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The Batman 2022

Good movie, but prefer the Dark Knight trilogy.

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I didn't think it was a bad movie... I really didn't like Catwoman nor the penguin me... I know the.director wanted to give it a classic touch... but I think he overdid it.

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As a fan of DC and Batman character I'm so disappointed. Bad fighting scenes, the car is a joke, the bike is bad, fighting with the thugs is just nothing special, Batman most of time is just walking and staying passive, no action, no stunts, no dynamic, NO GADGETS?! The car is really bad, Is it just boring. The story is good but is presented bad. Maybe with another director. This one looks like someone who never read a comic book or watch DC animations. Only thing that I like is the darkness of Gotham - it was presented accurate. Where was the cave?. About Robert Pattinson I have nothing to say - playing the role good. It's director's fault that the movie is so bad. If you a consider to watch it and you are a fan - don't expect too much, you will be disappointed

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Bulletproof Batman. The bullets don’t get through the suit and Batman doesn’t even feel the hits. Did someone shoot in the back of the head where there is only a small layer? In the final scene, however, a shotgun from close range hurt badly even though it didn’t pass the suit. WTF?

And why is James Gordon black? Does not make any sense.

However, I thought the movie was pretty good, except for Selena’s mask. I liked the movie surprisingly much.

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Ok I watched an hour of it and turned it off, This has to be the worst Batman movie ever along with Patterson being the worst batman, how this has got so many good reviews is beyond me!!! Nul Points

could at least gave him a descent bike looks & sounds like a restricted 125cc

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The best Batman movie! Robert Pattinson is the best Batman ever! The Riddler of Paul Dano is insane in a great performance!

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To put it simply: A work of art.

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The atmosphere of this film is unreal, they did a fantastic job creating a feeling of fear.

A bit too much Batman brooding but otherwise, some excellent shots! Some of my favourite movie scenes of all time are in this movie.

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It was solid, but I expected much more.
Definitely not the best Batman movie, maybe the expectations are too high after Nolan's trilogy.

The story was good but acting could've been better, for me the worst acting was from the Batman himself, which isn't what you'd expect in a movie about him.

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Looks great. started off very promising.

Gotham and Batman get much more screen time than before.

But It's Se7en for 12yr olds.

a few moments made me laugh loudly, that are rife for ridicule, or have been done so many times before.

Alfred is too young, 20 yrs ago, he was what, late 20s?

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I didn’t know what to expect. I may have approached it with a bit of Batman fatigue asking, “Do we really need another Batman franchise?” When it began, I thought, “They are very deliberately pacing this very slow.” Jeffrey Wright’s delivery was especially telling, because I’m familiar with his work and the cadence of his speech. Then, I began to watch for other deliberate choices, music, colour, lighting, the sparse presence of Bruce Wayne. Slowly, I began to believe the characters, the city, the decay, the ominous gloom, until, ultimately, I realized this was a unique and powerful adaptation of the Batman source material with rich depths. I was totally won over. The casting is great, the performances are anchored, the soundtrack is perfectly evocative. I give this film a 10 (masterful) out of 10. [Superhero Drama]

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Don't watch Batman at night in the cinema at 9:15 pm at night! I went to have dinner out before the cinema to watch Batman.
I didn't know it would be finished at 12:25 am!

nearly 3 hours..... My husband let me sleep... All I remember is Cat Woman in a nightclub!
l woke up during the flood scene! :joy:
l think l better wait for it to come on Sky cinema on demand.

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Dark but actually good dark.

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It was beyond my expectations. solid

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Batman fumbles a lot in this movie. The tech used seem more like cyber punk. Way too darkly lit.

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Nothing will beat Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. Robert Pattinson reminded me of The Crow when he was Bruce Wayne...Film was an hour too long...

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This was one of the better Batman movies, despite the vampire boy who played Bruce Wayne.

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I wanted to love this but it just fell short of watchable. I'm the last person to complain about a film taking its time and doing things 'properly' but this cut could have been a lot tighter.
It starts off strong and I like that we have the detective side of Batman showing... But its just lacklustre all round. The story meanders and holds no real weight, the ridder was fucking irritating. Though his little incel horde was pretty realistic. And that 'Joker'. Ugh.
For all the hype this has been getting I was expected a lot more.

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I really think all these high scores are from Covid lockdown and so anxious to see a movie anything would be good.

If you compare the villains it does not even come close in the trilogy. Also, the action scenes are weak sauce. Even the gadgets are so basic. I thought it was way too long with not much going on. It was worth a watch but not even close in my opinion to the trilogy of Christopher Nolan made.

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Everyone is breaking their back to say how much better this version of Batman is. I think it is just "okay." Certainly gritty and dirty, but not all that "super hero-ey."

I think I'll just watch the Gotham TV series if you don't mind.

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Really enjoyed the movie. Casting was surprisingly spot on. Colin was a superb choice for Penguin and you can tell enjoyed playing the role. However there was ZERO need for Catwoman and this would have shaved off 25+ mins of pointless footage, the movie would still have made sense without her. Music was modern with remnants of the classics which im sure we all appreciated. Cinematography was perfect! Next step is to seriously bulk up Batman and phase out the Emo. I would love to see Matts take on Professor Pyg :scream:. Hush has been set up for the next movie which will really need to be done incredibly well!

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It was ssssooooo boring to watch and just wanted to walk out of the movie theaters

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2 hours after the movie what is still on my head is the nirvana song and a felling I never got to truly connect with the Batman because of fear, or because the camera was always distorted

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I didn't get why they made Catwoman so naive and lighthearted. Catwoman is character that can fool batman with ease. Dunno, let's wait for the sequels

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Didn't like it. Aborted watching in the middle of a movie. Personally I like other versions better.

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Catwoman wears a beanie hat with a huge hole for eyes. That's all you need to know about this movie.

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Shout by anzo

First ever Batman that I watch and I wasn't disappointed. That movie was really great!
There is one thing that I didn't like tho... the relationship between Cat and Batman seems soooo forced, I wasn't into that storyline at all
But overall, great plot and good acting!

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If you compare this with Chris Nolan's Batman, this doesn't even stand a chance. However, this movie is pretty good. It is a dark movie, literally and figuratively! The action sequences are damn good, and Robert Pattinson is also good.
That aside, it's so damn long, like three freaking hours WHY! Especially when the first hour of the movie doesn't move the plot at all. I mean, they could've made it shorter.
Anyway, it's a great movie. If you enjoy "superhero" movies and also action movies, don't miss this one.

Definitely one of the greatest experiences in Cinema!

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Moments of genius filmmaking with a brooding unease make this movie stand out. This is a very different Batman... and for me, lacked something. I am not sure whether it was the long runtime, the narration, the incessant rain, the convoluted storyline, or Pattinson's demeanor - but something didn't sit right. Having said that, there were plenty of eye opening scenes to make it memorable. In fact, the car chase alone is worth the price of admission. Also, kudos to the sound editing which is astonishing and a feast for the ears. Go watch it at the cinema on the best screen... I watched it at the Odeon iSense with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos and was very impressed with how clear the picture was - which is a marvel considering most of the film is in the dark with rain. Will it be in my top 10 for this year? I'm not sure... perhaps it needs a second viewing :-) 8/10

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Other than Robert Pattinson being a weird emo version of Batman his great acting wasn't compromised. The plot was a bit all over the place. There were also some plot points that made one think that this is not a stand alone Batman movie. However, the length, fantastic very well committed acting, special affects, atmosphere, and bat woman character made for a film that could be argued for being as good as "The Dark Knight." Overall a very unique Batman movie that is a cinemark master piece.

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The weakest Batman ever , boring and Pattison needs to go back to be a vampire

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bad acting, catwomen like robot..

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I want to watch this again just to confirm my opinion on it, but this is a series of great individual Batman moments that struggles with connecting them together in a coherent package (which is surprising considering the amount of footage here).
Stylish, gorgeous and oppressively dark, this is possibly one of the best looks and takes on the character, but I can't help but feel like something is missing to make it feel complete. It does have the feeling that it's going to make a superb sequel though.

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This is one of those movies that needs to be seen on the big screen. Absolutely captivating experience.

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I am shocked by how good this movie was, this type of batman is the best in my opinion. The dark, tortured and dramatic personality. The shots that was obviously made with greenscreen also payed a great homage to older movies. Excellent and I will rewatch it for sure

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The man serving popcorn said ‘the Batman, better than all the dark knight Batman’s’ I should have known there and then he didn’t know what he was talking about. Unlike Nolan’s masterpiece, the Dark Knight, this Batman won’t stand the test of time. It’s a film that doesn’t know what it wants to be… dark? yeah a bit, but what’s with the hero saving people from water and carrying a little child… and the love story with cat woman… it’s like Se7en only not nearly as clever. And it borrows from so many others (the Crow?).

It’s narrative is convoluted, the riddler isn’t scary nor is he a patch on Ledger’s Joker. He’s just not believable. The penguin is brilliant, but merely a side story, the car chase and action scenes are phenomenal, but almost lost in too many drawn out conversations with Gordon. Alfred isn’t anywhere near as endearing as Michael Caine’s. All in all, a good film, but too long, and too unsure of what it wants to be. And what’s with that wingsuit…

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I have never been fond of this particular franchise, I have always found the character of Batman quite boring. Indeed in this film its character comes out of nowhere, without any sort of background (very light even in the rest of the movie) in a well-portraited Chicago. The action scenes were quite good, but the same length of other boring and slow recitative parts. Very annoying the female deuteragonist, completely pointless and just there for being a cute girl (why not Robin instead?), and the fact that the various riddles were solved by Batman in no time at all, leaving the audience no chances to even understand what they say literally.

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It was a long film, but that in itself is a very neutral quality. I liked this film since it had wonderful cinematography, acting, and a respectable amount of action. It also had a plot that I found to be interesting, somewhat tedious in some areas, but overall strong with an alluring villain (who likes telling riddles)! Of course, there was chemistry between the main leads as well, which also helps to elevate this film. As a whole, the Batman movie was a long but fun ride, and I can't wait to see more from Robert Pattinson.

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Bit long but otherwise a good romp

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Honestly, a great movie. I definitely recommend this to others. Though I wonder how Robert would do if he had a sidekick.

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It wasn't the worst Batman by any means but wasn't as groundbreaking or as entertaining as the series with Bale, or even Keaton. Pretty much boiled down to an emo remake of Batman Returns but Batman is more in touch with his feelings and the characters are a little more woke. I've watched The Dark Knight a couple of dozen times and I've seen the first Keaton version a few times but I don't think this one is worth a re-watch. Maybe the next one will be better but Pattinson doesn't make a very good Batman.

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Greig Fraser is on a roll — first Dune, and now The Batman. This movie is beautifully shot, and Matt Reeves damn know how to stage a scene

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It wallows too much in its own darkness, and once again the writers of Batman and superhero movies flaunt their poor grasp of realpolitik. But that's not the purpose of this movie and any superhero movie's. So just stock up on snacks and wallow along. Because it's damn fun wallowing. And everyone is so damn good. What's more, Batman is returned to his detective roots.

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As huge batman fan this movie is best live action batman i ever seen.i enjoyed every second of it. I understand some people don't like it cuz they never seen this side of batman in previous live action.
To me this movie is like reading a comic book . I love it!

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This movie the best Batman ever

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wokeman to the rescue. Seriously, wtf is this trash. Batman needs to save gothem city from rich, white people?

Not sure who's idea that stupid trash was, but it's a good way to offend your entire customer base no matter what skin color they are, since batman is suppose to be a hero (or antihero in some cases) for everyone and not some woke social justice warrier.

They killed any idea of a shared world / universe as well, after the reboot of Justice league finally put them on the right track.

The movie is unnaturally slow, and it just grabs on for no reason at all at points. Act 3 should have just been removed completely.

They decided to make it pg13, which helped make it even more out of place. There were other odd submessaging, like all the white people are evil in some way but the black chars are good somehow.

Not to mention, they had the justice league chars in a TV show on hbomax like a week ago which doesn't line up to this at all.


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Anyone going into this thinking of Robert Pattinson as “that guy from twilight” needs to look past that — his performance is amazing and he breathes a new life into the caped crusader. Excited to see where the story goes!

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Robert Pattinson steps into the Dark Knights cowl to give an incredible performance :clap_tone1: I really loved this darker and almost grunge take on Batman (with an amazing soundtrack to match :notes:) - The Batman certainly feels like a movie about Batman, with Bruce being a quieter side to this story, although no less interesting.

A great cast (so many actors in this that I had no idea were even in this!) and I have to say Colin Farrell and Paul Dano give amazing performances - even with the prosthetic’s and makeup Colin Farrell shone through and his scenes and line delivery made me laugh more than once.

Definitely one of the best Batman movies made and I honestly can’t wait to see Robert Pattinson grow and develop his Bruce Wayne/Batman arc :bat:

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Finally, the batman we deserve so serious and with great detective skills. He brings fear in his enemies just by his presence. Can't wait to watch more of it's parts

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"It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when its denied, it's your violence you may find."

This is the Batman I have been waiting for. I am so happy Matt Reeves is getting his chance to do a trilogy because this is what this character was needing. They are putting "Detective Comics" back into Batman. Paul Dano is incredible, and Gotham is so gritty and dirty, yet cinematic. It felt a little long and yes, the third act isn't perfect, but this film was a much needed direction change. Shout out to the incredible sound design team and the strong soundtrack.

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Worst Batman movie ever. Those costumes were a joke(And so we're the actors). At least the Batmobile was cool.

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I went into this expecting it to be either atrocious or amazingly well done. I can tell you that DC may have fucked some things up in the past, but this was so refreshing. This was beautiful, suspenseful, and incredibly engaging. It's something new. I love it. Please if you're going to do something, go see it.

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Pattinson is poor as Emo Wayne. I like the setting and the look, but boy was it boring. A 90 minute film stretched out to double the length.

I don't make a habit of watching comic movies, but the DC content I have seen recently was a lot more fun and irreverent than the Marvel identikit movies. This, however, was as dull and portentous and po-faced as anything from the Marvel cookie cutter.

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"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call. It's a warning."

Let me start off by praising Robert Pattinson. He is so much better then I could've hoped for. Really enjoyed him as Batman and Bruce Wayne.

Anyway The Batman looks fantastic. The way Gotham is portrayed is simply fantastic. It took me back playing the Arkham games. Which is amazing. I also loved the slow-paced story. Almost no back story just drop us right in. We all know the Bat's story by now right?

Overall the cast is fantastic. Colin Farrell as the Penguin who you also don't recognize, Jeffrey Wright rocks it as Commissioner Gordon, Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle, Andy Serkis not in a CGI role and Paul Dano as the updated Riddler. Fantastic casting.

So yeah the Batman is a great start of the new trilogy and hopefully Reeves will stay attached. The film looks fantastic, never fails to entertain and is dark and gritty.

A new Batman era has begun and who would've thought our Batman would be Robert Pattinson. Go watch this one ASAP. I'm off playing Arkham City.

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An unexpected visitor: Knock Knock...

Some random security guy: Who is it?

A noob hero waiting at the front door. I'm Vengeance!

What a disaster.

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i really liked the direction they took with this batman movie, and Robert Pattinson's batman was amazing, i can't wait to see more of it
i'm also glad it was 3 hours long, worth every minute

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This is the Dark Batman movie that Dark Knight Rises should have been.
While I still rate the Nolan Triology both collectively and individually as the best Batman movies ever made, there are elements in The Batman that far surpass what Nolan did in his approach.
The soundtrack is impecable, the cinematography hypnotic (that hallway fight lit by the rifles' shots looks amazing), and the cast is superb in its own way. I started this review by comparing this movie to the Dark Knight Triology, but you really can't. It's a whole different movie, not an action thriller, not the world's greatest detective, but rather a slow, deep cutting mystery where you see the Hero come to terms with his own flaws, his own grief.
This movie is a Journey and you should take it as such. Go into it with whatever expectations you have, and ler it take you somewhere else. Amazing!

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Nolan's batman more like Superhero movie but Reeves's Batman is more like Batman movie. The version of batman is more hooked with comics. We all are delighted with hand to hand combat of Robert, dark color gradient and direction of movie.

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I liked what he tells and how he tells it. Focusing it on research has been interesting

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So boring the only good thing was seeing Zoey on a big screen

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Whenever Batman shuffled into view, he always appeared ready to drop dead. I guess this is how even superheroes feel in todays world.

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Overly long, overly dark, and overly serious. However, it hones closer to the comic books than some - we get to see the 'world's greatest detective' do some detecting for a change - and there are flashes of brilliance throughout. Batman and Gotham City could have lightened up a little during the film's long run time but it's still a decent film, despite the sombre tone.

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Shout by Mike

since Keaton finally another good Batman solo film. 10/10

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Was kinda boring in a lot of scenes. The hero costumes looked cheaply made. Robert's voice as bruce and batman were practically the same. Not much action or gadgets to make him feel like batman. Glad I wasn't hyped for this movie, otherwise I'd be really disappointed. And thankfully, I saw it for free.

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I've loved Batman since I was a kid. I've loved every iteration of Batman, and this is no exception. I really enjoyed this movie. I thought it was an interesting and dark twist on the Batman story. It has allusions to the real world, politically and socially. The music was great too. This will definitely be a multiple rewatch for me.

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OMG, so many haters commenting. Anyway, I loved it!

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Very fine. But I don't think there is anything to say around this movie, and it really doesn't warrant any new discussion.

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Ben Affleck is still the best Batman but this film is the best solo Batman movie to date. I know a lot of fans love the Nolan Batman trilogy but I'm not one of those fans. As much as I rate Christian Bale as an actor, I didn't like his take on the dark detective. However Pattinson does a very good job of portraying Batman in his early years and with the backing of a great supporting cast who all do well in their parts, this ends up being a really good story that focuses more on the detective side of Batman's story.

I very much look forward to more of this Batman and his story.

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Shout by independentmovieloverrr
BlockedParent2022-03-06T01:35:13Z— updated 2022-06-23T00:20:14Z

most people would be like; fuck you matt reeves why did you directed such a long movie i had to pee so hard during the movie. guess what? this aint not no my situation. listen up my people cuz i was like; imma be wise you feel me? i did not drink before and the during movie maybe couple of a sips. the movie was long but time flew by, good cast, good characters, paul dano was the best to my mind. good directing, amazing set design, the caligraphy was stunning so altogether grear work go watch it. definitelly recommend it to people who think rob partinson is a shit movie star. he is not. he proved a lot just as the rest of the cast: paul, jeffrey, collin, zoe, just to name a few. thanks a lot mates!

ps i even liked the nirvana song , i was not a fan off the band but gotta tell yall it suited well the movie just as the rest of whole score.

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Well done matt on directing a well made batman film with fantastic effects and quality cast that all did well in their roles, it did drag little thought and lacked action for your normal batman film but can’t complain because it was definitely worth my time.

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Ok so, I love Colin Farrell. I kinda knew he was cast in this. I try to avoid spoilers, trailers and set photos before watching anything. I went to the cinema tonight and kept wondering "wasn't Colin Farrell supposed to be part of this?". I waited and as the film went along, I kinda forgot about it. At the end, when the credits rolled, I saw Colin Farrell's name on the screen. Actually, that was the first time I recognized him at all tonight. On the way back home I kept wondering. Then I looked up the cast here on Letterboxd. I did not understand. Then I looked it up on Google. Tbh guys. Like to be really honest. Just WHAT.

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Wonderful, amazing cinematography, actors, story. Haven't been bored for a second, and it is a very long movie. Recommend watching it! :slightly_smiling:

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Truly remarkable world-building that we’ve not seen in other Batman’s. You feel more of the city’s pulse and nightlife here. The cinematography was beautiful at every turn. Tension was constantly high without dragging on. Poignant score and spot on casting.

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The 6th best Batman film ever made

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The Batman
I don't understand what's all the praise about.
Maybe Pattinson didn't appeal to me as much as Affleck or Bale did. had less action than usual but the music was great.
the only dark shade was the music.
change my mind.

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Great movie, even for non batman fans. Still a bit too relying in the telltale batman wayne story arc but still great. The joker at the end was unnecessary

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Very good! Batman already established as a figure. Nice mysterious enemy who is on the verge of a psychological thriller. Batman gets to show his logical thinking beyond just raw strength. Also feels modern considering the recruitment of enemies online and how corrupt the police can be.

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Went to a midnight showing, so when I saw this doesn't feel like a three-hour film, you know I mean it. It has its slower moments but they're timed perfectly so that the film never drags.

Everyone's great, performance-wise, but Zoe Kravitz is perfect for Catwoman. I do love this interpretation of Riddler, and Dano is sensational, but I do prefer the more cerebral (and stylish) Riddler like we got in the Gotham show - that version remains the best for me. This one does fit into the world they've created here.

Speaking of, it's the world that prevents me from giving this a 10. It feels like it's trying to occupy the space between Nolan's pure-gritty and Burton's more comic-book, and as a result, feels like it's trying to have the best of both worlds and it doesn't quite come off. Considering how comic-book it looks in terms of shot types, and style as a whole, I reckon they could have pushed it a little further in the designs of characters and the world itself.

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Spoiler-Free Review:

Acting was great. Thought everyone performed well. Robert Pattinson was a great Batman, but I do wish they're was more Bruce Wayne in the movie to give him more character depth.
Cinematography was excellent. Makes excellent use of dark lighting and limited colour.
Music was good, but nothing mind-blowingly awesome. Suited the movie for the most part, but the Batman theme motif was played way too much.
Action, while used sparingly, is also great. There is a really good car-chase scene in Act II.
Story unfortunately did lack quite a bit for me. The pacing particularly was way too slow at times, even in the third Act and there is a lot of detective-style scenes with heavy dialogue which made me get a bit lost at times.

Characters were mostly well written, aside from a "romance" between Batman and Catwoman. Definitely felt forced and unnecessary. The Riddler was excellent. A very well-written villian.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Batman’:

  1. After Keaton, Pattinson is officially the next best Batman. No unnecessarily-gruff voices. Appropriately tortured. He evoked all the emotion I needed from the Dark Knight. He makes Batfleck look incredibly subpar.

  2. My biggest qualm with this film is that the mystery, for me, often became fairly difficult to follow and somewhat convoluted. It felt like a lot to take in. I found myself thinking much harder than I wanted to, and it grew frustrating at times — just like a riddle you’re so desperately trying to solve. I wish the complexity was dialed down a notch. Maybe that thought would change with a second watch.

  3. What this film got oh-so-right was the atmosphere. The whole vibe. They nailed it. They made Batman LEGIT intimidating for maybe the first time ever. The shots were fantastic. The score was the biggest standout for me. It was a little Danny Elfman-esque at times. In fact, there were several moments of the film that felt inspired by Burton’s movies.

Bonus Thought: Saw this in IMAX tonight. When the Batmobile first revved its engine, the entire theater shook. Loved it!

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The aesthetic was perfect. Looking forward to the next chapter.

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It's fine. It's not great, it's not bad.

It has the same problem that DC movies always have, it takes the natural ending point and then tacks on an additional 90 minutes for no good reason.


Batman is a detective
Batman actually is a detective and a good one
Strong villain with believable motivations
Great actors


Batman is a caricature of Batman - overly moody and dark
Bruce Wayne is also moody and dark - a pretty bad alternate identity
The tacked-on arc at the end feels out of place and goofy in addition to dragging the movie out (but had potential)
Redemption/development of Batman seems bland due to the lack of nature
Wayne subplot is uninteresting and distracting

I'd probably watch it again, but it's not a priority

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10/10 Amazing cast, amazing soundtrack, interesting plot with possibly the second best live action batman villain next to the great Heath Ledger. Pattinson and Kravitz had great chemistry. Batmans portrayal was my personal favourite out of all the live action ones

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Best movie ever:bangbang: Must watch 11/10 :bangbang::100:

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The Batman 2022
Lived totally upto the hype i had for the film. Matt Reeves totally did justice for the all the characters. The casting was too good to be said anything bad about. Pattinson, Kravitz, Dano, Wright, Farrell, Turturro were all simply brilliant. And the music by Michael Giachinno was such a pleasure to experience and the cinematography and editing were top notch work too. And yes the film had certain influences. Matt Reeves's Batman is a film that should be consumed in it's entirety.

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What a great movie! A wonderful cinematography and astonishing playing from everyone (specially by Pattinson that makes a young and melancholic Batman). Another great thing here is the score... it's perfect, it gives all the necessary feelings in the scenes brilliantly.
There are a lot of memorable scenes here, this is not just a great superhero movie, but also a great movie in general. I just felt the third act is worse than the rest of the movie, it looked hurried.

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Mixed feelings. Saw an early release tonight. Shouts to Cinemark. The D Box Seats are a winner. Definitely made the movie an adventure. Worth seeing if you’re a true Batman fan. I have to watch it again to be sure of what I’m feeling.

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