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New York

House: Season 4

This is the first season that feels truly like its own story. This season has a very interesting seasonal arc. Prior seasons had stories that went on over many episodes but those never really felt like the focus. Here the introduction of the new cast definitely feels like the focus of the season. I was concerned about how they would handle the end of last season but I think they handled each character's role in the aftermath pretty perfectly. The crowning achievement of this season is definitely the finale. It did what I thought this show could not and would not do. It topped Season 2's excellent finale. This 2-part finale is an absolute masterpiece. It hits on every level, it's gripping, surreal and most of all, very emotional. It's such a powerful episode(s) of television, really just excellent stuff here. Even if you don't like the new cast I'd stick through to the end for this finale.

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House: Season 3

This season has more interesting cases than the first two seasons. However, none of the episodes this season really compare to that amazing finale from last season. That's not really a knock, it's not an expectation you should go in with. I really liked the storyline with Tritter and I love the way the season ends up. I think it sets up an interesting, but risky prospect for Season 4.

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Utopia: Season 1
House: Season 1

I'm not all that big a fan of medical shows. In fact, I really disliked The Good Doctor which was also by Chase. However, I really like this show. I think a lot of that has to do with the characters. Not just Dr. House. All the characters are fantastic. It's a perfect group, each character has their place and plays incredibly well off of the others. Dr. House is the heart of this ensemble and Hugh Laurie plays him brilliantly. Dr. House has quickly become one of my favorite television characters and I hope that sticks as I continue to watch the series. The cases each week are also very interesting, I love the detective-esque approach to these medical issues. It's a very unique way of presenting things and it makes someone like me, someone who doesn't understand anything about science or about anything medical, able to sort of understand it, at least enough to enjoy it.

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The Office

I’ve tried to get into The Office US in the past. I never really got why people loved that show so much. Still really don’t. However, this was some really funny stuff. To me The Office US is basically just another NBC sitcom. This series really nails the mockumentary style. It works so well because all of the characters don’t feel like exaggerated caricatures. The show is also extremely cringe-inducing, but in the best way possible. By the end of many episodes I was in tears. The Christmas Special was also really great, it worked so perfectly as a bookend to the series. Definitely worth checking out.

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Euphoria: Season 1

Eh. This is an extremely well produced show and well acted for the most part. However, I just was not very interested in the story or the characters. It's good, I just don't think it's really my thing. I'll watch the specials then decide if I want to continue into season two whenever that comes out.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 1

This is a very good season of television. There's a lot of really funny stuff here, but like many other great sitcoms, namely Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, it is not quite good as it will become. This season almost feels like a testing ground to see how far they can take things as the show goes on. As the show went on it felt like the cast and writers feel more comfortable with the characters and situations. The addition of Frank also helped. But this season is still quite good.

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The Kingdom: Season 1

I love Lars Von Trier, but I found this incredibly dull. I'm pretty much just watching this and season two to see the upcoming season three. I much prefer what Von Trier is doing now to what he was doing in this era. I'll take The House That Jack Built over Breaking the Waves any day.

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Mythic Quest: Season 1

This was a really fun season. I enjoyed all the characters and it was so nice to see David Hornsby in a major role. Always loved him on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. A Dark Quiet Death was amazing, really cool seeing them able to branch out into these standalone episodes. I hope to see more as the show goes on. I also loved the last two "quarantine" episodes. I thought they were a lot of fun. Looking forward to next season.

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House: Season 2

It's more of the same but the added linearity made me enjoy this season more. This season also has some really standout episodes. Those being House vs. God, the two part Euphoria and the brilliant finale. It's also interesting seeing these characters start to change slowly as they continue working with Dr. House. Interested to see where that goes.

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Pretend It's a City

Absolutely loved this. This is just Public Speaking but much bigger. Scorsese's direction here is also much more interesting, it certainly gives Ellen Kuras more to work with. I think the presentation of this docu-series was really neat. But of course the focus is Fran Lebowitz, and she's a riot. Hearing her speak about other people in New York has kind of made me more self-conscious about how I act when I'm in the city. I'm not sure if most people would like this. I would check out Public Speaking first to see if you like Fran Lebowitz's speaking and personality. If you do definitely see this series, it's just a bigger and longer version of that and it's brilliant.

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