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The Batman 2022

Surprisingly dark and good! :bat:

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The mature and dark crime/drama/detective Batman movie I wanted for years!

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I would put this masterpiece near the dark knight but …. Better than it in a small level

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Had the potential to be the best Batman movie yet, because of its beautiful camera work and strong directing. And yes, Robert Pattinson is the best Batman actor. Sadly, the story is too much dragged out. Even if I loved Colin Farrell as Penguin, he was completly unnecessary for the story. Movie could have been 30 minutes shorter. Paul Dano was so good, but the focus should have been on him. I hope the second movie will erase these issues.

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A unique take on the character of Batman, as a thoroughly exhilerating noe-noir, with great performances,amazing action sequences and stunning visuals.

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Like a solid punch in the gut, only you're the one punching for a change.

A hard-boiled Gothic grunge tour de force.

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Underneath the bridge
Tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from my ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Underneath the bridge
Tarp has sprung a leak
And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
Cause they don't have any feelings
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah
Something in the way
Something in the way, yeah

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I like the open of this movie a lot and the way the voice over plays out, you can visualize how it would be laid out in the panel of a comic book and I sort of appreciate the feel they are going for it just doesn’t ultimately land for me. I don’t really need Batman to be this dark and gritty, it starts to become self parody and the grounded realism makes the guy standing in the crowd with a bat suit on look goofy. A lot of this wouldn’t stand out as much if the movie could justify its runtime, but it ends up being a dull, long version of Seven that has a super hero bomb set piece at the end.

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It was very good. Just a bit too long and dialogue was pretty blah towards the end. Action sequences were incredible. And Pattinson was fantastic. 8/10

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Caught a sneak preview in IMAX tonight. You will not be disappointed. Great movie and glad to have Batman back.

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Paul Dani is electrifying as the riddler

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Highly recommended. Great cinematography, soundtrack and atmosphere.

More details, no concrete plot spoilers but I'd rather not spoil it for some who want to go completely blind: First half or two thirds of the movie are amazing, dark without going over the top. Last half or third of the movie is a little weaker (adding a lot of unnecessary clichés that had been avoided until that point, costing it its 10/10), but still very enjoyable. Was my favorite Batman movie until that point, now I'm not sure.

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Not even xompleted or released yet - Due in 2022 but already 100 votes giving it a r ating of 84% . Some RP fans , Batman obsessed fans, DC fans - Distorting Real rating even before movie is seen by public to be accurately call a hit/miss. This is whay I do not trust ratings anymore because these obsessed fans cannot be trusted to leave unbiased ratings and reviews to them just a trailer is worth a 10/10. RT , IMDB , Crot* Critics of the past were more trustworthy with ratings and opinion. Pre social media reviews were honest and popularity etc was based on a great film being promoted by word of mouth i.e friends and family recommending to each other. A good film does not need PR, Falso* falsified ratings and disg* dishonest reviews from fans to prove itself worth the hype/awards.

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Shout by r4dixx
BlockedParent2021-02-19T00:13:29Z— updated 2021-12-28T09:58:36Z

Pattinson will nail the role. Twilight is just a glimpse in his otherwise amazing career. He's played dark and deep roles before and he's a beast. I'm confident. The movie by itself... Not so sure. EDIT: After seeing the trailers, I am more than HYPED for this! Can't wait!

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I can't watch Robert Pattinson as Batman. I'll just watch the Dark Knight again and again.

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I sure hope Robert won't suck at this... Been disappointed before though... Ben and Christian actually set the mark high...

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Shout by Deleted

A shiny glittering batman, yay that's the world has waited for :-D

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Robert Pattinson, we are together!

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Out Ben i have little interest.

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