Dahj Asha



Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Shout by Yaxare

Thanks for reminding me again why I hate children. What a moron she is.

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@eiduren well, we've all been children at some point :) Just sayin'

She's certainly a complicated character though :o

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Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

How does it rains in an underground city ???

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@jmiguel77 physically it should be possible. I'm not sure how easy it is for clouds to form but the water could condense on the ceiling (e.g., like on a lid of a cooking pod). It also could come from the topside (water that has seeped into the ground). Anyway, an interesting question :)

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x10 Oblivion

I might had missed something, but is that it, he just wanted to be with his dead wife.

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@snowleapord64 there might be more to it. We still don't even know yet what he actually is... :o
I guess if there will be a next season it'll be even "weirder".

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The Umbrella Academy: 3x10 Oblivion

This episode has left me with more questions than answers:sob:

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@legallythebear yes. Tbh that was to be expected though :) We'll likely never be able to really understand this show... :o At least the ride is kinda fun :)

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Cobra Kai: 1x08 Molting

Weakest episode of the season by far. Has been a great season, but this episode was all very predictable. Misunderstandings don’t make for great drama, only cheap writing.

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@shotts56 well, people simply have different opinions :) E.g. I don't mind at all that some aspects are predictable (I believe that's intended) and I certainly wouldn't consider this cheap writing (one doesn't have to like the script (that part is subjective) but I think calling the writing cheap goes too far (I'm pretty sure that it could objectively be considered good)). Anyway, just had to share my opinion in reply to this :P (but no offence intended)

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Cobra Kai: 1x08 Molting

Shout by kinky

Oh, I loved how they made Daniel and Mr. Miyagi look like total douchebags just by using original clips from the movie! I'm really enjoying seeing things from Johnny's point of view, he makes a great anti-hero.

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@misnomer yes, that was quite interesting :) It seems like Johnny isn't really honest with himself though. He's certainly distorting the facts a bit... :D But then again I wouldn't be surprised if he truly believes that this is what happened because he got quite "brainwashed" by Kreese.

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The Expanse: 6x01 Strange Dogs

Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-12-11T00:17:29Z— updated 2021-12-19T22:01:19Z

A great start into season 6 :) Nothing too special but a nice introduction with a few new elements and a lot of awesome CGI scenes.

It often made me miss Alex though but that seems intended.

I'm also curious to see what Avasarala has in store and hope that we'll get a few interesting scenes at the new colony (where that scene with the little girl at the beginning took place). I guess that place should become quite relevant during this season. I just hope that five more episodes will be enough to provide a satisfying conclusion for this show.

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@dahj also: It feels like there's so much potential for character development left:
- Naomi, Amos, and Peaches figuring out how to get along
- Bobbie rejoining the action (possibly the Roccinante)
- A lot could happen at the new colony (could be told in an exploratory way, similar to "Lost in Space" but without that annoying psychologist/psycho please).
- Philip has a lot of options. His father had a pretty bad influence on him but it seems like Philip finally has enough of that. Him shooting his friend in anger sucked though.

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The Expanse: 4x02 Jetsam

Chrisjen looks so terrific in that dress!

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@sunny_senpai Amos would probably like to see that :D

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x11 The Protector of Concord Dawn

I did find it funny that none of the characters seemed to care about the Rebel pilots who were killed.

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@lefthandedguitarist yeah, those seem to be quite disposable in this show... :o

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x01 The Lost Commanders

Wait a minute: this was produced well before the final season of Clone Wars. So it was already established that Rex removed his inhibitor chip and others did as well ? And he was talking about the siege of Mandalore as well. Then I must say I'm glad I'm only watching this now because it would have lessens the impact a bit had I known that.

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@finfan agreed - it's nice to get to watch it in chronological order :)

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

They made a sequel to Black Panther ??

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@mr-sackamano well, personally, I'm glad they did! :)

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Cobra Kai: 5x03 Playing With Fire
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 3x06 Ghosts

So the nuke detonation was contained inside the tunnel? no radiation leak? anyone here into the science of nukes? :grin:

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@typongtv yeah, that seemed way too unrealistic IMO (I also noted it in my review). I also don't think that we should expect much accuracy/realism from this show but I feel like they could've and should've handled this a bit better (it felt just too unrealistic in a too obvious way so that I couldn't easily ignore it - it's still fine for this show but it was distracting - at least for me).

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Umbrella Academy: 3x10 Oblivion

WTF was this finale!? literally answered nothing and provided more questions

overall season was fun but this finale is just disappointing
they kept building up the mystery then cleared nothing by the end

also many things don't make any sense and not consistent
the writers be like: trust me bro

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@nasdays well, this show always raised more questions than it answered. IIRC the weirdness increased pretty "consistently" since the beginning.

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Red Notice

6.5/10 - It wasn't bad but I didn't really like it either. It had it's moments but overall it failed to get me invested enough into the story. I also didn't really like the ending... It was an unexpected twist but kinda annoying and very questionable (but it also explained a few things). But I was already wondering how this would end and none of the options I could come up with are really satisfying. It was a cool idea, had some funny moments (but overall I found it a bit to silly), some good action moments, and some surprises but the overall story just didn't feel good enough (I'm not quite sure why but it just wasn't enough for me).

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@dahj some notes:

  • The name Kleopatra sounds strange in English for me as a German speaker (the English version sounds more like two names: Kleo Patra)
  • The into was a bit strange and felt too old (but the latter is obviously intended)
    • Ryan Reynolds :) I forgot that he was in this movie so I was glad when I saw his name. He was funny but this wasn't his best movie.
  • Gal Gadot: I remembered that name but didn't knew from where. It took me until that scene inside the Nazi art bunker at the end to finally realize that she played Wonder Woman :o :D With that outfit she was so recognizable in those shots.
  • The action was pretty cool. And I also liked the "crazy"/weird camera movements.
  • "Kinda like Alexa but with guns."
  • When Nolan tries to break the glass but it doesn't work and he hurts himself :)
  • That Indiana Jones humming <3
  • My reaction to that twist was also WTF!?! (and I wasn't really happy either)
  • Ed Sheeran :D That was unexpected but kinda nice.
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Cobra Kai: 3x10 December 19
Cobra Kai: 3x09 Feel the Night
Cobra Kai: 3x08 The Good, the Bad, and the Badass
Cobra Kai: 3x07 Obstáculos

Shout by Dahj Asha

Another absolutely great episode! Johnny's finally back and lots of interesting developments as well as cool moments. No surprise that Ali didn't reply yet and I didn't fall for Sam's dream at the beginning (but I think it was set up that way - I really like how they handle such things). Yasmine and Demetri are really starting to become a thing (maybe?) :D

I'm still hoping that Eagle Fang Karate and Miyagi-Do will eventually merge but let's see :) But it seems like Johnny and Daniel could be ready now.

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@dahj update:

Some highlights:

  • Johnny rolling around in the wheelchair :D
  • Johnny discovering a public park xD
  • Johnny: "Sorry kid, old habit."

The father daughter trip (Daniel and Sam) was quite lovely. Seeing Sam standing in the gym where the All Valley Karate Tournament too place, I just have to imagine/hope that she'll also participate in the next tournament and that she'll win it. That'd be so cool :) Of all the characters I want to see her win the most. The right way of course!

Demetri and Yas flirting is definitely nice to see :D
"I love your BIG dick. - Yas"
But then Demetri just had to make it awkward xD

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Cobra Kai: 3x06 King Cobra
Cobra Kai: 3x05 Miyagi-Do
Cobra Kai: 3x04 The Right Path
Cobra Kai: 3x01 Aftermath
Cobra Kai: 2x10 No Mercy
Cobra Kai: 2x09 Pulpo
Cobra Kai: 2x08 Glory of Love
Cobra Kai: 2x07 Lull

Shout by Dahj Asha

So nice that Johnny finally kicked Kreese out. Kreese even starts to manipulate Daniel now (he seemed so close to fighting him). Johnny's plan to change Cobra Kai seems nice and reasonable and Miguel still has honor (returning the medal). I hope that Sam and Miguel get back together, mainly because Tory and Robby both deserve the breakup IMO (they're using manipulation and lies to make it work). Anyway, I love the fighting scenes, they're choreographed so well!

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@dahj update:

Oh daar... :o "No hard feelings." "No mercy." Johnny is shocked but not shocked enough!

"Cobra Kai needs to change." Yes! \o/ :)
"No, Cobra Kai will always be badass. But there's a difference between no mercy and no honor."

"We're done. I don't ever want to see you in this dojo again."


PS: Robby also lacks honor. It's a difficult situation for him and an unfortunate timing but not telling Sam that Miguel returned the medal of honor is still a bad decision.

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Cobra Kai: 2x06 Take a Right

Love seeing the entire 1983 Cobra Kai crew all back again. Excellent episode!

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@mbze430 thanks a lot for that comment btw. I had no idea that this was the original cast/crew. So freaking cool! :) This show is so well made <3

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Cobra Kai: 2x06 Take a Right