieved as running a bit too long. But I really liked it. It's an honest movie, well produced. It looks and feels real. And so does the battle once it takes place. I so appreciate doing this not in CGI but putting the camera right in the middle of it. As for the historical accuracy or how it relates to the source material, I do not know. But it also isn't that important to me as this is a movie that, first and foremost, is there to entertain.

All actors are doing really well but Sean Harris was the one who really stood out in my opinion.

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Ahsoka: 1x04 Part Four: Fallen Jedi

This show suffers the same problem as Kenobi.

It was highly anticipated and everyone is waiting for "the" one thing to happen. It is easy to look at. Meanwhile we get one action scene after another but little content. I like lightsaber fights as much as the next guy but even I are bored by them at this point. And they are stretched out for no reason other than to fill the time. Furthermore monotone one word dialogues, and totally predictable writing. And you realize by now that this should have been a movie rather than a mini-series.

Even the massive reveal at the end wasn't a surprise as the title of this episode alone was a massive spoiler in itself.

But this is how you catch bees. Just pour enough honey over it.

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Silo: 1x06 The Relic

The book isn't really a big surprise nor does it help a lot. We already know there was a time before the Silo when things were different. The question is what happened to make them go in there and what is outside now.
The big reveal was right at the end as there is someone monitoring everything that happens inside the Silo. And I don't think it's Judicial. They might nor even know about it. But someone has to know. Maybe Holland ?
Could the Silo be some kind of experiment ? You know, the kind we do today where we put people in isolation to see how they would fare on long space travel. It's still damn near impossible to pinpoint a time for the events. All we know that the Silo is up for 140 years minimum. Which would be a hell lot of time for an experiment. And the tech inside the Silo, which was surely up to date back then, looks really old now. And who might the mysterious "Him" turn out to be? Got to be a new player in the game.
Well, at least things are progressing.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x03 Power Broker

Not a bad show by any means but if I'm honest I liked WandaVision more. I feel like I am missing a lot of background.

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The Mandalorian: Season 2

I am 50 years now, watched SW ANH the first time in the early 1980s.

This show did (so far) what I hoped the sequels would do.
Thank you Jon Favreau
Thank you Dave Filoni

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The Expanse: 4x04 Retrograde

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-12-17T17:50:13Z— updated 2019-12-19T16:20:30Z

Only problem I have with the plot is I don't care one bit for any of the factions. Belt, Mars, Earth - doesn't matter. They all have their own agendas. I want to know about the alien stuff and that is moving very slow.

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Married... with Children

There are two kinds of sitcoms - the ones that you can watch every couple of years and still have good laughs about and then the ones you didn't even laugh at the first time. Now guess what this belongs to.
What I love the most about it is the total lack of so-called political correctness. A show like this would be impossible today because there would be an outcry and commitees beeing formed to get this off the air.

Oh what great were those times.

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The Hurt Locker

All those Oscars for what exactly ? OK, the style and filming is good, looks more real with the shaky camera. Acting is OK but I don´t think it warrants a nomination for an Oscar. But the biggest issue - where is the story? This is just a chain of short stories whos only connection seems to be the general location and some of the players. You learn very little about the characters and their motivations. Character developement ? Nope. Therefore I found it impossible to relate to or feel anything for them. In fact I was mentally out of this after an hour.
And the number of errors in this movie is extreme (check IMDB) which could have been excused because a lot of war-movies have them. But with all the flaws in the story the pile becomes just higher.

And something else entirely: I wish we had ratings by demographic. Look at IMDB you see the rating drops with age.

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