

The Internets

Frasier: Season 1

Average episode rating this season: 7.416666… (comfortably rounded up to 8/10 because I so look forward to the show coming around in my rotation again)

I'd counter @drnkmnky's assessment ("mediocre") with this point: The humor of Frasier is much more, shall we say, cerebral than many other popular sitcoms. I find Friends in particular to be a very marked contrast. Personally, I laugh much more at the wittiness of the Crane brothers and the people around them than I do at the often inane antics of Ross et al.

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Lost: Season 1

Back when I started this season of Lost, per-episode ratings weren't a thing I did. I'll forego the average episode rating calculation and just use my gut. I don't need the mean as a starting point.

This is a very strong first season. Every character's backstory is interesting. Though I put off finishing the season for a while until the episode metadata got squared away (with some help from Justin), I wanted to keep going.

Season two should be quite a ride, if this was any hint at what's to come.

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Schitt's Creek: Season 6

Average episode rating for this season: 6.642857

Did not feel that good, actually. I think several of my episode ratings partially ignored the uninspired attempts at comedy that didn't work in favor of the—usually—one or two scenes that carried all the heart.

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Boy Meets World: Season 7

Average episode rating for this season: 7.13043478

Sure, fine. It's decent. I've said before that the characters—especially Cory and Eric—change for the worse toward the end of the show, and that was true right up to the end. The series finale brought back Chet Hunter one last time, but didn't even mention Jonathan Turner, which I thought was a real slap in Shawn's face.

Ultimately, it seems like the show tried to change its formula because the actors were getting older and it wasn't believable for them to be in high school any more, so they got rushed through (part of) college before venturing out into the realer world.

I dunno. The series didn't quite hold up to my recollections of it.

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Malcolm in the Middle: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 7.1363636…

The devotion to referencing Bernard the hamster throughout the season is impressive.

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Yuri!!! on Ice: Season 1

9.5/10 (if only trakt supported that)

By rights, I should give this season an 8 (my per-episode ratings average out to 8.41). But I enjoyed it a lot more than that. I don't feel like a 10 is completely justified, since I did have a few bones to pick with the narrative, but a 9 is a bit shy of what the show deserves.

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Boy Meets World: Season 6

Average episode rating for this season: 7.6818181…

It's a rollercoaster, and (as one might expect) not every show is a winner. But the whole is generally good, even if I've realized during this rewatch that Eric might actually be the more mature Matthews brother. Cory has been selfish and jealous a lot these past couple seasons, and they've both grown of course, but I see now what a great role model Eric could be if Cory would open his eyes.

Eric was too often used as the clown, I think. When I was younger, I just laughed at his gags (obviously the writers' goal). But now, I can see that more down-to-earth stories like the Tommy arc would have done his character a ton of good.

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Malcolm in the Middle: Season 2

Average episode rating for this season: 7.24

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New Girl: Season 1

Average episode rating for this season: 6.75


This didn't really click until more than halfway through the season. By now I kind of love the group, but they certainly took a while endearing themselves and the show absolutely uses sexual humor as a crutch.

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BoJack Horseman: Season 1

Average episode rating for this season: 7.4166666… (Welp. We're back to repeating decimals again.)

It's tough to decide whether I should round that up or down. The show's writing gets on my nerves as often as not, though I appreciate the satire peppered throughout. Does it make up for the clichéd jokes, though? Hmm… I guess. There are enough smart references from all over pop culture (and all over the last century, almost), too. And who could round down a season with Wallace Shawn in it?

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Kim's Convenience: Season 1

Average episode rating for this season: 7.61538462

I'm surprised it's not higher, actually. I always look forward to watching this show, and it takes a huge amount of self-control not to binge half a season in one sitting. Yes, I'm actively trying to watch it as slowly as I can, to savor the experience for as long as possible.

More sitcoms should be like this.

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The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season 1

Average episode rating this season: 8.0333…

I don't think I have ever voted 10 on this many episodes in a single season before—or even in a single series.

Even when the script is lame, the cast's performances (almost) always pick up the slack.

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Superstore: Season 2

Average rating of the 21 regular episodes in this season: 7.38095238
(some databases, including NBC's VOD platform, include the special episode "Olympics" at the beginning of season 2)

I'm going to round up this time. I actually really enjoyed this season, even if I didn't laugh a whole lot or give individual episodes particularly high ratings. Sticking it out this long was definitely worthwhile.

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Westworld: Season 1

Bit over the top in places with all the sex and blood, but usually all of those favored elements serve a plot purpose. I can't give the season any less than a 9 for sheer scale—the story of these 10 episodes is absolutely huge—and ambition. It delivers.

Slow at points, enough that I took a break from watching for some time, despite starting while the season was yet unfinished. But the last few episodes are very much worth the journey.

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Orange: Season 1

I feel ambivalent about rounding this season's raw average of 8.6 up to a 9, but really…all that keeps me from giving the series a 10 is the Bermuda Triangle nonsense and the somewhat weak writing at the very end. The rest of the show is very strong, and it deserves the 9.

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Silicon Valley: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 6.6

Much of the industry satire remains hilarious, but goodness do I wish the stories & twists in each episode would be less predictable.

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Kim's Convenience: Season 4

Average episode rating for this season: 8.0

Yes, exactly. I was surprised, too—not least because the characters seem to have been stagnating, so it's pretty astonishing that I rated these episodes high enough to eke out an 8.0 average.

I guess the individual scenes are funny enough, more often than not? The show as a whole doesn't really seem to be going anywhere, unfortunately. It happens to a lot of shows after they exhaust the initial stack of great ideas, and the writers start leaning more and more on generic sitcom clichés like petty domestic squabbles and love polygons.

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Colony: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 7.84615385

It's a real shame USA pulled a Syfy and canceled this series just when it reached the target of three years' worth of buildup. The payoff in season four could have been truly superb.

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 6

Average episode rating for this season: 6.875

Definitely still has its moments, but nowhere near the consistency of earlier seasons.

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 5

Average episode rating for this season: 7.20833333…

Wish I could put my finger on what's missing. It really doesn't feel like the same show as in the beginning—which is common in the land of sitcoms, to be fair, but this isn't one of those times when "it's different because they made it better". Rather, "it's different because it's not going anywhere" might be more accurate.

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 4

Average episode rating for this season: 7.0416666…

Feels like Lily's character is drifting away from who she was in the beginning, and not because of "character growth".

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 7.1

Yeah, I'm surprised it's so low. I must have blocked out the lamer episodes and kept on binging.

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How I Met Your Mother: Season 2

Average episode rating for this season: 7.5

I forgot how off-the-wall Barney is…

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Boy Meets World: Season 5

Average episode rating for this season: 7.333…

And yet I think it deserves that upward rounding, given how common an individual episode rating of 8 is in the data. Let's say I rated this one on the mode, rather than the mean.

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Schitt's Creek: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 7.23076923

I don't always find the humor in whatever this show tries to pass off as comedy for any given week, but I do appreciate the characters' growth. They all get a lot of that this season.

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Boy Meets World: Season 4

Average episode rating for this season: 7.909090…

Chock full of solid character-building and meaningful stories, with very few missteps.

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Boy Meets World: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 8.0454545…

Hopefully it's not the nostalgia talking, but I really thought the show came into its own with Cory and friends in their high school years.

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The Dick Van Dyke Show: Season 2

I'm surprised that my average episode rating this season was only 7.34375.

Excluding the two biggest outliers (two 4/10 scores I gave late in the season) yields 7.5666… which is a bit more believable. I would rather not drop the score for such a lengthy season when 28/32 episodes earned at least 7/10, so I'll round up.

Poor scripts aside, the core cast of the show is great, I look forward to watching them, and one must especially remember that writing for television is hard when choosing ratings for a show about a television writer.

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Arrow: Season 3

I refuse to believe my average episode rating of 6.913. Well, I trust the arithmetic, but you know what they say: Garbage in, garbage out. Chances are I was overly generous with my ratings on account of the production always feeling polished, and maybe a bit too much pleasure at getting to see John Barrowman and Willa Holland in so many scenes.

Truth be told, I didn't much care for this season—it felt too full of filler episodes, stagnating the plot for the sake of motivating One More Sparring Match between Ra's (why could no one say his title right?) and Oliver. Bringing in Barry every time the Arrow team had been painted into a corner got old, too. Don't even get me started on the love polygon.

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Key & Peele: Season 3

Average episode rating for this season: 6.61538462

…but I'm not going to round up. Too few genuine laughs this season for me.

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