

Omicron Persei 8

Good Girls: 1x08 Shutdown

Loved Annie's makeup this episode.

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The Wilds: 1x06 Day Twelve

That's what you get for eating animals, HAHA.

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Anne Boleyn: 1x01 Episode 1

Great performance by Jodie Turner-Smith. Excited to see how this miniseries will differ from the other adaptations of Anne Boleyn's story. If the first episode is anything to go by, it will be better than most of them.

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Bridgerton: 1x08 After the Rain

I'm so disappointed that a show with such an interesting premise turned out to be complete and utter trash. There are so many things wrong with this show that listing them all would take too much time. It's exhausting to watch a rape victim being blamed by everyone around him and the fact that the writers thought it a good idea for him to find his happy ending by forgiving his rapist and letting go of his wish to remain child free is absolutely disgusting. What kind of statement are they trying to tell by writing this? Why are they trying to teach their audience that such behaviour is ok? I truly thought we had come further than this. And then there's Marina. A woman who was taken advantage of by a man, gets slut shamed by everyone in every single episode, and ends up married to a stranger so her family will finally get rid of her. I truly do not understand how such stories can be told in this day and age without anyone in the production questioning it.

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Bridgerton: 1x06 Swish

Eloise needs to provide both Penelope and Daphne with some feminist books. In a historical context they are both victims of a patriarchy that never taught them any better, but as fictional characters I'm disgusted by their actions. Disgusted by Penelope for betraying a fellow woman who has no choice but to do what needs to be done in order to survive, and disgusted by Daphne for having absolutely no respect for her husband's wishes so she decides to rape him in order to get what she wants instead of having an honest conversation with him. This episode is definitely a huge disappointment in what could have been a good show.

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Sex and the City: 6x18 Splat!

That was a great scene between Carrie and Miranda.

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Sex and the City: 6x15 Catch-38

This is what I love about Sex and the City, showing that some women want certain things in life, while others do not. It's just too bad that it's focused on so rarely, and that that's basically the only diversity that exists on the show.

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Sex and the City: 6x13 Let There Be Light

Robert was such a great guy and now he's suddenly an asshole who sexually harasses Miranda. You'd think that's a symptom of poor writing, but sadly Nice Guys exist in real life.

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Sex and the City: 6x11 The Domino Effect

Steve making jokes about domestic violence is a big yikes.

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Sex and the City: 6x10 Boy, Interrupted

Sex and the Slutshaming Ableism.

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Sex and the City: 6x09 A Woman's Right to Shoes

Americans are so weird for using shoes inside the house.

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Sex and the City: 6x04 Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little

Remember when this show had jazz music? Good times.

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Sex and the City: 5x08 I Love a Charade

This show is so awfully judgmental. This episode reeks of heteronormativity, homophobia and biphobia.

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Sex and the City: 5x06 Critical Condition

I really don't understand why someone would want to be friends with Carrie, much less be in a relationship with her.

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Sex and the City: 5x05 Plus One Is the Loneliest Number

Carrie being an asshole to her loved ones: part 921847

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Sex and the City: 5x03 Luck Be an Old Lady

I don't like this Samantha.

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Sex and the City: 4x11 Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

Aidan is making it really hard to like him.

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Sex and the City: 3x16 Frenemies

Miranda, girl, if a friend tells you a man is an asshole, she knows what she's talking about.

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Magic Mike XXL

This is the straightest movie I have ever seen.

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Utøya: July 22

When I heard that they were making movies about this event, I was sceptical of movie makers profiting off of the survivors. But if you're going to make a movie, this is the way to do it. Focus on the survivors, not the terrorist and why he did what he did.

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Community: 3x19 Curriculum Unavailable

Who cares about the dean though.

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Community: 3x15 Origins of Vampire Mythology

Annie pretending to be Blade was great.

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For All Mankind: 2x06 Best-Laid Plans

Just when Gordo was starting to become likable they make him an asshole again. He better stay as far away as the moon will allow from Tracy.

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For All Mankind: 2x01 Every Little Thing

Good for Tracy for finally ditching Gordo.

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Good Trouble: 3x07 New Moon

Lmao this was a great filler episode.

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I lomma på Silje: 3x09 Lene Sleperud and Tonje Garvik Frøystad

Always great to see some sapphic representation on TV.

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Sex and the City: 2x16 Was It Good For You?

Wake up! It's 2000. The new millennium won't be about sexual labels, it'll be about sexual expression. It won't matter if you're sleeping with men or women. It'll be about sleeping with individuals. Soon everyone will be pansexual.

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Community: 2x21 Paradigms of Human Memory

The homage to the Jeff and Annie shipper was great. Props to Dan for doing that.

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Community: 2x10 Mixology Certification

Alison Brie is great in this episode.

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Community: 2x09 Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design

One of the best episodes of this show.

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