


Poker Face

I’ve been patient, I’ve watched 6 episodes but each and everyone is more boring than the previous. It’s a shame…. The idea is good but the writing has let it down terribly. 3 /10 at a push.

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Truth Be Told: 3x04 Never Take Your Eyes Off Her

This comes out on Fridays not Thursdays

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Outer Banks: 2x06 My Druthers

Are they trying to make us believe that Ward has blown himself up? The writers really think we are idiots… Actually, in fairness the fact i’m still watching this rubbish probably makes them right!

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American Horror Story: Season 11

Personally I enjoyed this season. I thought the the analogies of the 80’s AIDS epidemic were brilliantly written. If they were trying to make people understand the fear surrounding this issue they did. I grew up in the 80’s and remember it being main news for a long time but despite that I didn’t really understand just how frightening it must have all been.

I won’t go in to more detail about this season as I don’t want to give anything away but suffice to say I do think they hit the nail on the head.

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American Horror Story: Season 10

I’m bored… same shit different day… Greed.. greedy for money, power, success, fame we all know it won’t end well.

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Black Snow

The only good thing about this show is Fimmel if you are a fan of his then do watch… but don’t expect to be gripped

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Black Snow: 1x05 Sugar Sugar

Oh wow… Yum!! Chocolate & Banana Chuppa Chups!! Haven’t see that flavour for years!

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The Witcher: Blood Origin

Huge Witcher fan and was looking forward to this but I am struggling to get through the first episode.. I have attempted it a few times but keep drifting off. I will keep it on my watchlist for a day when I’m so bored I am debating sticking pins on my eyes and maybe then I’ll be able to see it through.

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Shadowhunters: 3x11 Lost Souls

First time I’ve had any feeling in this show other than irritation .. got a real lump in my throat but not because of Clary but because of the pain Simon is in quite a sweet yet fleeting moment.
Turns out she is not bloody dead anyway gutted!

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The only traitor in this is the bloody wife!

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The Last of Us

Walking dead all over again but this time they can run!

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Bring it on Luke.,,
Add your best recommendations.
No Anime!

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Walker: 3x08 Cry Uncle

This is as far as I can go with this programme.
Normally I’m so excited when I see shows appear in my calendar after a mid season break, but I saw this show returning and was utterly disheartened. I can’t even force myself to watch this utter bull sh@t anymore.
Get rid of Cordell I may reconsider in the future but as of now.. only a huge financial bribe would make me suffer even one more episode.

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It was like watching Oceans 11 on LSD !!! Anyway my order was:

:sparkling_heart: Pink
:white_large_square: White

I would also love to know what people thought of the show when ‘Pink’ was their 1st episode.

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If there is a TV show you think should be in this list please let me know. Rating of 8 and above

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Pretty Little Liars: Season 7

Till death is do part is actually a 2 parter. Part 2 being episode 21 which is not listed on here.

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Pretty Little Liars: 6x06 No Stone Unturned

34 episodes to go! Yay the end is in sight at last

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Pretty Little Liars: 6x06 No Stone Unturned

If ‘A’ doesn’t kill those liars I’ll happily do it instead… Ffs I feel like I’m on a carousel going round and round in circles… when will these girls learn! And for God sake close your bloody blinds!

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Pretty Little Liars: 5x12 Taking This One to the Grave

107 down 54 to go…. Am I the only one who actually wishes ‘A’ would finish off the Liars. They really do bring it on themselves.
I don’t know how people watched this on a weekly basis. Bingeing it is bad enough.

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Pretty Little Liars: 4x17 Bite Your Tongue

The only ‘Board’ around here is me!!! Sigh I will plough on for now!

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Pretty Little Liars

When will these bloody people learn to close their blinds!

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FBI: 5x06 Double Blind

Oh God.. I guess that means that dreadful Maggie is back next week. Damn it!

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See: Season 1

Shout by Amourgirl
BlockedParent2022-08-31T00:35:13Z— updated 2022-11-01T13:44:21Z

Update: Loved it :heart_eyes:
Slow and painful, but I will ride it through to the end of season 1.

I hope by then I have reason to continue on to season 2.

Unfortunately the bar is set high when you have already seen the best series TV has to offer. Now it’s a case of embracing what’s left in the barrel and lower your expectations.

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Worth watching just for Chris Hemsworth

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Grace: 2x04 Dead Tomorrow

Thanks for letting us know… I was confused. Guess we have to wait another week

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x10 Farewell

@alexlimberg PS: it's 2024 and they still don't do backups - let alone encrypt their data.
:joy::joy::joy: thought the exact same thing!

So anyone notice the file that Soong took out of drawer. “Khan”

So who is Khan?

Khan is the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed", and was portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán, who reprised his role in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

The role of Khan was later reprised by Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness (Nimoys Last film) quick toast to Spock ..

:champagne_glass: Live long and prosper :vulcan_tone1:

Is Khan going to be the main villain for season 3 or merely just an episode side story? Maybe Khan means something else entirely or maybe I am just looking into something that’s not really there????

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The Blacklist: 9x18 Laszlo Jankowics

Finally a cliffhanger!!! Well kind of! Nice to see The Blacklist getting back to how it should be.

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Ozark: 4x08 The Cousin of Death

Umm where’s the baby? Just vanished into thin air? Story writers forgot or what?

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Well I somehow managed to get to season 2 Episode 12, but with the best will in the world I can not watch another single episode ever again…

It is so dreadful it actually makes Teletubbies look exciting. I promise you no excitement, no riveting story lines, no cliff hanging moments, no characters to love or hate.. just bland vanilla..

Don’t get me stated on the lead Walker. The man is a total moron! He can’t say a single sentence without pausing after every other word. Reading his lines is like my 4 year old learning to read. I’m sure he wasn’t as bad as this Supernatural?!? Very weird

I have watched all the best shows and I realise I am now scraping the barrel so I don’t expect amazing, I don’t even expect good…
But at the very least I expect watchable!! Even a 3/4+ / 10 but this is a generous 2 very generous.

This is clearly is the show where bad actors go to die!

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Chicago P.D.: 9x15 Gone

Kim nearly died, then she doesn’t. Kim nearly loses custody, then she doesn’t. Kim nearly loses kid to kidnappers, then she doesn’t. FFS are we ever gonna get rid of this stupid character and her unbelievable storylines. I don’t give a shit about the character or her kid or that wet wipe on off boyfriend of hers. It wastes what could be a potentially good episode. I’m so bored of them. Can we get rid and move on to some actual decent storylines please… starting after she finally fucks off!!! Before boredom makes me dump what was my favourite Chicago series!

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