For All Mankind: 4x08 Legacy

Shout by Bowtie Guy

how did Margo get away from her two guards to meet a soviet defector in a remote parking lot?

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Invincible: 1x06 YOU LOOK KINDA DEAD

For a guy named Invincible, he sure gets his ass kicked a lot. But, I guess a frat dork with a toaster oven helmet and scrap metal arms is more of a challenge than catching an asteroid and throwing it back into space :rolling_eyes:

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Dead to Me: 2x09 It's Not You, It's Me

As much as I love looking at Cristina and Linda, I love watching them even more...true masters of their craft. It may be the small screen, but these are big performances. Bravo...

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Ginny & Georgia: 1x01 Pilot

I'm a bit mortified this brought out the prude in me, but going from a distinctively innocent "I've never been on a date before", to here's my tits, yeah I can take two fingers now f*#k me in the span of an afternoon seems a bit much!
Maybe if she was written a little more lost, a little more desperate, but she's introduced to us as mostly aware, confident & intelligent with no lack of judgement of her mother's past & sketchy behavior. Just seems unlikely she would mimic that behavior so soon.
Definitely some good laughs otherwise, with spot on casting & performances, which will probably keep me watching. I just hope they don't overdo the "shock us with reality" shtick.

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The Gentlemen: 1x04 An Unsympathetic Gentleman

Yeah, they went balls out in this one...

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Pieces of Her: 1x03 Episode 3

Disjointed, inconsistent, the Andy character is literally all over the map. So much wasted potential.

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Sweet Tooth: 1x04 Secret Sauce

Why hide nosey neighbor? The horse killed her, seems a great piece of luck. Guess I'll find out. Also, not so sure a deer can calm down a tiger normally, but I like the idea he can have an affect on animals, assuming I didn't miss something about this earlier.

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

Wow, one of the most mundane deaths of a main character I can remember; RIP Alex. (And, yes, I know why)
Also, seemed like some storyline gaps from the last episode, like Amos & crews arrival on Luna; no screening process for new arrivals, since "Peaches" apparently got off the shuttle with no issue? She is technically an escaped high risk prisoner, no?
Last nitpick: thank God Naomi is off that ship, it was all I could do to not FF through her ultra-whinning scenes, that whole concept seemed out of character to me.
That being said, good stuff :clap:, and I'll be waiting anxiously for season 6.

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The Chestnut Man: 1x03 Episode 3

So, the killer knows where they're keeping her, and then easily lures the cop outside with the old car alarm trick, and apparently disables him with no fuss? But wait, he also grabs this not so petite girl, pulls her Into the woods, ties her up OFF THE GROUND and cuts off both hands and a foot, in just a few minutes? And another one goes off the rails...

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Behind Her Eyes: 1x06 Behind Her Eyes

They got lazy and fucked up a cool premise. Rob becomes Adele and is immediately fully functional and ok, but Adele as Rob is paralyzed and helpless? Why did Louise go into Adele's body? She didn't know it was possible, and she didn't know Rob was in hers yet. No way David wouldn't have noticed a major change in Louise and still married her, and if it is because they did right away, no way the police wouldn't be all over Louise being there when Adele died and then marrying her husband soon after. And on and on. Again, cool premise, but the rush ending left far too many plot holes, which allowed me to figure out Adele was Rob early in the episode.

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The Boys: 2x03 Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men

It's become a slave of its own shtick; everyone's a fuck...either a sociopathic, evil, dick-tard, or a sniveling, bipolar, whine bag, "twat". Problem that creates is the absence of a true protagonist, someone you truly root for. Closest person left is Kimiko. Otherwise, I don't really give a flying fish dick what happens to the rest. I'll keep watching, but wish it was better.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith: 1x07 Infidelity

The "missions" have always been weak and not made much sense. But it was easy to overlook because their chemistry and falling for each other was fun and brought joy.

With the past few episodes just having them hating on each other, they've made it a bit cringe and made it void of any joy. The only reason I keep watching is I'm hoping they bring the joy back.

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Black Crab

So basically, the main character is a mental case...1st hour might have got a 7 because of some creative visuals/scenes, but last 20min is just disappointing & sad as you watch her mental illness destroy her.

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Away: 1x09 Spektr

I like the show in general, but don't watch it if you're not fully awake, because it can definitely put you to sleep. A few too many scenes are drawn out to nauseum, like Emma & Ram collecting the ice crystals. (BTW, why couldn't they just collect the ice crystals in the bags at the nozzle?) Still too many clichés, but plenty of good performances, to make them tolerable.

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Civil War
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart: 1x06 Part 6: Wheel of Fire

just getting too frustrating. Alice ignoring all the obvious signs, repeatedly putting herself in why not drive to Lulu's instead of her own place. And Twig can't leave things in a message. why TF not? A simple text "Charlie's alive, June is dying, call when you're ready". Bet she'd call pretty quick.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x09 Hide and Seek

I was far more entertained reading the comments than I was watching the episode...BTW, does Maman mean regurgitate in French? Because every time boy Picard says it I throw up a little bit in my mouth, just sayin'...

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Manifest: 3x13 Mayday (2)

Pre-watch, non-spoiler comment: the drinking game trigger changes from "lifeboat", to *my son".....enjoy your hangover :slight_smile:

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Homecoming: 2x02 Giant

Nope...tried, but couldn' was more irritating than entertaining for me. From the weird music to the desperate concept of every character has to be weird, it just didn't work. "Weird is not creative".

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Hunters: 1x02 The Mourner's Kaddish

Guess I'm going to be the "huh?" guy... cause, Huh? Another self-indulgent offering, where they are so busy trying to be stylized, they forget to make sure the story and character development are being addressed. Even with the episode description above, guess what I said when I read it... that's right, "huh?". When you work this hard to be quirky, offbeat and weird, you end up just being weird. My high hopes have been shattered.

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Ozark: 4x08 The Cousin of Death

Now I remember why I didn't really care when it started again... because it has gotten perpetually more preposterous every episode. And I'm way over Ruth, as unpopular as that may be. They keep killing off characters and I couldn't care less, and not sure who they could kill off that I would care about, Charlotte or Three maybe? Nope, wouldn't really give a shit. ⁹

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Halo: 1x07 Inheritance

It's not just the uselessness of it, and the unfortunate dislike for the Quan character, but does it have to be so friggin' cliche'? I guess we can guess this well/portal is something John will need/use in the future. But what a waste of my time to get there. Did I mention it's "cliche'". Make the villain as disgusting as possible, last week with the "i can be inappropriately naked just to show how powerful I am, this week the needless shooting of a harmless woman in the back; even a futuristic black SUV! WTF?! How unoriginal can you get? And of course tons of guys shooting automatic weapons, some at almost point blank range, can't hit Soren, but the villain can just raise his mighty pistol and hit him at a distance with 1 shot. I keep meaning to look it up, because the same writers can't be writing both arcs, because last week, focusing on John, Halsey and Makee was brilliant. Rant off....

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In From the Cold: 1x08 Motherland

Lot of folks stuck on the phone still working, and yes, that was a bit much. The whole series has been a mix of good and bad, with the good usually being enough to keep me interested. But this finale had just too many "WTF?" moments for me. Even more amazing to me than that perpetually powered phone, were those super-healing staples; I mean she went from pretty much dying to running all over the place again in a matter of minutes. And then she turns into Terminator 3, rather than just an enhanced "body-morphing" ex spy, 'because I don't how many times we had to see her go thru an excruciating transformation, but now she just changes 4 or 5 times as she's walking down the hall (I know some might say that was more a symbolic medley of some sort, but it wasn't really shot that way), and yes, they stole that right off terminator. And then the actual ending, I mean, REALLY? Whatever, I'd still check out a season two, just less excitedly than I would have before this overly creative ending to 1.

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Sorry, couldn't stay with it. Jumping back and forth between a "regular" world, and their weird-culture underground versions, just didn't work for me. The concept of "Sometimes, more can be said by not saying anything" is a great one, but it felt too forced for me here. I know they were attempting some symbolism with him continuing to march around all bloodied up and nasty, but I just couldn't get my head into it when they'd jump back to regular world scenes and keep him looking like that. Glad it worked for the more enlightened crowd, truly, but I'm just a little to "regular" myself to have appreciated it.

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The Witcher: 2x08 Family

I don't get the fascination with Jaskier; I typically find the character useless and annoying. Just sayin'.

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Nine Perfect Strangers: 1x08 Ever After

Don't think I hated it as much as others but do have some notes:
- no reason for her to be Russian other than for Nicole to get to play with the accent
- favorite line "yesterday I was on all fours looking for my nose"
- glad they touched on it in the next episode but Napoleon was a complete dick when he said he might not be able to forgive Heather, when he had equal responsibility to read the pamphlet for side effects, just sayin'
- Michael Shannon is one of the best actors working today. The range of his roles to date is impressive

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Big Sky: 1x06 The Wolves Are Always Out for Blood

Shout by Bowtie Guy

Frustrating from start to finish, so many issues I don't really want to relive them. But, as an example: they never show us the police sketch of el deuch, Ronald, or apparently to any of the characters, either. Wouldn't that be one of the first things the police would want to show Rick's wife, to see if she knew his accomplice? Anyway, like I said, too many stupid things. Ending up to be a waste of some good talent on shitty writing.

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Raised by Wolves: 1x10 The Beginning

Well this season was like a meal: early episodes were the appetisers getting you ready for the main course in the middle episodes, where Mother becoming the Necromancer was truly delicious and a visual treat, then the later episodes let you digest what they've crammed down your throat, culminating in this complete TURD of a finale. Not a very sophisticated review, but as others have so eloquently summized....W...T...F?!

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Big Sky: 1x03 The Big Rick

Why would the cop shoot the fisherman? Why didn't he just go back and kill Ronald, then "find" the girls and set them free? The girls didn't know he was involved and all they could testify to is Ronald kidnapped them. He'd get rid of the nut job/loose cannon, Ronald, and get the people looking for the girls off his back. He could come up with a scenario where Ronald killed Cody, and not have yet another missing person case with the fisherman. Just sayin'....

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The Rookie: 2x18 Under the Gun

Not sure what I was supposed to take away from this episode...super uneven tone. The over-acting was confusing, especially every scene at the prison. I didn't know if i should be worried for the kids or chuckling; was I still watching The Rookie, or did Brooklyn 99 come on? The scene at Elvis' company with the active shooter was the same, a totally legit situation, but shot in a way where I didn't know if I should take it seriously. Just "off".... I'm going to call it on the director. Least favorite episode this year.

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